Newark Monthly Meeting Records [p1] 1686 At the Monthly Meeting held at the Widow Welsh's, Edward Gibbs & Judith Crawford proposed their intentions of Marriage with each other. --- producing a Certificate --- ye Monthly Meeting in Maryland signifying his Clearness. The ?? Valentine Hollingsworth was appointed to make a further Inquiry. At the abovesaid Widow Welsh's, Edw. Gibbs & Judith Crawford proposed their Intentions of Mariage with each other this Meeting being Satisfied gave their Consent. Thomas Peirson & Rachel Sharply proposed their Intentions of Marriage with Each other, it being ye first time. Ye Meeting appointed Valentine Hollingsworth & Edward Blake to make of Inquiry. Man? ??? Ye woman bring a Certificate from her parents ..... .... Hollingsworth & Sarah Blake to Inquire of ye Clearness ... Ye next meeting to be ye 6th 8ber Thomas Pierson & Rachel Sharpley proposed their intentions of marriage, it being ye second time. Ye woman's Mother bring a Certificate from her father that gave their Consent. Ye Meeting being satisfied gave their consent. A .... Monthly Meeting at ye Widow Welsh's at New Castle Robert Turner and Shusannah Welsh proposed their Intentions of marriage with each other ye man producing a certificate from ye Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia Mother being present gave her consent. A certificate being produced gave .. for Clearness Edward Blake and ??? Gibbs appointed to make a further Inquiry ye first time. ... to make their rport for ye At ... Monthly Meeting held at ye Widow Welsh's the Meeting consented to ... toward a public ?? ock for .... Edw(d) Blake Will(m) Val. Hollingsworth John M ...