	 EXTRACTS, 1770-1830

[records for New Castle Town and Hundred selected by J. Meek]

	Compiled and Edited by

	Rebecca J. Siders
	Bernard L. Herman

	Center for Historic Architecture and Engineering
	College of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
	University of Delaware
	Newark, Delaware

	August 1990

ALRICH, DAVID/ISAAC/JACOB (minors)  F-1-430 (1786)   New Castle Hundred (David - 1798,

    ... one dwelling house & kitchen and small orchard in tenantable repair...

annual value ?38.0.0

ALRICH, SAMUEL (child-Eliza/Mary/Sarah)  D-1-284 (1771)	 New Castle Hundred

     ...the dwelling house on said lands near the King's road in the tenure of James Kirkpatrick & Wm Donally wants
a new roof on the front side, the wall of the shed room to be built up, two fireplaces to be repaired and arched, a
cellar door walled, & a door made, a new oven built, with sundry other repairs to make the house Tenantable. One
stable, a garden wanting to be inclosed, a small orchard, a well wanting the wall raised  a new curb. One dwelling
house & kitchen in the occupation of Lydia Dunning in tenantable repair, a large orchard, a garden wanting to be
enclosed, the wall of the well to be raised. One dwelling house in the tenure of Peter Gallocher in tenantable repair,
and that the fences on the above mentioned premises are in tenantable repair...

annual value ?100.0.0
  (including thirds of Lydia Dunning,late Alrich,widow of Samuel Alrich)

ANDERSON, WILLIAM  D-1-366 (1772)	 New Castle Hundred

     share of land valued at ?11.5.0

     share of marsh or meadow valued at ?7.10.0

     ...a log barn with a cedar roof and plank floor, having at each end an old shed; also a small apple orchard. The
Barn and Sheds are in bad repair, the fences on the premises in good order...

BOLE, BENNETT (child-George/Mary Ann/Bennett)  K-1-235(1816)	 New Castle Hundred (1816*)

     ...a log house dwelling wether borded in good order a log kitchin in bad order a frame barn in good order one log
stabel in midling Order one log meat house in midling order one spring house in midling Order of log - one log corn
house wants a roughf...a apple orched plant about six years and just begin to bare 77 trees a fue ould apple trees...

annual value $300.00

BOLE, MARY ANN/BENNETT (minors)  M-195 (1826)	 New Castle Hundred (1816*)

     ...a frame dwelling house and Kitchen adjoining, a frame barn, log stable, carrage house, smoak house and spring
house, verry much out of repair; an apple and peach orchard of sixty trees...

annual value $150.00
BRINCKLE, JOHN, late of Kent County (child-John/Anne/Mary/William/Charles)  F-1-333(1784)	White
Clay Creek Hundred

lot of land at Christiana Bridge adjoining land of Dr. William McMechen and land of George Adams

     ...a Brick Messuage, now occupied as a Tavern, and divers Out-Houses...

12 acres   New Castle Hundred

24 acres land and cripple  White Clay Creek Hundred

BRINCKLE, JOHN (deceased)   F-1-351(1784)	White Clay Creek Hundred

lot at Christiana Bridge

     ...a Brick House...in tenantable Order...

annual value ?37.10.0

24 acres of marsh

annual value ?24.00.0

12 acres   New Castle Hundred

annual value ?9.00.0

BUTCHER, ALEXANDER (child-Joseph/Sally Ann)  I-1-690 (1809)	 New Castle Hundred
Town of  New Castle

No. 1 house and lot on Market Street

     ...a two story frame house, and one story frame Kitchen with a lot adjoining and garden about thirty five feet...the
house in good repair but the Kitchen in bad repair...

No. 2 house and lot adjoining No.1

     ...a brick and frame house...with a Kitchen, the house one story high about seventeen feet front on Market
Street...in but midling repair and wanting a roof over oven...

