Full text of "Original land titles in Delaware commonly known as the Duke of York record, being an authorized transcript from the official archives of the state of Delaware"

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FEB 1979 


Original Land Tides in Delaware 

Commonly Known as 

The DuKe of 

YorK Record 

Being An Authorized Transcript From the Official 
Archives of the State of Delaware, and Compris- 
ing the Letters Patent, Permits, Commissions, 
Surveys, Plats and Confirmations by The DuKe 
of TorK and Other High Officials, From 

1646 to 1679. 

Printed by Order of the General Assembly of the 
State of Delaware, 

Saiidaj Star PriBt, 


This edition of one thonsand copies of the Duke of York Record was printed 
by authority of the General Aiaembly of the State of Delaware, expressed in the 
following Joint resolutions: 

J<nnt Be$oluti(m in reUiti(m to printing th$ Book in the Becordor*$ offiu at 
Doter, known as the Duke of York Record, 

Whereas* There is now in the office of the Recorder of Deeds at Dover, one 
▼olume in manuscript, of the Dutch grant of lands from the year A. D. 1640 to the 
year 1657 indusiye, and of the Duke of York's grant of lands in Delaware from 
the year 1667 to 1680 inclusive; and 

WhereaS) Said volume contains much valuable information which should be 
preserved, and is of much value to the State, and age has already made much of 
the writing imperfect, and some of the written pages are deficient, having been 
destroyed by the British when New Castle was captured during the Revolutionary 
War; therefore, be it 

Resohed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware 
in General Assembly met: 

That a committee of two on the part of the Senate and a committee of three 
on the part of the House be appointed to have said volimie printed for the use of 
the State. 

Approved Marth 16, A, D, 1899, 

On part of Senate, 

Samuel M. Ekoz, 
Elisha H. F. Faulow. 

On part of House, 

Davis H. Fbazibr, 
Jambs W. Robertson, 
Francis J. McNultt. 

In pursuance of this authority the committee advertised for proposals as fol- 


Sealed proposals for printing, binding, and delivering 500 copies of the Duke 
of York's Records, from the year 1646 to 1679, will be received by the Chairman of 
the Legislative Committee for the publication of the same, as ordered by Joint 
Rraolution of the General Assembly, approved March 16, 1899, directed to Har- 
rington, Delaware^ will be received until November 11, 1899. Fifty of said copies 


to be bound in sheep. Said Records to be printed on 55 lb. paper, in octavo, in 
long primer type, so as to contain at least 45 lines to the page. 

The bids will be presented to the Joint Committee, which reserves the right 
to reject any or all bids. The next General Assembly will provide payment for 

D. HENRY FRAZIER, Chairman. 

P. O. Harrington, Del. 
Nov. 1, 1899. 

After due consideration of the bids submitted, the committee awarded the con- 
tract to The Star Publishing Company, of Wilmington, Del., as appears from the 
subjoined letter: 

State or Delaware. 
House op Representatives. 

Dover, Nov. 13, 1899. 
Mr. J. B. Bell, President Star Publishing Co. 

Sir: I herewith notify you the committee appointed by the recent Legisla- 
ture have awarded to you the contract for printing, compiling, indexing and bind- 
ing five hundred copies of the Records of the Duke of Yorke as per Resolution 
passed by said body, at the price of $625.00. 

Very respectfully yours, 


Secretary of Committee. 

For reasons which it is not necessary here to state, it was impossible for the 
contracting printers to secure the manuscript volume of the Duke of York Record 
until November, 1902, and at the session of the General Assembly which convened 
January 6, 1903, the following joint resolution was adopted: 

Be it Eeiohed by the Senate and Hauee of Bepresentatwee of the State of Dela- 
ware in General A$$embly met: 

That a committee of one on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the 
House be and the same is hereby appointed for the purpose of supervising the 
printing of the Duke of York Records, authorized by a previous Legislature, and 
the same committee is hereby authorized and directed to procure the printing of 
five hundred (500) additional copies of the said Records at a cost for the additional 
copies not to exceed the sum of three hundred and seventy-five dollars ($375). 

Approved A, D. Feb, 97, 2903, 


' On part of Senate: 

Francim J. McNULTY, 

On part of House: 

Abraham L. Ttre, 
William H. German, Jr. 

Under the authority of this resolution, the committee gave the following 

Dover, March 9, 1903. 
To The Star Publishing Co., Wilmington, Delaware. 

Gentlemen: You are hereby authorized to print five hundred (500) additional 
copies of the Duke of York Record for the simi of three hundred and seventy-five 
dollars ($375). 

Wm. H. German, Jr., 
Abraham L. Tyre, 
Francis J. McNultt. 

Original Land Titles of Delaware 

Con&nionlx llno-wn as 

TKe DuKe of YorK Record. 

(Note. — ^The numerals appearing in parenthesis throughout the text indi- 
cate the manuscript pages of the I&cord.) 

Note. — Page 1 of the Record is in Old Holland Dutch, the translation being 
on the following pace. This printed transcript begins, therefore, with page 2 of 
the Record, being the translation of page 1.) 

No. I. 


We Willem Kieft, Director General, and Councilors, in the name 
of the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Neth- 
erlands, of his Highness of Orange, and of the Honorable Lords Di- 
rectors of the Privileged West India Company residing in New Neth- 
erland, Witness and declare hereby that we on the day of the date here- 
inafter mentioned have granted and permitted to Abraham Planck, 
Symon Root, Jan Andriesen and Pieter Harmensen to, settle on the 
South River of New Netherland, and take possession of the lands sit- 
uate on the said river obliquely opposite to the Islet called 't Vogele 
Lant (the Birds' Land), of which lands they are authorized to appro- 
piate to themselves One hundred Morgen, * to establish there four 
Farms or Plantations and begin to cultivate the same within a year 
from this date, or sooner if it be possible, on pain of losing this their 
grant. Upon condition that the aforesaid persons, or such as might 
get their grant, acknowledge the Honorable Lords Directors aforesaid 
as their Lords and Patrons under the sovereignty of their High Mighti- 
nesses, and provided they willingly sumbit themselves to all such 
charges and duties as by the aforesaid Lords are already or still shall 
be determined upon. Constituting therefore aforesaid Abraham Planck, 
Symon Root, Jan Andriesen and Pieter Harmensen, to take, in our 
place, real and actual possession of the aforesaid One hundred Morgen 
land, giving them full power, authority and special command to ac- 
cept, cultivate and use the aforesaid land, situate in the aforesaid South 
River, as they do their own patrimonial lands and effects; we the 

♦A "Morgen" was equal to about three acres.— Tranalaior. 


grantors, in our aforesaid capacity, not having, holding or reserving in 
the least any part, claim or authority of and to the aforesaid One hun- 
dred Morgen of Land, but desisting therefrom, for the use as aforesaid, 
from now forever. Promising further to keep fhis present grant firm, 
staunch, inviolable and irrevocable, and to observe and execute it, — 
all under ofbligation as provided by law. 

In Witness whereof these presents are signed by us, and confirmed 
with our seal in red wax appendant hereto. 

Done in the Fort of New Amsterdam. (The aforesaid persons are 
promised, if in future they should want more land, than hereabove 
mentioned, it will be granted them, provided they build on the land 
houses for dwellings, and that, if they quit, they shall then be deprived 
of this grant.) 

(Signed) Willem Kieft. 
Underneath stood: 

By order of the Hon. Director General and Councilors of New 

Cornells van Tienhoven, 
Secretary. 1646. 

No. 2. 


Petrus StU3rvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 
Director General of the New Netherland, Curacoa, Boynairo, Aruba 
and the appendencies thereof, together with the Honorable Lords 
Councilors, Witness and declare that we on this day, the date herein- 
after mentioned, have granted and bestowed upon Alexander Boyer, 
A Plantation situate on the South River of New Netherland, to the 
North of Fort Casamier on the comer between the first and second 
Valley on the South End of Frans Smith's, wide along the river side 
from the corner of the Valley to the land of the aforesaid Frans Smith 
North-east by East, rather Easterly, Sixty six Rods, further along said 
Smith into the Woods North North-West i point more Westerly one 
Hundred and two Rods, further North North-West fifty Rods, further 
to the Valley South-West One hundred Rods, further along the Valley 
East South-East fifty Rods, further West sixty Rods, further East by 
South forty-four Rods, further to the first starting point South-East 
by East fifty-three Rods, and are herein measured two inlets of Val- 
leys; amounting to about four and twenty Morgen. Upon express 
conditions and provisos, &c, the 30th of November, Anno 1656. 

No. 3. 


Petrus Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 


Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and the 
appendencies thereof, together with the Honorable Lords Councilors, 
Witness and declare that we on this day, the date hereinafter men- 
tioned, have granted and bestowed upon Thomas Broen, A Plantation 
situate on the South River of New Netherland below Fort Casa- 
mier, adjoining on the East side Comelis Teunisse, wide on the South 
side towards East eighteen Rods, on the East side alongside Simon 
Leem about North North- West one hundred and thirty-two Rods and 
alongside Comelis Teunissen's about South South-East long one hun- 
dred and thirty two Rods; amounting together to 2046 Rods. Upon 
the express conditions and provisos, &c. Done at Amsterdam in New 
Netherland on the 12th of April, Anno 1656. 

No. 4. 

Peter Stu3rvesant in the name of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honorable gentle- 
men the Directors of the privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies, together with Honourable Gentlemen of the Council Wit- 
ness and declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have 
given and granted to Andries Hudden one Lot for a house and g^den 
situate on the South River of New Netherland near Fort Casamier be- 
ing in number the Fifteenth and landed to the Northward of the lot of 
Jan Andriessen and to the Southward of the Lot of Sander Fenix, is in 
Breadth on the Street Sixty two Feet Rynland Measure, & on both 
sides Three hundred Feet, and in the Rear fifty six Feet, with express 
conditions & Provisos &c. Done Amsterdam in New Netherland the 
30th November Anno 1656. 


Peter Stuyvesant in behalf of the High and Mighty Lords, the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the Privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and its Appen- 
dencies together with the Honourable the Genelemen of the Council 
Witness and declare that we on the Day of the Date hereunder written 
have given and granted to Jacob de Hinst two Lots situate on the 
South River at Fort Casamier, the one being in the first Row in No. 
the Eighteenth is wide in Front two and sixty Feet in the Rear six 
and fifty Feet, and in Length on both sides Three hundred Feet; the 
other in the second Row being in No. the sixfy-seventh is wide in 
Front six and Fifty Feet, and in the Rear six and fifty Feet, long on 
both sides three hundred Feet with express conditions & Provisoes 
&c. Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland the 2Sth August Anno 


No. 6. 


Peter Stuyvesaftt in behalf of the High sUid AUghty Lofd6 the 
StJlWs General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Qcfltld- 
men the Directors of the privileged West India Company, Direetdr 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayto, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies, together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Council, 
Witness and Declare, that we on the Day of the Date underwritten, 
hare given and granted, to Jan Piecolet a small tract of land situate on 
the South Hirer of New Netherland, to the Southward of Foft Casft^ 
mi6r, at the Brick Maker's Corner, between the plantations of Philip 
Jans & Jacob Crabbe, and stretches from the Land of the said Philip 
Jans, West along the Shore to the Land of Jacob Crabbe, Eight and 
twenty Rods, along the Land of the said Crabbe North-West six and 
sixty Rods to the High Way, ILlong the High Way to the Land of 
Philip Jans West thirty Rods, farther to the Place of Beginning Soiifh- 
£ast Southerly sixty-fotir Rods, amounting in the whole to three Mor- 
gen & Eighty five Rods. With express Conditions and Provisoes &c. 
Done Amsterxlam in New Netherland the first September Anno 1656. 

N. B. An obliteration in the translation of No. 6 in the eleventh line between 
the words Crabbe and Eight. (The words obliterated being: "Aforesaid north- 

No. ;^. 


Peter Stuyvesslnt in behalf of the High & Mighty Lords the States 
General of the United Netherland and the Honourable Gentlemen the 
directors of the privileged West Itidia Company, Director General of 
New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aiiiba and their Dependencies, 
together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Council Witness atid 
Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have given and 
granted to Philip Jansen Ringo one Lot for a House and Garden sit- 
uate on the South River below Fort Casamier above the Brick Maker's 
Gorhef to the Southward on Comelis Mourits is wide in Front on the 
Street two hundred and eighty six Feet Wood Measure, in Length 
alotig the Land of Cornelius Mourits aforesaid five hundred and 
seventy five Feet Wood Measure also, in Weadth back by the Planta- 
tion alotig the High Way two hundred and Eighty four Feet, long on 
the South Side six hundred and fifty Feet with express Conditions and 
Provisoes &c. Done Amsterdam in New Netherland the I2th Septem- 
ber Arino 1656. 

No. 8. 


Peter Stuyvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherland and the honourable gentle- 
men the Directors of the privileged West India Company Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba, and their De- 


pendencies, together with the hoponrable gentlemen of the Council 
Witness and Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have 
givcQ and granted to Const^tinus Groenenburgh a Lot for a House 
and Gardep situate on the South River below Fort Casamier being the 
Twentieth ii^ number and landed to the Southward of the Lot erf Cch-- 
nelius Mpurits apd to the Northward of the Lot of Reynier Dominicus, 
is in Weadtb in the Front on the Water Side sixty two Feet Wood 
Measure, in Weadth in the Rear on the High Way fifty six Feet, in 
Length on both Sides three hundred and eight Feet with express Con- 
ditions & Provisoes &c. Done Amsterdam in New Netherland the 
30th September Anno 1656. 

No. 9. 

Peter Stu)rvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords of the 
States General of the United Netheriands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies together with the honourable gentlemen of the Councj} 
Witness and Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have 

S'ven and granted to Hans Albertsen van Bronswyck one Lott for a 
ouse and Garden situate on the South River of New Netherland sit 
Fort Casamier in the second Row, directly behind Claes the Smith, on 
the East by Stephen Acker, on the West by Roeloff De Haes's Lot In 
the rear of the North Side of the plantation of Roeloff De Haes in 
weadth fifty six Feet, in Length on both Sides three hundred Feet with 
express Conditions & Provisos &c. Done Amsterdam in New Nether- 
land the 13 September Anno 1656. 

No. 10. 


Petrus StU3rvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 
Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and 
the Appendendes thereof, together with the Honorable Lords Coun- 
cik>rs. Witness and declare that we on this day the date hereinafter 
mentioned, have granted and bestowed upon Jan Hendricksen van 
Stnickhousen, A Lot for a House and Garden, situate on the South 
River near Fort Casamier, being No. 35 in the second Row, adjoining 
North the Lot of Gerrit Jansen, South the lot of Sander Boyer, being 
wide in front and rear fifty six Rhineland feet (wood measure), and 
00 bodi sides long three hundred feet. 

Upon express conditions and provisos, &c. 

Done at Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland on the 22nd of Sep- 
tember, Anao 1656. 


No. II. 


Peter Stuyvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the Privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Council 
Witness and Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have 
given and granted to the Widow of Roeloff De Haas one plantation 
situate on the South River at Fort Casamier to the Northward of the 
high Road behind the Lot of Jan Gerritsen is wide to the Northward 
Seven Rods, long on both sides one and thirty Rods, wide in the Rear 
Seven and an half Rod, with express Conditions and Provisoes &c. 
Done Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland the 20th October Anno 

No. 12. 


Petrus Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honourable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honourable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 
Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and 
the Appendencies thereof, together with the Honourable Lords Coun- 
cilors, Witness and declare that we on this day, the date hereinafter 
mentioned, have granted and bestowed upon the widow of Roeloff de 
Haes, A Lot for a House and Garden, situate on the South River of 
New Netherlands near Fort Casamier, being the first Row on the 
North of the Common Road and adjoining S (outh) Qaes Pietersen, 
and is wide in front on the Shore side sixty two feet and in the rear 
sixty two feet, long on both sides three hundred feet. 

Upon the express conditions and provisos, &. 

Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland on the 28th day of Oc- 
tober, Anno 1656. 

No. 13. 


Peter Stuyvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gen- 
tlemen the Directors of the privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Council 
Witness and Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have 
given and granted to Luke Dircksen one Lot for a House and Garden 
situate on the South River at Fort Casamier in the first Row laying 
between the Lots of Ryer Moe and Qaes Pietersen Smith, is Wide to- 
wards the Street sixty two Feet Wood Measure, long on both Sides 
three hundred like Feet; wide in the Rear Seventy Feet, with express 
Conditions and Provisoes &c. Done Fort Amsterdam in New Neth- 
erland the Tenth of February Anno 1657. 


No. 14. 


Peter Stuyvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Council 
Witness and Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten 
have given and granted to Ryer Lammersen Moe one Lot for a House 
and Garden situate at Fort Casamier on the South River of New Neth- 
erland between the Lots of Jan EckhofF and Pieter Lowrussen, is wide 
sixty-four Feet, and long on both sides three hundred Feet with ex- 
press Conditions and Provisoes &c. Done Amsterdam in New Neth- 
erland the 20th February Anno 1657. 

No. 15. 

Peter StU)rvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the Privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonairo, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies, together with the Honourable gentlemen of the Council 
Witness and Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten 
have given and granted to Claes Pietersen one Lot for a house and 
Garden situate at Fort Casamier on the South River of New Nether- 
land in the Front on the Street between the Lots of Roeloff de Haes 
and Jan Schut is wide in front as well as Rear sixty two Feet and long 
on both Sides three hundred Feet. Note the aforesaid Lot was by or- 
der on the sixth Day of December 1652 laid out and surveyed for the 
said Qaes Pietersen or for those who should hereafter obtain his Right 
with express Conditions and Provisoes &c. Done Fort Amsterdam 
the nth April Anno 1657 in New Netherland. 

No. 16. 


Petrus Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 
Director General of New Netherland, Curacao, Bonnairo and the Ap- 
pendencies thereof, together with the Honorable Lords Councilors, 
Witness and Declare that we on the date hereinafter written have 
granted and bestowed upon Barent Jansen van Swoll, A Lot for a 
House and Garden situate near Fort Casamier on the South River of 
New Netherland, behind the first row of lots, between Elias Emmens 
and Marten Rosemont, being wide in front as also in the Rear fifty four 
Feet, long on both sides three hundred feet. Upon Express Condi- 
tions and provisos, &c. Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland this 
20th of February, Anno 1657. 


No. 17. 

Petnts Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 
Director General of New Netherland, Curacao, Bonairo, Aruba and 
the Appendencies thereof, together with the Lords Councilors, Witness 
that we on the date hereinafter written have g^nted and bestowed 
upon Pieter Hermens, A Plantation situate below Fort Casamier on 
the South River of New Netherland, on the East Side of Pieter Lou- 
rence and on the West side of Rosier Schot, being wide in front on the 
South side eighteen Rods, long on the East side loi Rods, wide on the 
North side 13 Rods and long on the West side one hundred and thirty 
Rods, amounting together to two thousand and twenty three Rods. 
Upon express conditions and provisos &c. Done at Amsterdam in 
New Netherland this day February 29, Anno 1657. 

No. 18. 


Peter StU3rvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonnairo, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Council 
Witness that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have given and 
granted to Pieter Harmense one Lot for a House and Garden situate 
at Fort Casamier on the South River of New Netherland between 
Harmer Janssen and Rynier Dominicus, is wide in Front sixty two 
Feet, in the Rear fifty four Feet, and long on both Sides three hundred 
Feet with express Conditions and Provisoes &c. Done Amsterdam in 
New Netheriand the 29th February Anno 1657. 

No. 19. 

Petrus Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 
Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa Bonairo, Aruba and the 
Appendencies thereof, together with the Honourable Lords Council- 
ors, Witness that we on the date hereinafter written have granted and 
bestowed upon Pieter Laurense, A Plantation situate near Fort Cassr 
micr on the South River of New Netherland, being wide on. the South 
side eighteen Rods, long on the East side next to Comelis Theunisse 
one hundred and thirty two Rods, long on the West side next to Pieter 
Harmense one hundred and thirty one Rods, amounting together to 
two thousand and thirty eight Rods. Upon express conditions aod 
provisos, &c. 

Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland this day February 28, 



No. ». 


Peter Stuyvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the Privileged West India Company DirectCH" 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonnairo, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Council 
Witness and Declare that we cm the Date underwritten have given and 
granted to Rynier Dominicus one Lott for a House and Garden situate 
cMi the South River of New Netherland by Fort Casamier between 
Claes Jansen and Peter Hermens is wide in Front sixty four Feet, in 
die Rear fifty eight Feet, long on both Sides three hundred Feet with 
express Conditions & Provisoes &c. DcMie Amsterdam in New Neth- 
erland the 30th Feb'y 1657. 

No. 21. 

Peter Stuyvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gen- 
tlemen the Directors of the Privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonnairo, Aruba, and their De- 
pendencies together with the honourable gentlemen of the Council 
witness and Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have 
given & granted to Pieter Ebel one Plantation situate on the South 
River of New Netherland at Fort Casamier bounded on the North by 
Jan EckhofI and to the Southward by said Fort is large four Morgen 
with express Conditions &c. Done Amsterdam in New Netherland 
the 30th February Anno 1657. 

No. 22. 


Petrus Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lctfds the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company. 
Director General of New Netherland, Curacao, Bonnairo, Aruba and 
the appendencies thereof, together with the Honorable Lords Coun- 
cilors, Witnesses that we on this day, the date hereinafter written, have 
granted and bestowed upon Cornells Steenwyck, A Lot for a House 
and Garden situate on the South River of New Netherland near Fort 
Casamier between the Lots of Adriaen Jacobs and Harmen Pietersen 
and Company and Reynier Moe, being wide in front at the Street sixty 
two Feet (Wood Measure), in the rear wide likewise sixty-two feet, 
long on both eides equally three hundred feet. Upon express condi- 
tions and provisos, &c. Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland, this 
30 February, 1657. 


No. 23. 


Peter Stuyvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the Privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonnairo, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies, together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Counal 
Witness and Declare that we on the Date underwritten have given and 
granted to John Gerritsen one Lot for a House and Garden situate on 
the South River of New Netherland at Fort Casamier in the second 
Row bounded on the North by the High Way behind the Lot of Roelof 
De Haes is wide in Front and Rear sixty two Feet, long on both sides 
three hundred Feet with express Conditions and Provisos &c. Done 
Amsterdam in New Netherland the 30th February 1657. 

No. 24. 


Petrus Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the General Privileged West India 
Company, Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonairo, 
Aruba and the appendencies thereof, together with the Honorable 
Lords Councilors, Witness and declare hereby, that we on this day, 
the date hereinafter written, have granted and bestowed upon Jacob 
Crabbe, A Plantation situate on the South River of New Netherland 
below Fort Casamier, between the first Valley and the land of Jan 
Picolet, extending from this Picolet's land along the shore as far as the 
remotest comer called "Steenbackers (Brick maker's) Corner", from 
which comer to a corner of the Valley, extending from each other 
nearly North- West and South-East by South, the valley therebetween 
is comprised, laid out along this and measures four morgen and one 
hundred and thirty Rods, West by South i point Southward seventy five 
Rods, further along the Valley North-East fifty Rods, North North-East 
ten Rods, North North-West fifty Rods, West North-West Ten Rods, 
South-West by South twenty five Rods, North-West i point West fif- 
teen Rods, North by West fifteen Rods, further in the Woods North- 
West by West seventy five Rods as far as the Plantation of Ritsert 
Schot, back in the Woods North East by East seventy Rods, along the 
Plantation South-East by South one hundred and ten Rods, further 
along the land of the said Picolet as far as the first starting point, 
amounting together to twelve Morgen, one hundred and twenty Rods 
firm land, and the valley as above four Morgen and one hundred and 
thirty Rods, making in valley and firm land a total of sixteen Morgen 
and two hundred and fifty Rods. Upon express conditions and pro- 
visos, &c. Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland February 30, 1657. 


No. 25. 


Petrus Stu)rvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honourable Gentle- 
men the Directors of the privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curocoa, Bonnairo, Aruba and their De- 
pendencies together with the Honourable Gentlemen of the Council 
Witness that we on the Date underwritten have given and granted to 
Sander Leendersen one Lot for a House and Garden situate on the 
South River of New Netherland at Fort Casamier between William 
De Hit and John Andriessen is wide in Front and Rear fifty six Feet, 
long on both sides three hundred Feet with express Conditions and 
Provisoes &c. Done Amsterdam in New Netherland the ist Mardi 

No. 26. 

Petrus Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 
Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonairo, Aruba and 
the appendencies thereof, together with the Honorable Lords Coun- 
cilors, Witness that we on the date hereinafter written have granted 
and bestowed upon Willem Tailler A Lot for a House and Garden, 
situate on the South River of New Netherland near Fort Casamier in 
the first Row at the front of the shore between Thomas Broen and 
Sander Leendersen, being wide in front and rear sixty five feet and 
long on both sides thirty feet. Upon the express conditions and pro- 
visos, &c. Done at Amsterdam in New Netherland March i, Anno 

No. 27. 


Petrus Stuyvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords tiie States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Directors of the Privileged West India Company, Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonnayro, Aruba and the ap- 
dendencies thereof, together with the Honorable Lords Councilors, 
Witness and declare that we on this day, the date hereinafter written, 
have granted and bestowed upon Jan Eeckhoff, A Lot for a House and 
Garden situate on the South River of New Netherland near Fort Casa- 
mier in the Second Row No. 36, behind the Lot of Jan Andriessen, be- 
ing wide in front and rear fifty six feet, long on both side three hun- 
dred feet; upon express conditions and provisos, &c. Done at Ams- 
terdam in New Netherland June 17, Anno 1657. 

No. 28. 


Peter Stuyvesant in Behalf of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the honourable gentle- 


men the Directors of the Privileged West India Company Director 
General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonayro, Aruba and their D^ 
pendencies, together with the honourable gentlemen of the Council 
Witness and Declare that we on the Day of the Date underwritten have 
given and granted to John St. Gaggen a Tract of Land situate on the 
South River of New Netherland at the First Corner above Fort Casa- 
mier, stretches on the North-East side from the Land formerly pos- 
sessed by Sander Boyer along the Strand North-East Easterly sixty 
Rods to the Valley, further along the Side of the Valley, as follows, 
North-West by North Forty Rods, North North West sixty five Rods, 
North East Easterly twenty five Rods, North-West twenty six Rods, 
East North-East thirty Rods, North thirty five Rods, North-West 
forty-six Rods, West by North Northerly one hundred and twenty 
eight Rods, further from the side of the Valley into the Woods South 
South West Southerly one hundred and fourteen Rods, further through 
the Woods to the Place of Beginning, amounting in the whole to about 
forty one Morgen with express Conditions & Provisoes &c. Done in 
New Amsterdam the 20th June 1657. 

No. 29. 

Petrus Stu)rvesant, in the name of the Honorable High and 
Mighty Lords tlie States General of the United Netherlands and the 
Honorable Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, 
Director General of New Netherland, Curacoa, Bonnairo, Aruba and 
the appendencies thereof, together with the Honorable Lords Council- 
ors, Witness and Declare that we on this day, the date hereinafter writ- 
ten, have granted and bestowed upon Pieter Lourensen, A. Lot situate 
on the South River of New Netherland near Fort Casamier, now called 
New Amstel, contiguous North East to the Common Road, being the 
fourth in No. from the Fort, commencing on the shore side, wide 'm 
front and rear sixty two feet, long on both sides three hundred feet. 

(Note. — ^The aforesaid Lot was granted the said Pieter Lourensen in the year 
1652, but whereas at that time no deed thereof was given him these presents are 
now issued.) 

Upon express conditions and provisos, &c. Done at Amsterdam 
in New Netherland, on the 2d of September 1657. 

No. 30. 


Peter Stuyvesant, in the name of the High and Mighty Lords the 
States General of the United Netherlands and the Honorable Lords 
Directors of the Privileged West India Company with headquarters in 
Amsterdam, Director General of New Netherland, Curocoa, &c., to- 
gether with the Honorable Councilors, Witness and declare that we on 
this day, the date hereinafter written, have granted Jacob Van der 
Veer, A Lot for a House and Garden situate on the South River of 
New Netherland near Fort Altenae, wide on the street or East side 

o^rasB^ comacuiBi^ ami fromisus^ ice. D^^bs: jc Fsct Aanssriaai: 3L 

Jf IMlHU ill IMI Ak i& fiKMLiOl 

CaASLZS TEE 5EC?X3 ^j "hk 'Ck^.-^ « Grif Vrrg :x Sx«^ 

'•fcant rsisr jis^s^'io^ ^sal c^ne •*jc»Jtiii^. ii^ii^v j©» -nac -»»» i^r ffr- 
fss $^o£ Oxises »T*^ Cciisi52rfc?i:ii2* ^sj- TSercnni? anrrroc- isxir^ s£ 
«Bir giwyfirjiT *?jrTg* r^grnrmr iznrwieag? anf M«r? 3ii:x:i:s €^^:Tf«t »ni 
GcHTpyg Anf ^ rhge jrssens 5nr is nxr isr? jnif Saisircssors I>> 
^3Rt sii£ \jcan: •rmrr mr ZTisstesc ?r-n:iier JasnMs Z^iis re Ynri*. i» 
Ears anf Assagnsw, AT rnir per: re ziie ILmnt lam£ *?c X*v Ea^psniL 
^KS^uimiz: a: i Cgmmtf tOb:? caHJci rr k3icw:nt br ::2i* Xsmt -re 5c. 
Ctdex 3e3C B& nning : r> X?v >r.rr;c7rf ir AiEKrara. aai£ zraxE dbenct 
ntynffrngr alnr^ :^ Sa Cease Turrr- 1 rerannepac* oifof Fsxs«g:inBCL 
or lyriiiHlfiiif . anf sr ts :3>? 3vrT*r -nKT^rc. i::- ::iif finiKsc iisaf x« w 
SBne ;»? i Tgrnnfr^ X jcJI^AL- i^ mf fxr^nzmg: rrmt -liienrc- rr '^jc 
Sircr x£ J^aet^e^iL anf sr ic^inrsj br tiif siiiT-res: Cunn* rr dK 

TDSSB^ raHW^g Vr "Hif sCTdiE Tnrrn*- -nr 3S£m£f rt lyLfirnxsaiiks nr LtfCta^ 
ffto'tfi. firT;rT ^rrini: anf Mm|: x>*»ic5 s> -±1?^ Wee « Cape Codi. znd 
Tc lornw Irijgaa sg:::^ A im, n ig xc^nn tif Mame Lsbc ^fctfnrcer "die 
tiPQ Jtjrc3 ^crx zailicf dt inrvnf r^j 'fbt sfreraT aame* ct u-coeiJiJcuii 
and Hudsemf^ Srrsr, xapcdicr ake* vxi -dje saif Sjrer caDef Huosaos 
Krcr, anf al :±i* 1-anc ir .m. -^k vcsc si5f <£ ConerDnni- ro jt eas 
ade -OB I>f2Hicar»: ?i£T Anc ais: liiDse f^fr-eral Isianos caliec or kaovToe 
br ft^ Xaanfis- a£ l^arnn? Mnrrarf ani Xanriikf*. cj^icrwis* Xantnicett. 
TogesEhcr iri± al yt Lan5&. Isianoi^ S^jies, ^Rrrcr^ Harbo«rE, Mines. 
lCiieiail&. QnarrvtSu T%":»:^2w. IkLanai^-. Waier^ T^lres. Fishings, Hairk- 
ing Tl m r Hi ^ aii£ ?3viing, anc aT i^iier iLC*i'aIhTC&. P n '* ffi ' .<k Cchbido- 
&TCS. and bgryfean:'^ re 'fat sail fjeFeral IsiandE, Lands and prcBt- 
isses h^Dsxgiai^ k sp^ tcinnn n^. -wrcx rirort anc rrerr of didre appor- 
tmanrrs,. Anf aH zjar- Tgrary Ei^Jc TififL, ImtxesL benefit advasta^^ 
(35) Oarmr anf dexoazif. d^ ir ar n- d^ said Lands and prennss)^. or 
a&y pan or par^cT ^aisreaL Anf dit RercrccHi and Rerercons, remam- 
dcr and Xaiamde:^ rDigrE^er vi± -die Ycarlj, and other jc Reals 
Ri^vemies anf jr rfTi?^ oE al anc ^i^nlar the said premifiscs and 0$ 
tvtry pan anf pa r is T riicrEDf- Tc* hart: and to bold all and smgnlar Ibc 
said Lands. Isi^nds. beredziazr^is and prernkses. vitii their and evenr 
of theis- a^ic ' igiia nss. herebj grren and Granted, or herein before 


mentioned to be given and granted, unto our Dearest Brother James 
Duke of Yorke his heirs and Assignes for ever. To the onely proper 
use and behoofe of the said James Duke of York his heirs and Assigns 
for ever, To be holden of us, our heires and Successors as of our man- 
ner of East Greenwich in our County of Kent in free and Common 
Soccage, and not in Capite, nor by Knight Service, Yielding and ren- 
dering, And the said James Duke of Yorke doth for himself, his Heirs 
and Assignes, Covenant and promise to Yield and render, unto us our 
Heirs and Successors of and for the same, yearly and every year forty 
Beaver Skins, when they shall be demanded, or within ninety days 
after. And we do further of our speciall Grace, certaine knowledge, 
and meere motion for us our heires and Successors Give and Grant 
unto our said Dearest Brother James Duke of Yorke his Heires, Depu- 
tyes. Agents, Commissioners and Assignes by these presents, full and 
absolute power and Authority to Correct, punish, pardon goveme and 
Rule all such the Subjects of us our heires and Successors &c from 
time to time adventure themselves into any the parts or places afore- 
said, or that shall or doe at any time hereafter Inhabite with in the 
same, according to such Lawes, Orders, Ordinances, Directions and 
Instruments, as by our said Dearest Brother or his Assignes, shall be 
Elstablished, And in Defect thereof in Cases of Necessity, according to 
the good discrecons of his Deputyes, Commissioners, officers or As- 
signes respectively, as wee in all Causes and matters Capitall and 
Criminall, as Civill, both Marine and others, soe alwayes, as the said 
Statutes, Ordinances and proceedings be not Contrary to, but as neare 
as conveniently may be agreeable to the Lawes Statutes and Govern- 
ment of this our Realme of England, And saving and reserving (36) to 
us Our heires and Successors ye receiving hearing and determining of 
the Appeale and Appeales of all or any persons or persons, of, in, or 
belonging to ye Territoryes or Islands aforesaid, in or touching any 
Judgment or Sentence to be there made or given, And further that it 
shall and may be Lawful to and for our said Dearest Brother, his 
Heires and Assignes by these Presents from time to time to nominate 
make Constitute Ordaine and Confirme by such name or names Stile 
or Stiles as to him or them shall seeme good, and likewise to revoke 
discharge. Change and alter, as well all and Singular Governors Offi- 
cers & Ministers which hereafter shall be by him or them thought fitt 
and needfull to be made or used within the aforesaid parts & Islands, 
And also to make Ordaine and Establish all manner of Orders, Lawes, 
directions. Instructions formes and Ceremonyes of Government and 
Magistracy fitt and Necessary for and concerning the Government of 
the Territoryes and Islands aforesaid so alwayes as the same be not 
Contrary to the Lawes and Statutes of this our Realme of England, but 
as near as may be agreeable thereunto, and the same at all times here- 
after to put in Execution, or abrogate, revoke or Change not only 
within the precincts of the said Territoryes or Islands, but also upon 
the Seas in going and coming to and from the same, as hee or they 
in their good discrecons, shall thinke to be fittest for the good of the 



