Jane Bundon wife of An??hon Bundon deceased ye 29th of ye 6th mth 1686 Au??hew deceased ye 30th of ye 6 month of 1686. Isaac Decom ye son of Jacob Decon deceased ye 16th of y 7th month 1686 Jacob Decon deceased ye 13 of ye 12th month and was buryed ye 15th. Ann Vance ye wife of Robert Vance deceased the 1st day of ye 3rd month 1683 and was buryed at Chichester Burying place Sarah Blake wife of Edward Blake deceased ye 10th of ye 3rd month and was buryed at Chester ye 13th of ye 3rd month Robert Vance deceased ye 28th of ye 6th month and was buried att Newark burying place 1687 William Gregg deceased ye ? of ye 7th month and was buried on his own plantation 1687 Rachell Peirson wife of Thomas Peirson deceased ye 2nd of ye 7th month 1687 and was buried at Newark burying place Enoch ye son of Valentine Hollingsworth deceased ye 24th day of ye 8th month 1687 Margaret ye wife of Thomas Hollingsworth deceased