No. 3 a lot on Orange Street

 ...about thirty five feet front on said Street...whereon is erected a frame stable and chair house not in good repair...

total annual value $120.00

(1804)	 New Castle Hundred

Town of  New Castle

     ...an old Brick dwelling House and stable, and a new Frame dwelling House situate on the westerly side of
Market Street...which are in tolerable good repair...

annual value $140.00

CALDWELL, THOMAS (child-Ezekiel/John)  K-1-190 (1815)

lot on Market Street  Town of  New Castle

     ...two small frame tenements and small old wheelright shop wanting great repairs...

lots in Christiana Hundred

lots in Village of Newport

lots in Borough of Wilmington

102 acres  Appoquinimink Hundred

     ...an old cabbin wanting a roof...

total annual value $633.00
N.B.: Identical valuation for Betsy Caldwell  K-1-191 (1815)

CALDWELL, THOMAS (child-John/Eliza)  N-226 (1829)	Christiana Hundred

No. 1 - farm near the Village of Newport bounded by land of Aaron Paulson, John Caldwell, and John Whiteman
and the Newport & Lancaster Turnpike Road

100 acres                              tenant - Kendal Blizard

     ...a Two Story weather boarded loghouse (cellared), Twenty four feet long & fifteen feet wide, in tolerable repair
except the roof which is bad - A frame stable twenty nine feet long & seventeen feet wide, in tolerable condition - A
Barn, part Frame & part Stone, fifty three feet long & thirty six feet wide with stables beneath the same; in good
repair - A log house part of the front weather boarded one & an half stories high, twenty four feet long & eighteen
feet Wide in very bad repair...a sufficient Orchard, and a well of water to each house - The fences are in but tolerable

3 lots of marsh - Conrads Cripple

annual value $300.00

No. 2 - 1 acre lot in Newport bounded by Christiana Turnpike road on the North & lands of John Nebuker &c.

     ...enclosed by tolerable Hedge & Post & rail fences...

annual value $5.00

No. 3 - 1/6 acre

     ...a frame shop thereon twenty five feet long & twenty feet wide, in bad repaire, as also the fences enclosing sd.
annual value $2.00

No. 4                                  tenant-Robert Smith
     ...A two story frame dwelling house...twenty six feet long & eighteen feet wide, with a cellar - to sd house is
attached a brick kitchen, one & an half stories high, Eighteen feet long & twelve feet wide - both house & kitchen
are in bad repair as well as the fences enclosing a garden back of the kitchen - there is a well of water in the yard...a
frame stable, two stories high, twenty five feet long & twenty Two feet wide, adjoining the  stable, two small sheds -
and a corn crib twenty five feet long & eight feet wide, all in bad condition...

annual value $33.00

No. 5 - lot on the west side of Tatnall Street       Borough of Wilmington

     ...a Two Story brick dwelling house...Twenty four feet long & sixteen feet wide, in good repair except the roof,
which wants repair; with a garden fifty feet in front & eighty four feet deep enclosed by good board fences...

annual value $36.00

No. 6			Town of  New Castle

     ...one old two story frame dwelling house thirteen feet long & twelve feet wide in bad repair, to which belongs a
small enclosed garden a few yards back of sd house, another two story frame dwelling house eighteen feet long &
fifteen feet wide; one side of which has fallen out & the rest fast delapidating attached to the latter mentioned
building...two sheds of but little value and a frame tenement sixteen feet long & ten feet wide, now occupied by
Negroes - sd Tenement is in tolerable repair & has attached to it a very small garden back & another in front...

annual value $22.00

COLESBERRY, HENRY (child-John/William)  I-1-533 (1807)   New Castle Hundred (1798, 1804, 1816*)

     ...a two Story Brick Mesuage Piazza and log kitchen Frame Barn and small log tenement all in bad repair...

lot of marsh in Bosman Creek Company

lot of marsh in Fern Hook Company

     ...a small Apple Orchard on the land...