Adventurers, and Inhabitants there. And wee do further of our spec- 
ial! Grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion, Grant Ordaine and 
declare That such Governors Officers and Ministers as from time to 
time shall be authorized, and appointed in manner and forme afore- 
said, shall and may have full power and authority to use and Exercise 
Marshall Law, in Cases of Rebellion, Insurrection, and Mutinie, in 
as large and ample manner as our Lieutenants in our Countyes within 
our Realmes of England, have or ought to have by force of their Com- 
mission of Lieutenancy, or any Law or Statute of this our Realme, 
And we do further by these presents, for us our Heirs and Successors 
Grant unto our said Dearest Brother, James Duke of Yorke, his Heires 
and Assignes, that it shall and may be Lawfull to and for the said James 
Duke of (37) Yorke his heires and Assignes, in his or theire discretions 
from time to time, to admit such, and so many person and Persons to 
Trade and Traffique unto and within the Territoryes and Islands, afore- 
said, and into every or any part & parcell thereof, and to have possess 
and Enjoy, any Lands, or hereditaments, in ye parts and places afore- 
said, as they shall thinke fitt according to the Lawes, Orders, Consti- 
tutions and Ordinances, by our said Brother, his Heires Deputyes 
Commissioners and Assignes, from time to time to be made and estab- 
lished, by vertue of, and according to the true intent and meaning of 
these presents and under such Condicons, Reservacons, and agree- 
ments, as our dr. Brother, his Heirs or Assignes shall set downe. Order, 
direct and appoint and not otherwise, as aforesaid, and wee do further 
of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion, for us our 
Heires and Successors give and Grant, to our said Deare Brother his 
Heires and Assignes by these presents. That it shall and may be law- 
full to and for him them, or any of them, at all and every time and 
times hereafter, out of any our Realmes or Dominions whatsoever, to 
take, leade. Carry, and Transport in and into their Voyages, and for 
and towards the Plantacon of our said Territoryes and Islands, all 
such and so many of our Loveing subjects, or any other Strangers, be- 
ing not prohibited or under restraint, that will become our Loving 
Subjects and live under our Allegiance, as shall willingly accompany 
them in the said Voyages together with all such Qoathing, Imple- 
ments, furniture, and other things, usually transported and not pro- 
hibited, as shall be Necessary for the Inhabitants of the said Islands 
and Territories, and for theire use and defence thereof, and manageing 
and carrying on the Trade with the People there and in passing and 
returning to and fro. Yielding and paying to us our heirs and Suc- 
cessors the Customes and Dutyes therefore due and payable, according 
to the Lawes and Customes of this our Realme, And we do also for us 
our Heires and Successors Grant to our said Dearest Brother, James 
Duke of Yorke, his Heires and Assignes, and to all and every such 
Governor or Governors or other (38) Officers or Ministers, as by our 
said Brother his Heirs or Assignes shall be appointed to have power 
and Authority of Government and Command in and over the In- 
habitants of the said Territoryes or Islands that they and every of 


them shall and lawfully may from time to time, and at all times here- 
after forever, for theire severall defence and safety Encounter, ex- 
pulse, repell, and resist by force of arms as well by sea, as by Land, 
and all ways and means whatsoever, all such Person and Persons as 
without the speciall Licence of our said Deare Brother his Heirs or 
Assignes, shall attempt to Inhabit within the severall precincts and 
Limits of our said Territoryes, and Islands, And also all and every 
such person and persons whatsoever, as shall enterprize or attempt at 
any time hereafter, the destruccon, invasion, detriment or annoyance 
to ye parts, places or Islands, aforesaid, or any parte thereof. And 
lastly our Will and pleasure is, and wee do hereby declare and grant, 
that these our Letters Patents, or the Inrollment thereof shall be good 
and eflfectuall in the Law, to all Intents and purposes whatsoever. Not- 
withstanding the not reciting or menconing of the premisses or any 
part thereof, or the meets or Bounds thereof, or of any former, or other 
L'l es Patents or Grants heretofore made or Granted of the Premisses 
or of any part thereof by us, or of any of our Progenitors, unto any 
other person or persons, whatsoever, Bodyes Politique or Corporate, 
or any Act, Law, or other restraint, incertainty or imperfection what- 
soever, to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding, although express 
mention, of the true yearly value, or certainty of the Premisses, or any 
of them, or of any other guifts or Grants by us, or by any of our Pro- 
genitors or Predecessors heretofore made to the said James Duke of 
Yorke, in these Presents, is not made, or any Statute, Act, Ordinance, 
jwovision, Proclamation, or restriction, heretofore had, made. En- 
acted Ordained or provided, or any other matter, cause or thing what- 
soever to the Contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding. In Wit- 
tiesse whereof (39) Wee have caused these our Letters to be made 
Patents, Witnesse ourselfe at Westminster the twelfth day of March in 
the Sixteenth Yeare of our Raigne. 

By the King, 


Folio 145. 

Lord high admiral of England and Ireland &c Constable of Dover 
Castle, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Govemour of Ports- 
mouth &c. Whereas it hath pleased the Kings most Excellent Ma- 
jestic my Soveraigne Lord and Brother, by his Majesties Letters Pat- 
tents, bearing date at Westminster, the 12th day of March, in ye six- 
teenth yeare of his Majesties Raigne to g^ve and Grant unto me, and 
to my heires and Assignes all that part of the Maine Land of New 
England, beginning at a certaine place called or known by the name of 
St. Croix, next adjoining to New Scotland in America, and from 
thence Extending along ye Sea Coast, unto a Certaine place called 
Petuaguine or Pemaquid, and so up the River thereof to the furthest 
head of the same, as it tendeth Northwards, and extending from 
thence to the River of Kenebequi and so upwards by the shortest 


Course, to the River Canada Northwards, and also all that Island or 
Islands Commonly called by the severall name or names of Matonacks 
or Long Island, situate lying and being towards the West of Cape 
Codd and the Narrow Higansetts, abutting upon ye Maine Land be- 
tween the two Rivers there called or knowne by the severall names of 
Connecticutt and Hudsons River, together also with the said River 
called Hudsons River, and all the Land from the West Side of Con- 
necticutt River, to the East Side of Delaware Bay, and also all those 
severall Islands called or knowne by the Name or Martin Vinyards & 
Nantukes, otherwise Nantuckett, Together with all the Lands, Islands, 
Soyles, Rivers, (40) Harbours, Mines, Mineralls, Quarryes, Woods, 
Marshes, Waters, Lakes Fishings Hawking Hunting and Fowling 
and all other Royalltyes, profirts, Commodityes, and Hereditaments 
to the said several Islands Lands and premisses belonging and apper- 
taining with their and every of their appurtenances. To hold the same 
to my own proper use and behoofe, with Power to Correct punish, par- 
don Goveme and Rule ye Inhabitants thereof by myselfe or such 
Deputyes, Commissioners or Officers as I shall think fitt to appointe, 
as by his majesties said L'res Pattents, may more fully appeare; And 
whereas I have conceived a good opinion of the Integrity, prudence. 
Ability and fittness of Richard Nicholls Esq. to be Employed as my 
Deputy there. I have therefore thought fitt to Constitute and appointe 
and I do hereby Constitute and appointe him the said Rich- 
ard Nicolls Esq. to be my Deputy Governour within the 
Lands Islands and places aforesaid to performe and Execute all 
the Lands Islands and places aforesaid to performe and Execute ail 
and every the Powers which are by the said Letters Patents gianted 
unto me to bee Executed by my Deputy Agent, or Assigne To have 
and to hold, the said place of Deputy Governour, unto the said Richard 
Nicolls Esquire during my will and pleasure onely, Hereby willing and 
requiring all and every the Inhabitants of the said Lands Islands and 
places to give Obedience to him the said Richard Nicolls Esq. in all 
things according to the Tenor of his Majesties said Letters Pattents; 
And the said Richard Nicolls Esq. to Observe follow and Execute 
such Orders and Instructions, as hee shall from time to time receive 
from myselfe. Given under my hand and Scale at Whitehall this sec- 
ond day of Aprill, in the Sixteenth Yeare of the Raigne of our Sov- 
eraigne Lorde Charles the second, by the Grace of God King of Eng- 
land Scotland France and Ireland &c. Anno Domini 1664. 

By Command of his Royal Highnesse, 

W. Coventry. 



Book of Entries &c 

No. 1 A— 1664, 

Sept. 3d. 
Fo. 34 

A Copie of Robert Carrs Commission to goe to Delaware Bay. 

Whereas wee are enformed that the Dutch have seated themselves 
at Delaware Bay on his Majestie of Great Brittaines territoryes, with- 
out his knowledge and Consent, and that they have fortifyed them- 
selves there and drawne a great trade thither, and being assured, that 
if they bee permitted to goe on, the gaininge of this place will be of 
small advantage to Kis Majesty, Wee his Majesties Commissioners, by 
vertue of his Majesties Commission and Instructions to us given, have 
advised and determined to endeavor to bring that place, and all strang- 
ers thereabout in Obedience to his Majesty, And by these do Order 
and appoint that his Majesties Frygotts the Guinney and the William 
& Nicholas and all the Souldyers which are not in the Fort, shall with 
what speed they conveniently can goe thither, under the Command of 
Sir Robert Carr to reduce the same, willing and commanding all Of- 
ficers at Sea and Land and all Souldyers to obey the said Sir Robert 
Carr during this Expedition ; Given under our hands and Seales at the 
Fort in New Yorke upon the Isle of Manhatans the 3rd day of Septem- 
ber, 1664. 

R. Nicolls 
S. Meverick 

G. Cartwright. 

Fo. 60 

Instructions to Sir Robert Carr for the Reducing of Delaware 
Bay, and settling the People there under his Majesties Obedience. 

When you are Come neare unto ye Fort which is possessed by the 
Dutch you shall send your Boate on shoare, to Summon the Governor 
and Inhabitants to yield Obedience to his Majestie as the Rightfull 
Soveraigne of that Tract of Land; and lett him and them know, that 
his Majestie is graciously plaesed that all the Planters shall Enjoy 
their Farmes Houses Lands Goods and Chattels with the same privi- 
1 edges and upon the same Termes, which they do now possesse them, 
onciy that they change their Masters, whether they be the West India 
Company or the City of Amsterdam. To the Swedes you shall re- 
monstrate their happy retume, under (42) a Monarchical! Government 
and his Majesties good inclinacon to that Nation, and to all men who 
shall Comply with his Majesties Rights and Title in Delaware, without 
forces of Armes. That all the Cannon Armes and ammunison which 
belongs to the Government shall remaine to his Majestie. 

'fiiat the Acts of Parliament shall be the Rules of future Trading. 

That all People may Enjoy Liberty of Conscience. 

That for six Monethes next ensuing, the same Magistrates shall 
continue in theire Offices, onely that they and all others in authority 
must take the Oath of Allegiance to his Majestie and all Publique 
Acts be made in his Majesties Name. 


If you find you cannot reduce the place by force nor upon these 
Conditions, you may add such as you hnd necessary upon the place* 
but if those, nor force will prevaile, Then you are to dispatch a tnes- 
senger to the Governor of Maryland with this L*re to him and Request 
his assistance and of all other English who live near the Dutch rlan- 

Fo. 59 

Your first care (after the reducing of the place) is to orotect the 
Inhabitants from Injuryes, as well as violence of the SoukVrs; which 
will be Easily effected if you settle a Course for Weekly or daily Pro- 
visions, by agreement with the Inhabitants which shall be satisfied to 
them, either out of the proffitts Customes or Rents belonging to thdf 
present Master, or in case of Necessity from hence. 

The Lawes for the present cannot be altered, as to the adminis- 
tration of right and Justice betweene Partyes. 

To my Lord Baltimores Sonn you shall declare and in all the 
English concerned in Maryland, that his Majestic hath at his great 
expence, sent his shipps and Soudiers to redtice all forraigners in those 
parts to his Majesties Obedience, and to that purpose onely, you sitt 
Employed, but the reduction of the place being at his Majesties Kx- 
pence, you have Commands to keepe possession thereof for his Majes- 
ties owne behoofe and Right, and that you are ready to Joyne with the 
Governor of Maryland upon (43) his Majesties Interest m all otrcas- 
iors, and that if my Lo^d Baltimore, doth pretend Ri^ht thereunto by 
his Patent (which is a doubtful Case) you are to say that you onely 
keep possession till his Majestic is informed and satisfied otherwise, 
In other things I must leave you to your discretion and tht best ad- 
vice yoa can get upon the place. 

Articles of Agreement between the Honorable Sir 
Robert Carr Knight, on the behalfe of his Majestie 
of Great Brittaine, and the Burgomasters on the be- 
halfe of themselves and all the Dutch and Swede* 
Inhabiting in Delaware Bay, & Delaware River, 
(r) That all the Burgers and Planters will submit themselves to 
his Majesties Authority without making any Resistance. 

(2) That Whoever of what Nation soever doth sumbit to his Maj- 
esties Authority, shall be protected in their Estates reall and personall 
whatsoever, by his Majesties Lawes and Justice. 

(3) That the present Magistrates shall be continued in their Of- 
fices, and Jurisdiccons to Exercise their Civil 1 Po^wer as formerly. 

(4) That if any Dutchman or other person shall desire to depart 
from this River, that it shall he Lawfull for him so to doe, with his 
Goods within six Months after the date of these articles 

(5) That the magistrates and all the Inhabitants fwho are in- 
dnded in diese articles) shall take the Oaths of Allegiance to his Maj- 
rtfie and of Fidelity to the present Government. 


(6) That all the People shall Enjoy the Liberty of theire Con- 
science, in Church Discipline as formerly. 

(7) That whoever shall take the Oathes is from that time a free 
Denizen, and shall Enjoy all the privileges of Trading into any of his 
Majesty's Dominions as freely as any Englishman, and may require a 
Certificate for so doing. 

(44) (8) That the Scout, the Burgomasters Sheriffe and other Inferior 
Magistrates, shall use and Exercize their Customary Power in admin- 
istration of Justice, within theire precincts, for six monthes or untill his 
Majesties pleasure is further knowne. 
The Oath: 

I do Sweare by the Almighty God, that I will beare faith and Al- 
legiance to his Majestie of Great Britaine, and that I will obey all such 
Commands, as I shall receive from ye Governor Deputy Governor or 
other Officers appointed by his Majesties Authority so long as I live 
within these or any other his Majesties Territoryes. 
Given under our hand's & Seales Given under my hand and 

in the behalfe of ourselves and ye Scale this ist day of Octo- 

rest of ye Inhabitants ye ist day ber, in the yeare of our Lord 

of October in the yeare of our God 1664. 

Lord God 1664. Robert Carr. 

Fob Put Gout 

Henry Johnson 

Gerrett Saunders Vantiell 

Hans Block 

Lucas Peterson 

Henry Casturier. 

Book of ReoordB, 
No. 100 Relating 
to the several 
GourtB of Assizes. 

An Order for Olle Olleson Niels Nielsen &c. to 

Enjoye ye benefitt of what is granted to them in 

their Patent. 

Upon ye Petition of Olle Olleson Niels Nielsen Senr. & ye rest 

concerned in yet Patent graunted by my Predecessor Coll. Richard 

Nicolls for each of them to have a Plantation with proportion of 

meadow ground for Hay for their Cattle on Verdrietiges or Trinity 

Hook at Delaware, for ye which they had a graunt before those parts 

were reduced to his Majesties Obedience, who Complayne that Mr. 

William Tom having by misinformation obteyned a Patent for all that 

Marsh or Meadow ground whereon they had their proportion, hath by 

Order of ye Court at Delaware forbad them to cut Hay or to make 

bridges for their Cattle to goe into that Marsh without his leave ye 

which without reliefe will prove much to (45) their prejudice, having 

taken ye same into Consideration I doe thinke fitt to Order that ye 



said Olle Olloson Nids Nielsen & ye rest in ye said Patent Elxprest 
shall Injoy ye benefit oi what is granted them in their said Patent 
any Patent graunt or Order of Court made in favour of Mr. Tom to be 
Contrary notwithstanding. Given under my Hand at Fort James in 
New Yorke this i6th day of May 1670. 

Fo. 280. 

An Order for James Mills to purchase a Neck of Land for a plan- 
tation at ye whorekill. 

Whereas James Mills hath made Request unto me that he may 
have my Lycence to purchase a Certaine point or Neck of Land for a 
Plantation lyeing to the Southward of ye Towne at ye whorekill in 
Delaware Bay, The which as he alleadges was Consented unto by ye 
Commissioners there, & ordered by them to be certifyed & recom- 
ended unto me but was omitted by their Qarke, I have thought fitt to 
graunt his Request if it be as is ^dleadged, but Expect that the Com- 
missioners do make certificate thereof and likewise of ye Extent & 
Quality of the said Lands whereupon he shall have further Assurance 
by Patent for the same. Given under my Hand & Seale at Fort James 
in New Yorke this 12th day of January in ye 22nd yeare of his Majes- 
ties Raigne Anno Domini 1670. 

Book Patents. 

No. 1. Pa. 114. 

A Patent graunted unto Captain John Carr, for his 
Enjoyment of the Estate of Gerrett Van Swerring. 
Richard Nicolls Esq. Principal! Commissioner from his Majestic 
into New England, Governor General under his Royal Highnessc 
James Duke of York and Albany &c of all his Territoryes in America, 
and Commander in Chiefe over all the Forces Employed by his 
Majesty, to reduce the Dutch Nation, and all their usurped Lands and 
Plantations, under his Majesties Obedience, makes knowne unto all 
men by these presents, That in consideration of the Good Service per- 
formed by Captain John Carr in Storming and reducing (46) the Fort 
at Delaware, I have thought fitt to give and Grant, and by these pres- 
ents do give Ratify, Confirme and Graunt, unto the said Capt. John 
Carr his heires and Assignes, all the Lands Houses and Estate, reall 
or personall, which is, or shall be found, to have beene really and truly 
in the possession of or appertaining unto Gerrett Van Swerring, at the 
time when the said Fort was reduc't by Force, to his Majesty's Obed- 
ience it being sufficiently knowne that the said Gerrett Van Swerring 
then Schout was in Hostility against his Majesty, for which reason all 
his Estate stands Confiscated, And for the reasons aforesaid is given 
and Graunted unto the said Capt. John Carr, with all and singular the 
Appurtenances. To have and to hold, the said Lands Houses, Estate 
and Premisses, unto the said Capt. John Carr his Heires and Assignes, 
unto the proper use and behoofe of the said Capt. John Carr, his heirs 
and Assignes for ever Yielding and paying yearly and every yeare, unto 
his Majesties use, for and in Consideration of the said Lands Houses 


and Estate, Eight Bushells of Wheate, as a Quitt Rent, when it shall 
bee demanded, by those Persons in Authority, which his Majesty 
shall please hereafter to Empower and Establish in Delaware Eiver, 
and the parts and Plantations adjacent. In Confirmation and Testi- 
mony whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand and Seale at Fort James 
in New Yorke the 20th day of June, in the 17th yeare of his Majesties 
Reigne. Anno Domini 1665. 

Rich'd Nicolls. 

Fo. 116 

A Patent graunted unto Mr. William Tom, for an 

Island at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls Esq. Principall Commissioner from his Ma- 
jesty into New England, Governor Generall, under his Royall 
Highnesse, James Duke of Yorke and Albany &c of all his Territoryes 
in America, and Commander in Chiefe, over all the (47) Forces em- 
ployed by his Majesty to reduce the Dutch Nation, and all their usur- 
ped Lands and Plantations, under his Majesties Obedience, makes 
knowne unto all Men by these presents, that in Consideration of the 
Good Service performed by Mr. William Tom at Delaware, I have 
thought fitt to give and Graunt, and by these presents do give Ratify, 
Confirme and Graunt, unto the said William Tom a certain Island 
with the Plantation thereupon, heretofore belonging unto Peter Al- 
richs, lying about seven miles below New Castle towards the Mouth 
of ye River, the said Island standing confiscated upon the Accompt of 
the said Peter Alrichs, who was in Hostility against his Majesty at ye 
reducing of the Fort at Delaware, And I do likewise hereby give and 
graunt unto the said William Tom, a certaine piece of Meadow Ground 
or Valley, lying at the Mouth of the said River at Delaware, between 
Christine Creeke or Kill and Verdrechts Hooke, being bounded on 
the back side with a Creeke commonly called Brandywine Kill Con- 
teining by Estimacion five hundred Acres, bee they more or less; As 
also a small Parcell of Land lying within the Towne, containing, about 
halfe an Acre of Ground Bounded on the South with the Mill, on the 
North by the High Way on the East the Strand, and on the West the 
Mart. To have and to hold, the said Island Piece of Meadow and 
small Parcell of Land and premisses, unto the said Willm Tom, his 
Heires and Assignes, unto the proper use and behoofe of the said Wil- 
liam Tom, his heires and Assignes forever. Yielding and Paying year- 
ly and every Yeare, unto his Majesties use, for and in Consideration of 
the said Island and premises, Eight Bushells of Wheate, as a Quitt 
Rent, when it shall be demanded, by those Persons in Authority, 
which his Majesty shall please hereafter to Empower, and Establish 
in Delaware River, and the parts and Plantations adjacent: In Con- 
firmation and testimony whereof, I have hereunto sett my Hand and 
Seale, at Fort James in New Yorke, the 20th day of June, in the 17th 
yeare of his Majesties Reigne, Anno Domini, 1665. 

R. Nicolls. 




Book — ^Minutes of Ck>uncil, 
16e8-1678, fo. 64. 

At a Council held in ye Fort ye 21st June, 1671. 
Minutes of Council 1668 1678 fo. 64. 

The Governor 
Mr. Steenwyck 
The Secretary. 
The Matter first under Consideration, is the Busynesse of Dela- 
ware, about granting Patents there. 

Capt Carr declares that Governor Nicolls gave ye Officers Order 
to make Grants of Land to those that would plant there, which being 
remitted to ye Governor, he was pleased to give Patents for them. 
The signing of Patents for those Parts concluded on. 
An Order also relating the Grant to Mr. Mills the which is to ex- 
tend only to ye Whore kill Lands, though mentioned Parts adjacent, 
on ye South side of the Whorekills. 

Fo. 91-94 

At a Councell held in Fort James May ye 17th 1672. 

The Governor 
Capt. Delavall 
Mr. Steenwyck 
Capt. Willett 
The Secretary. 
Maryland and the Whore kill. 

Upon Consideration had of a Certificate brought by Capt. Jno. 
Carr from New Castle in Delaware River about ye pretences from 
Maryland to the whore kill and their sending Surveyors to lay out 
Lands without the Consent or approbation of the Officers thereunder 
ye Protection of his Royall Highness, who withstood their Proceed- 
ings therein, it is Ordered that ye Magistrates there be vindicated in 
what they have done, to whom a Letter of Thanks is to be sent & it is 
likewise expected that they continue in their Observance of such Or- 
ders & Directions as they shall receive from this his R. Highness Gov- 
ernment & none other, untill his Majesties or his (49) Royall Highness 
Pleasure be signified to the Contrary. 

By Order &c. 

Book RecordB 
Foreign & Domestick 
1674 1677 fo. 1. 

His Majesties Letters Patents to his Royall High- 
nesse, Recorded November 4th, 1674. 
Charles the second by the Grace of God, King of England Scot- 
land France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith &c. To all to whom 
these Presents shall come Greeting: Know Yee, that Wee for divers 


good Causes and Considerations, Have of our Elspetial Grace certame 
knowledge and meere motion, Given and granted, and by these pres- 
ents for us our Heirs and Successors; Do give and Grant unto our 
Dearest Brother, James Duke of Yorke, his Heirs and Assignes, All 
that part of the Maine Land of New Elngland, beginning at a Certaine 
place called or knowne by the Name of St. Croix, next adjoining to 
New Scotland in America; and from thence extending along the sea- 
coast unto a Certaine place called Petuaguine or Pemaquid, and so up 
the River thereof, to the furthest head of the same, as it tendeth North- 
wards, and extending from the River of Kinebeque, and so upwards 
by the shortest Course to the River Canada Northwards; And all that 
Island or Islands commonly called by the severall name or names of 
Matonacks or Long Island, situate and being towards the West of 
Cape Codd and the narrow Higansetts, abutting upon the Maine Land, 
between the two Rivers there, called or knowne by the severall names 
of Connecticut and Hudsons River, together also with the said River 
called the Hudsons River, and all the land from the West side of Con- 
necticut River, to the East side of Delaware Bay; And also all those 
severall Islands called or known by the Names of Martin Vineyards 
and Nantukes, otherwise Nantuckett; Together with all the Lands, Is- 
lands, Soiles, Rivers, Harbors, Mines Mineralls, Quarryes, Woods, 
(50) Marshes, Waters, Lakes, Fishings, Hawking, Hunting and Fowl- 
ing; and all other Royalties, proffits, Commodoties, and Heredita- 
ments, to the said severall Islands, Lands and premisses, belonging 
and appertaining with their and every of their appurtenences, and all 
our Estate, Right, Title and Interest, benefit and advantage Claime 
and demand, of, in or to the said Lands or premisses, or any part or 
parcell thereof, and the Revercon and Revercons, remainder & re- 
mainders together with the yearly and other Rents, Revenues and 
Proffits of the premisses and of every part and parcell thereof; To have 
and to hold all any singular the said Lands and primesses, with their 
and every of their appurtenances hereby given and graunted, or herein 
before mentioned to bee given and graunted, unto our said Dearest 
Brother, James Duke of Yorke his Heirs and Assignes forever; To be 
holden of us our Heirs and Successors as of our Mannor of East 
Greenwich, in our County of Kent, in free and Common Soccage and 
not in Capite or by Knight service. Yielding and rendering, And the 
said James Duke of York for himselfe his Heirs and Assignes doth 
Covenant and promise to yield and render unto us our Heirs and Suc- 
cessors of and for the same yearly and every yeare, Forty Beaver 
Skins, when they shall be demanded, or within ninety dayes after such 
demand made ; And wee do further of our special Grace certaine knowl- 
edge and meere Motion, for us our Heirs and Successors, Give and 
Graunt unto our said Dearest Brother James Duke of Yorke, his 
Heirs Deputyes, Agents, Commissioners and Assignes by these Pres- 
ents, full and absolute Power and authority, to Correct, punish, par- 
don. Govern and Rule, all such the Subjects of us our Heirs and Suc- 
cessors, or any other Person or Persons as shall from time to time ad- 



renture themselves into any the parts or places aforesaid, or that shall 
or do at any time hereafter (51) Inhabit within the same, according to 
such Lawes, Orders, Ordinances, directions and Instructions as by our 
said Dearest Brother, or his Assignes, shall bee Established; And in 
defect thereof in cases of Necessity, according to the good Discretions 
of his Deputyes Commisioners, Officers or Agents respectively, as 
well in all Cases and matters Capitall and Criminall, as Civill Marine 
and others, so alwayes as the said Statutes Ordinances and proceed- 
ings, bee not Contrary to, but as neare as may bee agreeable to the 
Lawes Statutes and Government of this our Realm of England; and 
saving and reserving to us, our Heirs and Successors the receiving, 
hearing and determining of the Appeal and Appeals of all or any Per- 
son or Persons, of, in or belonging to the Territoryes or Islands afore- 
said, or, touching any Judgment or Sentence to bee there made or 
Given, and further, that it shall and may be lawfull, to and for our said 
Dearest Brother, his Heirs and Assignes by these presents, from time 
to time to Nominate make Constitute, Ordaine and Confirme, such 
Lawes as aforesaid, by such Name or Names, Stile or Stiles as to 
him or them shall seem good. And likewise to revoke discharge, 
change and alter, as well all and singular Governors Officers and Min- 
isters which hereafter shall bee by him or them thought fit and needful 
to be made or used within the aforesaid Islands and parts; And also 
to make Ordaine and Establish all manner of Lawes, Orders, Direc- 
tions, Instructions, formes and Ceremonyes of Government and Ma- 
gistracy, fit and necessary, for and concerning the Government of the 
Territoryes & Islands aforesaid, so alwayes as the same bee not Con- 
trary to the Lawes and Statutes of this our Realme of England, but as 
near as may be agreeable thereunto, and the same at all times here- 
after, to put in Execution or Abrogate, revoke or change, not onely 
within the precencts of the said Territoryes or Islands, but also upon 
the Seas in going and coming to and from the same as (52) hee or 
they in their good discretions shall think fittest for the good of the ad- 
venturers and Inhabitants. And wee do further of our Especiall grace, 
certaine knowledge and meere motion.. Grant Ordaine and Declare, 
That such Governors, Deputyes Officers and Ministers, as from time 
to time shall be authorized and appointed, in manner and forme afore- 
said, shall and may have full power and authority within ye Territor- 
yes aforesaid, to use and exercise Marshall Law, in cases of Rebellion, 
Insurrection and Mutiny in as large and ample manner, as our Lieu- 
tenants in our Countyes, within our Realme of England, have or ought 
to have by force of their Commission of Lieutenancy, or any Law or 
Statute of this our Realme, And Wee do further by these presents, 
for us our Heirs and Successors, grant unto our said Dearest Brother, 
James Duke of York his Heirs & Assignes That it shall and may bee 
lawfull, to and for the said James Duke of Yorke his Heirs and As- 
signes, in his or their discretion, from time to time, to admit such and 
so many person and persons, to Trade and Trafficke into and within ye 
Territoryes and Islands aforesaid, (and into every or any the Territor- 



yes and Islands aforesaid) & into every, or any part and parcell there- 
of; And to have, possesse and Enjoy any Lands & Hereditaments, in 
the P'tes and places aforesaid, as they shall think fitt, according to the 
Lawes, Orders, constitutions and ordinances, by our said Brother, his 
Heires Deputyes Commissioners and Assignes from time to time to 
bee made & established, by Vertue of, and according to the true Intent 
and meaning of these presents and under such Conditions, reservations 
and Agreements as our said Dearest Brother his Heirs and Assigties 
shall set downe Order, direct and appoint, and not otherwise as afore- 
said, and wee do further of our especiall Grace, certaine knowledge & 
meere motion for us our Heirs and Successors, give and (53) Graunt 
unto our said Dearest Brother his Heires and Assignes by these presents 
that it shall and may be lawfull to and for him them or any of them, at 
all and every time and times hereafter out of any of our Realmes or 
Dominions whatsoever to take lead carry and transport in and into 
their Voyages, for and towards the Plantation of our said Territoryes 
and Islands aforesaid, all such and so many of our Loving subjects, 
or any other Strangers, being not prohibited, or under restraint, that 
will become our Loving subjects and live under our Allegiance and 
shall willingly accompany them in the said Voyages together with all 
such Qoathing, Implements, Furniture and other things usually trans- 
ported, and not prohibited, as shall be necessary for the Inhabitants of 
the said Islands and Territoryes, and for their use and defence thereof, 
and manageing and carrying on the Trade with the People there, and 
in passing and returning to and fro. Yielding and Paying to us our 
Heirs and Successors, the Customes and Dutyes therefore due and 
payable, according to the Lawes and Customes of this our Realme, 
And Wee do also for us our Heirs and Successors, graunt to our said 
Dearest Brother James Duke of Yorke his Heirs and Assignes and to 
all and every such Governor or Governors or Deputies, their Officers 
or Ministers, as by our said Brother, his Heirs or Assignes, shall bee 
appointed to have power and Authority of Government, or Command, 
in or over the Inhabitants of the said Territoryes or Islands, that they, 
or every of them, shall, and lawfully may from time to time, and at sdl 
times forever hereafter, for their Severall defence & Safety, encounter, 
repulse and expell and resist by force of Armes (as well by Sea as by 
Land) and all wayes and meanes whatsoever, all such Person and Per- 
sons, as without the speciall Licence of our Dearest Brother, his Heirs 
and Assignes shall attempt to Inhabit within the Severall precincts 
and Limits of our said Territoryes and Islands. And also all and every 
such Person and Persons whatsoever, as shall enterprize and attempt 
at any time hereafter, the Distruction invasion, detriment or annoy- 
ances to the parts, places or Islands (54) aforesaid, or any part thereof; 
And Lastly, our will and pleasure is, And wee do hereby declare and 
graunt, That these our L'res Patents, or ye enrollment thereof shall bee 
good and effectuall in the Law to all intents and purposes whatsoever, 
Notwithstanding the not well and true reciting or mentioning of the 
premisses, or any part thereof, or the Limits or Bounds thereof, or of 


any farmer or other LVcs patents or graunt* whrtl!»o^v^»-» \\\a\W iit* 
graunted or of any part thereof, by us or Any of our tmigt^tilloi i*^ \\\\\^ 
any Person or Persons whatsoever* Hoilycs |xilHlck ot- T'ni(MMrti^» of- 
any Law or other restraint, incertainty or intucrfntinh NvhrtUn^vi»t hi 
the contrary in any wise notwithstanding; AlthoU|^h 0Kpii*j»9t* tttt^ttiinh 
of the true yearly value or certainty of the prruilnprn. ot iif rtity tif lli*»tn, 
or of any other guifts or Graunts by us or by m\y of tMii ptnReultot«<, 
heretofore made to the said James Duke of Yorke In tlirnt* presf^iil.«» tl 
not made, or any Statute, Act Ordinance, provision, ptorlflttiflflejfi ht 
restriction heretofore had made enacted or t)rovi(lrd, or nny othf^r ttirtt- 
ter cause or thing whatsoever, to the contrary tlierrof, In Htiy wIa^ fiof- 
withstanding. In Witness whereof wee have ciiu?»ed thf»f»e* nut l/fM 
to bee made patents, Witnesse oursclfc at Wtstm. the Sj\h t)ny tft 
June, in the 26th yeare of our Reignc. 

