Bird Friendly plants in the Hermitage
Plants are preexisting except those with an asterisk were started from seed Source = Audobon Native Plants Database
Plant Name 1 American Holly 2 American Pokeweed 3 Black Cherry 4 Black Raspberry 5 Black Tupelo 6 Black Walnut 7 * Blue Lobelia * 8 * Butterfly Milkweed * 9 Buttonbush 10 * Cardinal-Flower * 11 * Common Boneset * 12 * Common Milkweed * 13 Common Winterberry 14 Flowering Dogwood 15 Hackberry 16 Highbush Blueberry 17 Indian Grass 18 Northern Red Oak 19 Northern Spicebush 20 Orange Coneflower 21 Pin Oak 22 Pussy Willow 23 Red Columbine 24 Red Maple 25 Red Osier 26 * Redbud * 27 Sassafras 28 Silky Dogwood 29 Silver Maple 30 * Smooth Oxeye * 31 Southern Arrow-Wood * 32 Southern Red Oak 33 Spicebush 34 Swamp Milkweed 35 Sweet-Gum 36 Tuliptree 37 Virginia Creeper 38 * Virginia Mountain-Mint * 39 White Oak 40 * Yellow Indian Grass * Information from summer, 2020 Asterisks indicate plants started from seed
Otherwise pre existing plants.