annual value $220.00

COOCH, THOMAS (child-Francis/Thomas)  G-1-70 (1788)	 New Castle Hundred

Plantation on Christina Creek   400 acres

 ...a messuage or dwelling house Kitchen Barn two stables smoke house Spring house corn crib and an old bake
house in midling repair except the bake house - that there are a tollerable good orchard upon this premises...
annual value ?52.10.0

     ...messuage & buildings formerly of Thomas More which is cut off from the plantation above specified by the
 New Castle Road with a small orchard..

annual value ?7.10.0

CREED, EDWARD (child-Jane)  F-1-382 (1782)   New Castle Hundred
         Town of  New Castle

     ...the dwelling house, the slaughter house & lot of ground...are very much out of repair. the floors, windows and
partitions of the dwelling house are in bad order, and the fence about the garden, and several other things necessary
to be mended...

annual value ?12.0.0

DEVOUE, DAVID   I-1-20 (1800)	 New Castle Hundred

     ...a frame Dwelling House, in which is wanting necessary repairs That there is an old Orchard of but small
value...that they repairs done to the House should be such as under pinning and finishing the uper story. Also that it
is necessary that a Gardin should be made and its size not to exceed one rood to be pailed in...

annual value ?20.0.0

DOWNES, BENNET (child -Mary E/Thomas F./Sally Ann/James M./Richard E/Henry E/William B)  L-91
(1821)	 New Castle Hundred

     ...a two story brick dwelling house and brick Kitchen, in good repair, a brick barn, stableing Granary, corn cribs,
carriage house and a log tenement, all wanting repair a pailed garden, and a young apple and peach orchard of about
one hundred trees, also a few scattering fruit trees...
14 acres marsh - Toms Creek Marsh

annual value $400.00

EAKIN, ROBERT (deceased)  I-1-159 (1798)	 New Castle Hundred

150 acres

land on east side of public road leading from Christiana Bridge to the Redlyon Inn

     ...one Small Log Messuage not finished which the said Guardian should have it compleated and Also to Put up a
new Shed building at the end of the said Messuage in order to make the same convenient for a tenant and the more
valuable in the yearly Rents...

without the new shed erected         annual value ?37.10.0
if new shed put up                   annual value ?42.10.0

EAKIN, ROBERT (child-John)  I-1-563 (1808)	 New Castle Hundred

150 acres

     ...a small log House and a shed room adjoining in tolerable repair, Corn Crib and Stable in bad Order, no other
buildings whatever, and no Orchard...on road to Redlion Tavern and road from Bear-Tavern to Hamburg...
annual value $90.00

EVES, SUSAN M./MARY C./ELIZA JANE/JOHN CROW(minors)  M-301 (1827)  St. Georges Hundred

No. 1  120 acres  (2 fields of 60 acres each)    tenant - Thomas Fountain
     ...a new frame dwelling house and kitchen not finished...fence...in
tolarable repair...

annual value $120.00

Red Lion Hundred

No. 2  320 acres (4 fields of 260 acres each)   tenant - Edmund Newell
     ...a two story brick dwelling house and Kitchen, new frame corn crib, granary and stables with two old buildings
of no value. The Garden enclosed on three sides with a board fence the other side a very old and indifferent Pail
fence.--The Rooff on the Dwelling house and Kitchen in considerable decay...an old Apple Orchard containing about
seventy trees much on the decline...

annual value $320.00

No. 3  2 lots  (3 acres)  Town of  New Castle

     ...an old frame house nearly in ruins...no annual value in present state...