Fo. 4 

His Royall Highnesse Comfn»<%)*Krn fo (ifrv^tn^mf 
Edmund Andros. 
James Duke of Yorkc and Albany, Earle of tJhf^r fif 
Whereas it hath pleased the Kinc^s mo<^t exrfll^^nt M^j^^ty, my 
Soveraigne Lord and Brother, by his LVes Patents Up gW^ Pind p^r^^'\M 
unto mcc and to my Heirs and Assigfne?^, (55) All th?it p^rt ^A fh^ 
Maine Land of New England, beginning at a cert;*ir»<» ^^t^ r?j|l^/1 m 
knowne by the name of St. Croix, next adjoining fo iM(^w 5v^ot1?»r>d m 
America, and from thence extending along the Sea ('x/a<^X, tinto n ^<*f- 
taine place called Petnaqnine or Pentaquiri, and <w> u^ the Riv«*f fh<*r(^ 
of to the farthest head of the same a^ it tendeth NFori-hw^rds, ^nd ^<- 
tending from, dience to the River of Kineher|m and ^f i>pw;frd«4 to \\s^ 
shortest Com-sc, to the River Canada Morthward**, And Pflso aW fh^it 
Ts^aiTff or Islands, commonly called by the !;evfr;i11 >J;»m^ or .V'^m<*«? <^ 
UfatntTgrW or Long Island, situate lyin^ and being row^ird*? *^hf» W>^t 
of Cape Cod, and the narrow Higansett«. abutting i>pon th^ main^ 
Land, between the two Rivers there, called or knowne by *h^ ^^^t^xtlW 
xEunes of Connecticutt and Hudsons Rivr, together ;fko n-}^ 'he 
said River called Hudsons River, and all the f^nd from ^h^ W'**^*' ^*d^ 
of Connecticutt River, to the East ^ide of D<*]awarf» R^y; ^nd ;flv> A\ 
those severall Islands called or knowne hy ^be jiani#» of \f »rtin<* Vine* 
yards, and N^antukes, otherwise NTantuck^^t. together .^*tb ;f1l th^ 
Lands Islands Soiles River; Harbours, .Vfin^^. .VTifleralls, (^t^rr/f*^, 
Woads. Marshes, Waters, I-^kes, Fishings. H^rwrkin^f Kuntin^ ;m/f 
Fowling; and ail other Royalties and Proffit*;, Ovnmodtti^^ ;*nd Ker«f- 
ditaments. to the said seveniil Islands £>;*nds ;^d Prffniss^s h^lonsfinjf 
ant appertaimng; with their and every of tberr ^pnr^rr\^<x\rf^. T& 
hold the same to my iwne pmnfT :Tse ;*nd behoof e, jritb p<Kv^ to Cor- 
rect pmnsh Pardon (^veme and Rule rhe Inh^bit^mts ^hef^of by my- 
sctieorsnch Depntyes, Commission's or Offics ;w I ^b^vll rb^nV rrft 
to ;4ipoim, as by his Majesties; ^uwd I,' res p?*fents vnry mof<« f»iHy ;fj^* 
pcar& And whereas I have ; 56) conceived jc gfood ^>f>mton of ^b** in- 



tegrity prudence, ability, and fitnes, of Major Edmund Andros, to bcc 
employed as my Lieutenant there. I have therefore thought fit to 
Constitute and appoint him the said Major Edmund Andros, to be my 
Lieutenant and Governor within the Laiids Islands & places aforesaid 
to performe and execute all and every the powers, which are by the 
said Letters Patents graunted unto me to be executed by mee, my 
Deputy Agent or Assignes. To have and to hold the said place of 
Lieutenant and Governor unto him the said Edmund Andros Esq. but 
during my Will and pleasure onely ; Hereby willing and requiring all 
and every the Inhabitants of the said Lands, Islands and places, to give 
Obedience unto him the said Edmund Andros Esq. in all things ac- 
cording to the Tenour of his Majesties Letters Patents & the sd. Ed- 
mund Andros Esq. to observe, follow and execute such Orders and 
Directions, as hee shall from time to time receive from myselfe. Given 
under my hand and Scale at Windsor this ist day of July 1674. 
By command of his Royall Highnesse. James. 

Jo. Werden. 

Ck>pies from the Originals on File. 

By vcrtue of a Warrant from the Co't of New Castle 
of a Resurvay of the Land lately to Mr. William 
Toms Deceased with an addition thereunto to Mr. 
John Williams. 
Laid out for Mr. John Williams a Certen Island heretofore be- 
longing to Mr. William Tom situated lying and being on ye West side 
of Delaware River & about sevean Myles below ye Towne of New 
Castle in ye byte of ye said River ye said Island being in Length 200 
pearches & in breath 40 pearches and Containing in Acres 60 & also 
for ye said Williams Laid out at ye back of ye said Island a peace of 
new Land begening at a Corner marked wt oake standing upon a 
point & by ye edge of a Marsh (57) & by a Creeke Commonly called 
Mr. Toms Creeke which Devides this Land from Mr. Peter Alrichs 
Land & runing into ye Woods a Longe ye said Creeke North West & 
by West 282 pearches to a Comer marked black oake standing by ye 
highway which Leads to apogenimy & Maryland then South with a 
Line of marked Trees to a Corner marked hicory 340 pearches, then 
West and by North to a Corner marked wt oake standing at the side 
of a banke and by a small branch of ye Read Lyon Creeke 170 pearches 
then from ye said marked oake a Longe ye said Branch South West & 
by West 26 pearches then a Longe ye Swamp of Read Lyon Creeke 
Elast and by South 294 pearches to a Comer marked wt. oak standing 
upon a Point by a Marsh side at ye backe of Island then from ye Oak 
North East & by East to ye first mentioned marked oake 460 pearches 
laid out boath Island & Woodland for 507^ Acres of Dry Land & 50 
Acres of Marsh or fly being laid out ye 6 Day of March 1679-80. 

by Ed Cantwell. 


Jan'ry ye 19 Day 1679. 

By vertue oi a Warrant from ye Co't of New Castle bearing Date 
ye 3 Day of June last past Laid out for Benjamin Gumly one peace of 
Land situated on ye South side of blacke birds Creeke towards ye head 
thereof begening at a Comer marked Spanish Oak standing upon ye 
side of a banke at the side of blacke birds Creeke & at ye mouth of a 
brance which parts & Devides this Land from Joseph holdens Land 
South East alonge ye said brance to a Comer marked white oake 
standing in a forke at ye Deviding of ye said brance 100 pearches then 
South west by a Line of marked Trees to a Corner Spanish oake stand- 
ing at ye Eadge of a pann of water in ye woods 320 poles or pearches 
then North by a Line of marked Trees to a Comer marked Chesnut 
standing upon ye side of a high banke by a Swampe side at ye head of 
blacke birds Creeke 180 pearches then from ye said Chesnut ye severall 
Courses of ye Creeke to the first mentioned Corner Spanish oake 320 
pearches Containg & laid out for 280 Acres of Land Laid out by me. 

Ed Cantwell. 

Reed. Feb. 26 1679-80. 


Jan'ry ye 19 Day 1679-80 

By vertue of a warrant from ye Co't of New Castle bearing date 
the I Day of July last past Laid out for Thomas Snelling one peace of 
Land situated on ye North side of Black Birds Creeke & begening at 
a marked wt. oak standing upon a point by black birds Creeke side and 
from ye said Oake ye severall Courses of ye Creek South-Wesl & by 
West 230 pearches to a Marke Oak standing by a brance of black 

birds Creeke which brance Devides this Land from Persifell Wostendell 
& Companys Land & from ye said oake a Long ye said Brance into the 
Woods North West and by North 240 pearches to a marked poplar 
standing by a small pann of Water & from ye said poplar by a Line of 
marked threes ye same Course 80 pearches to a Comer Marked Span- 
ish Oake & from ye said Oak a Crose ye Woods by a Line of Marked 
Threes Northeast & by North 230 pearches to a Comer marked White 
Oak standing by a brance of black birds Creeke Commonly called yc 
Beaver Dam brance which said brance partes & Devids this Land 
from ye Land of John and Henry hartop & a Longe ye said brance 
South East and by South 320 pearches to ye first mentioned Corner 
white Oak being laid out for 460 Acres of Land & Six Acres of Sonkon 
Marsh Laid out by me. 

Ed Cantwell. 

Reed. Feb. 26 1679-80. 

Aprill the 22th 1676. 

Surveyed for Abraham Enloes a parcell of Land called Abrahams 
Delight, scituate and being on the West side of Delaware River, & on 
the North side of St. Augustines Creeke next adjoining to ye Land erf 
Mr. F^cr Alricks. Beginning at a Comer marked white oak Stand- 
ing on a Point in ye first fork of ye sayd Creek and from ye sayd oak 



Runing North East, sixty eight perches, North sixty four perches 
North Westerly 58 degrees two hundred twenty and three perches 
(bounding on ye Northern branch) to a Comer marked white oak 
standing on a small point between the two head (59) branches of ye 
sayd Northern Branch from thence South by West by a line of marked 
Trees, sixty and two perches to a Comer marked white oak standing at 
ye East side of ye head of a Swamp which proceedeth out of ye maine 
branch of St. Augustines Creek and from thence downe the severall 
Courses of ye sayd Swamp & Creek to the first mentioned white oak, 
Conteining and now layd out for One hundred and Seaventy Acres of 

by me Walter Wharton. 
By order and appointment of Capt. Edmond Cant- 
well Surveyor Generall. 

Surveyed the 23rd Day of July 1675 for Thomas Jacobson Olie 
Paulson & Arent Johnson, Two hundred forty & Eight Acres of Land, 
Called Red Clayes point, scituate on the Westward side of Delaware 
River, and on the North & Northwest side of Broad & Cheese Island, 
& is more than halfe Compassed with a branch of Christiana Creek, 
Called Red Qayes Creek; Begining at a Comer marked White Oak 
standing at ye mout small Branch of Red Clayes Creek 

Called hevin nch devideth this from the Land of Jacob 

& from the sayd oak Runing North-Easterly seven de- 
grees up the said branch or Rivolets One hundred and Sixty perches, 
then from the sayd Rivolet North by a Line of marked Trees one hun- 
dred and Sixty perches to a Comer marked white oak standing on a 
Levell, from thence West by a Line of marked Trees one hundred 
perches to a Corner marked white oake standing under a high bank by 
a small Swamp, nigh unto the side of Red Clayes Creek; and from 
thence runing downe the severall Courses of the said Creeke to the 
first mentioned white oak at the mouth of Herrang branch (Viz) one 
hundred Acres part hereof being formerly granted unto the said 
Thomas (60) Jacobson, Olie Paulson & Thomas Snelling by Patent 
bearing date the first day of October 1669 (since which time Arent 
Johnson is Invested in the Right of Thomas Snelling) And one hun- 
dred & forty eight Acres the other part hereof being new Land. 

by me Walter Wharton 

by order of Capt. Ed Cantwell 
Surveyor Generall. 

May ye i6th 1676. 
Surveyed for Maurice Daniel, a parcel of Land Called Dmmmers 
Neck Situate and being on the West side of Delaware River, & on the 
North west side of Appquenemink Creek; Begining at a Corner 
marked white oak standing on a Point by the sayd Creek at the upper 
side of a branch, which at ye Mouth thereof divideth this from the 
Land of Bemard Hendrickson: And from ye sayd oak Runing up ye 
branch North North- West, forty perches and then North West, by ye 


sayd Bernards Line of marked trees, four hundred and Eighty perches 
to a Comer marked hickry from thence South West by a line of 
marked Trees sixty perches to a Corner marked Red oak, being the 
upper Comer Tree of a parcell of Land formerly granted to Jacob 
Hiden: from thence South East by ye sayd Jacobs Line of marked 
Trees four hundred perches into a Swamp: and then downe the Swamp 
South-South East, sixty perches to ye aforesaid Creek: and finally 
downe along the Creek to the first mentioned white Oak Conteining 
one hundred and Ninety Acres of Land : which was formerly granted 
unto John Bradboum, by Patent bearing date ye 17th day of June 1671 
and by him deserted. 

by me Walter Wharton. 

By Order & appointment of Capt. Edmond Cant- 

well Surveyor Generall. 
17th June 1671. Survey of Land for Morris Daniel. 




Track of La 

side of Delaware Bay & on ye North 

anch of A creek Called Duck Creik 

Bay Begining at a White Oak being 

a track of Land called Whitehall 

Creik 500 pearches to another Bounded 

side from thence North by a Line of 

Bounded White Oak standing in ye 

ence East by a line marked Trees 

to a bounded White by a great Criple 500 pearches 

from thence South by a Line of marked Threes to the first bounded 

Tree— Containing one thousand Acres By me. 

Examined By me Walter Wm. Taylor by Appointment of Mr. 

Wharton Surveyor. Walter Wharton G. Surveyor. 







^ jy^'^^S.O^zmJ. 




By Vertue of a warrant from the Whore kill Co't 
Bearing date ye 14th Day of Febru. Ao. 1679-80 

Layd out for Thomas Garvess a parcell of Land Called Garvess his 
Likeing situated on the West side of Delaware Bay & on the North 
side of a Creeke Called St. Jones Creeke Beginning at Marked Red 
Oake being the Bounded Tree of the Land of John Brinekloe standing 
on the said Creekes side & Running from thence West North West 
fifty perches binding on the said Creeke, then North-North West one 
hundred perches binding on the said Creeke, and then West North 
West on the said Creek fifty perches to a marked beach Tree standing 
by a Little branch by the side of the said Creeke and from thence 
North East with a Line of Marked Trees three hundred & twenty 
perches, to a marked Red Oake standing in the Woods by a Meadow 
& from thence South East with a Line of marked Trees to a Bounded 
white oake of John Brinkloe & from thence Southwest parallell with 
the Line of marked Trees of said John Brinkloe three hundred and 
Twenty perches to the first bounded Red oake Containing & Laid out 
for three hundred Acres of Land February ye i8th Ao. 1679-80 by 

Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 
At a Co't held for the Whore kill 
Sept. the 2th A 1680: Certified the above named is not Seated. 

Luke Wattson. 












By Vertue of a Warrant from the Whore kill Cort, 
bearing Date ye 14th of Febru. Ao. 1679-80 

Laid out for Thomas Clifford a parcell of Land called Clifford his 
purchase scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North 
side of a Creeke called St. Jones his Creeke Beginning at a marked 
beach Tree being the Bounded tree of Thomas Garvess standing by a 
Little Branch on the sd Creeks side & running from thence North 
West by West fifty perches binding on the said Creek then North 
West by North fifty perches binding on the said Creeke & then North 
West one hundred perches binding on the said Creeke to a marked 
white oake standing on the said Creekes side and from thence North 
East with a Line of marked Trees three hundred and twenty perches 
to a marked Hickarie standing in the Woods and from thence South 
East with a Line of marked Trees two hundred perches to the Bounded 
Red Oake of Thomas Garress and from thence parallel with the 
marked Line of Trees of said Garress three hundred and Twenty 
perches to the first bounded Beach Tree Conteining and Laid out for 
fowr hundred acres of Land. 

by Cornells Verhoofe Surveyor. 
February ye 20th, Ao. 1679-80 

At a Co't held for the Whore kill 

Sept. ye 2th Anno 1680. Certified the above named is not seated. 
Luke Wattson. 




Capt. John Avery 
Mr. Alex Molestine 
Mr. Luke Wattson 

At a Calld Court for the Whore Kill the 5th Day of 
July Ao. 1679. 


John Roades 
James Wells 


Barnard Hodges petitioner. 

Whereas the Petitioner hath made appeare that hee hath been 
setled upon the Land he now Dwells not knowing but the said Land 
being Clear and free of any Qayme & haveing built Cleared manured 
& Dwelt there upon the said Land about Eighteen Monthes & haveing 
Imployed William Taylor thereunto to Survey the same which Survey 
not being returned to the Office for a Patent the petitioner being 
Doubtfull that any other person or persons might proceed and Clayme 
the Petitioners J'st Right thereof, The Court (^) hath Allowed the Pe- 
titioner to proceed when he please to Cause the Surveyor to Survey the 
said Land 

Vera Copia. 
Test Comelis Verhoofe C. & Cu'. Whore Kill 

^ifca£u of^ 


ficuiCof^An ^t4nt^ ^^ eraA • u^ 




By Vertue of an order of Court from the Justices of 
the Whorekill bearing date the 5th Day of July A. D. 

Laid out for Barnard Hodges a parcell of Land Called Hodges 
Deserts & now called James his Valley was also formerly called ye 
Mullberry Swamp being situated on the West side of Delaware bay 
and on the North side of a Creeke called St. Jones Creeke, being a 
parcell of Land by Information formerly laid out for one Thomas 
Merrett, now Deceased Beginning at a Bounded Red oake being the 
first Bounded tree of Richard Levrick & Gabrie Jones their Land Run- 
ning from the said Oake Nort East with a Line of marked Trees 
binding upon the said Land of said Levrick & Jones three hundred and 
twenty perches to a Bounded Hickarie being said Levrick & Jones 
their uppermost bounded Tree & from thence South East by a Line of 
marked Trees two hundred perches to the uppermost bounded wt. oake 
of Walter Wharton Deceased his Land now belonging unto Walter 
Dickison (65) by purchases Then Downe the said Line with marked 
Trees South West three hundred & Twenty perches to a Marked 
Blacke oake standing by a marsh near the said Creeke, then North 
West two hundred tches binding on the said St. Jones 

Creeke to first bounded Red Oake Containing & laid out for 

four hundred Acres of Land 

ly 15th Ao. 1679 by Cornelis Verhoofe 


Examined and Certified that the Land is allready seated by the 
above named John Avery. 

At a Calld Court held 

July 25th 1679: 

Entratt In the Booke S V: the Records of Surveyor 
Test Corn. Verhoofe Cler. & Surveyor. 
Lib. 24 & 25. 


Walter Dickinson hath a Patent for the same & Copies hereof sent. 



70 So go /eo 

y^^o^^g^j? -^^ 


March 8th Ao. 1676-7 
Laid out for John Kipshaven & Peter Hanson Jointly one Tract 
of Land called Hopewell situated on the Westward side of Delaware 
Bay & on the North side of a Creeke Called Murther Creeke Begin- 
ning at a Red Oake standing by a marsh side proceeding from a 
Branch seperating the Land of Jonathan Hopkins and Running from 
ye said Red Oake North by West one hundred & five pertches unto a 
Point near unto the aforesaid Murther Creeke and from the said point 
Running North-West by North one hundred and five pertches unto a 
Marked white oake, And from thence West North West into the 
Woods three hundred and twenty pertches unto a marked white oaked 
standing by a Meadow. And from thence South South East two hun- 
dred pertches unto (66) a marked popular, And from thence East 
North East three hundred & twenty perches unto the first Bounded 
Red Oake Containing four hundred & thirteen Acres of Land. 
By order & appointment of by Comelis Verhoofe 

Capt. Ed Cantwell Surveyor. Deputy Surveyor. 

Vera Copia 
From the Booke S V the Record of Survey Lib. ii 

Test. Cornelis Verhoofe Cler. & Surv'r. 
Mr. Peter Groenendyk hath the same Land granted him by Order of 
Court dated Sept loth 1679. Certified to bee Td out 13 Nov. 1679. 



^y^ifcoJi 0fl!^a'&^ftJweM4. 

f u»fe aim An 

^ ••O/92/02fQ'Jf:7^-^: ^ 


By Vertue of a Warrant from ye Whore Kill Court 
Bearing Date ye loth of September Ao. 1679. 
Layd out for Peter Groenendyck a parcell of Land Called new 
Seavenhoven scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the 
North side of a Creeke called Murther Creeke beginning at a Red 
Oake standing by a Marsh side proceeding from a Branch separating 
the Land of Jonathan Hopkins & Running from the said Red Oake 
North by West One hundred & five perches unto a point neare unto 
the aforesaid Murther Creeke & from ye said point Running North- 
West by North One hundred and five perches unto a marked white 
oake & from thence West North West into ye woods three hundred 
and twenty perches unto a White oake standing 

addon & from thence South South East two hundred 
perches unto a marked poplar & from East three hundred and 

twenty perches unto ye first Bounded Red Oake Containing & laid out 
for fower (67) hundred & thirteen Acres of Land which said Land be- 
ing formerly Laid out for John Kipsha and peter Hanson. 
November ye 13th by Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor 

Ao. 1679. was signed, 

Test. Corn. Verhoofe John Avery. 

Cler. & Surveyor. 
A New Survey for Mr. Peter Groenendyck of the Land that was afore 
laid out for John Kippshoven & Peter Hansen, Nov. 13th, 1679. 



^ Ji0 €dSo £09 

Mn/ o^^'O^/^p 


March 8th A. D. 1676-7 
Laid out for John Kipshaven & Peter Hanson Joyntly one Tract 
of Land called Hopewell scituated on the Westward side of Delaware 
Bay and on the North side of a Creeke called Murther Creeke Beegin- 
ing at a Red Oake standing by a marsh side proceeding from a Branch 
Seperating the Land of Johnathan Hopkins and runing from the said 
Red oake North by West One hundred and five pertches unto a point 
neare unto the aforesaid Murther Creeke & from the said point Run- 
ing North West by North one hundred and five pertches unto a marked 
white oake and from thence West North West into the Woods three 
hundred and twenty Pertches unto a White oake standing by a 
Meadow & from thence South South East two hundred pertches unto 
a Marked popular & from thence East North East three hundred and 
twenty pertches, unto the first Bounded Red Oake Containing fowr 
hundred & thirteen Acres of Land. by Cornelis Verhoofe 

By Order and Appointment of Capt Deputy Surveyor. 

Edm'd Cantwell Surveyor. 

Vera Copia 
Test. Cornelis Verhoofe Qer. 




^JVT^f^^ ^WT£^ 

See the Patent 

Page 256 

By Vertue of a Warrant from the Court at the 
Whore Kill Dated ye loth of Jan'ry 1677-8. 
Layd out for John Briggs a parcell of Land Called Popler Ridge 
scituate & being on the West side of Delaware Bay about two miles 
above St. Jones Creeke (Being bounded as followeth) Beginning at « 
Comer marked white Oak standing at the South East side of a Swamp 
which divideth this from a piece of Land Called Popler neck: And from 
the sayd oak Runing Downe ye sayd Swampe, North Easterly 55 De- 
grees, ninety & two perches, East South-East, Seventy & four perches^ 
and North-Easterly 75 Degrees; one hundred, forty and two perches 
to another Corner marked white oak standing on a Point at the South 
East side of the sayd Swamp: from thence South by a Line of marked 
Trees one hundred ninety & Eight perches to a Corner marked black 
oak, standing on a Barren Levell, from thence South West by a Line 
of marked Trees (69) Seventy and two Perches, to a Comer Marked 
Black oak standing in the head Line of the Land of Robert Jones from 



thence North West (along the sayd Jones his Line of marked Trees) 
one hundred and twelve perches to the upper Comer of the said Jones 
his Land being marked with a post in the Ground: from thence South 
West thirty & three perches to a Comer marked white oake of the Land 
of Walter Wha and from thence, by his Line of marked Trees, 
North West one hundred & Eighty perches to the first mentioned 
white oake Containing two hundred and sixty Acres of Land. 
FebVy ye 23rd By me Walter Wharton Surveyor 

1677-8 Helm. Wiltbanck. 




•T- i&^iloo/Uite^^ 







See Patent, 
Page 257. 

by Vertue of a Warrant from the Court at the 
Whore Kill dated the 12th day of March 1677-8. 
Layd out for John Briggs and Mary Philips a Tract of Land called 
Kingston upon Hull situate and being on the West side of Delaware 
Bay, and on the North-East sdde of St. Jones's Creek being the Land 
and plantation whereon they now Dwell and is bounded as followeth 
(Vizt.) Begining at a Corner marked black Oake standing by the side 
of the (71) Marsh which Lyeth between the Land and the Creek nigh 
unto the upper side of the Cleered grownd And from the said Oak 
Runing North East by a Line of marked Trees, dividing this from the 
Land of Robert Jones three hundred and Seventy perches to the side 
of a Marsh which proceedeth from the maine Bay and from thence 
South East two hundred perches and then South West by a Line of 
marked Trees dividing this from the Land belonging to the Towne 
point, two hundred fifty and Eight perches to a Comer marked Black 
Oak standing at the Head of a Great Marsh branch, which divideth 
this from the Towne Point. And from thence following the severall 
Courses of the Marsh, and Creek to the first mentioned Corner black 
oak: Conteining four and fifty Acres of Land, and about 

forty a Marsh lying between this Land and the aforesaid Creek; 

as by a Map of the same hereto annexed may more plainly appeare four 
George Wale by Pattent bearing date in June 1671 and fifty Acres the 
Residue being new Land. 

By me Walter Wharton Surveyor. 
Helm. Wiltbanck. 

The survey being made before the Warrant was granted, Returne 
was made to the Court the same Day. by W. W. 

To the Right Honorable Francis Lovelace Esquire 
Governor General of his Royall Highness Domin- 
ions in Armeryca. 

The humble Petition of James Mills 

That the Comitioners at the Hore Kill, consented your Peti- 


tionV should have a poynt or neck of Land lying to the Southward of 
the Towne and ordered the Clarke to certifie your Honor thereof,, ac- 
cording to your Honor Instructions, The Qarke also promissed to 
certifie your Honor (72) thereof, in his Letter, but hath not dunn it. 
Therefore your Petitioner humbly Requests your 
Honor will be pleased to grant him Liscence to pur- 
chas of the Indians the said Neck of Land and Your 
Pettioner shall pray. 

January 15th Anno 76-7 
Whore Kill 

Laid out a parcell of Land for Cornelis Johnson called Johnsons 
Delight situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North 
side of a Creeke called Kimbels Creeke beginning at a bounded popular 
of the Land formerly Surveyed for Helmanus Wiltbanck and running 
from thence North West three hundred and twenty pertches to a Marked 
Red Oake and from thence South West two hundred pertches to a 
marked popular and then North West One hundred and fifty pertches 
to a Red Oake and from the said Redd Oake North East one hundred 
and seventy pertches to a white Oake, and from thence East North 
East two hundred Eighty four fertches unto a point binding upon the 
marsh, and from the said point South by East four hundred and twelve 
pertches binding upon the said Marsh unto a marked popular and from 
the said Popular South West Seaventy pertches unto the first bounded 
popular Conteining six hundred and twenty-two Acres of Land. 
By a grant of Court. by Cornelis Verhoofe 

Helm. Wiltbanck. John Avery. 

Edward Southrin, 
Paul Marsh. 

January 15th Anno 1676-7 
Whore Kill 

Laid out for Richard Peaty a parcell of Land Called Maiden heads 
ticked situated on the West Side of Delaware Bay and on the South 
side of a Creeke called the great Creeke beginning at a marked oake 
standing upon a point Running from thence by severall Courses up the 
said Creeke South W by a Marsh near to a Little Creek 

said Great Creeke and from thence hundred and 

Sixty pertches Intersecting with the of Henry Herman and 

from thence paralell with said Line one hundred and Eighty pertches 
and then by severall Courses travissing North unto the first bounded 
oake. Containing four hundred and twenty one Acres of Land 
By a grant of Court. by Cornelis Verhoofe 

John Avery Helm's. Wiltbanck. 


January 15th Anno 1676-7 
Whore Kill 

Laid out a parcell of Land for Henry harmen Called Harmans 
Choice situated on the West side of Delaware Bay Beginning at a 



marked hickarie standing by a Marsh called Kimbels Neck and from 
thence travessing by severall Courses about a point unto a marked 
white oake and from the said white oake South South West Eighty 
pertches then South West two hundred and Sixty pertches unto a 
Market Red Oake then North West One hundred and fifty pertches to 
a marked hickarie and from thence North East paralell with the Line 
of Cornelius Johnson unto the first bounded hickarie three hundred 
fifty five pertches Containing four hundred Acres of Land. 
By a Grant of Court May. 

Cornelis Verhoofe. 
Helm Wiltbanck 
John Avery 
Jun the fiftenth 1676. 

A Survey mad of a parsill of Land for Edward bodell Called by 
the name of Edwards Choys Lien in the Woods South South East from 
the horkill town distants three mills ner unto A branch called the gren 
branch beginen At A markid ock from thens Runin South West three 
hundred and twenty five perches to a Markid heckry from thens Ronin 
North West one hundred and fifty perches to a markid oake and from 
thens Ronin North E^t three hundred and twenty five perches with a 
line dran parilell to the furst bounded tree South Est on hundred and 
fifty perches Contained and laid out for three hundred Ackers by Order 
and Apointment of Captain Edmond Cantwell to me Given As Wit- 
ness my Hand this Day and yer Above writ en. 

John Avery. 

Whore Kill ss Samuel Stiles and Robert Trale 

March 12th 1676-7 

Laid out for a parsell of Land called Andersons Delight situated 
on the Westward side of Delaware Bay and on the North side of a 
Creeke Called Misspann Creeke beginning at a marked White Oake 
standing by the edg of a Mash proceeding from the aforesaid Bay and 
by a pann in the said Mash and runing from thence West by South 
two hundred and thirty pertches up the sd. Misspann Creeke and from 
(74) thence North West two hundred and forty pertches then North 
East one hundred and eighty five pertches then South East two hun- 
dred and fourty five pertches, then North East one hundred and fifty 
pertches then North West One hundred and Seaventy pertches and 
from thence South East two hundred and fifty pertches unto the afore- 
said mash and from thence South West by several Courses unto the 
aforesaid bounded White Oake three hundred and fifty eight pertches 
Containing Seaven hundred and fourty four Acres of Land. 

by Cornelis Verhoofe. 
(Note) These was done by Capt. Ed. Cantwell in the present of mee Cor- 
nelius Verhoofe. 



Comelis Verhoofe. 

Whore Kill ss.— Robert hart JunV 

March nth Anno 1676-7 

Laid out a pesell of Land for Called prittcheds 

adventure situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North 
side by a Creeke called Misspann Creeke begining at a Marked White 
Oake standing by the Edg of a Mash neare a Litel Creek and Run- 
ning West by North six hundred and two pertches binding upon the 
sd. Litle Creeke Beaver dam and up a Branch and from thence North 
by East one hundred and sixty pertches and from thence East by South 
six hundred and twenty perches unto the said Maine Misspann Creeke 
deviding and separating with the Land of John be and irom 

thence up the said Misspann Creeke South South West unto the first 
bounded White Oake Containing Six hundred Ackers of Land. 

by Comelis Verhoofe. 
(Note) These was done by Gapt. Cantwell in the present of me Cornelius 

Whore kill ss. 

Laid out a Tract of Land for Otto Wolgast situated upon the 
Black Wallnut Neck near unto Rehoba Called the Vineyard Begin- 
ning and Binding upon George Young at a Marked White Oake stand- 
ing by a Branch side and running from the said White oakeSouth along 
the Sea side four hundred pertches Binding upon John Roades his 
point and from thence West one hundred and ninety five pertches un- 
till it intersect with the Line of the said George Young and from 
thence paralell with the said Line four hundred and fifty pertches unto 
the aforesaid bounded white oake Containing two (75) hundred and 
fourty Acres of Land. 

by Comelis Verhoofe. 
(Note) These was not Excepted by Capt. Ed Cantwell but returned to dis- 
pose of to others by me Cornelius Verhoofe. 

Whore Kill ss. Ed Cantwell, Henry Streetcher, Abraham 


March i6th Anno. 1676-7. 

Laid out a parcell of Land Joyntly for Thomas Welbume, John 
Welbume, William Welburne, Jonathan Walterland, and Robert Bev- 
erly called Welburnes Wildernes situated on the West side of Dela- 
ware Bay begining at a point which being bounded on the North with 
a Creeke called the Great Creeke and on the East with another Creeke 
proceeding from the said Great Creeke and extending itselves West 
South West up the said Great Creeke Nine hundred pertches and 
from thence South South East nine hundred pertches and from thence 
North by West Downe the Creeke unto the aforesaid bounded point 
containing two thousand five hundred and thirty one Acres of Land. 

by Cornelis Verhoofe. 

(Note) These was done by Capt. Ed Cantwell in the present of me Corneliu* 


March nth Anno 1676-7 

Whore Kill ss. Cornclis Verhoofe 

Laid oat a parcell of Land for* Called the Orphans 

Lott situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North side 
of a Creeke called Mispann Creeke Begining at the said Creeke at a 
marked White Oake standing by a LitSe Creeke and Runing up the 
said Little Creeke West North West Six hundred and fourty Pertches* 
and from thence South South West One hundred and Sixty Pertches, 
and from thence East South East paraldl with the Land of Peter 
Pritched and the maine Mispann Creeke aforesaid six hundred and 
fcmrty Pertches unto the binding and Separating of the said Pritched 
his Land and from thence with a Line North North East binding upon 
the aforesaid Mispann Creeke unto the first bounded White Oak Con- 
taining six hundred Acres of Land. Cornells Verhoofe. 
(Note) Theac was done by Order of Capt. Ointwell by me Comelis Verhoofe. 

These p tifBcates was produced in Coart and Swome to by 

Cumel Verhoofe that what he hath annexed and subscribed unto is 
(76) the tnieth and nothing but the trueth, this 12th Sept. 1678. 

Helm. Wiltbanck 
Hen Smith 
Ed Southrin 
John Roades. 
Henry Stretcher sweareth in Court that the Certificate altered by 
Capt Cantwell from Will Andrus unto Samuel Stiles and Robert 
traile, as alsoe the Satifficate of Mr. Welback & others altered unto 
Capt. Cantwell. Abra. Dlement & myself was done by the said Cant- 
well in my sight: 12 Sept. 1678. 

Henry Stretcher. 
Swome this 12th Sept. 1678 before us 
Helm. Wiltbanck 
Hen. Smith 
Ed Southrin 
John Roades. 

December the Ayte date 1676, A Survay made of a Parsill of Land 
for James Loten situated Lien and beein in a creeke called Sedar 
Creeke Called by the name of Harts Delight beginin at a White Oake 
by the Creeke sid from thens Runin North by West too hundred 
pertches too a Line oke and from thens Runin West by South three 
hundred and twenty pertches to a marked hickery and from thens 
Runin South and by Est too hundred perches to a marked Red Oake 
And from thence Runin Est and by North three hundred and twenty 
perches to the first bounded Tree Containen and laid out for fouer hun- 
dred Ackers by Order and appointment of Captain Edward CantwelL 
by me by Order of the Court. John Avery 

Luke Wattson 

Helm. Wiltbanck 

TAe name of John Betta is here crossed out. 


Whore Kill March i ith Ao. 167 

Laid out for Cornelis Verhoofe a parcell of Land called New 
seven haven, Lying on the North side of a Creeke called Mispann 
Creeke beginning at a marked white oake, standing by a Little Creeke 
Called Indyan bridge Creeke, and running from thence South, South 
West, three hundred Perches binding upon the aforesaid Mespann 
Creeke, unto a White Oake standing by a little Creeke called Beaver 
Creeke, & Runing from thence West {yj) North West, binding upon 
the said Beaver dam Creeke Beaver dam and Branch six hundred and 
fifty perches and from thence North North East three hundred Perches 
unto a Branch proceeding from the aforesaid Indyan Bridge Creeke, 
and from thence binding with a Course East South East upon the said 
Indyan Bridge Creeke six hundred and fifty five Perches unto the first 
bounded White Oake Containing twelve hundred and Eighteen Acres 
of Land John Avery. Helm. Wiltbanck. 

By a grant from the Court. 

Surveyed by Cornelis Verhoofe & allowed by the Court in Capt. 
Ed Cant well. Test. 

Helm. Wiltbanck. 

The Quantity too great unlesse for one or more that would settle 
presently, having hands sufficient. 

M. N. 

March nth Anno. 1676-7. 
Whore Kill ss. 

Laid out a parcell of Land for Cornelis Verhoofe called new 
Sevenhaven Situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the 
North side of a Creeke called Mispann Creeke begining at a marked 
white oake standing by a Little Creeke called Indian Bridge Creeke 
and Runing from thence South South West three hundred pertches 
Binding upon the aforesaid Mispann Creeke unto a White Oake stand- 
ing by a Little Creeke Called Beaverdam Creeke and Runing from 
thence West North West binding upon the said Beaver dam Creeke, 
Beaver dam and Branch six hundred and fifty five pertches and from 
thence North North East three hundred pertches unto a Branch pro- 
ceeding from the aforesaid Indian Bridge Creeke and from thence 
binding with a Course East South East upon the said Indian Bridge 
Creeke Six hundred and fifty five pertches unto the first bound- 
ed White Oake Containing and Laid out for twelve hundred and Eigh- 
teen Acres of Land. Ed Cantwell Survayor. 
By order of Court 

Helm Wiltbanck 


July the 7th day Anno 1675. 

Surveyed for Alexander Molestady a Tracke of Land lying and 
being upon the Whore Kill neere unto the Mouth of the Kill begin- 
ning at (78) a bounded Cedar runing up the Kill for breadth South 
Bast bounded read oake, standing by the kill 



and from thence South West binding upon Wm. Tom three hundred 

entie peartches to a bounded read oake standing by 
paganes Creeke and from thence North West down the said Creekc 
fourty pertches to a Bounded White Oake standing by the Creeke, 
from thence North East binding upon the Woods three hundred and 
Twentie pertches to the first bounded Ceader standing by the the 
Whore kill. Containing eightie Acres. 
By Order of the Survayer generall 
Capt. Cantwell Survayed by mee 
William Taylor. 

July the 7th Day Anno 1675. 
Survayed for har Woolbanck a Tract of Land lying and 

being upon the Whore K 11 begining at a bounded red oake stretch- 
ing by the side, runing South East up the Kill, for Breadth Sixtie seven 
pearches to a bounded White Oake post stretching by the Kill or 
Creeke, And from thence South West three hundred and Twentie 
Pearches to a bounded Hickery standing upon Paganes Creeke, from 
thence North West down the said Creeke Sixtie seven pearches to a 
bounded White Oake, and from thence North East to the first bounded 
Read Oake standing by the Kill, Three hundred and Twentie peartches 
Containing One hundred Thertie and foure Acres. 
By Order of the Survayer Generall 
Capt. Cantwell surveyed by me 
William Taylor. 

Jully the 7th Day Anno 1675. 

Survayed for Mr. Wm. Tom a Track of Land lying and being 
upon the which was formerly begining at a bounded White 

Oake standi the Kill side And from thence South East runi 

bounding upon the Kill, sixtie six peartches to bounded hick- 
ery standing by the said Kill, from thence by a Line of marked Trees 
South West to a Bounded Red Oake standing by the side of paganes 
creeke Three hundred and Twentie peartches, bounded upon harmanus 
Woolbanck, from thence downe the said Creeke North West sixtie six 
peartches to another bounded read oake. And from thence North East 
by a Line of marked Trees down to the first bounded White Oake 
standing upon the Whore kill, (79) Three hundred and twenty 
peartches bounded upon Alexander Molestedy land, Conteining one 
hundred Thirty Two Acres. 
By Order of Capt. Cantwell Survayer 
generall Survayed by me 
William Taylor. 


Whore Kill ss. Whereas By Capt. Edm. Cantwell was lately send sum 
Certaine Certificates of Land to this Court whose Names quantitie & 
Quantities may be Certified as foUoweth Vizt: 

Imprs, Thomas Coward ', .600. .Already seated. 

Francis Meggs & 

John Crolley 600. . Intended to seate next Winter 

Paul Marsh 600. .Already seated. 

James Leten 400. .Already seated. 

Anthony Eenloss 150. .Allready seated. 

Simon Paling 300. . Allready seated. 

John Oakey 400. . Intended to seate next Winter 

Cornelis Verhoofe 1218. .Intended to seate next Winter 

Robert Highnet & 

John Crius 900. .Allready seated. 

Cornelis Johnson 622. .Intended to seate next Winter 

Hendrick Molestine 
John Kipshaven Jun'r 
Cgrnelis Verhoofe 
Harmon Cornelis 

' Already seated & the Certificate 
Left in Custody of M. John 
800 ^ Kipshaven who is bound for 
New Yorke and to procure a 
Patten for tlie same. 

Jeffrey Sumerford 300. . Intended to seate next Winter 

Richard Peaty 421 . . Intended to seate next Winter 

Henry Harman 400. .being part seated. 

Capt. John Avery 800. .The land taken from him & 

Referr to another Conven- 
Alex. Molestine & 

John Brigs 800. . Intended to seate next Winter 

Andries Dupre 400. . Being part seated. 

Capt. Hans Morinson Being out of this pairts & 

unaquainted with it. 
Thomas Merritts Wee Know neither his Per- 

son nor the Land whether 
seated or not untill further 
These aforementioned Certificates Examined in Court and the 
which persons as yet not seated Wee know nothing to the Contrary 
but are all here in place and intended to seat their Lands the next Win- 
ter Insueing. Examined in Court May 13th A. D. 1679 & Humbly 
Certified by the Court. 

Test. Cornelis Verhoofe Cler. 




Nov. i8th, 1678. 
N. Y. 
Date of Survey Acres 

i) Aug. 15, 1676. Thomas Howard & Knights Howard, Land at 
the Whore kill signed by Helm. Wiltbanck & John Avery 600 

2) Aug. 29-76 Francis Meges & John Crolley land near the 
Whorekill — signed by John Avery & Helm. Wiltbanck. 600 

3) Aug. 17-76 Paul Marsh, land at the Whorekill, signed by 

Helm. Wiltbanck & John Avery. 600 

4) S. 8 — 76. James Loten, Land at the Whorekill; signed John 
Avery, Helm. Wiltbanck. 400 

6) Aug. 15 — 76. Simon Pollin, Land at ye Whore kill, signed 
'Helm Wiltbanck, John Avery. 300 

5) Aug. II — 76. Anthony Inles Land at the Whorekill signed 

John Avery, Helm Wiltbanck. 150 

(7) 1 1-76 John Okey, Land at the Whore kill, signed John Avery, 

Helm. Wiltbanck. 400 

8) Exception — Mar. 11 76-7 Cornelys Verhoofe, Land at the 
Whore kill, signed Helm. Wiltbanck. 1200 

9) Aug. 21-76 Rob't Hignat & John Crue Land at the Whore- 

kill signed Helm. Wiltbanck, John Avery. 900 

10) Jan. 15, 76-7 Cornelys Johnson land at the Whore kill, 
signed Helm. Wiltbanck, Edward Southrin, Paul Marsh &c. 622 

11) Mar. 8 — ^76-7 Hendr. Molesteyn, John Kipshaven jun'r 
Cor. Verhoofe & Herm. Cornelys, signed Helm. Wiltbanck 
Cor. Verhoofe as Surveyor. 800 

12) July 19. 76 Jeffrey Sumerford, Land at the Whorekill, signed 
Helm. Wiltbanck, John Avery. 300 

13) Jan. 15, 76-7 Rich'd Peaty land at the Whore kill, signed 
Helm. Wiltbanck. &c. 421 

14) Jan. 15, 76-7 Henry Harman, land at the Whorekill signed 
Helm. Wiltbanck. 400 

15) Dec. 4, 76 Alex. Moleston & John Briggs land at the Whore 

kill signed Helm. Wiltbanck &c. 800 

16) Dec. 16, 76. John Avery land at the Whorekill, signed Helm. 
Wiltbanck. 800 

17) Jan. 20, 77 Andries du Pree Land at the Whorekill, signed 
Helm. Wiltbanck, John Avery. 400 

18) Sept. 20, 75 Capt. Hans Mounson Land at the Schuylkill. 
Surveyed by Walter Wharton long in his Possession. 1 100 
The foregoing Surveys to bee certified as allowed now, the parties 

being in possession, or ready to goe upon the Land. 

By order & Direction of the Go. 
W. N. Seer. 




By Vertue of a Warrant from ye Whorekill Court 
bearing date ye loth of May Ao. 1680. 

Laid out for William Sharrett a parcel of Land Called Sharretts 
Choyse scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the South 
side of a creeke called Duck Creeke Beginning at a marked Red oake 
standing by the said Creekes side and Running from thence South 
fourty six perches binding on the said Creeke to a bite of Marsh then 
South South East fourty perches, then South East by East fourty 
perches binding on a Cruple of the said Marsch to a small branch & 
then South West by West fourty perches to a marked white oake 
standing near by the said Cruple And from thence South with a Line 
of marked Trees two hundred perches to a marked white oak standing 
by the side of a Great Swampe and from thence East binding on the 
said Swampe Sixty perches to a marked white oake and from thence 
North with a Line of marked Trees two hundred Sixty and three 
perches to a marked white oake standing by a Creuple of the said Duck 
Creeke and from thence North by West Eighty perches binding on the 
said Creuple to a marked Red oake standing on a point by the 
marsches of ye said Creeke, then South West by South thirty two 
perches binding on the said Marsch to a small branch & from thence 
West twenty and Eight perches to the first bounded Red Oake Con- 
taining and laid out for one hundred & Sixteen Acres of Land. 

Comelis V^erhoofe Surveyor. 
May ye 26th Ao. 1680. 

At a Court held for ye Whore kill. 

Sept. ye 2nd Ao. 1680: Certified ye above named is seated. 
Luke Watt son. 




By Vertue of a Warrant from the Whore kill Court 
Bearing date ye loth Day of May Ao. 1680. 
Laid out for John Dawson a parcell of Land called Woodstock 
bower Scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North 
side of a Branch dividing this and the Land of George Martine Begin- 
ning at a White Oake standing on a Point by the Marsches by the 
Mouth of the said Branch & Running from thence North thirty perches 
on the said branch then North by West thirty perches, then North 
North West twenty and two perches, then North West fourty & Eight 
perches binding on the said branch, then West North West fifty 
Perches and then West by North one hundred ninety and fouer perches 
binding on the said Branch, & then Running still up the said Branch 
West North West two hundred & Sixty perches to a marked Red 
Oake, & from thence North North East with a Line of marked Trees 
one hundred and Seaventy perches to a marked Hickarie & from 
thence East South East with a Line of marked Trees three hundred 
fourty & Eight perches to the marsches from ijdons Creeke, then bind- 
ing on the said marsches by severall G^urses biting Southerly in this 
Land to a point bearing Dito Course & Distance one hundred and 
Sixty perches, & from thence binding by severall Courses on the said 
Marsches to ye first bounded White Oake Containing and laid out for 
six hundred Acres of Land. 

By Cornells Verhoofe Surveyor. 
May 27th Ao. 1680. 

At a Court held for the Whore kill Sept. ye 2tk 
1680. Certified ye above named is Seated. 
Luke Wattson. 



By Vertue of a Warrant from ye Whore Kill Court, 
bearing date ye i ith of February Ao. 1679-80. 

Laid out for John Roades a parcel! of Land scituated on ye West 
side of ye Sea near Delaware Bay Beginning at a point on ye Beatch 
of ye sd. Sea and Running from ye said point West bounding on Re- 
bobah bay & Marshes two hundred ninety and fouer perches to a point 
near a small Creeke dividing this from ye Land of Capt. John Avery 
his Land and from the said Point North East binding on ye said 
Marshes of ye said Creeke one hundred and fifty two perches to yc 
Branch of ye said Little Creeke & then North West by North binding 
on ye said Branch one hundred & twenty perches to a marked white 
cake, standing by ye said Branch and from ye said White Oake North 
East with a Line of marked Trees fourty & Eight perches to a bound- 
ed hickarie of James Wells his Land standing in ye Woods near a 
Branch proceeding from a pann Lyeing in this said John Roades his 
Land and from ye said Hickarie Dito North East with a Line of 
marked Trees binding upon Dito Wells his Land two hundred thirty 
& six perches to a salsafrick tree standing in ye said Line & then North 
East by East binding on ye Branch dividing this from ye Land of ye 
said Wells Eightie perches to a point on ye Sea Beach & mouth of ye 
said Branch And from ye said point South binding on ye said Sea 
Beatch to ye first bounded point fower hundred ninety & Six perches 
Containing & Laid out for five hundred and fifty Acres of Land. 

By Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor 
John Avery. 
Aprill yc 5th Ao. 1680. 

(Examined and compared July 6, 1767. by Thos. M. Kean) 






Plot torn off hero* 

By vertue of a Warr. from the Whorekill alias Deale Court. 

Laid out for Richard Dawson a parcell of Land called Dawsons 
Lett Situated on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the South side 
of the maine Branch of a Creek called the broad alias great Creek Be- 
ginning at a Marked white Oake standing by a little branch called Daw- 
sons branch and running from the said Marked oake by the several 
Courses fower hundred fourty & Eight perches binding on the Cypress 
Swamp of the said maine branch to the mouth of another Branch and 
from thence by the several Courses Binding on the said Branch three 
hundred and twenty perches to a Marked white oake standing on the 
said Branch and from thence South with a line of Marked trees Sixty 
and two perches to a Marked white oake standing in the Woods and 
from thence East with a line of marked trees Six hundred and fourteen 
perches to a Bounded Red oake and from thence North with a line of 
Marked trees three hundred and twenty perches to the first bounded 
white oak Containing and laid out for One thousand Acres of Land, 
primo March Ao. i6&>i Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Febru- 
ary 1681, the above Survey is Certified by the Court not to be as yet 

Luke Wattson. 



Plot torn off here. \ 


^Jt^ ^\0 pm: 

4bifi,tazu» of ^sa^jt^mJ^ 

By Vertue of a Warr. from the Whorekill alias Dealc 

Laid out for Bryand Rowles a parcell of Land Called Swampoint 
Situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North side of a 
Creek called the broad alias Great Creek Beginning at a Marked white 
oake Standing by a slade of Marsh on the said Creek being the Bound- 
ed tree of Helmanus Wiltbanck and Running from thence West 
North West with a line of Marked trees binding on the said Land d 
Helmanus Wiltbanck three hundred and twenty perches to a Marked 
Corner Red oake standing in the Woods and from thence South West 
by South with a line of Marked trees two hundred and twelve perches 
to a Corner Bounded Hickarie standing in the Woods and from South 
East by East with a line of Marked trees ninety and two perches to a 
Marked Hickarie standing on the Cypress Swampe of the maine 
Branch of the said broad Creeke then binding with the several Courses 
two hundred Sixty and six perches on the said Cypress Swamp to the 
head of the said Creek and from thence by severall Courses One hun- 
dred Sixty and One perches binding on the said Creek and Marshes 
thereof to the first bounded white oake Containing and laid out for four 
hundred acres of Land. 

by Cornells Verhoofe Surveyor. 
March 2nd A. 1680- 1 

At a Court at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 1681 
the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be already seated. 

Luice Wattson. 




xrf/.ttft> 4 L^i*e>tmMUA 

By Vertue of a Warr. from the Whorekill alias Dealt 

Laid out for Helmanus Wiltbanck a parcell of Land Called Hope- 
well and situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the Nortk 
side of a Creek Called the broad alias the Great Creek Beginning at a 
Marked white oake Standing by a Sladge of Marsh on the said Creekes 
side and running from thence North North East One hundred and six- 
teen perches Binding on the said Creek to a white oake Bounded tree 
of John Cleisson standing on the said Creekes side and from thence 
North North West with a line of Marked trees three hundred and 
twenty perches to a marked comer red oake standing in the woods by 
a little Valley and from thence South West by South Eight Degrees 
westerly with a line of marked trees three hundred and seventy perches 
to a marked Comer red oake standing in the woods and from thence 
East South East with a line of marked trees three hundred and twenty 
to the first Bounded white oake Containing and laid out for four hun- 
dred sixty and nine acres of land. 
March ye 3 A 1 680-1 by Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
1681 the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be in part Seated. 

Helmanus Wiltbanck Luke Wattson. 




By Vertue of a Warrant from the Whore kill alias 
Deale Court. 

ljc:*i out for Thomas Morilson a parcell of Land called Fortune 
''^.'^*..*'A on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the South side of a 
K'Tir- ?, <.rA Beaver dam which Seperating, this from a neck Commonly 
^jil>/. :>anid Haste his neck on the South side of Priume hooke Creek 
Htv:T,T,:r,^ at a marked corner white oake Standing on the said Branch 
ir.'f r:r,n:ni^ from thence South South East with a line of marked trees 
nlr.*^.) and h'tx f>erches to a red oake Corner Bound of Helmanus Wilt- 
ha^ri' k ;ir!d from thence South West by South Eight Degrees westerly 
bfn^fnj.; on the line of Marked trees of the said Helmanus his Land 
thr^f: hundred and seventy perches to a marked Comer Red oake <rf 
the said Flelmanus and Bryand Rowles their Land and from thence 
South Wf:«t by South One hundred and thirty perches binding on the 
line of marked Trees of the said Bryand Rowles to a Comer marked 
llickarie and from thence North with a line of marked trees four hun- 
dred Sixty and two perches to a Comer Marked Hickarie standing in 
the woods and from thence East with a line of marked trees and part 
binding on the aforesaid Branch two hundred sixty and three perches 
to the first Bounded white oake. Containing and laid out for five hun- 
dred Acres of Land. 
March ye 4th A. 1680- 1 Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb- 
ruary 1681 : the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be in part 
Seated. Luke Wattson. 




, f,^^ 4 i J w Am . wf i ^ 


Oi^^mtS^ ^•^L^^TtlMia^llXKni^ia^S^^ 

By vertue of a Warr. from the Whore kill alias Dealc 

Laid out for Helmanus Wiltbanck a parcell of Land Called Sieck 
By Change Situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the 
South side of a Creeke called the broad alias gjeat Creeke Beginning 
at a Marked white oake standing by the mouth of a branch called Daw- 
sons Branch and on the South side of the said Creeke and running 
from thence South with a line of Marked trees binding on the said 
Richard Dawson his Land to a marked Comer red oake standing in 
the woods three hundred sixty and eight perches and from thence East 
with a line of marked trees One hundred and twelve perches to a 
Marked Comer Hickarie standing in the woods and from thence North 
North East with a line of Marked trees two hundred Eighty and two 
perches to a Marked red oake then North with a line of Marked trees 
One hundred twenty and two perches to a Marked white oake stand- 
ing on the Marshes of the said Creeke and from thence with the several 
Courses two hundred thirty and two perches Binding on the Marshes 
of the said Creeke to the first bounded white oake Containing and laid 
out for four hundred twenty and five acres of Land. 
March ye 5th A. i68a-i by Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th day d 
Feb. 1681 ; the above Survey is Certified to be already seated. 

Luke Wattson. 



By vcrtue of a Warr. from the Whorekill alias Deale 

Laid out for Otto Wolgast a parcell of Land called theOrphantLott 
situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North West side 
of a Creek proceeding from ye broad Creeke and called mill Creeke Be- 
ginning at a marked Hickarie standing on the side of the said mill 
Creeke and Running from thence West North West with a line of 
Marked trees two hundred eighty and three perches Intersecting with 
the line of Helmanus Wiltbanck his land to a Marked Comer Red 
oake of this and then binding on the said Line South South West two 
hundred and twelve perches to a marked Corner red oake of this and 
from thence East South East with a line of Marked trees One hundred 
ninety and two perches to a marked white oake standing on the said 
Creeke side and from thence North East two hundred and thirty 
perches binding on the said Creeke to the first bounded Hickarie Con- 
taining and laid out for three hundred acres of Land. 
March ye 6th A. 1680- 1 Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
)68i the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be already Seated. 

Luke Wattson. 




^.JtfM. iQfif^ 



^ to torn iT 

By vertue of a warrant of Deale Court. 

Laid out for William Butlar a parcell of Land called the Adven- 
ture situated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North West 
side of a Creek proceeding from the broad Creek and called Mill Creek 
Beginning at a marked Hickarie Bound of Otto Wolg^t his Land and 
running from thence North East by North One hundred and seven 
perches Binding on the said Creek to a marked white oake standing 
on the Marshes of the said Creek and from thence West North West 
with a line of marked trees three hundred thirty and seven perches to 
a red oake bounded tree Intersecting with the line of Halmanus Wilt- 
banck his land and then binding on the said line South One hundred 
and thirteen perches to a red oake bounded tree of Otto Wolgast his 
Land and then East South East binding on Dito Line of Dito Wolgast 
his Land two hundred Eighty and three perches to the first bounded 
Hickarie Containing and laid out for two hundred acres of Land. 
March the 6th Ao. 1680- 1 Cornells Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
1681 the above Survey is certified by the Court to be not as yet seated. 

Luke Wattson. 

This Survey being inlarged by vertue of a Warrant, which shall 
return with ye next therefore need no pattent. 
Comelis Verhoofe. 




By vertue of a warr. from the Whorekill alias Dealc 

Laid out for Capt. Paull Marsh a parcell of Land called the Good 
Hope situated on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the South side 
of a Creeke called Marshes Creeke Beginning at a marked white oake 
standing on a point by the said Creeke and running from thence South 
East by East Thirty perches binding on the Marshes of another branch 
to a marked white oake and from thence with ye severall Courses three 
hundred ninety and four perches Binding on the marshes of the said 
branch and part on a Beaver dam to a marked Popular standing on 
the branch above the said Beaver dam and from thence West South 
West with a line of marked trees two hundred eighty and six perches 
to a Corner marked white oake standing in the woods and from 
thence north a half point westerly with a line of marked trees two hun- 
dred and thirty perches to a marked white oake standing on the 
Marshes of the said Marshes Creeke and from thence with the several 
Courses three hundred fifty and nine perches binding on the marshes 
of the said Creeke to the first bounded white oake Containing & laid 
out for six hundred acres of Land. 
March ye 8th A 1680- 1. Cornells Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th day of 
Feb. 1681 ; the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be seated al- 
ready. Luke Wattson. 


By vertue of a Warr. from the Whorekill alias Deale Court. 

Laid out for Michael Chambers a parcell of Land called Orkny 
Scituated on the west side of Delaware Bay and about two miles west- 
ward from Deale town in the woods beginning at a white oake post 
standing by a Dead marked Hickarie head bound stump of Edward 
Southrin and Daniell Browne and running from thence North west by 
North binding on the head line of the said Daniell Browne One hun- 
dred and forty perches to a marked white oake standing by the Beaver 
dam of the said Browne and Capt Marsh theire Land and from thence 
South west binding on and over the said Beaver dam fifty and eight 

perches to a bounded pnDpular of the said Marsh and from 

thence West South West binding part on the line of said marsh his 
Land and part with marked trees three hundred fourty and two perches 
to a marked Corner red oake standing in the woods and from thence 
South South Ea«t with a line of marked trees two hundred ninety and 
five perches to a marked Corner read oake standing in the woods and 
from thence North East with a line of marked trees fower hundred and 
sixty perches intersecting the head line of Edward Southrin and then 
North West by North eight perches binding on the said head line to 
the first bounded white oake post Containing and laid out for five 
hundred acres of Land. 
March ye 9th A 1 680-1 Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
1681 the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be already Seated. 

Luke Wattson. 


By vertue of a warr. from Deale alias Whorekill 

Laid out for William Ematt a parcell of Land called Tanners 
Hall Scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the South 
West side of a Creek Called Middle Creek which proceeding out of 
Rehobah Bay Beginning at a marked white oak standing on the said 
Creeke by a slayde of a small branch and running from thence South 
West with a line of marked trees two hundred ninety and three perches 
to a Corner Bounded white oak near a branch and standing by the Use- 
full Indian Path and from thence South East Two hundred perches 
binding most part on the said branch or beaver dam to a marked Cor- 
ner white oak standing over the said beaver dam and from thence 
North East with a line of marked trees three hundred thirty and three 
perches to a marked white oake standing on the said Creeke and from 
thence North west ninety and three perches binding on the said Creek 
and then West North West Binding on the said Creek One hundred 
and fifteen perches to the first bounded white oak Containing and laid 
out for fower hundred acres of Land. 
March ye 27th A 1681. Cornelis Vorhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
1681 the above Survey is Certified by the Court not to be as yet seated. 

Luke Wattson. 



By virtue of a Warr. from Deale Court. 

Laid out for Capt. John Avery a parcell of Land called Goulden 
quartere, Scituated on the West side of the Delaware Bay and on the 
South West side of a Creeke called middle Creeke which proceeding 
out of Rehobah Bay Beginning at a marked white oak standing on a 
point at the mouth of a little Creek Called Harring Creeke and Run- 
ning up the said Creeke with ye several Courses three hundred twenty 
and three perches to a Corner marked white cake standing in the woods 
by a Valley and from thence North West with a line of marked One 
hundred and fifty perches to a head bounded white oake of William 
Ematt his Land and from thence North East binding on the said line 
three hundred thirty and three perches to the white oake bounded tree 
of the said William Ematt standing on the said middle Creeke side and 
from thence South East One hundred Sixty and five perches Binding 
of the said William Ematt standing on the said middle Creeke side and 
out for three hundred acres of Land. 
March ye 28th A 1681. Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th day of 
Feb. 1681: the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be as yet 
unseated. Luke Wattson. 




By vertue of a Warr. from Deale alias Whorekitf 

Laid out for Robert Richardson a parcell of Land called Robert 
his Choyse scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the 
North side of a Creek called middle Creek proceeding out of Rehobah 
Bay Beginning at a marked white oak standing on a point by the said 
Creekes side and Running from thence with the several Courses fower 
hundred twenty and two perches binding on the said Creeke and maine 
branch to a Corner marked white oak standing on the said branch and 
from thence North East by East with a line of marked trees one hun- 
dred sixty and five perches to a marked Corner white oake standing on 
a branch of the said Creeke Called Breaoy his branch and from thence 
with the several Courses three hundred and sixty perches binding on 
the said branch to the first bounded white oake Containing and laid 
out for two hundred ninety and two acres of Land. 
March ye 29th A. 1681. Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
1681, the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be already Seated. 

Luke Wattson. 

This Survey being inlarged by vertue of a Warr. which shall re- 
tnm per next therefore need no patten. 

Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 


W *^ ^:»~ 



By vertue of a Warr. from Deale alias Whore Kill 

Laid out for Robert Breacy a parcell of Land called Purchase Lott 
scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay near at Rehobah Begin- 
ning- at a marked Hickarie standing in the woods near the marked head 
bound of his now Dwelling Soate of land and running from thence 
West by North with a line of marked trees fourty and six perches to a 
black oake Corner head bound of the said Robert Breacy his Dwelling 
land and from thence West with a line of marked trees One hundred 
and fourty perches to a marked comer red oake standing in the Woods 
and from thence North with a line of marked trees three hundred 
perches to a marked Comer Hickarie standing in the woods near a 
white oake marked bound of Nathaniell Broadford his Land and from 
thence East by South with a line of marked trees One hundred Eighty 
& fower perches to a marked corner white oake standing in the woods 
and from thence south with a line of marked trees two hundred fifty and 
two perches. Then South by East with a line of marked trees twenty 
and five perches to the first bounded Hickarie Containing and laid out 
for three hundred twenty and two acres of Land. 
March ye 30th, A. 1681. Cornelis Voorhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
168 1, the above Survey is Certified to be as yett not seated. 

Luke Wattson. 




(^yu.^ ^t.,«i</-««M 

By vertue of a Warr't. from Deale alias Whorekill 

Laid out for Richard Showlster a p'cell of said Land called Showl- 
sters Inheritance scituated on the west side of Delaware Bay near Re- 
hobah about one mile distance Southwestwards from Loues Creeke 
beginning at a bounded white oake being the bounded tree of Francis 
Meggs his land and running from thence East by South with a line of 
marked trees One hundred and fifty perches binding on the said meggs 
his land to a Corner marked red oake standing in the woods and from 
thence north north west with a line of marked trees three hundred 
eighty and fower perches to a Comer marked Spanish oake standing in 
a Swampe woods and from thence west South west with a line of 
marked trees One hundred twenty and six perches to, a Corner marked 
Hickarie standing the woods and from thence South South East with a 
line of marked trees fifety perches to a marked black oake Standing in 
the branch of Robert Breacy his Land and then with the several! 
Courses two hundred fifety and fower perches binding in the said 
branch which Dividing this from the said Land of the said Robert 
Breacy to the first bounded white oake Containing and laid out for two 
hundred fifety and five acres of Land. 
April ye i A. 1681. Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
1681. the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be not as yet seated. 

Luke Wattsone. 

This Survey being inlarged by vertue of a Warr. which shall re- 
turne with the next therefore need no patten. 

Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 



By vertuc of a warr. from Deale Court. 

Laid out for Stephen Whitman a parcell of Land called Whitmans 
Choise scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the South 
side of a Creeke called Deale Creeke Beginning at a marked white 
oake being the bounded tree of Anthony Eenloss standing on a point 
of woods and a branch on the Marshes of the said Deale Creeke and 
running from thence west South west One Degree westerly three hun- 
dred fifety and fower perches binding on the land of Anthony Eenloss 
to a bounded popular of the said Anthony Eenloss and John Kipshaven 
and from thence Northwest two hundred thirty and fower perches 
binding on the head line of the said John Kipshaven his Land to Pat- 
ricks Creeke and from thence South Seaventy and eight perches to a 
bounded Hickarie of the Land the said Stephen Whitman purchased 
from John Siming and from thence South East binding on the said 
Land One hundred and fifety perches to a marked black oake & from 
thence Southwest binding on the said Land to a marked Corner Hick- 
arie — Standing in the woods and from thence South East by East with 
a line of marked trees One hundred thirty and five perches to a Corner 
marked black oake standing in the woods and from thence with a line 
of marked trees North East by East thirty and five perches to a branch 
and then by several Courses binding on part of the said branch One 
hundred and twenty perches to the Course aforesaid and from thence 
Dito, North East by East fower hundred and thirteen perches with a 
line of marked trees and part binding on a branch to a marked white 
oake standing on a point of woods and on the marshes of the said 
Deale Creeke and then North North East to the first bounded white 
oake Containing and laid out for five hundred acres of Land. 
June ye 6th A. 1681. Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 


1681 the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be already seated* 
but hath taken away John Kipavens privilege of going to the Marsb 
which is not allowed of by the Court. 

Luke Wattson. 






By vertue of a former purchased pattent. 