EWING, JOHN (deceased)  H-1-178 (1795)	 New Castle Hundred (1798*)

        tenant - Margaret McCormick

     ...one Brick Messuage and lot of Ground with a Kitchen Belonging thereto...a new Roof on one side of the House
Appears to be Necessary...

annual value $45.00

HAND, GEORGE (child-Parsons/George C./Louisa)  K-1-137 (1814)	 New Castle Hundred

plantation   300 acres

     ...a brick dweling house in good repair, except a leak in the roof, also a large brick barn and stables in good order
except the roof which wants some repairs, there are also an ice house and poultry house that want a small repair one
peach orchard containing about one hundred and fifty trees in a decaying condition, one apple orchard containing
about eight hundred young trees, many of them broke down by cattle...

annual value $750.00

Town of  New Castle

     ...A large brick house...occupied as a Tavern with the wharf and frame store house thereon and the stabling
belonging to the same...wants some small repairs...

annual value $1000.00

     ...One half of a house and store house...in bad order and wants repairing...

annual value $50.00

     ...A small house & Shop...in good repair...

annual value $50.00

HEZLETT, WILLIAM (child-William J.)  I-1-634 (1809)   New Castle Hundred Town of  New Castle

     ...A House, Kitchen and Woodhouse adjoining with a Grass Lot and Garden Situate on Vine Street...in bad

annual value $50.00

     ...a two Story Brick House with a Frame Kitchen and Gardin situate on Market Street...in good repair...

annual value $50.00

HINSEY, JOHN (child-Elizabeth/Eleanor/Susannah/John/George) I-1-250 (1803)   New Castle Hundred

150 acres

     ...a two Story Frame Dwelling House with a shed Kitchen a Frame Barn, Carriage House, Corn Crib and Log
Stable, all out of repair, a Mill with two pair of stones, one of which are Burrs of little value, the other Bucks
County, the mill-dam, pier head, water wheel, throughs and running Gears, wanting a thorough repair, the Stream or
Streams by which the said Mill is supplied with water, are so much failed and the Mill, Mill dam etc. being in such
very bad order that we have left it at the discretion of the Guardians to make such repair as the may think necessary
if any. The fencing being in bad order we are of the opinion that the Ceader rails & posts now laying on the Premises
should be applyed to the use of the farm where the may be wanting...An Apple Orchard of Thirty-two trees on the

annual value ?66.15.0

HINSEY, JOHN (child-Elizabeth/Eleanor/Susannah/John/George) I-1-250 (1803)   New Castle Hundred

150 acres

     ...a two Story Frame Dwelling House with a shed Kitchen a Frame Barn, Carriage House, Corn Crib and Log
Stable, all out of repair, a Mill with two pair of stones, one of which are Burrs of little value, the other Bucks
County, the mill-dam, pier head, water wheel, throughs and running Gears, wanting a thorough repair, the Stream or
Streams by which the said Mill is supplied with water, are so much failed and the Mill, Mill dam etc. being in such
very bad order that we have left it at the discretion of the Guardians to make such repair as the may think necessary
if any. The fencing being in bad order we are of the opinion that the Ceader rails & posts now laying on the Premises
should be applyed to the use of the farm where the may be wanting...An Apple Orchard of Thirty-two trees on the

annual value ?66.15.0

JAQUETT, ISAAC GRANTHAM (minor)  K-1-402 (1818)	 New Castle Hundred

50 acres     on the road from Old Ferry to  New Castle

     ...one large brick House and kitchen in tolerable repair, one other Frame House much out of repair, a brick Stable
and shed, a small young orchard of Apple Trees...

annual value $50.00

JAQUET, THOMAS (child-Rebecca/Thomas/Peter)  D-1-256 (1770)	 New Castle Hundred

42 acres marsh

     ...one large Brick house & Kitchen with a frame house adjoining the Kitchen, a brick and Stone Stable Shed &
Frame hay house...fenced Garden & Small Chairhouse...

10 acres

     ...Small logg house at some distance from the Mansion house all in Tenantable repair...

annual value ?55.0.0

KING, ANDREW (child-Hannah/Sarah/Edith/Andrew/Elizabeth)  K-1-158 (1814)   New Castle Hundred

2 acres

     ...a small log house of two rooms the same in bad repair  there is a small orchard of ten apple trees...

annual value $30.00

LEA, JANE (minor)  G-1-323 (1792)	 New Castle Hundred

73 acres

     ...large Log dwelling House with a Cellar under part thereof the west end of the House requires to have new
under Logs or Sills, the Cellar wall much broke down there is also on the Premises a Small Log Barn a Well of water
near the Door the wall of which broke in, also an old apple orchard of a few trees...

annual value ?7.10.0

LEA, WILLIAM (child-Jannet)  E-1-103 (1777)   New Castle Hundred

36 acres cleared

     ...a Log dwelling House weatherboarded a stone Cellar in good repair a good square log barn about forty old
apple trees a young peach orchard a garden well pail'd in a good well of water at the door...