Laid out for William Fritcher a parcell of land called Fritchers 
purchase scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay at Rehobah Be- 
ginning at a marked red oake standing at a point on the North side of 
Rehobah Creeke now called Loues Creeke and Running from thence 
Northwest One hundred and twenty perches binding on the said 
Creeke to a marked white oake standing on the Marshes of the said 
Creeke near a branch and from thence North with a line of marked 
trees five hundred sixty and fower perches to a Corner marked Hick- 
arie standing in ye woods and from thence East with a line of marked 
trees Eighty and five perches to a Corner marked popular Standing in 
the woods and from thence South with a line of marked trees Six hun- 
dred fourty and nine perches to the first bounded red oake Containing 
and laid out according to former patten for three hundred twenty and 
two acres of Land. 
June the 9th A. 1681. Cornelis Verhoofe, Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th day of 
Feb. 1681 the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be in part 
Seated. Luke Wattson. 

This Survey being part thereof Cast for Law and afterwards by 
vertue of a warr. altered in proportion which shall return per next 
therefore nee no patten. 

Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 




By vertue of a patten. 
Laid out for Capt. Nathaniell Walker a parcell of Land called 
Walkers purchase Scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay and on 
the North side of a Creeke called the Broad alias Great Creeke Begin- 
ning at marked red oake standing on the edge of the Qear Ground of 
the plantation on the marshes of the lower and Eastermost part of the 
neck and running from thence West South West fower hundred and 
ninety perches binding on the Marshes of the said Creeke Intersecting 
with the Land of Simon Paling to a marked white oake standing near 
the marshes of the said Creeke and from thence North North West 
with a line of marked trees two hundred and sixty perches binding on 
the said Land to a Corner Bounded Hickarie of the said Simon paling 
and from thence West South West One hundred and fifety perches to a 
red oake Corner head bound of the said Paling his land intersecting 
with the land of Anthony Heaverla then North North West Sixty 
perches binding on the said Land to a marked Hickarie and from 
thence East North East with a line of marked trees six hundred and 


fourty perches a little distance in the Marsh which doth adjoyn to the 
Land and from thence South South East three hundred and twenty 
perches binding on the said Marsh to the first bounded red oake and 
the Islands extending Eastwards from the Lands in the Marsh being 
in quantity of sixty and fower acres thereunto Included Containing 
and laid out to Gather for Eleven hundred Acres of Land. 
June ye i6th A. 1681. Cornelis Verhoofe, Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale by the Kings Authority the 14th Feb. 
168 1, the above Survey is Certified by the Court to be g^eat part there- 
of Seated and pattoned by Thomas and night Howard and have been 
for five or six years last past, which the Court alloweth not of. 

Luke Wattson. 





By vertue of a warr. from the Whorekill alias Dealc 
Laid out for Capt. Nathaniel Walker a parcell of land called Walk- 
ers Choyse situated on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the South 
side of a Creeke called priume hooke Creeke part upon a neck Comanly 
called winders neck and part upon another neck Comanly called Dan- 
iell Hust his neck beginning at a Corner marked red oake standing in 
the line of Antoney Heaverla his land and running from thence East 
North East Six hundred and fourty perches with a line of marked 
trees binding on the land of Capt. Nathaniell Walker which he pur- 
chased from Capt. John Winder into the edge of the Bay Marshes at 
the same bounded place of the said purchased land and from thence 
North North west two hundred and ninety perches binding on the 
said marshes to a point near Priume hooke Creeke and fr6m thence 
with the several Courses binding part on the said priume hooke 
Creekes marshes and part on another little Creekes marshes One 
thousand Sixty and three perches to an opposite Hickarie Standing on 
the North side of a beaverdam, and from thence East by North One 
hundred and fourteen perches binding on the said Beaverdam then 
North East by East fifety perches binding Dito to a marked red oake 
standing on a point by the marshes of the said little Creeke and from 
thence North One hundred and sixty perches binding on the said 
marshes to a marked white oake standing on a point by the marshes of 
Priume hooke Creeke and from thence with the several Courses bind- 
ing on the said Creeke and marshes to a marked white oake Standing 
on the marshes side near a branch and from thence South South East 
with a line of marked trees two hundred perches to a marked red oake 
standing on the aforesaid Beaverdam and from thence East by North 
Seaventy and seaven perches binding on the said beaverdam to the 
aforesaid marked Hickarie and from thence opposite South South 
East with a line of marked trees binding on the said land of Antoney 


Heaveria One hundred and seaventeen perches to the first bounded 
red oake Containing and laid out for One thousand acres of Land. 
June 17th A. 1681. Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale the 14th Feb. 1681, by the Kings Au- 
thority the above Survey is Certified to be in part Seated. 

Luke Wattson. 




C>^«A'^^4^'£/J'*^ ' 



t«W:j^^e ''^^ 

By Vertue of a Warr. from Deale alias Whore kill 
Laid out for William Caning Junior a parcell of Land called 

and Situated on the west side of Delaware Bay & on the 
North side of the South River formerly called the Indian River Be- 
ginning at a marked red oake standing by a point of Marsh and a Val- 
ley on the River side and running from thence South West by West 
One hundred and fifety perches binding on the said River to a marked 
white Oake standing on the Rivers side and from thence North West 
with a line of marked trees three hundred twenty and five perches to a 
marked white Oake standing in the Woods and from thence with a line 
of marked trees North East by East One hundred and fifety perches to 
a marked Hickarie standing in the woods and from thence South East 
with a line of marked trees three hundred twenty and five perches to 
the first Bounded red oake Containing and laid out for Three hundred 
acres of Land. 
Surveyed September ye 6th A. 1681. 

Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 
At a Court held for the Towne and County of Deale by the Kings 
Authority the 14th & 15th days of March 1682-81 the above Survey 
is Certified by the Court that the said Land is not as yet seated. 

Luke Wattson. 





©4i^,(U, ^&^M>i^Ut^-. 




By Vertue of a Warr. from Deale alias Whore kill 

Laid out for Edward Southrin a parcell of Land called Heildemess 
Situated on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the North side of 
the South River formerly called the Indian River Beginning at a Red 
oake bounded tree of William Caning Junior standing by a point of 
marsh and a Valley on the Rivers side and running from thence North- 
west three hundred twenty and five perches binding on the line of 
marked trees of the said William Caning his Land to his head bounded 
Hickarie — Standing in the woods and from thence north East by East 
with a line of marked trees One hundred Eighty and two perches to a 
marked red oake standing in the woods and from thence South East 
with a line of marked trees two hundred and Eighty perches to the 
head of a branch of a Creeke called Southrins Creeke and then 
South East by South binding on the said Creeke two hundred and 
fower perches to a marked white oake standing at the mouth of the 
said Creeke and from thence by severall Courses hun- 

dred fifety and fower perches binding on the South River to the first 
bounded red oake Containing and laid out for fower hundred acres of 
Surveyed September the 7th A. 1681. 

Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale for the towne and County of Deale by 
the Kings Authority the 14th & 15th days of March 1682-81 the Sur- 
vey is Certified by the Court that it is not as yet Seated. 

Luke Wattson. 


By vertue of a wan*, from Deale Court. 

Laid out for Richard Stephens a parcell of Land called Hopewell 
Situated on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the North side of a 
River called the South River formerly called the Indian River Begin- 
ning at a marked white oake standing at a point by the mouth of a 
Creeke called fishing Creeke and on the marshes of the said River and 
running from thence with the several Courses three hundred ninety and 
two perches binding on the said Marshes to a branch & from thence 
North North West binding on the said Branch One hundred and sixty 
perches to the head of the said branch then dito Course North North 
West with a line of marked trees One hundred Eighty and eight 
perches to a marked white oake standing in the Woods and from 
thence East by North with a line of marked trees two hundred and 
Eighty perches to a marked Maple tree standing on the branch of the 
aforesaid fishing Creeke and from thence with the Several Courses 
part binding on the said branch and marshes of the said Creeke three 
hundred Seaventy and Seaven perches to the first bounded white oake 
Containing and laid out for five hundred and fifty acres of Land. 
Surveyed Septem. ye 8th A. 1681. 

Cornells Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale for the Town and County of Deale by 
the Kings Authority the 14th & 15th days of March 1682-81; the above 
Survey is Certified by the Court that it is not as yet seated. 

Luke Wattson. 




^te.jy: aCvju^x 



^' fl^T 

By vertue of a wan*, from Deale alias Whore kill 

Laid out for George Young a parcell of Land called Luck by 
chance situated on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the North 
East side of a Creeke Called fishing Creeke proceeding from the South 
alias Indian River Beginning at a marked white oake standing on the 
marshes of the said Creek and running from thence Northwest Seav- 
enty perches binding on the said Creeke to a marked pine standing by 
the marsh of the said Creeke and from thence North East by 
North three hundred Sixty and two perches with a line of marked trees 
to a marked white Oake standing by a Glade of Marsh proceeding 
from the middle Creeke of Rehobah bay and from thence with severall 
Courses One hundred Sixty and one perches binding on the said 
marsh and a branch then South East with a line of marked trees 
seaventy and fower perches to a marked red oake standing in the 
Woods and from thence South west by South with a line of marked 
trees One hundred fifety and five perches Intersecting with the marshes 
from the said River and Creeke and then with the severall Courses 
binding on the said Marshes three hundred sixty and nine perches to 
the first bounded white Oake Containing and laid out for three hun- 
dred acres of Land. 
Surveyed SeptemV ye 9th A. 1681. 

Comelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held for the Towne and County of Deale by the Kings 
Authority the 14th & 15th days of March 1682-01, the above Survey is 
Certified by the Court that the s'd Land is not as yet Seated. 

Luke Wattson. 



*ft*^ ff^ t 




By vertue of a warr. from Deale Court. 

Laid out for TTiomas GoUedge and John GoUedge a parcell of 
Land Called situated on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the 

South west side of aCreeke called middle Creeke Beginning at a marked 
white Oake standing at the mouth of a Creeke called Harring Creeke 
alias Gould Smiths Creeke and running from thence South west by 
South with a line of marked trees fower hundred and ninety perches to 
a marked white Oake standing by a Creekes side Called fishing Creeke 
and from thence South East One hundred and Eighty perches binding 
on the said marshes of the said Creeke to a bounded pine of George 
Young standing on the marshes of the said Creeke and from thence 
North East by North binding on the line of marked trees of the said 
George Young to his bounded white oake standing by the marshes 
which proceeding from the said middle Creeke of Rehobah Bay then 
from the branch South East binding part upon the marked head line 
of George Young to a bounded white Oake standing in the said head- 
line and from thence North East with a line of marked trees One hun- 
dred Sixty and fower perches to a marked white Oake standing near 
the said marshes and from thence with the severall Courses fower 
hundred ninety and «eaven perches binding on the marshes of the said 
middle Creeke to the first bounded white Oake Containing and laid out 
for Six hundred acres of Land. 
Surveyed the loth of SeptemV A. 1681. 

Cornelis Verhoofe Surveyor. 

At a Court held at Deale the 14th & 15th days of March 1682-81 


by the Kings Authority; the above Survey is Certified by the Court 
that the said Land is not as yet Seated 

Luke Wattson. 


Edmund Andros, EsqV Whereas there is a certain tract of land 
called St. Augustine lying on the West side of Delaware River on the 
North side of Apoquemini Creek opposite to the lower end of Reed 
Island. The which by Vertue of a warrant hath been laid our for Au- 
gustine Hermans the said land being bounded on the East with the 
said River; on the South with Apoquemini Creeke and the land of 
Dirck Williamson & Dirck Lawrenson & also with the land of Claes 
Kireton on the North with a small Ckeeke called St. Augustines Creek 
dividing this from a Tract or parcell of Land granted to Mr. Peter Al- 
ricks, and on the West with the main Woods Conteying & layd out for 
four hundred Acres of land, with the Marshes thereunto belonging, as 
by the returne of the Survey brought in by the Surveyor doth and 
may appear. Now for Confirmation &c Quitt Rent four Bushell dated 
the day of Anno Dominie 167 

Exammed, Q. R., 4 bushells. 
Augustin Harmans. 
Book of Delaware Grants 
Unbound No. 1. fo. 1 

Edmund Andros Esq'r Whereas there is a certain parcell or 
Tract of Land lying upon the Whor Kill the which by virtue of a war- 
rant hath been layd out for Alexander Molestody beginning at a black 
Wallnut Post running from thence one the said Kill, for breath stand- 
ing on the point of a Marsh Two hundred Perches South East and 
from thence with a line South west, binding upon Abraham Qemence, 
To a great poplar, standing upon a branch of paganes Creeke foure 
hundred & eighty nine perches, and from thence upon the said branch 
North west, to a certaine hickory, standing upon the said branch two 
hundred perches and from thence with a line North East down to the 
afores'd black Wallnutt Post, standing upon the Whore Kill four hun- 
dred and eighty nine perches Containing and layd out for six hundred 
and eleven acres of land as by return of the survey under the hand the 
Surveyor doth and may appear. Now know yee &c Quitt Rent six 
Bushell. dated the day of Anno Domini: 167 

Examined Q. R. 6 bnshell. 
Alex. Molestody 
fo 1. 

Edmund Andros Esq'r Whereas there is a certain parcell 6r 
Tract of Called Tower hill lying upon pagans Creeke iieafe the 
Whor Kill, the w*ch by virtue of a Warrant hath been layd out for 
Daniell Browne, being bounded as foUoweth (viz) beginning at a 
bounded white Oake Standing Upon the fores'd Creeke running up 
the s'd Creeke for breath Sotith east & by South, two htmdred Perches 


to a great poplar standing upon the s'd Creek, And from thence with a 
line South West and by West parting Edward Southeron and keup to a 
certain w*t Oake Standing by a beaver dam Three hundred and twenty 
Perches & from thence North west and by North, down the said beaver 
dam (io8) to a bounded red Oake Two hundred perches binding upon 
the Beaver dam, and from the s'd red Oake with a line of marked trees 
running North east and by east down to the first bounded white Oake 
standing upon the fores'd pagans Creeke, Three hundred and twenty 
perches, Containing and layd out for four hundred Acres as by the re- 
turn of the Survey under the hand of Cap't Edmond Cantwell doth 
and may appeare Now know yee. &c Quitt Rent: four Bushell 
Dated the day of Anno Domini 167 

Examined Q. R. 4 bushell. 
Daniel Brown. 
7o 2. 

Edmund Andros EsqV Whereas there is a certaine parcelle or 
Tract of land on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the South west 
side of a Creeke called Bancom brig Creeke the which by vertue of a 
warrant hath been layd out for Sam'll Barbary, being bounded as fol- 
loweth (viz) beginning at a bounded red Oake by the by y'e Creeke, & 
running up the Creeke South three hundred and twenty perches, then 
by a line west one hundred perches, & by a line North three hundred 
and twenty Perches to abounded Poplar Then by aline drawn East 
one hundred Perches to the first bounded Oake, Containing and layd 
out for two hundred Acres as by return of the Survey under the hand 
of the Survey doth and may Now know yee: Quitt Rent: 2 Bush- 
ells dated the day of Anno Domini 
Examined Q. Rent 2 bush. 
Bam'll Barbary 
Fo 3. 

Edmund Andros Esq'r Whereas there is a certain parcell or tract 
of Land called Would have more, one the west side of Delaware Bay, 
and on the North side of a Creeke of the said Bay Called Duck Creeke, 
in the middle branch of the said Creeke, the which by virtue of a war- 
rant hath been layd out for John Woodhus, the said Land beginning 
at abounded Oake by the Creeke & running west up the Creeke two 
hundred Perches, then by a line North three hundred and twenty 
perches then East two Hundred Perches, and by a line South three 
hundred and twenty Perches to the first bounded Oake Containing and 
layd out for four hundred Acres of land as by returne (109) of the sur- 
vey under the hand of the Survey V doth and may appear. Now know 
yee &c Quitt Rent 4 Bus. date the day of Anno Domini 1676. 

Ex'd. Q Rent 4 bush. 
John Woodhus 

Edmund Andros Esq'r Whereas there is a certain tract of land 
called Lester on the west side of Delaware bay & on the North side of a 


Creeke of the said bay called Duck Creeke, in the middle branch of the 
said Creeke, the which by vertue of awarrant hath been layd out for 
Morris Lester the said land beginning att abounded Oake being the 
uppermost tree of John Woodhus and running west up the Creeke two 
hundred Perches to a bounded white Oake by the Creeke and by a 
marsh, then by aline North three hundred and twenty Perches, then 
East Two hundred Perches & by aline South three hundred and 
twenty perches to the first bounded Oake Containing and lay'd out for 
four hundred Acres more or less as by returne of the Survey doth and 
may appear under the of the Surveyor. Now know yee Quitt Rent 
four Bushell Dated the day of Anno Domini 1676 

Ex'd Q Rent 4 bush 
llorris Lester 

Edmund Andros EsqV Whereas there is a certaine Tract of land 
on the west side of Delaware bay and on the North west side of a 
Creeke of the said bay called Blackbird Creeke, the which by vertue of 
a warrant hath been layd out for Percifell Woodersell, Jno. Barker 
John Street, James & Edward Williams the said land beginning, at a 
bounded White Oake by a small branch, and running South West up 
the Creeke Six hundred Perches, to a bounded Oake by the Creeke, 
& by aline North West three hundred and twenty Perches then by line 
North East Six hundred Perches, then South East three & twenty 
Perches to the first bounded Oake, Containing and layd out for twelve 
hundred Acres of land as by the returne of the Survey under the Sur- 
veyor doth and may appear Now know yee &c Quitt Rent 12 
Bushell, dated the day of Anno Domini 167 

Sx'd Q. R. 12 bushells. 
Percifell Woodersell & CJompany 
To. 5. 


Edmund Andros Esq'r Whereas there is a certaine tract of land 
Called Whitehall on the west side of Delaware bay, and on the North 
East side of a branch of a Creeke. up the said bay called Duck Creeke, 
the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out Francis Whittwell 
the s'd land beginning at a marked. white Oake being the first bounded 
tree of the land laid out for Nicholas Bartlet Running East down the 
Creeke two hundred Perches, to a marked Pohickory by the Creeke 
side then binding by the Creeke and marsh North three hundred and 
twenty Perches, then West two hundred Perches to the land of the s'd 
Bartlett, and by his land three hundred and twenty Perches to the first 
bounded Oake Containing and layd out for four hundred Acres of 
land, as by returne of the Survey under the hand of Cap't. Edmund 
Cantwell doth and may appear, with all the Marsh thereunto adjoining. 
Now know yee &c. Quitt rent four Bushells dated the day of 
Anno Domini. 167 
Ex*d Q. R. 4 bushell 
Francis Whitney. 


Edmund Andros, Esq., Whereas there is a certaine parccll of 
land called Palmore on the west side of Delaware Bay, and on the 
South side of a Creeke of the sd bay Called Duck Creeke the which by 
vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Henry Palmer the sd land 
beginning at amarked white Oake by a branch of the sd Creeke called 
muddy branch running down the branch two hundred Perches, to 
amarked Oake, then by a line drawn South three hundred and twenty 
Perches, then by a line west, two hundred Perches, then by a line 
North three hundred and twenty perches, to the first bounded Oake 
Containing and layd out for four hundred Acres of land, as by retume 
of the Survey under the hand of Capt Enmond Cantwell the Surveyor 
doth and may appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent four Bushells. 
Dated the day of Anno Domini 167 

Ex'd Q. R. 4 busheU. 
Henry Palmer, 
Fo. 7. 


Edmund Andros Esq. Whereas there is a certaine tract of land 
Called Diason on the west side of Delaware bay, and on the North side 
of a Creek Called Drayer's Creeke the which by vertue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for Bryan Omella, the sd land beginning at a 
bounded Peckikory being the bounded tree of the land formerly laid 
out forClaus Cassen running north northeast three hundred and twenty 
Perche's by the land of the said Cassen, then West North West one 
hundred Perches, then by a line drawn South South west three hun- 
dred and twenty Perches, to the Creek, and by the Creek, one hun- 
dred perches to the first bounded Peckikry, Containing and layd out 
for two hundred Acres, be it more or less, as by returne of the Survey, 
under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell doth and may appear. Now 
know yee &c. Quitt rent two Bushells, dated the day of 

Anno Domini 167 
Ex'd Q. R. 2 bush. 
Bryan Omella 
Fo. 7. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certain Lot of ground 
below the fort at Newcastle upon Delaware the which by Vertue of a 
warrant hath been layd out for James Wallem the boundaries being as 
followeth, bounded upon the South East with the river on the west 
with the common on the North East with a small Creeke, Containing 
in breadth sixty foot and length three hundred foot allowing a path- 
way from the Towne dike that leads into the towne the same to be ex- 
cepted Bee it more or less as by returne of the Survey under the hand 
of the Surveyor doth and may appeare &c. Now know yee and dated 
the day of Anno Domini 167. 

Ex'd Q. R. 
James Wallem 


Edmund Andros, Esq., Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land called Palmore on the west side of Delaware Bay, and on the 
South side of a Creeke of the sd bay Called Duck Creeke the which by 
vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Henry Palmer the sd land 
beginning at amarked white Oake by a branch of the sd Creeke called 
muddy branch running down the branch two hundred Perches, to 
amarked Oake, then by a line drawn South three hundred and twenty 
Perches, then by a line west, two hundred Perches, then by a line 
North three hundred and twenty perches, to the first bounded Oake 
Containing and layd out for four hundred Acres of land, as by retume 
of the Survey under the hand of Capt Enmond Cantwell the Surveyor 
doth and may appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent four Bu<shells. 
Dated the day of Anno Domini 167 

Ex'd Q. R. 4 busheU. 
Henry Palmer, 
Fo. 7. 


Edmund Andros Esq. Whereas there is a certaine tract of land 
Called Diason on the west side of Delaware bay, and on the North side 
of a Creek Called Drayer's Creeke the which by vertue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for Bryan Omella, the sd land beginning at a 
bounded Peckikory being the bounded tree of the land formerly laid 
out forClaus Cassen running north northeast three hundred and twenty 
Perche's by the land of the said Cassen, then West North West one 
hundred Perches, then by a line drawn South South west three hun- 
dred and twenty Perches, to the Creek, and by the Creek, one hun- 
dred perches to the first bounded Peckikry, Containing and layd out 
for two hundred Acres, be it more or less, as by returne of the Survey, 
under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell doth and may appear. Now 
know yee &c. Quitt rent two Bushells, dated the day of 

Anno Domini 167 
Ex'd Q. R. 2 bush. 
Bryan Omella 
Fo. 7. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certain Lot of ground 
below the fort at Newcastle upon Delaware the which by Vertue of a 
warrant hath been layd out for James Wallem the boundaries being as 
followeth, bounded upon the South East with the river on the west 
with the common on the North East with a small Creeke, Containing 
in breadth sixty foot and length three hundred foot allowing a path- 
way from the Towne dike that leads into the towne the same to be ex- 
cepted Bee it more or less as by returne of the Survey under the band 
of the Surveyor doth and may appeare &c. Now know yee and dated 
the day of Anno Domini 167. 

Ex'd Q. R. 
James Wallem 


Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine Parcell of 
Land called Salsberry Plaine, lying on the western side of Delaware 
River, in St. George's Neck the which by vertue of a warrant hath been 
layd for Evan Salisbury, the sd land beginning at a marked wt. Oake 
Standing upon (112) a point of a Beaver Dam, & running North one 
hundred and and fifty Perches, to a marked Pokickry Standing upon a 
poynt by a Swamp side, and from the said tree with a line drawn West 
three hundred and twenty Perches, for length into the wood, and from 
the end of the sd line with a line drawn South one hundred and fifety 
Perches & from thence East Three Hundred and twenty perches to 
three first bounded tree, Containing and layd for three hundred Acres 
of land More or less, as by the returne of the Survey under the hand of 
Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now 
know yee Quitt Rent three bushells Dated the day of 

Anno Donimi 167. 
Ex'd Q. R. 3 bushellB 
Evan Salisbury 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine a tract of land 
called Jackson's Neck, on the west side of Delaware Bay, and on the 
South side of a Creeke of the sd bay called Cedar Creeke the which by 
vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for John Ashman and Sammuel 
Jackson the sd land begining at a bounded Poplar by a branch run- 
ning North West one hundred and fifty Perches, to a bounded red 
Oake by a small branch, then by a line South west three hundred and 
twenty Perches, into the woods, then by a line South East, one hun- 
dred and fifty Perches, and by a line drawn North East three hundred 
and twenty Perches, to the first bounded Poplar Containing and layd 
out for three hundred Acres of Land as by returne of the Survey under 
the hand Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may appear. 
Now know yee & Quitt rent three bushells. Date the day of 

Anno Domini 167. 
Ex'd Q. R. 3 bushellB 
John Afihman 
Fo 10. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine tract of land 
on the west side of Delaware Bay and on the Southwest of a Creeke of 
the sd bay called Banksum brigs Creeke, the which by Vertue of a war- 
rant hath been layd out for W. Troth the said land beginning at a (113) 
marked red Oake by the Creeke, Running down the Creeke North one 
hundred Perches to another bounded Oake, then by a line drawn west 
Three hundred & twenty Perches then South one hundred Perches, 
then by a line East three hundred and twenty Perches to the first 
bounded Oake Containing and layd out for two hundred Acres as by 
return of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the 


Surveyor doth and May appeare. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent two 
bushells dated the day of Anno Domini 167. 

Ex'd Q. R. 2 bushellfl 
Willra Troth. 
Fo 11. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine Parcell of Land 
called Swandall on the west side of Delaware bay & on the northwest 
of a Creeke of the bay called black bird Creeke the which by vertue of a 
warrant hath been layd out for Edward Swandall the said land begin- 
ing at a red Oake by a small branch running South west by the Creeke 
one hundred Perches then by a line drawn North west, three hundred 
and twenty Perches, then by a line North East one hundred Perches, 
then by a line South East three hundred and twenty perches, to the 
first bounded Oake, Containing and layd out for two hundred Acres of 
land as by return of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cant- 
well the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt 
rent two Bushells, dated the day of Anno Domini 

Ex'd Q. Rent 2 bushells 
Edward Swandall. 
Fo 11. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of land 
called Ashmore on the west side of Delaware bay & on the South side 
of a Creeke called Cedar Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath 
been laid out for John Ashman & Samll Jackson the sd land begining 
at a bounded Red Oake, by the river runing west North west, for 
breadth up the Creeke, one hundred and fifety perches, to a bounded 
white Oake, by a branch, then South South West for breadth one hun- 
dred one hundred and sixty Perches, then West North west one him- 
dred Perches to a bounded white Oake by a small branch, then South 
South West, one hundred and Sixty perches then by a line South East 
Two hundred and fifety Perches, then by a line North North (114) 
West, three hundred and twenty Perches, to the first bounded red Oake 
Containing and layd out for foure hundred Acres, with the marshes 
thereunto belonging as by returne of the Survey under the hand of 
Captain Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now 
know yee &c. Quitt Rent foure bushells dated the day of 

Anno Domini 167 
Ex'd Q. R. 4 bushells 
John Ashman 
Samll Jackson 
Fo 12 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is certaine Tract of land 
Called Maulbery on the west side of Delaware bay & on the South east 
side of a Creeke of the said bay Called black bird Creeke, the which 
by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Robt Tallant, the said 
land begining att a bounded Spanish Oake, att the head of a branch of 
the said Creeke, runing down the branch Northwest fifety Perches, to 



the Creeke, then North one hundred Perches, to a marked Oake then 
East three hundred and twenty Perches to a bounded Oake in the 
Woods, then South one hundred Perches, then North west two hun- 
dred and Seventy Perches to the first bounded Spanish Oake, Contain- 
ing and layd out for two hundred Acres of land as by returne of the 
Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now 
know yee &c. Quitt rent 2 bushell dated the day of Anno 


Ex'd Q. R. 2 bushells 
Robt Tallant 
Fo 13 

Edmund AndrosEsqr,&c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land 
called Maidestone lying on the westerne side of Delaware River and the 
first divideing of St. George's Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for John Scott, the sd land begining at a marked 
Oake standing upon the poynt of the forke and running with the 
Northwest Branch Twenty five Perches to a marked pokickery tree 
standing upon a knowle by the branchside, and from the said tree with 
a line drawn up ye sd branch Four hundred & eighty Perches, west 
north west, to another marked Oake and binding with the sd branch 
and from thence runing (115) cross the neck South South west Two 
hundred perches to another branch of the Creek binding with the sd 
branch it being the South west branch of the Creeke & downe the sd 
branch Four hundred and eighty perches to a marked white Oake 
standing by the branch side & from thence binding with the branch to 
ye first marked red Oake Containing and layd out for four hundred 
acres of land as by return of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Ed- 
mund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now know yee 
&c. Quitt rent four bushells dated the day of Anno 

Domini 167 

Ex*d Q. R. 4 bushells 
John Scott 
Fo 14. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of Land 
Called the Partnership, lying on the westerne side of Delaware River, 
inn St. George's Neck on the North side of the Dragon Swamp, ye 
which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd for William Currer & 
William Goldsmith, the sd land begining at a marked Oake standing 
by the River side upon a poynt, being a bounded tree of the land of 
Henry Ward, and runing Southwest One hundred and sixty perches to 
a marked Oake of the sd Henry Ward standing by a branch of the 
Draggon Swamp and from thence Forty perches binding with the sd 
Branch, to a marked white Oake Standing by the Draggon Swamp, 
Then with a line drawn west and by north binding with the Draggon 
Swamp, for ye length of three Hundred and twenty perches to a marked 
red Oake Standing at the head of branch of the sd Swamp, then with a 
line drawn North East three and twenty Perches, to a marked white 


Oake Standing at ye head of a Beaver dam, then by a line drawn South 
East binding with the sd beaver dam, to the first bounded tree, Con- 
taining and layd out for Six hundred Acres of land, as by return of the 
Survey under ye hand of ye Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now 
know yee &c. Quitt rent six bushells, dated the day of Anno 
Domini 167 

Exd Q. R. 6 baaheUs 
William Currer A 
WiUiam Goldsmith 
Fo 15. 


Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land 
called Brooksbay, lying on the west side of Delaware bay, and on the 
west side of the Southermost branch of a Creeke Called Duck Creeke, 
& in a little branch running somewhat Easterly, into a lake which 
makes out into severall Branches, the which by vertue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for Francis Whittwell the said land begining upon 
a long poynt, runing into the marsh pretty near the Creeke at a marked 
Plum tree & runing South for breadth, one hundred Perches, to a 
marked hickory Standing on the south side of the Poynt by the marsh 
then west six hundred and forty Perarches, then north one hundred 
Perches then east six hundred and forty Pearches to the first named 
tree with all the Marshes thereunto appeartaining Containing and layd 
out for four hundred Acres of land as by retume of the Survey under 
the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now know yee &c. 
Quitt rent four bushells dated the day of Anno Domini 167 

ExM Q. R. 4 bushells 
Francis Whitwell 
Fo 16. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas as there is a certaine tract of 
land Called Petty France on the west side of Delaware bay and on the 
North East side of a branch of a Creek of the sd bay Called Duck 
Creeke the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Nicho- 
las Bartlett the sayd land begining at a marked white Oake Runing 
west up the Creeke two hundred Perches to a marked Poplar on the 
South west with a line drawne North Three hundred and Twenty 
Perches, then with a line drawn East, two hundred perches to a marked 
red Oake then South two hundred and twenty Perches to the first 
bounded Oake with the Marsh thereto adjoyning, Containing and layd 
out for four hundred acres of land as by retume of the Survey under 
the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth (117) and may 
appear Now know yee &c. Quit Rent four bushells dated the day 
of Anno Domini. 167 

Ex'd Q. R. 4 bushellB 
Nicholas Bartlett 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine tract of land 
lying on the Westeme side of Delaware River next adjoyning to the 



land of Evan Salisbury in St. George's Neck the said land beg^ning at 
a bounded Pokickery standing in the west line of the sd. Evan Salis- 
bury, & running for breadth from the sd. tree North, two hundred & 
fifty Perches to a marked Oake, & from the sd. Oake by a line Drawn 
west Three hundred & twenty Perches, for length to another marked 
Oake, & from the sd. Oake with a line drawn south Two hundred and 
Fifety perches to another mark'd Oake then EsLSt three hundred and 
twenty perches to the first bounded Pokickery, containing and layd out 
for five hundred acres of land more or less as by returne Survey under 
the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may ap- 
pear. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent five Bushells dated the day 
of Anno Domini 
Which by vertue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for John 
Pitt of Maryland. 
Sx'd Q. R. 5 biuhelU 
John Pitt. 
Fo 18. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land called St. Martins lying upon Paganes Creeke the which by vertue 
of a warrant hath been layd out for Edward Southeron the sd. land 
begining at a bounded Poplar Standing by the point of a small marsh 
running up the sd. Creeke, for breadth South East & by South Two 
hundred Perches, to a bounded hickory Standing upon the sd. Creek 
by a small Marsh from thence up the sd. Marsh South west & by west 
Three hundred and Twenty Perches to another bounded hickory 
Standing in the Woods, and from thence North west & by North to a 
bounded white Oake, Standing by a beaver dam Two hundred Perches, 
& from thence North East & by East by a line of marked trees binding 
upon Daniell Browns (ii8) down to the first bounded Poplar Standing 
by a Pagans Creeke three and twenty Perches, Containing and layd 
out for four hundred acres of land as by returne of the Survey under 
the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may ap- 
pear. Now know yee &c. Quit rent four bushells. Dated the 
day of Anno Domini: 167 

Ex'd Q. R. 4 bushells 
Edward Southeron 
Fo 19. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of 
land Called Youngshope lying and being upon the Whore kill, The 
which by vertue of a Warrant hath been layd for George Young the 
sd. land begining at a small marsh, & Runing up the kill for breadth 
South East One hundred & fifety perches to a bounded white Oake, 
and from thence southwest three hundred and twenty Perches, to a 
bounded red Oake, Standing in the Woods, and from thence with a 
line of marked trees, running North West two a black wallnut stand- 
ing by the foresaid Marsh One hundred and fifety Perches bounded 
upon the Woods, and from thence down the said Marsh to the afore- 



said point North East Three hundred & 20 Perches: Containing and 
layd out for three hundred acres as by returne of the Survey under the 
hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor, doth and may appear. 
Now know yee &c. Quitt rent three Bushells. Dated the day of 

Anno Domini 
Ex*d Q. R. 3 bushells 
George Young. 
Fo 20. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of land 
called Locust Neck lying near and upon Rehobath Creeke, the which 
vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Henry Peddington the sd. 
land begining at a bounded pine, Standing by the point of a marsh 
runing, and bounding up the Said Creeke for breadth west two hun- 
dred perches (119) to a bounded Cedar, standing by the side of a 
Swamp from thence runing and bounding upon the sd. Swamp, North 
three hundred and twenty Perches to a bounded red Oake, and from 
thence east by a line of marked trees bound upon the Wood Two hun- 
dred Perches, to a bounded hickory standing by the foresaid Marsh, 
and from thence runing and bounding upon the said Marsh, south 
three hundred and twenty Perches down to the first bounded Pine 
Standing upon the point by the Creeke Containing and layd out for 
foure hundred acres of land as by returne of the Survey under the hand 
of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now 
know yee & Quitt rent foure bushells, dated the day of 

Anno Domini: 167 
Ex'd Q. R. 4 bushells 
Henry Peddington 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine tract of land 
lying and being upon, the which was formerly Peter Aldricks, the 
which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Mr. Wm Tom, the 
said land begining at a bounded white Oake standing by the killside 
and from thence South East, runing and bounding upon the kill sixty 
six Perches to a bounded hickory standing by the sd. kill, from thence 
by a line of marked trees. South West, to a bounded Red Oake stand- 
ing by the side of Pagans Creeke Three hundred and twenty perches, 
bounded upon Hermanns Woolbanck from thence downe the said 
Creeke north west sixty six perches, to another bounded red Oake and 
from thence North East by a line of marked trees downe to the first 
bounded white Oake standing upon the whore kill, Three hundred and 
twenty Perches bounded upon Alexander Molestody land, Containing 
and laid out for one hundred thirty and two acres of land as by returne 
of the survey under the hand of the Survey doth and may appear 
Now know yee &c.: Quitt rent one Bushell J: dated the day of 

Ex'd Q. Rent, li bushells 
William Tom. 




Edmund Andros Esqr. Examined Q. R. 7 bushells. Whereas 
there is a tract of land scituate on the Westward side of Delaware River 
about two miles above Verdrieties hook, in a place called the Bought 
the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Olie Fransom, 
Marcus Lawrenson, and Neils Neilson, the sd. land beginning at a 
Corner marked white Oake standing at the North East side of the 
mouth of a small Creeke Called Dogg-Creeke, & from the sd. white 
Oake runing Northwest by a line of marked trees dividing this from 
the land of Charles Pieterson three hundred & twenty perches to a cor- 
ner marked white Oake standing nigh unto the head of a branch of a 
Creeke Called Stony Creeke and from thence runing North East by a 
line of marked trees three hundred and ninety perches, to another cor- 
ner marked white Oake, standing the head of a branch (of the bought 
Creeke) called Poplar branch & from the sd. Oake, runing down the 
several Courses of ye sd. branch and creeke to the maine River, and 
finally downe by the River side to y^ first mentioned white Oake at the 
mouth of Dog Creeke containing and layed out for seven hundred acres 
of land (besides the Swamp & Sunken ground) viz.: three hundred 
acres (part thereof) being formerly granted, unto Olie Franson Pieter 
Mouson & Neils Neilson by Patent bearing date the 7th day of April 
1673 (since which time Marcus Lawrenson is invested into the right of 
Pieter Mouson) and the other foure hundred acres being new land: 
provided always that inhabitants of Verdrietes Hooke shall have and 
enjoy the freedom and privilege of Stony Creeke & the Mill they have 
built in the same manner as formerly Now know yee. Quit rent 
Seven Bushells dated the day of Anno Domini 167 . 

Olie Franson & Co. 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is certain lott of ground 
below the Fort at New Castle upon Delaware the which by vertue of a 
warrant hath been layed out for Henry Parker, the Boundaries thereof 
being as followeth, bounded on the South East with the River, on the 
West with the Common on the northeast with the James Wallems (121) 
lott Containing in breadth sixty foot and in length three hundred foot, 
allowing a pathway from Towne dike that leads into the towne the 
same to be accepted more or less as by returne of the Survey under the 
hand of the Surveyor doth and may appear, Now known yee &c. 
dated the day of Anno Domini 167. 

Henry Parker 
Fo 24. 

Edmund Andros Esq &c Whereas there is a certain Tract of land 
lying and being upon the Whorekill, the which by virtue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for John Kephaven the sd land beginning at a 
Grad post standing by the kill side running up the kill for breadth 
South East Three Hundred and twenty Perches to abounded black 


Walnut Post and from thence by a line of Marked trees running South 
west binding upon Alexander Molestedy to a bounded red Oake stand- 
ing upon paganes Creeke foure hundred & 80 Perches from thence 
north west by the said Creeke to another bounded Oake Three hun- 
dred and twenty Perches from thence by a line of marked trees downe 
to the first Cedar Post, standing upon the Whore kill North East foure 
hundred and eighty perches Containing and layd out for sixty and nine 
acres as by the return of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund 
Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now know yee &c Quitt 
Rent i bushell Dated the day of 

Anno Domini 167 . 
John Kephaven 
Fo 25. 

Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Examined Quitt Rent 3 pecks. 
Whereas there is a certain tract of land lying and being upon the 
Whore Kill near to the mouth of the kill the which by vertue of a war- 
rant hath been layd out for Alexander Molestedy the said land begin- 
ning a bounded Cedar runing up to the kill for breadth South East 
forty perches to a bounded Red Oake standing by the Kill and from 
thence South west binding upon Wm Tom Three hundred and twenty 
Perches to a bounded Red Oake standing by the (122) side of Paganes 
Creeke and from thence North west down the sd. Creeke, forty 
Perches to a bounded white Oake Standing by the Creeke from thence 
North East binding upon the Woods three hundred and twenty 
perches to the first bounded Cedar Standing by the Whore kill Con- 
taining and layd out for Eighty Acres of land as by the return of the 
Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth 
and may appear Now know yee &c Quitt Rent 3 pecks dated the 
day of Anno Domini 167 

Alexander Molestedy 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Examined Q Rent i bushell & a peck 
Whereas there is a certaine tract of land lying and being upon the 
Whore kill, the which by vertue of a Warrant hath been layd out 
for Hermanus Woolbanck the said land beginning at a bounded Red 
Oake standing by the kill side runing South East up ye kill for breadth 
sixty Seven perches to a bounded white Oake Post standing by the hill 
or Creeke and from thence South West Three hundred and twenty 
Perches to a bounded Hickarie standing upon Paganes Creeke 
from thence North West down the said Creeke Sixty seven Perches 
to a bounded White Oake and from thence North East to the first 
bounded Red Oake standing by the kill three hundred and twenty 
Perches Containing and layd out for One hundred 34 acres of land as 
by returne of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwelt 



doth and may appear Now know yee &c. Quitt rent one bushell one 

Peck dated the day of Anno Domini 167 . 

Hermanus Woolbanck 

Fo 27 

Ex'd & Corap'd 

Thos M. Kean 

Edmund Andros Esq &c. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of 
land called Rich Neck on the West side of Delaware bay and on the 
North East side of a branch of Duck Creeke called the Middle Branch 
the which by virtue of a warrant hath been layed out for Stevan Dur- 
dene the said land begining at a marked Poplar, being the last bounded 
tree of Nicholas Bartlett Runing West up the Creeke (123) two hun- 
dred Perches to a marked White Oake by a small branch on the South 
West with a line drawn West Three hundred and twenty Perches, then 
North two hundred Perches, till it interseates with the land of the said 
Bartlett, three hundred Perches to the first bounded Poplar, containing 
and layd out for foure hundred acres of land as by return of the Survey 
under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may 
appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent four bushells dated the 
day of Anno Domini: 167. 

Ex'd Q. R. 4 bushells 
Stevan Durdene 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of 
land Called Walnut Plaine, on the West side of Delaware Bay, and on 
the South side of a Creeke of the sd Bay Called Duck Creeke the which 
by virtue of a warrant hath been layd out for Henry Bowen, the said 
land begining at a mark White Oake by the Creeke Side runing down 
the Creeke East two hundred Perches, then with a line drawn South 
three hundred and twenty perches & with a line drawn West two hun- 
dred Perches to a marked Oake, then by a line drawn North three 
hundred and twenty perches to the first bounded Oake, Containing 
and layd out for foure hundred acres more or lesse with all the marsh 
thereto adjoyning as by the Return of the Survey under the hand of 
Cap. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now, 
know yee, &c. Quitt Rent foure bushells, dated the day of 

Anno Domini 167. 
Ex'd Q. R. 4 bushells 
Henry Bowne 
Fo 89 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of 
land called Mill Bay on the west side of Delaware Bay & on the South 
side of Creeke called Duck Creeke, the which by virtue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for Oliver Melinton (124) and George Hartle the sd 
land begining at a marked White Oake being the bounded tree of 
Henry Bowen runing south by the land of the said Bowen three hun- 
dred and twenty Perches then by a line West two hundred Perches, 


and by a line drawn North three hundred and twenty perches to the 

Creeke, and by the Creeke East two hundred Perches to the first 

bounded Oake Containing and layd out for foure hundred acres of 

land more or less as by the Return of the Survey under the hand of 

Capt. Edmund Cantwell Surveyor Doth and may appeare. Now know 

yee &c. Quitt rent foure bushells, dated the day of Anno 

Domini 167. 

Ex'd Q. Rent 4 bushells 


Oliver Melinton 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of 
land Called Poplar Neck on the West side of Delaware bay & on the 
South East side of a Creeke Called Black Bird Creeke, the which by 
vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Thomas Coks, the sd. land 
beginning at a marked White Oake standing on a Bank by the Water 
side being the second fast landing above Walter Wharton's plantation, 
runing up the South South West one hundred and Fifty perches, then 
by a line Drawne South South East three hundred and twenty Perches 
then North North west one hundred and fifety Perches, then West 
North west three hundred and twenty Perches to the first named Oake 
with all the Marshes thereunto appertaining Containing and now layd 
out for three hundred acres of land more or less as by return of the Sur- 
vey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell doth and may appeare, 
Now Know yee &c. Quitt Rent 3 bushels dated the day of 

Anno Domini 167 
Ex'd Q. R. 3 buBhell 
Thomas Cox 


Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a centaine Tract of 
land called Woodases Choice on the west side of Delaware bay & on 
the South East side of a Creeke of the sd. Bay Called Black Bird 
Creeke the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for John 
Woodars the sd. land begining at a marked red Oake by the Creeke 
and runing downe the Creeke North two hundred Perches to another 
Red Oake, then by a line drawn east three hundred and twenty Perches 
to a Cedar Swamp then by a line drawn South to the land of Mr. Wal- 
ter Wharton two hundred perches and by the sd. Wharton's land 
three hundred and twenty Perches to the first bounded Oake Contain- 
ing and layd out for foure hundred acres as by the Return of the Sur- 
vey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor doth and 
may appeare. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent foure bushells dated the 

day of Anno Domini 167 . 

Ex'd Q. Rent 4 bush. 
John Woodars 


Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a Tract of land Called 
South side, on the west side of Delaware bay and on the south side of a 
Creeke called Drayers creeke the which by vertue of a warrant hath 
been layd out for Bryan Omella the sd land begining at a marked Oak 
by the Creeke side runing South one hundred Perches to a bounded 
Oake in the woods, then by a line west three hundred and twenty 
Perches to another bounded tree in the Woods, and by a line north 
one hundred Perches to the Creeke, then by a line brought by the 
Creeke to the first bounded Oake Containing and layd out for two 
hundred acres of land more or less as by the returne of the Survey un- 
der the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor doth and may 
appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent two bushells dated the 
day of Anno Domini. 

Ex'd Q. R. 2 buBh. 
Bryan Omella 


Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain Tract of 
land called Tower Hill on the west side of Delaware bay and on the 
South East side of the Creeke called the Black Bird creeke, the which 
by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Thomas Bromall the sd 
land begining at a marked Oake Standing upon the bank by the water 
side being the first fast land above Walter Wharton's plantation, run- 
ing south south west one hundred and fifety Perches then by a line 
drawn south south east three hundred and twenty perches then north 
North west one hundred and fifety Perches then West North west 
three hundred and 20 Perches to the first named Oake with all the 
Marshes thereunto appertaining Containing and layd out for three 
Hundred acres of land as by the returne of the Survey under the hand 
of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now 
know yee &c Quitt rent three bushells dated the day of 

Anno Domini 167 
Ex'd Q. R. 3 bushells 
Thomas Bromall 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of 
land called Marrietes Hooke lying and being on the West side of Dela- 
ware River the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for 
Charles Janson Olle Rawson Olle Nielson, Hans Hopman John Hen- 
drickson & Hans Olleson the sd land being bounded as followeth (viz) 
begining at a small point of high land within the mouth of Naaman's 
Creeke, and from thence runing North & by West one hundred twenty 
& three Perches and North two hundred Perches, bounded with the 
Creek to a corner marked White Oake by the Creeke side at the mouth 
of a small branch & from thence East and by North, (bounded with the 
sd Branch & with a line of marked trees from the head of the branch 
to a corner mark'd Spanish oake (127) standing by a small Run) Three 


hundred and eight Perches from thence North North E^st (along the 
Run) thirty two perches to a comer marked White Oake standing at 
the side of Marites Creeke at the lower side of the mouth of the sd Run, 
& from thence downe the several courses of the Creeke to the Maine 
River side, and from thence downe along the River side to the place of 
beginning, at the mouth of Naaman's Creeke, containing and layd out 
for one thousand acres of land, as by the return of the Survey under 
the Surveyor doth and may appeare Now Know yee &c. Quitt rent ten 
bushells dated the day of Anno Domini. 

Ex'd Q. Rent 10 bush. 
Charles Jansen & Company 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Exa'd. 5J bush. Q. R. Whereas 
there is a certaine Tract of land Called Groeningen lying and being on 
the West side of Delaware River, and on the South East side of St. 
Augustine's Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd 
out for Mr. Peter Alricks and sd land begining at a corner marked 
Black Oake standing on the nearest point of Woodland unto the said 
Creeke by the River side, and from thence runing North East ninety 
four Perches North Easterly thirty degrees, — seventy eight Perches 
North Northeast fifty two Perches North Easerly fifteen degrees, seven- 
ty two Perches, North North east eighty six perches and North East 
and by North one hundred eighty and six perches (bounding upon the 
main river) unto the mouth of a small sprout or Creeke, called Little 
St. Georges Creeke which divideth this from the land of Mrs. Ann 
Waale, and from thence West fourty Perches South West and by West 
one hundred fifety and three Perches, and North westerly seventy three 
degrees one hundred fourty and six Perches (bounding upon the said 
Creeke or Sprout) to Mrs. Waale's line of marked trees crossing the sd 
Branch and from thence West South West, along the said (128) Mrs. 
Waale's line of marked trees one hundred fourty and two Perches, to 
her upper corner tree being a White Oake standing nigh unto the head 
of a swamp which proceedeth out of the Northern branch of St. Augus- 
tine's Creeke and from thence downe along the several Courses of the 
said branch & Marsh to the first mentioned black Oake Containing and 
layd out for five hundred and sixty acres of land as by the return of 
the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. 
Now know yee &c. Quitt rent five bushells and a halfe dated the 
day of Anno Domini 167 

Peter Alricks 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Exa'd, Q. R. i^ bushells. 

Whereas there is a certaine small tract of land Called Abrahams 
delight lying and being on the West side of Delaware river and on the 
North side of St. Augustine's Creek next adjoining to Peter Alricks, the 
which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Abraham Enloes, 
the sd land beginning at a comer marked White Oak Standing on a 


point in the first forke of the sd Creeke, and from the said Oake Tun- 
ing North east sixty eight Perches North sixty four perches North- 
westerly fifety eight degrees — two hundred twenty and three Perches 
bounding on the Northern Branche to a corner marked White Oake, 
standing on a small point between the two head branches of sd North- 
em branch from thence south and by West by a line of Mark'd trees 
sixty and two Perches to a corner mark'd White Oak standing at the 
East side of the head of a Swamp which proceedeth out of the maine 
branch of St. Augustine's creeke and from thence down the several! 
Courses of (129) the said Swamp, & Creek to the first mentioned White 
Oak, Containing the lay'd out for one hundred and seventy acres of 
land as by the returne of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor 
doth and may appear, Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent 1 bushell and a 
half, dated the day of Anno Domini 167 

Abraham Enloes 

Edmund Andros Esqr &c. Exam'd. q. Rent 2 Bush. 

Whereas there is a certain parcell of land Called Drumers' Neck 
lying and being on the West side of Delaware river,. & on the North 
and West side of Appoquemini Creeke, the which by vertue of a war- 
rant hath been laid out for Morris Daniel the said land begining at a 
Corner marked White Standing on a point by the sd Creeke at the up- 
per side of a branch which at the mouth of thereof divideth this from 
the land of Bernard Hendrickson, & from the said Oake runing up the 
branch North Northwest forty perches, & then Northwest by the sd 
Bernard's line of marked trees, four hundred & Eighty perches to a 
comer marked Hickory, from thence Southwest by a line of Marked 
trees sixty perches to a corner marked Red Oake being the upper cor- 
ner of a parcell of land formerly granted to Jacob Tiaen from thence 
South east by the said Jacob's line of marked trees four hundred 
perches into a swamp and then downe the swamp South South East 
sixty perches to ye aforesaid Creeke, & finally downe along the Creeke 
to the first mentioned White Oake containing and layd out for one 
hundred and ninety acres of land as by the returne of the Survey un- 
der the hand of the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now know yee 
&c. Quitt Rent 2 Bushell. Dated the day of Anno 

Domini, 167 

The sd land having been formerly granted by Patent unto John 
Bradburn, bearing date June 17th, 1671, & by him diserted. 
Maurice Daniel 
Fo 38-39. 


Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Exa'd. Q. R. 3 Bush. 

Whereas there is a certaine tract or parcell of Called the good 

Neighborhood lying and being on the West side of Delaware River, 
and on the North East side of St. Augustine's Creek, the which by 
vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Casparus Herman the sd 


land begining at a corner marked Oake Standing on a Point at the Up- 
per side of the mouth of a branch or swamp and from thence runing 
Nortn by East up the sd Swamp & from the head thereof by a line of 
marked trees one hundred and fifety perches to the land of George 
Axton nigh unto a corner marked hickory, standing a little out of the 
lyne by the head of a small swamp, & from thence West North West, 
by a line of marked trees three hundred and seventy perches, to a cor- 
ner marked White Oak, standing on a levell, and from thence South 
West & by South by a line of marked trees three hundred Perches to a 
corner marked Maple Standing at the North Side of the Maine branch 
of St. Augustine's Creek, & from thence down along the sd branch and 
Creeke, to the first mentioned White Oak, containing and layed out for 
three hundred and thirty acres of land, as by returne of the Survey and 
under the hand of the Surveyor, doth and may appear. Now know yee 
&c. Quitt Rent 3 bushells. Dated the day of Anno 

Caspenis Herman 
Fo 40. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Exa'd. Q. R. 2 Bush. 

Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land Called Calton lying and 
being on the West side of Delaware river & on the North side of a 
branch of Black Bird Creek that divideth this from the sd land, the 
which by vertue of a warrant hath been laid out for John Barker, the 
said land beginning at a corner marked Hickory (131) standing at the 
side of the sd branch by a beaverdam, it being the upper corner tree 
of John Hartop, & from thence runing North by the sd Hartop's line of 
marked trees two hundred forty and six perches to a Corner marked 
White Oake, from thence West by a line of marked trees one hundred 
and fifety Perches to a Corner marked Gumme Tree standing on the 
side of a Poquoson from thence South by a line of marked trees two 
hundred and thirty Perches to a corner marked Maple Standing at the 
side of the sd branch, & from thence down along the run of the said 
branch to the first mentioned corner tree containing and layd out for 
two hundred and twenty acres of land as by return of the Survey un- 
der the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appear Now know yee 
&c. Quitt Rent 2 bushells dated the day of Anno 

Domini 167. 
John Barker 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certain parcell of land 
Called Wandsor situated on the Westward side of Delaware River & on 
the South side of St. George's Creeke, opposite to Mr. Jacob Youne's 
Plantation, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for 
George Moore, being bounded on the East North East with a line of 
marked trees runing S. S. E. from a comer marked Black Oake being 
the bounded tree of James Crawford dividing this from the land of 
the said Crawford on the N. N. W. with the main Creek on the W. S. 


W. with a line of marked trees nining (from a corner marked White 
Oak on a point by the Creek side) S. S. E. three hundred and fourteen 
Perches to a corner marked Maple standing, in a branch of the Doc- 
tor's swamp & on the S. S. E. with the sd Swamp containing and laid 
out for two hundred and eighty acres with all the marshes thereunto 
(132) adjoyning, as by returne of the Survey under the hand of the 
Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent 2 
bushells three quarters, dated the day of Anno Domini 


Ex'd Q. Rent 2 busheUs i. 
(Jeorge Moore 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a tract of land scitu- 
ate lying and being upon the North side of the great Creeke called 
Collison's Delight, the which by vertue of a warrant had been layd out 
for John Collison begining at a marked White Oake, standing by a 
branch at the Creeke side runing from thence West North West up 
the sd Creeke to a marked White Oake One Hundred and Two perches 
and from the said White Oake into the Woods runing North North- 
east four hundred and eighty Perches and from thence East South 
E^st one hundred and two perches and from thence South South West 
to ye first bounded White Oake 480 Perches containing and lay'd out 
for three hundred acres as by the Return of the Survey under the hand 
of the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt 
Rent Three bushell. 
Ex'd Q. R. 3 bushells 
John Collison 
Fo 48 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c., Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land situate lying and being at the North Side of the Great Creek 
(called Bernard his hope) the which by vertue of a warrant hath been 
lay'd out for Charles Bernard begining at a marked Poplar binding 
upon Thomas Gillye, and Robert Murday runing up the sd Creeke 
West North West to a marked Red Oake one hundred and two 
Perches and from thence runing into the Woods North North East 480 
Perches, from thence South South East one hundred and two 
Perches and from thence runing to the first bounded Poplar 
South South West (133) four hundred and eighty perches contain- 
ing and laid out for three hundred acres of land as by the return 
of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. 
Now know yee Quitt rent three Bushells: dated the day of 

Anno Domini, 167 
Ex'd Q. R. 3 bush 
Charles Bernard 



Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain tract of 
land situate lying and being at the North side of the Great Creek, (called 
Murdey his Choice & Gilley his lott) the which by vertue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for Thomas Gilley and Robert Murdey begining at a 
marked White Oake Binding upon John CoUison runing up the said 
Creeke, west North West to a marked Poplar one hundred fifety and 
three perches from thence runing into the woods North North East 
four hundred and eighty perches and from thence South South East 
one hundred fifety and three Perches and from thence runing South 
South West to the First bounded White Oake four hundred and eighty 
Perches containing and layd out for hundred and fifty acres as 

by return of the Survey under the h 
ExM Q R 4i bush 
Thomas Gilley 
Fo 49. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c., Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land called Gad's Delight lying and being on the West side of Dela- 
ware Bay upon the head of a smal creek called Gad's Creek, proceeding 
out of Misspam Creek lying and being at the North of the sd Miss- 
pam Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layout for 
Thomas Gadd's begining at a marked White Oake standing by the sd 
Gadd's Creek, and runing North from the sd White Oake twenty six 
Perches and from the North E^st by North Fifety six Perches, from 
thence North and by East thirty seven Perches and from thenceN.N.W. 
forty Perches to a marked White Oak standing by a branch side and 
from the sd. White oak up the said branch North two hundred thirty 
and four (134) perches, from thence South East by East two hundred 
Perches, from thence South by West two hundred and seventy 
Perches, from thence West Sixty Perches, and from thence West by 
South fourty foure Perches unto the first bounded White Oake con- 
taining and layd out for three hundred acres as by return of the Survey 
under the hand of the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now know 
yee &c. Quitt rent three bushells dated the day of Anno 

Domini, 167. 
Ex'd Q R. 3 bushells 
Thomas Gadds 
Fo 60 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land called Little Boulton, lying and being on the West side of Dela- 
ware bay upon the south side of a creeke called Cedar Creeke, the which 
by vertue of a warrant hath been lay'd out for Alexandre Draper, and 
dred and thirty perches to a marked White Oake standing uf>on a 
branch side and running down the said Creek North East three hun- 
dred and twenty perches to a marked White Oake standing upon a 
point by a marshside and from thence South South East four hundred 
Perches, and from thence South West five hundred and seventy 
perches, and from thence down the said Branch North five hundred 



and fourty six Perches, unto the first bounded white Oake, containing 
and layd out for nine hundred ninety and six acres, as by the return of 
the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appear, 
Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent, Ten bushells, Dated the day 

of Anno Domini, 167 

Ex*d Q R, 10 bushell 
Alex. Draper &c 
Fo 51. 


Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a parcell of land on 
the West side of Delaware bay on the South West side of a creeke 
called St. Jones Creeke, next to the land formerly layd out for John 
Johnson the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Francis 
Neals begining at a marked red Oake by a branchside runing South W. 
for breadth two hundred perches, to another marked Oake then N. W. 
for length three hundred and twenty perches then N. E. Two hundred 
perches to the Creek, and by the Creeke to the first bounded Oake 
containing and layd out for four hundred acres of land as by return of 
the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. 
Now Know yee &c. Quitt rent 4 bushells Dated the day of 

Anno Domini, 167. 
Ex'd Q. R. 4 bushells 
John Johnson. 
Fo 52 

Edmund Andros Esq. Whereas there is a certaine tract of Land 
called Black Srpith Hall on the Westard side of Delaware river & on 
the Southward side of St. George's Creeke, toward the Head of a 
branch that extended itself W. S. W. out of the maine Creeke, the 
which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Bernard Egberts 
being bounded on the N. N. W. with the said branch on the E. N. E. 
with a line of marked trees, dividing this from the land of JohnOgleton, 
the W. S. W. with a line drawne S. S. E. for a Corner marked White 
Oake, on a low point at the mouth of a small swamp, & on the South 
South East with the main Woods, containing and layd out for three 
hundred acres of land, as by return of the Survey under the hand of the 
Suiveyor, doth and may appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent three 
bushell. Dated the day of Anno Domini, 167. 

Bernard Egberts 
Ex'd Q Rent 3 bushells 
Fo 53 


Edmund Andros Esqr. &c.. Whereas, there is a certaine tract of 
land called Hampton, scituate on the Westward side of Delaware river 
& on the side of St. George's Creek, the which tue of a warrant 
hath been lad out for John Ogle being bounded on the with a 

branch of the sd Creek n itselfe W. S. W. out of the sd Creeks 


E. N. E. with a line of marked trees S. S. E. dividing this 

from the land 

W. S. W. with a line of marked runing S. S. E. 

from a corner marked White Oake, at the mouth of a small swamp 
dividing this from a parcell of land now Surveyed for Bernard Egbert, 
and on the South South East with the maine woods, containing and 
layd out for three hundred acres of land as by return of the survey un- 
der the hand of the surveyor doth and may appeare. Now know yee 
&c. Quitt rent, three bushells, dated the day of Anno Domini, 

Ex'd Q. R. 3 
John Ogle 
Fo 53 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell 
scituate lying an being on the Westward side of Delaware bay upon 
the North side of the Great Creeke, called Roaseberry, the which by 
vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for William Davids, begining at 
the Red Oake, standing a little below the Indian bridge runing up the 
said Creeke, West North West to a marked Red Oake, one hundred 
and two Perches, from thence into the woods North North E^st four 
hundred and eighty Perches, from thence East South East, one hun- 
dred and two Perches, and from thence South South West to the first 
bounded Red Oake, four hundred and eighty perches, containing and 
layd out of three hundred acres of land as by return of the Survey, un- 
der the hands of the Surveyor, doth and may appear. Now know yee 
&c. Quitt rent three bushell, dated the dayof Anno 

Domini, 167. 
Ex'd Q R 3 bushells 
William Davids 
Fo 54 


Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a Tract of land 
scituate lying and being at the North side of Cedar Creek, (called 
Hart's Delight) the which by vertue of a warrant hath been laid out for 
Robert Hart begining at a marked White Oake, standing upon a point 
of a neck by a marsh side, runing from thence into the Marsh to the 
mane Cedar Creeke, south East by East twenty Perches and from 
thence South West by West, through the said Marsh to another neck 
at a marked Red Oake sixty Perches and from thence runing South 
West by South One hundred and Nine perches, and from thence East 
twenty Perches from thence South South West fifety three Perches, 
and from thence West by South One hundred and three Perches, from 
thence South One Hundred and eighty Perches and from thence North 
Northwest into the woods four hundred and eighty Perches. And from 
thence North North east One hundred and twenty perches and from 
thence East by North Five hundred and twenty perches and from 
thence South West by west, three hundred and four Perches, and from 



thence North East by East three hundred and sixty four perches, to a 
marked Red Oake, and from the sd Red Oake through the marsh 
North North east to the first bounded White Oake sixty two perches, 
containing six hundred acres of land as by the return of the Survey 
under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now know 
yee &c. Quitt Rent six Bushell, dated the day of Anno 

Domini, 167. 
Ex'd Q. R. 6 bush. 
No 2, Fo 3. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c., Whereas there is a certain tract of 
land situate on the westward side of Delaware river on the North side 
of Verdities hooke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd 
out for Charles Peterson, (138) beginning at a Corner Red Oaice 
standing by the river side running North & by East along the river 
138 Perches or Poles, to a corner White Oake which parts the land of 
Walle Franson and Company runing Northwest on both sides 320 
Perches, Containing and layed out for two hundred sixty six acres of 
land with all the marshes thereunto belonging as by return of the Sur- 
vey under the hand of the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now 
know yee &c. Quitt rent two bushells, a halfe, dated the day of 

Anno Domini, 167. 
Ex'd Q Rent 2| bush 
Fo 4 

Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain tract of 
land situate on the West side of Delaware River in a Creeke called 
Scillpades kill which kill or creeke extendeth out of Christiana Creeke, 
Northerlerly, which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for 
Hans Peterson ; begining at a White Nutton Tree which tree divides 
the sd land and Andrew Fursen's land runing from the sd tree W. S. 
W. fifty six perches to a corner marked White Oake which divides the 
sd land from Jacob Vandrveer, runing on both sides into the woods, 
N. W. four hundred and fifety Perches into the woods containing and 
layd out for 157 acres and i of land as by return of the Survey under 
the hands of the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now know yee &c. 
Quitt rent one bushell i, dated the day of Anno Domini, 167. 

Ex'd Q. R. li bushells 
Fo 4 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcel! 
of land on the West side of Delaware bay and on the South side of a 
Creeke in the said bay called Duck Creeke, the which by vertue of a 
warrant hath been layd out for Edward Man, the sd land beginning at 
a boundered red Oake, (139) one a point by the Creeke, and runing 
South cross a small marsh to another point two hundred and fifty 
Perches, then by a line West three hundred and twenty Perches, then 
by a line North two hundred and fifety Perches to a marsh and by the 
marsh East three hundred and twenty perches to the first bounded Red 


Oake containing and layd out for five hundred acres of land with the 
marsh hereto adjoyning, as by return of the Survey under the hands of 
marsh thereto adjoyning, as by return of the Survey under the hands of 
the Surveyor, doth and may appear. Now know yee &c., Quitt rent 
five bushells, dated the day of Anno Domini, 167. 

Ex'd Q. R. 6 bush. 
Fo 6. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land scituate on the West side of Delaware river and on the South side 
of St. Georges Creeke, between two branches of a swamp called the 
Doctors Swamp the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out 
for Wm Marriott, beginning at a corner marked White Oake standing 
at the head of a branch of the said Swamp (being the upper most cor- 
ner tree of the land of Bernard Egbert) and from the sd Oake runing 
Northeast by a line of marked trees, dividing this from the land of the 
said Bernard one hundred & sixty perches to another corner marked 
White Oake, standing at the South side of another branch of the said 
swamp, and from that Oake, running down the banks south Easterly, 
fifety degrees, Ninety perches, & North Easterly: Eighty three de- 
grees sixty five perches to the points of the fork at the dividing of the 
aforesaid two branches, and from the sd point up the Western branch 
which divideth this from the land of George Axton, to the place of 
begining containing and layd out for one hundred acres of land as by 
of the return of the survey (140) under the hand of the Surveyor, doth 
and may appeare Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent one bushell dated the 
day of Anno Domini. 

Ex'd Q. R. 1 bushell 
Fo 11. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain tract of 
land scituate on the West side of Delaware River and on the South 
East side of the South west branch of St. Georges Creeke, the which 
by vertue of a warrant hath layd out Richard Scaggs, begining at a 
corner marked White Oake, standing at the said Branch side on the 
North East side of the Mouth of a small run, and from the sd Oake 
runing South east by a line of marked trees dividing this from the land 
of Barnard Egberts three hundred and twenty perches to a corner 
marked White Oake, standing by the head of a branch of a swamp 
called the Doctor's Swamp, and from the said Oake South West 
by a line of marked trees one hundred and fifety Perches to a corner 
marked Hickory and from the sd Hickory Northwest by a line of 
marked trees three hundred and thirty Perches to a corner marked 
White Oake, standing at the head of a small branch, from thence 
downe the branch North Fifety perches, Northeasterly 8 de- 
grees thirty four perches to another Corner marked White Oake, 
standing on a point at the side of the main branch and finally downe the 
sd maine branch to the first mentioned White Oake containing and 



layd out for three hundred acres of land as by the return of the survey 
under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. 

Now know yee, &c., Quitt Rent three bushells. Dated the 
day of Anno Domini, 

Ex'd Q. R. 3 bush 
Fo 12. 