7 acres meadow on Red Lyon Creek

annual value ?17.0.0

MERCER, HUGH (child-Elizabeth)   I-1-667 (1810)  New Castle Hundred  Town of  New Castle

corner of Market and Harmony Streets

     ...a Two Story Brick Dwelling house in good repair, the Porch and Outside faceings of the Front door excepted
which...ought to be repaired
...a small frame Building one Story high formerly occupied by Hugh Mercer deceased as A Smith's Shop...

annual value $80.00

MORTON, EBENEZER (child-Hannah/Ebenezer/Andrew/William/Sarah/Anna)  H-1-178 (1795)  New Castle
Hundred (1804*)

     ...One Old Log Messuage, One Old Log Stable and Smoak House a few scattered Apple trees and Peach trees...

annual value $80.00

MCMURPHY, ALEXANDER (child-Agnes/Robert/Elizabeth)  H-1-123 (1794) St. Georges Hundred

15 acres+

     ...a Log dwelling House with two Rooms below two Rooms above stairs and a log Kitchen with a passage
between the House and Kitchen which passage must be weather boarded with rough boards  Also a Brick
Mill-House with pair of Burr-Stones Pier-head Milldam Race Floodgates and safegate in sufficient repair for
Merchant Work except a new gutter wanted in the Chimney in the Mill House Roof a sett of new drawgates at the
floodgates and a new safe Gate with two new braces or more if necessary at the Floodgates...Also two frame
Carriage Houses & a frame Corn House & a frame Stable with a part of one side of the Roof blowed off which may
be put on again & repaired  Also a Log Stable & feed Room adjoining And a Log Milk House Log Meat House A
Brick Oven and an old pailed in Garden which will want new pailing in a year or two...Orchard containing between
30 & 40 Apple Trees...

annual value ?75.0.0

200 acres 			Appoquinimink Hundred

Plantation & Tavern on the State Road leading from  New Castle to Dover on the North side of Black Bird Creek

     ...Tavern being a frame House with two Rooms below & two Rooms & a passage above Stairs with a Cellar
under the whole and a shed adjoining with one Room & a kitchen the small Room in front must be lathed and
plaistered & the dormant windows above must like wise be repaired also a new Stable & sawed Log corn House an
old Log Barn with a Stable adjoining A Log Meat House & Brick Oven  A new Horse shed must be built...

annual value ?40.0.0

Plantation & Tract of Land  300 acres 	St. Georges Hundred

     ...a Log dwelling House with two Rooms and a frame shed adjoining wanting some repair in the Roof and Gable
ends, A sawed Log Kitchen with a plank floor above & below, the dwelling House must be weather boarded
between the Kitchen & Shed on the back part a bad leak being between the sd House & sd Kitchen and the Cellar
being out of repair, & some Glass wanted in the Windows...Also a Sawed Log Stable with a Granary loft above
which must have a floor laid therein & new door shutter &c, an old Log House formerly used as a Granary an old
corn House & an old Log Stable a Carriage House between the sawed Log Stable & old Log Granary a Brick Oven
& ash House under cover a very good pailed in Garden and an Orchard containing ten or twelve Apple Trees Also
another Tenement...two Log Houses adjoining which contains two good Rooms and a Kitchen a Log Meat House a
pailed in Garden going to decay...

annual value ?112.10.0

PATTON, WILLIAM (child-Hester/Thomas/William)  K-1-16 (1811)	 New Castle Hundred

140 acres

     ...one old dwelling house, one half of it brick two Story, the other half framed and weatherboarded and half a
story and one old log chicken and one old log barn with the ruff falling in, one small wooden stable and a log corn
house, also a Garden pealed in with oak boards, about 30 apple trees and 30 peach ditto...