Edmund Andros, Esqr. Whereas, there is a certaine Hone lott 
of grown in the town of New Castle upon Delaware river, the which 
by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Mr. Samuell Land, the sd 
lott lying and being in the Warmoes Anedtt, having one lott of Mr. 
John Molls on the South and ye Commons on the North or ye Lotts 
undeposed of it being in length three hundred foote to the Menquaes, 
areas, and in breadth sixty foote both before and behind : as by the re- 
tume of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may ap- 
peare. Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent, dated the day of 
Anno Domini 167. 
Ex'd Q. R., 
Fo 13 

Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Tract of 
land scituate on the West side of Delaware river nigh unto the upper 
end of Bread and Cheese island, and on the North west side of White 
Clayes Creeke, which divideth this from the land of John Edmonson, 
the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Walraven 
Johnson, Defox, and Charles Rumsey: Beginning att a Corner 
marked Poplar standing by the Creek side in a piece of low land nigh 
unto the upper end of the sd island, and from the sd Poplar runing N. 
W. by a line of marked trees, three hundred and twenty perches, to a 
corner marked Black Oake, standing on a piece of falling ground, 
nigh unto a branch of ye sd Creeke, and from the sd Oake South West 
by a line of Marked Trees, three hundred perches to a corner marked 
White Oake, standing on the South West side of a small swamp and 
from that Oake South East by a line of marked trees two hundred 
thirty & two Perches to (142) a corner marked Poplar standing at the 
side of the aforesayd Creeke, nigh unto the lower end of a small island 
in the creeke at the upper end of the land of JohnEdmundson, and from 
thence runing downe the severall courses of the sd Creeke to the first 
mentioned Corner marked Poplar containing and layd out for five 
hundred and seventy acres of land as by return of Survey under the 
liands of the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now know yee &c quitt 
rent five bushells, and halfe. Dated the day of Anno 

Domini, 167. 
Ex'd Q. R. 61 bush. 
Fo 15. 

Edmund Andros, Esq., Whereas there is a certain parcell of land 
•called Teckquarasy scituate on the Westward side of Delaware river 


being the land where Olle Stille formerly dwelt the which by vertue of 
a warrant hath been layd out for Mr. Larentius Carolus being bound- 
ed as followeth, viz. beg^ning at a comer marked Poplar standing 
nigh unto the old Landing in Olle Stilles Creeke and from the sd Pop- 
lar runing along by the swamps side (which lieth along by the river) 
North Easterly sixty two degrees 144 Perches N. E. 18 Perches North 
by East 16 Perches and North Easterly 62 degrees, 98 Perches to a cor- 
ner marked Maple, standing by the Swamp side, & divideth his from 
the land of Neels Mattson and from the said Maple North west by a 
line of Marked trees dividing this from the land of the sd Neels three 
hundred and thirty and eight Perches to a comer marked Red Oake, 
standing on a ridge between the aforesaid Creeke and a Creeke called 
Crumkill and from the sd Oake South West 46 Perches by a line of 
Marked trees to a corner markt Red Oake standing by a small piece of 
(143) marsh at the side of Olle Stiles Creeke, and from the thence 
downe the severall courses of the sd Creeke to the first mentioned Pop- 
lar containing and layd out three hundred and fifety acres of land to- 
gether with the meadow ground thereto adjoyning as by return of the 
Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appear. Now 
know yee &c., quit rent three bushells, i, dated the day of 

Anno Domini, 167. part of this sd land hath been granted unto Mr. 
Laurentius Carolus by a former patent. 
Ex'd Q. R. 31 buBh 

Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain Tract of 
land on the West side of Delaware river on both sides of a branch of 
Christiana Creeke called White Clayes Fall the which by vertue 
of a warrant hath been layed out for John Nomers being bounded as 
followeth: viz. Beginning at a comer marked Poplar att the side of 
the maine run being a comer tree of the land of Walraven Johnson de 
Fox and Charles Rumsey and from the sd Poplar runing Northwest 
by their line of marked trees two hundred thirty and two Perches, to 
their upper Corner marked tree (being a whiteoak) and from the sd 
Oake South west (by a line of marked trees) one hundred fifety and 
eight Perches to a Corner marked White Oake, standing on a high 
bank, at the North side of the sd run and from the sd Oake (slanting 
over the sd run) Southwesterly 4 degrees thirty and two Perches to a 
corner marked Gumm tree standing at the South side of the sd run and 
from the sd gum South twenty perches to a comer marked White 
Oake, and from that Oake South East by a line of marked trees two 
hundred and seventy perches to a comer marked White Oake, stand- 
ing (144) on a Barren levell and from that Oake North east by a line 
of Marked trees one hundred and twelve Perches to another corner 
marked White Oake and from thence North forty Perches to a comer 
marked Maple Tree, standing under a high bank by small island by 
the Creek or run neigh unto the upper comer tree of the land of John 
Edmundson and from the sd Mapple runing downe the maine Runne 
to the first mentioned corner poplar (excluding the sd island) : Con- 


taining and layd out for three hundred and forty acres of land as by 
return of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may 
appear. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent three bushells. Dated the 

day of Anno Domini, 167. 

Ex'd Q Rent 3 bush 
Fo 18. 

Edmund Andros E^qr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land scituate on the west side of Delaware river upon a branch of Chris- 
tiana Creeke called the White Clays Creeke, above the fall thereof, on 
the upper side of the land of John Nomers, the which by vertue of a 
warrant hath been layd out for Peter Thomason being bounded as 
foUoweth beginning att a corner marked Gumm tree standing at the 
South side of the maine run, and from the sd Gumm running south by 
a line of marked trees, divideing this from the land of John Nomers 
twenty Perches to a corner marked White Oake, and from the said 
Oak South West by West by a line of marked trees two hundred 
perches to a corner marked White Oak, standing between two small 
Crepples, and from that Oake North West by North by a line of 
marked trees one hundred and eighty Perches to a Corner marked 
White Oake standing upon a (145) piece of high ground on the 
North side of the sd run and from that Oake, North East by east by a 
' line of marked trees, two hundred and twenty perches to a comer 
Marked Hickory, and from the said Hickory South East and by South 
by a line of marked trees one hundred thirty and six Perches to a Cor- 
ner marked White Oake standing on a high bank at the North side of 
the aforesaid great runne being the upper corner oake of the land of 
the aforesaid John Nomers, and from thence Southwesterly four de- 
grees (slanting over the runn) and bounding on the lands of the said 
Nomers, thirty two perches to the first mentioned gumm tree contain- 
ing and laid out for two hundred and twenty acres of land as by return 
of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. 
Now know yee &c. Quitt rent, two bushells. Dated the day of 

Anno Domini, 167. 
Ex'd Q. R. 2 buBhella 
Fo 19. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine track of 
land called Martin Vineyards, lying upon the Whore kill the which 
by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for Henry Stritcher, beg^n- 
ing at a small brook lying by Kickout beg^ning at the point by the 
Whore kill runing and bounding upon the sd kill South EaFt for 
breadth one hundred and fifety perches to a bounded white Oak stand- 
ing upon the point of a marsh & from Ihence up the sd marsh S. W. 640 
Perches to another bounded white Oak standing by the said Marsh and 
from thence N. W. boundeing upon the woods to a bounded Hickory 
standing by the aforesaid creeke one hundred and fifty Perches. Then 
down the sd creeke, to ye point in the Whorekill N. E. 650 Perches 


Containing 600 acres of land as by returne (146) of the Survey &c. 
Now know yee, &c. Quit rent 6 bushells. Dated the day of 

Anno Domini 167. 
Fo 25 

Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine track of 
land Called Simpson's Choice on the North side of Creeke, called Little 
Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant bearing date the twenty sec- 
ond day of May 1675 hath been layd out for William Simpson, begin- 
ning at a red Oake being the first bounds of John Stevens runing E. by 
N. two hundred Perches to ye Bay side, to a marked Oake then up the 
bay N. by W. 300 Perches, then W & be S. 200 Perches to the land of 
the sd John Stevens & by the land of the sd Stevens to the first bounded 
Oake, containing and layed out for foure hundred acres, as by returne 
of the Survey &c.. 

Now know yee &c. Quit rent four bushells. Dated the day of 
Anno Domini, 167. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr., &c., Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land called Bandbury lying and being on ye West side of Delaware 
Bay and on the South side of the Creek of the sd Bay called Little 
Creek, The which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for John 
Webb, begining at a marked Oake standing on the Creek side near the 
Mouth and runing up the Creeke, bounded therewith S. W. for length 
320 Perches, thence runing for breadth South East One hundred and 
fifty Perches, thence runing North East 320 perches, thence North 
West 150 perches to ye first bounded Oake, with all marshes there- 
unto belonging containing and layd out for three hundred acres as by 
return of the Survey &c. Now know yee, &c. Quitt rent three 
bushells dated the day of Anno Domini, 167. 

Fo 28 

<^^7) . „ , 

Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certam parcell of 
Land Called Chester lying and being on the West side of Delaware 
Bay on the North Side of Branch in a marsh above little Creeke, the 
which by vertue of a warrant bearing date the first of May 1675 hath 
been layed out for William Willoughby begining at marked Poplar 
standing on the branch side and runing up the branch bounded there- 
with S. W. one hundred Perches to a marked Oak on ye sd branch 
thence runing North west 320 Perches, thence N. E. One hundred 
Perches, thence South East 320 Perches to ye first marked Poplar 
containing 200 acres, as by returne of the Survey &c. Now know 
yee &c. Quitt Rent two Bushells. Dated the day of Anno 

Domini, 167. 
Fo 28 


Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c., Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
Land Called London lying and being on ye West side of Delaware Bay 
on ye North side of a Creek of ye sd Bay called Little Creek, the which 
by vertue of a warrant (bearing date the first of May 1675) hath been 
iayd out for John Stevens, beginning at a marked bake standing on 
the Creek side & running up the Creek bounded therewith. W. S. W. 
640 perches to a marked Oake, thence running N. 325 to another 
marked Oake, thence running E. N. E. 640 perches to a marked Oake 
thence running South Three hundred and twenty-five perches to the 
first marked tree with all the marsh thereunto belonging containing 
and layed out for thirteen hundred acres as by returne of ye survey &c. 
Now know yee &c. Quit Rent, 13 Bushels. Dated the 
day of 167. 

Fo 29. 


Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine track of 
land called Abergany lying and being on ye west side of Delaware bay 
on the North side of a branch in a marsh above little Creek, the which 
by vertue of a warrant bearing date the 23rd day of June, 1675, hath 
been layed out for Peter Perry, beginning at a marked Oake being the 
Uppermost bounded tree of ye land of William Willoughby, and run- 
ning up the branch bounded therewith S. W. One hundred Perches. 
To a marked Oake on the sd Branch thence running N. W. 320 
perches thence N. E. ten perches thence S. E. 320 Perches to the first 
marked Oake containing 200 acres as by the returne of the survey &c. 

Now know yee &c. Quitt rent 2 bushells. dated the 
day of 167. 

Fo 30. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine track of land 
called Gloucester, lying and being on the west side of Delaware bay 
on the North side of a branch in a Marsh above little Creek, the which 
by vertue of a warrant bearing date ye twenty third day of June 1675 
hath been layed out for Robert Dicke, beginning at a marked Oake, be- 
ing the uppermost bound of the land of Peter Perry & runing up the 
branch bounded therewith S. W. by W. 100 and 2 Perches to a marked 
Oake on ye said branch thence running N. W. three hundred and 
twenty Perches thence N. E. by E. one hundred and two Perches, 
thence S. E. 320 Perches to the first marked Oake, containing 200 acres 
as by returne of the Survey &c. Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent 2 
Bushells. Dated the day of 167. 

Fo 31 



(Note. — The page of the Record is here torn off length wiae on the right hand 

Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas th 
tract of land on the West side of Delaware 
& on the S. W. side of St. Jones Creek the whic 
of a warrant hath been layd out for Robe 
begining at a marked tree the uppermos 
James Crawfords runing N. W. 200 per 
ded Oake being the first bounds of the 
Johnson then S. W. by the land of the sd. Joh 
ches, then S. E. 200 perch, to ye land of the 
& by the land of the said Crawford to the fi 
containing 400 acres as by returne of 
Now know yee &c. Quitt rent 4 bush 

day of 16 

Fo 33 
Believed to be Robt Francis 

Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Where 
cerlaine tract of land called Kinson 
West side of Delaware bay & on ye North si 
called St. Jones Creek the which by vertu 
hath been layd out for Thomas Phillips 
a marked Mulberry tree and Runing 
300 perches to a marked Oake by the 
then N. N. E. 320 perches then East S 
to ye Bay and by the bay to the first b 
ry tree containing 600 acres with all 
thereunto belonging, as by returne of y 
Now know yee &c. Quitt rent 6 bush 
the day of 

Fo 34. 


(Note. — The page of the Record is here torn of lengthwise on the left hand 

mund Andros Esq. &c. WTiereas there is a 

tain tract of land called Violett lyeing on ye West 

of Delaware Bay on the South side of a Creeke 

led St. Johns Creeke the which by vertue of a warr- 

was layd out for Peter Baucom begining at a 

ked Red Oak being the first bounded tree 01 

es Crawford runing E. S. E. 320 perches to a 

ked White Oake by muther creek then by a 

drawne E. N. E. 320 perches to the bay, and by 

ay North 10 perches to a marked Pokikickory by 

ones creek W. S. W. 320 per. to ye first bound- 

Oake containing 200 acres as by returne of the 



ey &c. Now know yee, &c. Quitt rent 2 bush. 

ted the day of 167. 

mund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a 

ine called Craft on the west side of Delaware 

and on the South side of a creek of the said 

Called Duck creeke the which by vertue of a 

rant hath been layd out for Herbert Craft 

ing at a marked Oake by a branch and runing 

branch S. W. 150 perches to a bounded red 

then by a line N. W. 320 perches then by a line 

150 perches then S. E. 320 perches to the first 

nded Oake containing 300 acres as by returne 

he survey &c. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent. 

shells: Dated the day of 



Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land lying and being upon Slaughters Creeke, near to the Whorekill, 
the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Randall Revill, 
beginning at a bounded white Oake standing at ye point of a marsh 
running up the Creeke, for breadth W. & by S. 450 Perches, to a 
bounded Poplar, standing by the Creek, and from thence to a bounded 
red Oake, standing in tfie woods North by W. three hundred and 
twenty Perches from thence East and by North four hundred and fifty 
Perches to a Bounded Chestnut standing by the side of a marsh, then 
down the sd marsh south and by E. three hundred and twenty Perches 
to the first bounded white Oake, standing upon ye point, containing: 
900 acres of land, as by return of the Survey &c. Now know yee &c. 
Quit rent 9 bushells. Dated the day of 167. 


Edmund Andros, Esq., &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land called Prime Hooke the which by vertue of a warrant hath been 
layd out for Mr. Henry Smith, begining at a bounded White Oake 
standing upon the point runing up the Creeke, for breadth W. & by 
S 1000 Perches to a bounded Red Oake standing by the side of a 
Swampe from thence North and by West foure hundred and eighty 
Perches to a bounded Red Oake standing by the side of Slaughter 
Creeke, from thence East and by North one thousand Perches, down 
the sd Creek, to a bounded Poplar standing by the marsh then down 
the sd Marsh S & by E foure hundred and eighty Perches to ye first 
bounded White Oake standing upon the foresd Prime Creeke contain- 
ing 3000 acres of land as by returne of the Survey under the hand 
&c. Now know yee &c Quitt Rent: Thirty bushells. Dated the 

day of 167. 

Fo 38 



June 23, 1676. 

Edmund Andros Esqr Seignuer of Saumarez Whereas there is a 
certaine Pcell of land, called Yorke Lyeing & being on the West sidc^ 
of Delaware bay the which by vertue of a Wart hath been layd out for 
Wm. Stevens the sd land begining at a marked Poplar tree standing 
on the South side of a branch in the Marsh, above a certaine Creeke 
called Little Creeke, & runing up the sd branch, is bounded therewith 
in length South West & by West foure hundred Perches, to a marked 
Oake, from thence runing South East & by South is in breadth, Two 
hundred fourety Perches, thence runing Northeast and by East Four 
hundred & then Northwest & by North two hundred & fourety Perches 
to the first bounded Poplar, containing & layd out for six hundred 
acres be it more or less, as by the returne of the Survey: under the 
hand of Capt. Edm. Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare: 
Now know yee that by vertue of the comision & authority unto Mee 
given by his R. H. 1 have given and granted and by these Pres. doe 
give & grant unto William Stevens his heyres & Assigns the afore- 
recited Parcell of land & premises with all & singular the appur- 
tances to have and to be held the sd Parcell of land & premises unto 
the sd. William Stevens his heyres and Assignes unto the proper use 
and behoofe of him the sd William Stevens his heyres & Assigns for- 
ever, he making improvement on the sd land according to the law, & 
continueing in obedience, by conforming himselfe according 'to the 
laws of the this government and yielding & paying therefor yearly & 
Every year unto his R. H. use as a Quitt rent six bushells of good 
winter Wheate, unto such officer or officers in authority there, as shall 
be empowered to receive the same given under my hand & scale with 
the scale of the Province in N. Y. the (153) day of in the yeare 

of his Majesty's reign Anno Domini 1676. 
Entered in the office of 
No 3, Fo 1 

Edmund Andros, Esqr &c. Whereas there is a certaine Parcell of 
land called by the name of lyeing & being on the West side of 

Delaware bay the which by vertue of warrant hath been layd out for 
William Ford, the sd land being on the North side of Duck Creek, 
begining at a markt Oake, runing by the Creeke, South West Foure 
hundred Perches to a branch called Beare branch, thence North West 
three hundred & twenty Perches, by a Lyne drawne Northeast Foure 
hundred Perches, with another lyne drawne South East Three hun- 
dred & twenty Perches to ye first bounded Oake, containing and layd 
out for eight hundred acres as by the returne of the Survey, under the 
hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare 
Now know yee &. 

The Quitt Rent eight bushell. 

End as the former, with blanck for date. 
Fo 2 



Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Parcell 
of, land called by the name of lyeing and being on the West side 

of Delaware bay, the which by vertue of a warrt hath been layd out for 
Wm Sharpe the sd land being on the North side of Duck Creeke, be- 
gining at a marked Oake being ye bounded tree of Will Fords land & 
runing down the Creek Northeast, two hundred & fifty Perches, then 
by a line drawn North West three hundred & (154) twenty Perches, 
with a line drawne South East Two hundred & Fifety Perches so South 
West by the Creeke to the first bounded Oake, containing & layd out 
for five hundred acres, as by the returne of the Survey under the hand 
of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now 
know yee &c. 

The Quitt Rent five bushells and end as ye former without putting 
in Quitt rent. 
Fo 3 

Edmund Andros Esqr &c. Whereas there is a certaine pcell of 
land called Golden Grove, lyeing & being on the West side of Delaware 
bay, the which by vertue of a warrt hath been layd out for John Mor- 
gan the sd land lyeing on the North side of Duck Creeke; beg^ning at 
a marked Oake standing by a Marsh, and runing West & by South one 
hundred & Fifety Perches to a markt Oake standing in the woods, then 
North and by West Three hundred and Twenty Perches to another 
markt Oake, then East and by North one hundred and fifety Perches, 
to the Marsh and by the River & Marsh to the first markt Oake» with 
the Marshes thereunto belonging Containing & laid out for Three 
hundred acres. Bee it more or less, as by the returne of the Survey, 
under the hand of Capt. Edm. Cantwell, the surveyor. Doth and may 
appeare. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent 3 bushell. 
Fo 4 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Pcell of 
land called Thusk, lyeing & being on the West side of Delaware River, 
& on the South side of the Maine branch of St. George's Creeke, above 
the land of John Scott (155) the which by vertue of a warrt hath been 
layd out for Wm. Grant the sd. land being bounded as followeth viz. 
beginning at a Corner markt White Oake standing on a Point on the 
West side of the Mouth of a branch or Swamp which proceedeth out of 
the sd Creeke, & from the sd Oake, runing South & bounding on the 
sd Swamp One hundred Ninety & Eight Perches to a markt Oake by 
the head of a dry valley above the head of the sd Swamp & from 
thence continueing the same course (South) by a line of marked trees 
One hundred twenty & two Perches to a Corner Marked White Oake, 
standing nigh unto the head of another dry Valley, and from that Oake 
West by a line of marked trees Two hundred Perches, to another Cor- 
ner markt White Oake standing on the South side of the head of an- 
other dry Valley, & from thence North (by a line of markt trees) Sixty 
four Perches, to a small run, & from thence Northerly Downe the 
severall courses of the sd run, to a Comer markt White Oake, stand- 


ing on th« East side of the Month of the sd run by the Creek side & 
from thence Easterly Downe the sd Creeke to the fires mentioned 
Comer Oake containing & layd out for foure Hundred Acres of land 
as by the retume of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth 
and may appear, Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent foure bush ells 
blank for the date. 


Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaiac Parcdl of 
land lyeing & being on the West side of Delaware River & on the 
South side of St. George's Creeke, betweene the two Maine branches 
of a Swamp called the Doctor's swamp the which by vertue of a Warrt 
hatn been layed out for George Axton the sd land being bounded as 
follows: viz. begining at a comer Markt White Oake, standing in the 
forke at the dividing of the sd Swamp, & from the sd Oake runing up 
the Westerne branch of the sd Swamp which divideth this from the 
land of William Marriott, South West Forty Perches, West South 
West one hundred seventy six Perches, & South South West eighty 
six Perches, to a Comer markt Hickory standing nigh unto the Easte- 
ward side of the head of the sd Branch & from the sd Hickory runing 
East South East by a line of markt trees one hundred & Thirty Perches 
to the head of another branch being the Souther most branch of ye 
aforesd swamp, which divideth this from the land of Thomas Spry, & 
from thence downe the severall Courses of the sd Swamp to the first 
mencioned Comer Oake containing & layd out for two hundred acres 
as by the retume of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth 
and may appeare. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent 2 bushells, 
blanke date. 


Edmund Andros Esqr &c. Whereas there is a certaine Pcell of 
land called Westmoreland, lyeing & being on the West side of Dela- 
ware Bay, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for 
John Denne the sd land lyeing on the North side of a certaine Creeke, 
called Duck Creeke, beginning at a marked Oake, by the marsh & by 
the land of John Morgan and running West & by South by the sd 
Morgan's land two hundred Perches then South by East one hundred 
& Sixty Perches then East by North two hundred Perches & North & 
by West One hundred & Sixty Perches, to the first bounded Oake, 
with all the Marsh thereunto belonging, containing and layd out for 
Two hundred acres, bee it more or less, as by the returne of the Sur- 
vey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor doth and 
may appeare. Now know yee &c. the Quitt rent two bushell Blanke 
No. 23. 


Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine Pcell of 
land Called Bachelers Harbor lyeing & being on ye West side of 
Delaware bay the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for 
Henry Stevenson, & John Richards the sd land lyeing on the North 
side of a certaine Creeke of the sd Bay called Murders Creek begining 
at a markt Pockickory or Wallnut tree by the land formerly layd out 
for Jonathan Hopkins & Edward Winckell runing up the Creeke, and 
bounded by South West three hundred Perches to a marked Oake by 
the Creeke side, then North West three hundred and twenty Perches 
into the woods in length, then North East Three hundred Perches to 
the land of the sd (158) Jonathan Hopkins and Edward Winckell & by 
their land to the first bounded tree Containing & layd out for six hun- 
dred acres with all the marshes thereunto belonging as by the retume 
of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor 
doth and may appeare, Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent Six bushells 
Blank date. 
No. 24. 

Edmund Andros Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land lyeing and being on the West side of Delaware Bay the which 
by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Robert Francis the sd 
land lyeing on the South side of St. Jones Creeke, begining at a markt 
tree being the uppermost bound of James Crawfords land, runing 
Northwest two hundred Perches to a bounded 
No. 28. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr &c. Whereas there is a certaine pcell of 
land lyeing & being on the west side of Delaware river upon a branch 
of Christina Creeke called White Clay's Creeke, above the fall thereof 
on the upper side of the land of John Nomers the which by vertue of a 
warrant hath beene layd out for Pieter Thomason, the sd land being 
bounded as followeth, viz. begining at a corner markt Gum tree, stand- 
ing at the South side of the maine run, and from the sd gum runing 
south by a line of marked trees dividing this from the land of John 
Nomers, twenty perches, to a Corner marked White Oake, and from 
the sd Oake South West & by West by a line of Marked trees, two 
hundred Perches to a Corner marked White Oake, standing between 
two small Swamps or creuples And from (159) that Oake North West 
and by North by a line of Markt trees one hundred and eighty Perches 
to a comer markt White Oake standing on a piece of High ground on 
the North side of the sd run & from that Oake N. East & by east by a 
line of marked trees two hundred and twenty Perches to a corner 
marked Hickory, and from the sd Hickory South East and by South 
by a line of marked trees one hundred and thirty six Perches to a cor- 
ner marked White Oake, standing on a high bank at the North side of 
the aforesd great run, being the upper Corner Oake of the land of the 
aforesaid Nomers, & from thence Southwesterly foure slanting 

over the run, and bounding on the land of the sd Nomers, thirty two 
Perches to the first mentioned Gum tree Contening and layd out for 


Two hundred & Twenty acres of land as by the retume of the Survey 
under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now know 
yee &c. Quitt Rent two bushells, blank date. 
No 19. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land Calton lyeing and being on the West side of Delaware river 
and on the North side of a branch of Black bird Creek that divideth 
this from the land of 

the which by vertue of a warrant 
hath been layd out for John Barker, the sd land begining at a corner 
markt Hickory standing at the side of the sd branch by a Beaver dam, 
it being the upper corner tree of the land of John Hartop, & from 
thence running North by the sd Hartops line of marked trees Two 
hundred forty and six perches to a comer markt White Oake, from 
thence west by a line of markt Trees one hundred & fifty perches to a 
comer (i6o) markt Gumme tree standing on the side of a from 

thence South by a line of marked trees two hundred and thirty perches 
to a corner marked Maple standing at the side of the sd branch & from 
thence downe along the run of the sd branch to the first mentioned 
comer tree containing a layd out for two hundred and twenty acres of 
land, as by the return of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor 
doth and may appeare. Now know yee Quitt Rent 2 bushells, blanck 
Fo. 20. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land called Tillmouth Haven, lyeing and being on the West side of 
Delaware bay and on the South side of the creek of the said Bay called 
Fish Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for 
Henry Allison. The sd land begining at a bounded red Oake being 
the last bounded tree of Mr. Willm. Tom's land & runing up the 
Creeke South South East One hundred and seventy Perches then 
South West to a bounded Oake, then by a line East North East three 
hundred and seventy five perches to a Bever dam, and by the markt 
Oake, N. North West One hundred seventy one Perches to a bounded 
tree (being a poplar) by the line of Mr. Will Tom, then by the sd Mr. 
Tom's line West South West, Three hundred Seventy & five Perches 
to the first bounded Red Oake, conteyning a layd out for Foure hun- 
dred acres with the marshes adjacent as by the return of the Survey 
under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now know 
yee &c. Quitt rent foure bushells dated 2Sth of March 1676. 
Fo. 24 


Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land called by the name of St. Gileses, lyeing and being on the West 
side of Delaware Bay west from the Whore kill about one mile from 
the Creeke called Pagan Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath 


been layed out for Edward Southeran, the sd land begining at a markt 
Oake, being the bounded tree of Daniel Brown's land from thence 
runing West South West Two hundred Forty five Perches to a 
bounded Oake standing by the Beaver damm, & from thence runing 
downe the Beaver damm two hundred and eighty Perches North 
North East to a marked Oake, standing out upon a point & from 
thence runing S. E. two hundred Perches to the first bounded tree in 
manner of a triangle containg & layd out for one hundred ninety and 
six acres of land as by the return of the survey under the hand of the 
surveyor doth and may appeare. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent two 
bushells dated June 24th 1676. 
Fo 25. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr.&c. Whereas there is a certaine part of land 
called by the name of Arundel's Content lyeing and being on the West 
side of Delaware bay about three miles south West from the Whore 
kill in the woods, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out 
for Wm. Arundel, the sd land begining at a markt Oake runing South 
South East One hundred & fifety Perches to a marked Hickroy from 
thence runing West South West Three hundred & Twenty Five 
Perches to another marked Hickory from thence running North North 
West one hundred and fifty Perches to a (162) marked Oake from 
thence with a paralell line to the first bounded tree three hundred and 
twenty five Perches Contenying & layd for three hundred and foure 
acres of land as by the return of the Survey, under the hand of the 
Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent three 
one half bushells. Dated June 24th 1676. 
Fo 26. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land called William's his Folley, lyeing and being on the West side of 
Delaware bay, and on the North West side of a Creeke called Buck- 
ham Briggs Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed 
out for Thomas Williams the sd land begining at a bounded white 
Oake, being the lasted bounded tree of the land of Wm Troth runing 
downe the Creeke North two hundred Perches to a bounded black 
Wallnut tree by the Marsh & by the Marsh One hundred and sixty 
Perches to the land Troth and by the land of the sd Troth East to the 
first bounded Oake, containing and layed out for two hundred acres of 
land. As by ye return of ye survey under the hand of the Surveyor 
doth and may appeare. Now know yee, that by vertue &c. Quitt rent 
two bushells. Dated March 25th 1676. 
Fo. 27. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land called Poplar Hill lyeing and being on the West side of Delaware 
bay & on the North side of a creeke of the sd bay called Hangmans 
Creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath beene layed out for (163) 
Robert Talent, the sd land begining at a bounded Oake, & being the 


uppennost bounded tree of Robert Morten's land runing North and by 
West, by the land of the sd Morton Two hundred Perches to a bounded 
tree, and in the woods, then west and by South one hundred and sixty 
Perches, then by a lyne South and by East Two hundred Perches to a 
beaver dam and by the Beaver dam, one hundred and sixty Perches, to 
the first bounded tree, Conteyning and layd out for two hundred acres 
of land, as by the retume of the Survey under the hand of the Surveyor 
doth and may appeare. Now know yee &c. Quitt rent, 2 bushells. 
Dated March 2Sth 1676. 
Fo. 28. 

Edmund Andros Esqr &c. Whereas there is a certain tract of land 
called the Exchange lyeing and being on the West side of Delaware 
river between the sd river and a great Swamp called the Dragon 
fiwamp and next adjoyning to the land of Mr. Henry Ward, the which 
hath been layed out for Mr. John Moll, the sd land beginning at a 
Comer marked Spanish Oak, standing at the North East side of a 
branch of the sd Dragon Swamp, it being the upper Comer tree of the 
land of the sd Ward, and from thence runing North Easterly Forty 
Seven Along the sd Ward's lyne, one hundred sixty and two 

Perches, to a Corner marked White Oake, (standing by the side of a 
swamp or cmpple which lieth between this land and the river) & is 
also another Comer tree of the land of the sd Ward, and from thence 
following the severall courses of the sd Swamp or creuple to a comer 
marked White Oake, standing at the head of a beaver (164) Dam 
Branch, and from thence runing West by a line of marked trees, foure 
hundred and fourty Perches to a Corner marked White Oake standing 
at the East side of the head of a branch of the said Dragon Swamp, 
and from thence following the severall courses of the said branch 
and Dragon Swamp to the first mentioned Spanish Oake, conteyning 
and layd out One Thousand acres of land, six hundred acres (part 
thereof) being formerly granted by patent unto Wm Currer, and Wil- 
liam Goldsmith, since which time Mr. John Moll is invested in their 
fight, & the other foure hundred acres being new land as by the return 
of the survey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. 
Now know yee &c. Quitt Rent ten bushells. Dated July 15th 1676. 
Fo. 29. 

Edmund Andros, Esqr., Whereas there is a certain tract of land 
called the Chops, lyeing and being on the West side of Delaware bay, 
on the head of a creeke, called Hangman's Creek, the which by vertue 
of a warrant hath beene layed out for John Street the sd land begining 
at a bounded Spanish Oake by the head of the Beaver dam, being the 
upper tree of Robert Talents land, runing North and by West One 
hundred and Sixty Perches, then West and by South one hundred and 
Sixty Perches, then South and by East Two hundred Perches, then 
East and by North one hundred and sixty perches then North and by 
West Twenty two Perches, to yee first bounded Oake, Conteining and 



layed out for Two hundred acres of land, as by the return of the Sur- 
vey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare.: Now 
know yee &c. Quitt rent 2 bush; dated March 25th 1676. 
Fo. 30. 


Book of Patents, N. 2, 

Part the 2d, Fo. 77. 