annual value $150.00

PENTON, ELIZA (minor)  L-203 (1823)	 New Castle Hundred
Town of  New Castle

about 32 feet in front on Front Street, extending back to Market Street

     ...a two story brick house, thirty two feet front, on Front Street and forty two feet deep, the front part of which is
occupied as a store the residue as a dwelling, the whole being in rather bad repair. also fronting on Market Street a
frame Blacksmiths Shop in good repair, to which is attached a frame shed and small stable of but little Value and in
bad repair...no orchard...that part of the lot not covered by the Buildings...
occupied as a yard and garden...

annual value $150.00

PENTON, RENEAR (child-John)  I-1-60 (1800)   New Castle Hundred
        Town of  New Castle

between Front & Market, between the properties of Jacob Baker & George Read

     ...two old Stables, one whereof wants new Sills and Weather boarding an old Brick Necessary the Well whereof
filled up which ought to be cleaned out a Brick Messuage and Kitchen in bad Repair New window frames and Sash
wanted in order to prevent the weather destroying the walls, the Ceiling of the House wants Repairing the Room
over the Shed to the Southwest would be rendered usefull by being plaistered and ceiled, the Door in the northwest
side of the Kitchen being useless ought to be shut up and one made in Ally, The Kitchen Floor ought to be laid with
Oak plank and ceiled, The pavement in Front of the House in Bad Repair ought to be new laid and guttered in order
to convey the water off from the ally the Floors of the whole House wants to be new laid The Fire places in House
would be more convenient by being contracted and new Trimmers formed to the same, the Cellars wants a new Step
Ladder and new Door in the entry, the old Corner being cut off the House and plaistered would screne the walls from
the weather...

annual value $120.00

PORTER, DAVID (child-Susannah/Elizabeth/David/William)  H-1-166 (1793)  New Castle Hundred

     ...one brick messuage in very bad repair insomuch that if not immediately repaired it will fall - a log Kitchen
wanting some new logs a log barn wanting a new sill and some few logs an old corn-cribb not worth repairing an
orchard containing about thirty old apple trees and about fourty young trees lately planted...

annual value ?40.0.0

REZOE, BENJAMIN (child-James)  I-1-473 (1806)	 New Castle Hundred  (1804, 1816 *)

     ...One small one story log House with two shed Rooms and one other small log building (now occupied in part as
a Corn Cribb) thereunto adjoing - and one other small log building intended for a kitchen in very good repair. One
Barn and stables adjoining in very bad repair the frame being tolerable good but the weatherboarding being almost
entirely loose or off, One peach Orchard of about fifty trees past their prime and a few Appletrees...

annual value ?20.0.0

RHODES, THOMAS (child-Ann/John/Mary/William) I-1-551 (1807)	 New Castle Hundred (1804 *)

14 acres

     ...a good log and Frame dwelling House, with some old out buildings scarcely worth mentioning...a good Well of
Water, no Orchard...following improvements be made the North corner of the House to be cass'd and the fire place
be repair'd, the whole Amount of the mentioned repairs not to exceed the Sum of Eight Dollars...

annual value $40.00

RHODES, THOMAS (child-Ann/John/William)  I-1-633 (1810)	 New Castle Hundred (1804 *)

     ...a small Log house, with a frame Shed adjoining the same, an old Log Stable, no Orchard...

annual value $36.00

SANKEY, ABRAHAM (child-Hannah/Jane/Thomas/William)  G-1-303 (1791)  New Castle Hundred

     ...an old Log House a Log Barn and Stable in midling Repair - a Garden not paled an Apple & Peach Orchard...

annual value ?50.0.0

SELBY, JAMES (child-John Wilson/Parker/Ann Elizabeth/Marietta E.)  N-451 (1820)  New Castle Hundred
(1816 *)

64 acres

     ...a Log Dwelling house in tenantable order - a log kitchen in bad repair - log stable in bad repair - no Corn Crib...

annual value $50.00
repairs estimated at $55.00

SHIELDS, ROBERT (child-Susannah/Hannah/Martha)  H-1-291 (1797)	 New Castle Hundred

     ...a large two Story Brick House and Brick Kitchen, Brick spring house A large log Barn Sheded round, and all
other necessary out houses in good repair...a small Brick House, a small log House, the other a Frame [House], all in
bad repair...

annual value ?100

SHIELDS, ROBERT (child-Rebecca)  K-1-361 (1818)  St. Georges Hundred

200 acres

     ...an old frame house and Kitchen not tennantable and a frame barn with stone stabiling underneath some repairs
wanten duing to it orcherd with about one hundred young apple treas...ought to repair to house kitchen and barn and
patition for a privet road to said farm...

annual value $150.00

 New Castle Hundred

140 acres - on the road from  New Castle to Wilmington

     ...one dwelling house and kitchen brick, and a large brick barn in good repair frame grenery and corn cribs with a
small brick tennement on  the Wilmington road...new sash and glass to be put in the Kitchen windows...to sink a
well at the tennement house...

annual value $398.00

TATLOW, JOHN (child-Thomas Hyatt/Mary Janvier)  K-1-449 (1817)	 New Castle Hundred

lot in the Town of  New Castle

     ...a Brick dwelling Kitchen Stable and Garden...the Kitchen wants a new Roof and the Garden a new fence, also
that the back windows of the House and Cellar and Door are in bad State of repair...

annual value $120.00

TATLOW, JOSEPH (child-Elizabeth)  I-1-663 (1810)   New Castle Hundred

one lot in the Town of  New Castle situate in Wood Street - 40 feet wide by 120 feet deep

     ...a Brick House thereon situated, containing in front eighteen feet and in depth about Twenty four feet, with a
Kitchen and Peazza in bad repair...

annual value $80.00

THOMPSON, DR. DAVID (child-David/Elizabeth Alrich)  H-1-187 (1795)	 New Castle Hundred

farm on the public road from Redlion Inn to  New Castle

     ...A new frame building two Stories high of the dimensions of Eighteen by Twenty four feet to be erected on the
ground on which the old building now stands; the shed situated between the old building and kitchen to be finished,
so as to make a comfortable lodging room, one Storey high; the paleing of the garden, (part of which is done) to be
compleated, the front yard to be paled; a new Crib to be put over the well, a new Corn Crib to be erected, Six by
twenty four feet; The kitchen to be clap-boarded, and its upper floor to be newly laid; the barn to be clapboarded,
and sufficiently supported by pillars of brick; a cellar to be dug under the barn and converted into a stable for horses;
a Shed to be erected over the front part of the same, ten feet by the length of the barn, for the purpose of Sheltering
horned cattle...

lot on the east side of the road - 46 acres

annual value ?10.0.0

Red Lion Hundred

bounded by Dragon Creek & St. Georges Creek

     ...a small frame building occupied as a Dwelling House the frame of which is in good Order, a carriage house,
corn Crib & Smoke House all in good Order, a small Barn in tolerable repair and an old kitchen the roof of which is
partly new, also a young orchard...a small log House a Barn & Stable & Corn Crib...a new fram Messuage to be
erected...two Stories high, eighteen feet by twenty four, with a Cellar under it, that the frame Building above
mentioned...Should be turned and placed at the one end of the new building making them both to front on the road
leading from the public highway down into Coxes Neck, the old building to be newly plastered that the Barn and
Stable last above mentioned should be moved up and placed at the East end of the Barn first above mentioned that
the [last] Corn Crib ...should also be moved up...and likewise the log Building above mentioned, & converted into a
Kitchen or whatever else may be deemed most proper, that the Garden & Yard will have to be enclosed with new
paleing, that a Well is much wanted...

annual value ?100.0.0

THOMPSON, MARY (child-Catherine/John/Joseph/Mary/Samuel)  H-1-165 (1795)	 New Castle Hundred

Town of  New Castle

     ...one brick messuage and lot of ground...with a stable belonging thereto...

annual value $60.00

     ...one other brick messuage and lot of ground with a blacksmith's shop..

annual value ?16.0.0

     ...on other lot of ground with a messuage thereon and also an orchard...

annual value ?17.0.0

TURNER, DANIEL (child-Margaret/Peter/Sarah/John/Isaac Grantham)  K-1-236 (1815)	 New Castle
Hundred (1804 *)

     ...a frame dwelling house log kitchin in midlin order ould log barn and one lath corn crib and stable not worth
repaire one log meat house in midlin order there is a new barrack...a small log tenement in bad order...a young apple
orched three years planted 96 trees and a peach orched planted last spring 96 trees and 11 cherry trees...

annual value $175.00

TURNER, THOMAS (child-Eleanor/George)  K-1-16 (1811)	 New Castle Hundred

140 acres

     ...one old dwelling house, one half of it brick two Story, the other half framed and weatherboarded and half a
story and one old log chicken and one old log barn with the ruff falling in, one small wooden stable and a log corn
house, also a Garden pealed in with oak boards, about 30 apple trees and 30 peach ditto...

annual value $150.00

WEIR, WILLIAM (deceased)  I-1-157 (1801)	Red Lion Hundred

202 acres

     ...a New Log Dwelling House twenty six by twenty feet not in Tenantable order having a Cellar under the same
not wall'd in Consequence of which the House has Sunk...a few old apple Trees of no account, a Smoak House and
Corn Crib...a Small Barn and Stables ought to be erected...

annual value ?25.0.0

 New Castle Hundred
105 acres

     ...The Mansion'd Farm and House which is occupied as a Publick House the House is large one part of which is
built with Brick and the other with Frame with two shed rooms joining the whole which (except the Shed rooms) is
in bad repair, for the want of Roofs which must shortly be attended too...an old Log Kitchen new Log Smoak House,
new pump a good Log Barn a Large Frame Stable which will contain twelve or fifteen Horses, there is a Shed stable
and Carriage-house joining sd frame Stable which sheds has been built by the Guardian...a Frame Granary also a few
old apple Trees...

annual value $400.00

WILLIAMS, MAURICE (child-Isaac/Jacob/Maurice/Thomas)  F-1-78 (1779)	 New Castle Hundred

150 acres

     ...a good brick dwelling House in good Order, a frame Kitchen the Roof much worn Log smoke House in
tolerable Repair, a good square log Barn plank Floor & Shade Stable in good Repair two Barracks for Grain and Hay
a small Apple and two Peach Orchards...

YEATES, JOHN (child-Ann/John)    I-1-378 (1805)   New Castle Hundred

Town of  New Castle - lot bounded by Front Street

     ...one Dwelling House commonly Known by the name of the Tile house a Stable and Chair House in Midling

annual value $120.00

     ...Lot of Ground contiguous to the Town of  New Castle commonly known by the name of the Fort Lot...

annual value $12.00

YEATES, JOHN (child-Ann)   I-1-448 (1806)	 New Castle Hundred

Town of  New Castle - lot on Front Street

     ...an old House in bad repaire a Stable and Carriage House a Well which wants to be cleaned out and a Pump
placed therein the Floors in the House to be laid with good Hart-pine boards and new stairs made the South East
Gable and being so bad deem it for the benefit of the Orphans that it should be taken down to the Ground and rebuilt
the rooff to be made as far as the Chimney to corospond with Doctr. James McCallmont's and to be pitch to Front
Street the ally to be paved with Stone to carry the Water in the Midle thereof to the Street gutter the Windows being
in bad repaire we deem it advisable to have them put in good order new Joice to be put in where the decayed ones is
the plaistering of the Walls being broken and decayed is to be plaistered where necessary...
annual value $120.00