A Confirmacon Graunted to Hendrick Jansen for a 
house and lott of Ground at New Castle upon Dela- 
Richard Nichols Esqr. &c. Whereas Jacob Alricks had hereto- 
fore a graunt & by vertue of his purchase was in actual possession of a 
certaine house and lott of ground at New Castle upon Delaware scitu- 
ate lyeing and being toward« yee strand or water side, between Hobb 
Jansen*s and William Mouritts containing in length on both sides 
three hundred foot Amsterdam wood measure, in breadth behinde it 
h?rt:h as the other lots are and were at first layed out about sixty foot, 
and before it is in breadth ye length of that aforesaid Wm. Mouritts 
house and garden as it lay within the old fence now Hendrick Jansen's 
Van Jeveren having since lawfully bought the house and lott of ground 
afore mentioned whereby the right and interest in the premises is de- 
volved upon him for a confirmacon unto him the sd Henry Hendrick 
Jansen Van Jeveren in his possession and enjoyment of ye premises. 
Know yee that by vertue of ye comision and authority unto me given 
I have ratified the patent. Ye eighth day of January 1667. 
Hendrick Janseii 

A Confirmacon graunted to Johan Hendricks, Neils 
Neilson Sr., Hendrick Neilson, Mattijs Neilsen, and 
Neils Neilson, Jr., for each of them a plantation at 
New castle upon Delaware. 
Richard Nicholas Esqr. &c. Whereas there waas upon ye fifth 
day of March 1663 a Graunt made unto Johan Hendricks, Neils Niel- 
son, Sr., Hendrick Neilson, Mattijs Neilson, and Neils Neilson, Jr. for 
each of them to have a plantation with a proporcon of meadow ground 
for hay for their cattle on a certain piece of land at Delaware scituate 
lyeing and being on the Verdrietige hooke, or corner of land so ex- 
tending to ye stone hooke upon such condicion as other lands were 
there given and graunted as also obliedging them to build their houses 
neare unto one (166) another and ye grant afore mentioned, being af- 
terward that is to say, on ye fifteenth day of June, 1664 confirmed unto 
the persons aforenamed by those then in authority. Now for a further 
confirmacon unto them in their f>ossession and enjoyment of ye 
premises know yee by vertue of ye comision and authority unto me 
given I have ratified confirmed and graunted and by these presents do 
ratify confirme and graunt unto Johan Hendricks, Neils Neilson Sr. 
Hendrick Neilson, Mattijs Neilson and Neils Neilson Jr their heirs, and 



assigns the afore recited plantacons and proporcon of meadow grounds 
and premises with all and singular the appertances to have and to hold 
ye said plantacon meadow ground and premises unto ye sd Johan 
Hendricks Neils Neilson Sr., Hendrick Neilson, Mattijs Neilson and 
Neils Neilson Jr., their heirs and assigns unto ye proper use and be- 
hoofe of the sd Johan Hendricks, Neils Neilson, Sr., Hendrick Neilson, 
Mattijs Neilson, and Neils Neilson Jr. their heirs and assigns forever, 
rendering and paying and &c. The patent is dated the eighth day of 
January 1667. 

Five bushells of wheat acknowledgment. 
Fo. 78 
Johannes Hendricks &, al. 

A Confirmacon Graunted unto Capt. John Carr for 
a piece of land and Platacon upon Delaware Ryver. 
Whereas there is a certaine piece of land with a plantacon there- 
upon at New Castle upon Delaware heretofore belonging to Alexander 
Boeijr scituate lyeing and being upon ye first hook or corner of land 
above ye Fort betweene ye first meadow ground or valley and ye land 
of Frans Smith and Jan Wilier, from whose sd land strentching to ye 
valley South West and By West it Conteins sixty rods, further along 
by ye side of the sd valley North West and by West Fifety two rods. 
West and by North Forty six rods. North east Sixty one rods, N. W. 
and By West One hundred and five rods, then from the meadow or 
valley to the opening of ye woods by the land of Smith and Wilier 
aforenamed North East and by North, one hundred rods, and so from 
ye opening of ye woods to ye first desent amounting in all to about 
fifty (167) acres or twenty five morgen, and whereas there is at New 
Castle upon Delaware aforesaid another piece of land with a bowery 
heretofore belonging to Frans Smith and Jan Wilier lyeing and being 
also uf>on the first hook or comer of land adjoyning unto tother and 
being above ye Fort on the North East side thereof and stretching from 
ye land heretofore appertaining to Alexander Boeyer alongst ye strand 
Northeast somewhat more Easterly to ye meadow or valley it containes 
sixty rods, further along by ye side of the sd valley, northwest and by 
north Forty rods, North Northwest sixty five rods. East and by North 
somewhat more Easterly twenty five rods. North and by West twenty 
six rods, West and by North something more Northerly one hundred 
twenty eight rods. Then from the side of ye valley into ye woods 
South South West somewhat more Southerly one hundred and four- 
teen rods and so from ye opening of ye woods to the first desent 
amounting to about one hundred acres or fifty morgen. Now both the 
sd pieces of land with the plantacon, bowery and appertances having 
beene purchased from the Owners by Anthony Bryant and by him 
since sould for a valuable consideration under Captain John Carr in 
whose tenure and occupation it now is for a confirmacon unto him the 
sd Capt. John Carr in his possession and enjoyment of the premises 
know yee that by vertue of the comision and authority unto me given I 



have ratified confirmed and graunted &c. the patent is dated the eighth 

of January 1667. Two bushells of Wheat acknowledgment. 

Fo. 79 


0. John Carr. 

A Confirmacon graunted to Matthias Nicolk,, Esqr. 
for a tract of land at Delaware. 

Richard Nicolls, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract or 
parcell of land at Delaware called by the Indian name of Chiepiessinge 
scituate lyeing and being on the West Syde of the Ryver up above 
Peter Alricks Islands stretching out into ye sd river and bending like a 
halfe moone, conteyning by estimacon 3000 acres or thereabouts be 
they more or less which (168) said tract or parcell of land lies unma- 
nured and unplanted. Now to the end some good improvement may 
be made thereupon and for divers other good reasons and considera- 
tions mee thereunto especially moving know yee that by vertue of the 
comision and authority to me given I have thought fit to give and 
graunt and by these presents do give ratifye confirme and grant unto 
Matthias NichoUs his heirs and assigns the afore recited piece or par- 
cell of land and premises called Chiepiessing as aforesd together with all 
ye lands soils, woods, meadows, pastures marshes creeks, waters, lakes 
fishing hawking hunting and fowling, and all other profits comoditys, 
emoluments and hereditaments to ye sd tract or parcell of land and 
premises belonging or in any wise apperteyning with their and every 
of their appertances and of every part and parcell thereof, to have and 
to hold ye sd tract and parcell of land and premises unto ye sd Matthias 
Nicolls, his heirs, and assigns unto ye proper use and behoof of ye sd 
Matthias Nicolls, his heirs and assigns forever. The patent is dated ye 
15th of January 1667. 

Two Otter skins acknowledgement. 
Fo. 80 
M. NicollB, Esq. 

A Confirmacon graunted to Peter Alricks for two 
certain Islands in Delaware Ryver. 
Richard Nicolls Esqr. &c. Whereas there are two certain islands 
in Delaware Ryver scituate lyeing and being on ye West side of ye sd 
River and about South West from ye islands commonly called Matini 
Conck. The which is the biggest of the two islands haveing been 
formerly knowne by the name of Kipps Island and by the Indian name 
of Koomenakineknock Conteining about a myle in length and halfe a 
mile in breadth, and the other island lyeing somewhat to the North of 
ye former being of about half a mile in length and the quarter of a myle 
in breadth. And there being also a small Creeke near unto ye lesser of 
ye sd islands fitt to build a mill thereupon now to ye end of ye best im- 
provement may be made of ye sd island and Creeke to which there ap- 
peare no other lawful pretenders and for divers other good reasons and 


(169) consideracons me thereunto especially moving know yee that by 
vertue of ye comission and authority unto me given have thought fitt 
to g^ve & g^ant & by these presents do ratify, confirme, & graunt unto 
Pieter Alricks his he assigns the afore recited two islands with all 

ye soyle, meadow ground woodland, pastures, marshes, waters, creeks, 
fishing, hunting and fowling, and all other profits comidityies and 
emouluments to ye sd isilands and premises belonging or in anywise 
apperteyning, as also ye small creek afore menconed near unto ye lesser 
islands runing up a myle within land to have liberty to erect and build 
a mill thereupon where shall be found most convenient as also a con- 
venient proportion of land on each side of ye sd creeke, for eg^esse and 
regresse to and from ye mill and for other necessary accommodations 
thereunto belonging, to have and to hould all and singular the sd two 
islands creeks and proportions of land on each syde thereof and 
premises with their and every of their appertances to ye sd Pieter Al- 
ricks, his heirs and assigns unto ye proper use and behoofe of ye sd 
Peter Alricks, his heirs ind assigns forever, yielding and paying there- 
fore yearly and every yeare unto his Ma'ties use foure Otter skins as a 
Quitt rent when it shall be demanded by such person or persons in au- 
thority as his Ma'tie shall please to establish and emf>ower in Delaware 
Ryver or ye Parts and plantacons adjacent given &c. The patent is 
dated ye 15th of February, 1667. 
Pieter Alricks. 

A Patent g^aunted unto James Crawford for a piece 
of land in Cristeene kill in Delaware river. 
Richard Nicolls, Esqr. Whereas there is a certain piece or parcell 
of land scituate lyeing and being in Christine kill or Creeke, adjoyning 
unto Swarten Nutten island bounded on yee North with ye kill or creek 
of ye sd island on ye West with Cristeene kill, on ye South is with main 
land, and on ye East with ye meadow ground or valley belonging to ye 
sd Swarten Nutten Island, conteyning by estimation One hundred acres 
or thereabouts and whereas there is also a small tenement or cottage 
house with a back side there unto belonging being in ye Towne of New 
Castle (170) upon Delaware bounded by ye river on the South West on 
ye North by ye house of Martin Gerritts, on ye Northwest by ye land 
taken up on ye backside of ye town and by ye highway on ye south 
West. Now know yee, that by vertue of ye comision and authority 
unto me given in consideracon of the good service performed by James 
Crawford, a souldier, 
Fo. 82 
James Crawford 

Whereas Mr. William Beckman of Esopus did heretofore by way 
of exchange make purchase of a certaine house or lott of ground at 
Delaware scituate and being upon ye strand as in ye bill of sale and 


transport, is sett forth, these are to certifye all whom it may concerne 
that ye sd Mr. Beeckman hath liberty either by himselfe or his attorney 
to see alleyn lett or otherwise dispose of ye same for his best advantag 
wherein no i>erson is to molest hinder or disturbe him upon any pre- 
tense whatsoever, given under my hand at fort James in New Yorke 
this seventh day of August 1668. 
Book of Patents No. 3. 
Part the let. 

A Confirmacon Graunted unto Thomas Wollaston, 
for a certain house and backside in the Towne of 
New Castle upon Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain (171) mes- 
suage or tenement with a back side thereunto belonging scituate lying 
and being upon or near the strand in the town of New Castle, upon 
Delaware, lately in the tenure of occupacon of Rayner Ravens bounded 
on the North with a house belonging to Isaack Slein, on the West with 
the woodlands on the South with a house of Michale Bawn, and on the 
east with the River. Now it being sufficiently knowne, that the sd Ray- 
ner Raven was in hostility against his ma'tie for which reason all his es- 
tate stands confiscated, and is in his ma*tie's disposal Know yee that by 
vertue of the comision and authority unto me given I have thought fit 
to give and graunt and by these presents do g^ve ratifye confirme and 
graunt unto T his heirs, and assigns the af tenement to- 

gether with the backside and premises with all and singular their ap- 
pertances to have and to hold the sd messuage or tenement to the back 
side and premises unto the sd Thomas Wolliston his heirs, unto the 
proper use and behoof of the sd Thomas Wolliston, his heirs, and as- 
signs, forever yielding and paying therefore, yearly and every year one 
bushell of Wheate as a Quitt rent unto his Ma'ties use when it shall be 
demanded by such person or persons in authority as his ma'tie shall to 
establish and empower in Delaware Ryver and the parts and planta- 
cons adjacent. Given under my hand and seals, at Fort James, in New 
York., on the island of Manhattans, the first day of January, in the 19th 
year of his Ma'ties reigtie Anno Domini, 1667. 
Same Book, Part the 2d. 
Fo 3. 

A Confirmacon Graunted unto John Erskin, Thomas 

Bowne', and Martin Gerrits, a certain parcell of land 

and meadow at Delaware. 

Richard Nicolls, Esq., &c. Whereas there is a certain piece or 

parcell of land and meadow ground or valley scituate lyeing and being 

in Delaware river in Christeen Creeke, or kill between (172) S war ten 

Nutten Island, and the Fyren Hook which is upon the sd kill contayn- 

ing by estimacon five hundred acres or thereabouts be they more or less 

bounded on the North with Christeen Creek aforemencioned on the 

West with Nutten Island, on the South with a little Spring called Bes- 


sie's and on the East with the sd Fyran Hook. Now the sd piece or 
parcell of land and meadow ground being in his Ma'tie's disposall, 
know yee that by vertue of the comision and authority unto me given I 
have thought fitt to nt and by these presents doe g^ve ratifye 

ant unto John Erskin, Tho. Brown and Martin Gerritt's thdr 
heirs and assigns to be divided equally between them the afore recited 
piece or parcell of land and meadow ground or valley and premises 
with all and singular their appertances to have and to hold the sd piece 
or parcell of land and meadow ground and premises unto the sd John 
Erskin, Tho. Browne and Martin Gerrits their heirs, and assigns unto 
the proper use and behoof of the sd John Erskin Tho. Brown and 
Martin Gerritts their heirs and assigns for ever yielding and paying 
therefore yearly and every year unto his Ma'te's use five of bushells of 
Wheate as a Quitt rent when it shall be demanded by such persons in 
authority as his Majtie shall please to establish and empower in Dela- 
ware river and the part and plantatons adjacent. Given under my hand 
and scale at Fort James, in New Yorke on the Island of Manhattans, 
the first day of January in the 19th yeare of his Majestie's Raigne Anno 
Domini, 1667. 
Fo 4. 

A Confirmation Graunted unto George Whale 
and George Moore of a certain Parcell of land called 
by the name of the old Minquas plantation at Dela- 
Richard Nicolls, Esq., Principal Comisioner for his (173) Majesty 
in New England, Governor General under his Royall Highness James 
Duke of York and Albany, &c., of all his territories in America and 
commander in Chiefe of all the forces employed by his majesty to re- 
duce the Dutch nation and all their usurped land and plantatons under 
his majesty's obedience. To all to whome these presents shall come 
sendeth greeting: Whereas there is a certain piece or parcell of land 
commonly called or known by the name of the old Minquas Plantaton 
scituate lyeing and being in Christeen kill at Delaware contenying by 
estimacon two hundred acres or thereabout be it more or less, bounded 
on the North with Bush or woodland, on the West with a 

Plantation of Andries Bonus, on the South with the kill and on the 
East with the plantacon of Andries Andries. Now to the end the sd 
land may be manured improved and planted Know yee that by vertue 
of the commission and authority unto me given I have thought fitt to 
g^ve and grant and by these presents doe give ratifye confirm and grant 
unto George Whale and George Moore, their heirs and assigns the 
afore recited piece or parcell of land and premises with all and singular 
their appertances to have and to hold the sd piece or parcell of land and 
premises unto the sd George Whale and George Moore, their heirs and 
assigns unto the proper use, and behoof of the sd George Whale and 
George Moore their heirs and assigns forever, )aelding and paying 
therefore yearly and every yeare unto his Majesty's use two bushells of 



wheat as a quitt rent when it shall be demanded by such person or per- 
sons in authority as his Majesty shall please to establish and empower 
in Delaware river, and the parts and plantacons adjacent. Given under 
my hand and seal at Fort James in New Yorke, on the island Manhat- 
tans the first day of January in the 19th year of his Majesty's Raigne. 
Anno Domini 1667. 
Fo. 6. 


A Confirmacon Graunted unto Capt. John Carr for 
a Parcell of land at Delaware, 
Richard Nicolls, Esqr., &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
meadow valley or marsh ground scituate lyeing and being in Delaware 
river near the fort conteyning by estimacon one hundred and fifty acres 
or thereabout either more or less not long since in the tenure or occu- 
pacon of Alexander D'Hiniosa butted and bounded upon the South by 
the river, upon the North and North East by the land and Meadow 
and valley lately in the possession of Gerritt Van Sweering upon the 
Northwest by the plantacon commonly called the landey and upon the 
South and South West by the land lately belonging to John Weeber, 
Now it being sufficiently knowne that the said Alexander D'Hiniosa 
then Governor was in hostility against his Majesty for which reason all 
his estate stands confiscated. Know yee that by vertue of ye comision 
and authority unto me given, and in consideration of the good service 
performed by Capt. John Carr, in storming and reducing the fort at 
Delaware, I have thought fit to give and graunt and by these presents 
do g^ve ratifye confirme and graunt unto Capt. John Carr, the afore 
recited piece or parcell of meadow, valley or marsh ground with all and 
singular the appertances to have and to hold the said piece or parcell of 
meadow valley or marsh ground unto the sd Capta. John Carr, his 
heires, and assigns, unto the proper use and behoofe of the sd Capta 
John Carr his heirs and assigns forever, yielding and paying therefor 
yearly and every yeare unto his Majesty's use one bushell of Wheate 
as a Quitt rent when it shall be demanded by such person or persons in 
authority as his Majesty shall please to establish and empower in the 
Delaware River and the parts and plantacons adjacent. Given under 
my hand at Fort James in New Yorke, on the Island Manhattans, the 
first day of January, in the 19th year of his Majesty's Raigne Anno 
Domini, 1667. 
Fo 7. 


A Confirmacon Granted unto Thomas Wollaston, 
James Crawford, Herman Otto, And Girard Otto 
for a certaine island in Delaware River. 
Richard Nicolls, Esq., and &c. Whereas there is a certaine island 
scituate lyeing and being in Christeen kill or Creeke, in Delaware river 
commonly called or known by the name of Swarten Nutten island, con- 
teyning by estimacon Three hundred acres or thereabouts be it more or 



less which sd island is now in the tenure or occupation of Thomas 
Wollaston, James Crawford, Herman Otto, and Girard Otto or their 
assigns, being bounded on the North with Christine kill, on the Elast 
with Sargeant*s Erskin's land, on the West by a little Creek, and on 
the South by the main Land. Now the sd hav retofore 

graunted by Alexander D'Hiniosa, the later Governor, there to some 
persons who have since appeared in hostility against his Majesty 
whereby it is forfeited and &c. remains in his majesty's disposall. Know 
yee that by vertue of the comision and authority to me g^ven, I have 
thought fit to give and grant and by these presents to give ratifye, con- 
firme, and graunt unto the sd Thomas Wollaston, James Crawford, 
Herman Otto, and Girard Otto, their heirs, and assigns to be so di- 
vided between them as now in stands, and is possessed by them the 
afore recited islands together with all the land wood, meadow ground 
and premises, thereupon with all and singular their appertances, to 
have and to hold the sd island together with all the land wood meadow 
ground and premises thereupon with all and singular their appertances 
to the said Thomas Walliston, James Crawford, Herman Otto and 
Girard Ottoe, their heirs and Assigns unto the proper use and behoofe 
of the sd Thomas Wollaston, James Crawford, Herman Otto, and 
Girard Otto, their heirs and assigns unto the proper use and behoofe of 
the sd. Thomas Wollaston, James Crawford, Herman Otto and Girard 
(176) Otto, their heirs and assigns forever, yielding and paying 
therefore yearly and every year unto his Majesty's use three Bushells 
of Wheate as a Quitt rent when it shall be demanded by such person or 
persons in authority as his Majesty shall please to establish and em- 
power in Delaware river, and the parts and plantations adjacent. Given 
under my hand and seal at Fort James, in New York, on the island 
Manhattans the first day of January the 19th year of His majesty's 
Raigne. Anno Domini, 1667. 

Whereas there is given and graunted in the above written patent 
unto Thomas Wallaston, James Crawford, Hermann Otto and Girard 
Otto a certain island called Swarten Nutten Island with the appertances 
I does likewise grant unto them and their heirs the outlett towards the 
South with freedom of commonage. Given under my hand at Fort 
James in New York, the 7th day of August, Anno 1668. 
Fo 8. 

A Patent granted upon a transport bearing date the 23rd day of 
January 1665, made by Herman Reynderstsen Bruinje unto Reyner 
Reynertsen Vandercooley for a certaine lott of ground at Delaware 
lying and being in the otter Street bounded on the one side with the 
Governor Jacob Alricks and on the other side with Cornells Wijnharts 
conteyning in length on each side one hundred and eighty foot Ams- 
terdam's wood measure and in breadth ninety foot. Now for a confor- 
mation unto the sd Reyner Reynersten Vandercooly &c. The Patent 
is dated the nth day of February 1667. 
Fo 10. 



A Confirmation granted upon Capta. John Carr for a 
certaine house and parcell of land at New Castle 
upon Delaware River. 
Richard Nicx>lls, Esqr., &c. Principall Commissioner from his 
Majesty in New England, Governor General under his Royall High- 
nesse, James Duke of York and Albany &c. of all his territories in 
America (177) and commander in Chief of all the forces employed by 
his Majesty to reduce the Dutch nacon, and all their usurped lands, and 
plantatons, under his Majesty to all to whome these presents now come, 
extendeth greeting: Whereas, there is a certaine house and parcell of 
land at New Castle upon Delaware, lying and being next unto Jorgen 
Kijms land, on the Southwest on the Northeast having the Creeke or 
kill belong to Olle Stille, on the Southeast the Water side, and on the 
North West the woodland contayning in breadth one hundred & Fifety 
rod, or thereabout and in length about one hundred acres or fifety Mor- 
gen bee it more or less, which sd house, and parcell of land formerly 
belonging to Niclas Massen, hath been purchased from him by Capt. 
John Carr and due satisfaction acknowledge to have been rec*d. for the 
same, for a confirmation therefor unto him the sd John Carr in his 
possession and enjoyment of the premises. Know yee that by vertue 
of the commission and authority to me given, I have thought fitt to 
give and graunt and by these presents do give, ratifye and grant unto 
Captain John Carr, his heirs, and assigns, the afore recited house and 
parcell of land with all and singular the appertances, to have and to 
hold the sd house and parcell of land and premises unto the sd Capta. 
John Carr, his heires, and assignes, unto the propter use and behoofe of 
the sd Capt. John Carr, his heirs and assigns forever, yielding and pay- 
ing yearly and every year unto Majesty's use two bushells of Wheate 
as a Quitt rent when it shall be demanded by such person or persons in 
authority as His Majesty shall please to establish and empower in Dela- 
ware River and the parts and plantations adjacent. Given under my 
hand and seal at Fort James (178) in New York, on the island Man- 
hattans, the fifteenth July in the 20th yeare of his Majesty's raigne. 
Anno Domini, 1668. 
Fo 11. 

A Confirmation Graunted unto Israel Helme for a 
certaine parcell of land at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece or 
parcell of cleared upland scituate lying and being on the West side of 
Delaware river above New Castle betwixt Neils Massans two lotts, hee 
having one on either side of it conteyning about sixteen acres or as 
much as thirty schiple of come can sowe, having allso a piece of 
meadow ground or valley thereunto ing neer adjoyning to 

And Juriean Teunis on the other side being about fifety single 
paces or tread from the land to the river side which sd piece or parcell 
of land, and meadow hath been and now still is in the tenure or occupa- 
tion of Irrael Helme as of right belonging unto him Now for a confirma- 
tion tmto liim the sd Israel Helme in his possession and enjoyment of 



the premises Know yee that by vertue of the commission and au- 
thority to me given, I have thought fitt to give and grant, and by these 
presents do give ratifye, confirme and graunt unto Israel Helme the 
afore recited piece or parcell of land and premises to have, and to hold 
the sd piece or parcell of land and premises unto ye sd Isreal Helme, 
his heirs, and assigns, unto the proper use and behoof e of the sd Israel 
Helme, his heirs, and assigns forever, yielding and paying therefore, 
yearly and every yeare unto his Majesty's use one bushell of wheate, as 
a quitt rent when it shall be demanded by such person or persons in au- 
thority as his Majesty shall please to establish and empower in Dela- 
ware river, and the parts and plantatons adjacent. Given under my 
hand and scale, at Fort James, New Yorke (179) on the Island Man- 
hatans, the i8th day of June in the 20th yeare of his Majesty's Raigne 
Anno Domini, 1668. 
Fo 13. 

A Patent granted upon a transport bearing date the 17th day of 
September 1664, made by Hendrick Kipp unto Reyner Reyniessen for 
a certain lott of ground at Delaware lying and being in the Bever's 
street, bounded on the one side, with Harman Reynart's and on the 
other side with the Haartstreet conteyning in length on each side two 
hundred and fifety foot Amsterdam wood measure in breadth before 
Sixty two feet and there being likewise graunted unto the sd Hendrick 
Kipp by the Governor Alexander D'Hiniosa for part of another lott 
lying behind the former contenying in length one hundred foot and in 
breadth four and forty foot butting behind on the Otter street on the 
side of the Haartstreet which sd patents bare date the 20th July 1659 
and the 28th May 1660. Now for a conformacon unto the sd Reijner 
Reignesse &c. Know yee that by vertue of the commission and au- 
thority unto me given I do think fitt to ratifye and confirme, and by 
these presents do ratifye and confirme unto the sd Reynier Reynessen 
his heirs and assigns the afore cited lotts of ground with all and singular 
the appertences to have and to hold the sd lotts of ground unto the sd 
Reynier Reynessen his heirs and assigns forever, yielding and paying 
yearly and every year unto his Majesty's use one bushell of Wheate as 
a Quitt rent when it shall be demanded by such person or persons in 
authority as his majesty shall please to establish and empower in Dela- 
ware River and the parts and plantations adjacent Given under my 
hand and scale at Fort James in New York on the Island Manhattans, 
the 22nd day of June, in the 20th yeare of his Majesty's raigne Anno 
Domini, i66iB. 
Fo. 17. 

A confirmacon graunted to Hans Bones for a cer- 
taine Parcell of land in Christeen Kill in Delaware. 

Richard Nicolls, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece or 
parcell of land lyeing and being in Christine kill in Delaware river 
heretofore in the tenure or occupation of Toost Rugger, the Miller, de- 



ceased which sd piece or parcell of land was by the officers at Delaware 
who were empowered by my commission to dispose of implanted land 
there for the best advantage of the inhabitants granted unto Hans 
Bones the said Graunt bearing date the 21st day of Feb. 1666. Now 
for a confirmation unto him the sd Hans Bones, in his possession and 
enjoyment of the premises Know yee that by vertue of the commission 
and authority unto me given I have thought fitt to give and grant and 
by these presents do g^ve ratifye confirme and graunt unto the sd Hans 
Bones, his heirs and assigns the afore recited parcell of land to have 
and to hold the sd land unto the sd Hans Bones, his heirs, and assigns, 
unto the proper use and behoofe of the sd Hans Bones, his heirs and 
assigns forever, yielding and paying yearly and every year unto his 
Majesty's use two bushells of Wheate, as a Quitt rent when it shall be 
demanded by such person or persons in authority as his Majesty shall 
think fitt to empower in Delaware River, and the parts and plantations 
adjacent. Given under my hand and seal at Fort James, in New York, 
on the Island Manhattens the first day of August, the 20th yeare of his 
Majesty's raigne. Anno Domini, 1668. 
Fo 19 

A Confirmacon graunted unto Serjeant Tho. Wol- 
laston, Jno. Ogle, John Hendrick, and Herman 
Johnston, for a certaine pcell of land in White Qay 
kill in Delaware River. 
Richard Nicolls, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece or 
parcell of land lyeing and being in White Qay kill near unto Christeen 
kill in Delaware River bounded to the E. with Hans Bones Plantation 
to the South with James Crawford's, to the North and West by a fresh 
Creeke or Runne of water at the head of Bread and Cheese Island con- 
taining about acres of woodland (181) as also a piece of valley 
or meadow ground known by the name of the Muscle crupple runing 
up the kill about of a mile which sd piece or parcell of land was by 
the officers of Delaware who were empowered by my commission to dis- 
pose of implanted land there for the best advantage of the inhabitants 
granted unto Serjeant Tho. Wallison, Jno. Ogle, John Hendrick, and 
Herman Johnson, the sd grant bearing date day of Feb. 1666. 
Now for a confirmation unto them the sd Tho. Wolliston, Jno. Ogle, 
John Hendrick, and Herman Johnson, in their possession and enjoy- 
ment of the premises. Know yee that by vertue of the commission and 
authority unto me given, I have given ratifyed confirmed and granted 
unto the sd Thomas Wolliston &c. the afore recited parcells of land and 
premises &c. yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year unto 
his Majesty's use eight bushells of Wheat as a Quitt rent when it shall 
be demanded, by such person or persons in authority as his majesty 
shall please to establish and empower in Delaware River and the parts 
and plantations adjacent. Given under my hand and scale, at Fort 
James, in New Yorke, on the Island Manhatans, the first day of Au- 
gust, in the 20th year of his Majesty's raigne. Anno Domini, 1668. 



A Confirmation graunted unto Paul Dux and Alice 
his Wife for a certaine plantation at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine plantation 
heretofore belonging unto Moens Andriss lyeing and being upon the 
second Hook or Neck of land above ye fort at Delaware next to ye val- 
ley or meadow ground which is on the South west side of ye sd Hook, 
stretching alongst ye sd valley through ye woods to a swamp or crup- 
pel bush Northwest and by North three hundred and twenty rod, 
there being left out a way between ye sd land and valley of three rod 
in breadth (for drift of cattle) further by (182) ye swamp alongst ye 
land of Laars Boers two and twenty rod next to ye land of ye sd Laars 
Boers to ye ryverside south East and by South with ye valley or 
meadow ground three hundred and twenty rod thence along ye strand 
to ye first going of South West and by West, thirty three rod, in all 
amounting to about twenty nine acres or foureteen morgen and four 
hundred and ten rod, the land belonging to Laars Boots next to Tunan 
Stiddens striking into ye woods North North West somewhat more 
Northerly according to ye Surveyors Certificate bearing date ye 
eleventh day of November 1656, the sd plantation being in tenure or 
occupation of Paul Duxon and Alice his wife who have ye present right 
and title thereunto, now for a confirmation unto them ye sd Paul Dux 
and Alice his wife and &c. The pattent is dated August ye ist 1668 ye 
quitt rent one bushell &c. 1668. 

A Confirmaton graunted unto Thomas Jackson and 
Wooley Poulston for an island in Delaware River 
called Bread and Cheese Island. 
Richard Nicolls, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain small island 
in Christeen kill in Delaware Ryver comonly called and known by ye 
name of Bread and Cheese island which sd island was by the officers 
at Delaware who were emf>owered by my comision to dispose of land 
there for ye best advantage of ye inhabitants granted unto Thomas 
Jackson and Wooley Poulson with a reservation of liberty to put in a 
third person to have equal shares and proportion with them therein. 
Ye sd grant bearing date ye thirteenth day of February 1666. Now for 
a confirmation unto them the sd Thomas Jackson and Wooley Poul- 
ston. The Quitt rent three bushells Wheate, the Patent is dated Au- 
gust 3, 1668. 
Fo 22 


A Confirmation granted to Juriean Jansen for a piece 

of land at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esq. &c. Whereas there was heretofore a g^ant 
made by Alexander D'Hiniosa late Governor at Delaware unto Juryan 
Janson for a certaine piece or parcell of land there next to ye hook or 
point of Jan Landemakers, conteyning alongst ye riverside to ye land 
of Mattys Eschelson twenty five rods and so into ye woods six hundred 


rod. Now for a confirmation unto him ye sd Juriaen Jansen &c. The 
Quitt rent one bushell of Wheate, the Patent is dated August ye 3d, 
Fo. 23. 

A Confirmation granted to Mattys Eschelsen for a 

piece of land at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esr. &c. Whereas the was heretofore a g^aunt 
made by Alexander D'Hiniosa late Governor at Delaware unto Mattys 
Eschelsen for a certaine piece or parcell of land there next unto Juryan 
Jansens, contenying alongst ye River syde Eastward twenty five rod 
and from thence going North West into ye woods six hundred rods. 
Now for a confirmation under him ye sd. Mattys Eschelson &c. The 
Quitt rent is one bushell Wheate, the Pattent is dated August ye 3d 
Fo. 23. 

A Confirmation granted to William Tom for a piece 
of land at ye Whorekill near Delaware. 
Richard Nichols, Esqr. &c. Whereas there was a certain piece or 
parcell of land scituate lyeing and being at ye Hoer kill near Dela- 
ware, stretching from ye sd kill or creeke, into ye woods by a West and 
by South Line bounded by Pieter Hans Herwards land and so stretch- 
ing North West and upwards South East by ye land formerly belong- 
ing to ye Frenchmen deceased, which sd piece or parcell of land did 
heretofore belonge to Pieter Alricks but stands confiscated to his 
majesty. Now know yee that by vertue of ye comision and authority 
unto me g^ven for and in consideration of ye good service (184) done 
and performed by Mr. Wm. Tom, at Delaware, I have g^ven and 
granted and by these presents to give ratifye, confirme and graunt unto 
ye sd Tom his heires and assigns the afore recited parcell of land &c- 
The Quitt rent 2 bushells of Come, the Patent dated August ye 3rd 
Fo. 24. 

A Confirmation graunted to Andries Maetsen for a 
parcell of land called ye Wild Hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece par- 
cell of land at Delaware scituate lying and being a called ye 
Indians or ye Wild Hook having a small streame of water bounding ye 
sd land on ye East running by skill pacts kill to ye marke tree which 
is betweene it and Hans Pietersens land being about 100 rods in 
breadth and in going into ye woods North West on both sides it con- 
teyns in length with ye valley or meadow grounds and swamp six hun- 
dred rods which sd piece or parcell of land hath hereto fore been and 
now is in ye tenure or occupation of Andries Maetsen as of right be- 
longing unto him Now for a confirmation under him ye sd Andries 
Maetsen, &c. The Quitt rent one bushell &c. The patent is dated ye 
14th of November 1668. 


A Confirmation granted to Hans Pieters for a piece 
of land called ye Wild Hook in Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece or 
parcell of land at Delaware scituate lyeing and being at a place called 
ye Indians or Wild Hook conteyning in breadth from ye markt tree 
betwixt ye sd land and Andries Maetsens to ye small streame that is to 
ye West of ye sd land about seaventy five rod in length runing on both 
sides into ye woods North west together with ye meadow ground for 
valley and Swamp six hundred rod which sd piece or pwircell of land 
hath heretofore beene and now is in ye tenure of Hans Pieterson (185) 
as of right belonging unto him Now for a confirmation unto him the sd 
Hans Pieterson &c. The patent is dated November 14th 1668. The 
quitt rent is one bushell &c. 
Fo 26. 

A Confirmation granted to Jan Ericksen, for a piece 
of land in ye fire hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
land at Delaware in ye fire hook or neck by Christine kill, lyeing and 
being on ye East side of ye sd neck stretching from ye kill into ye 
woods on both sydes upon a South East lyne six hundred rod and con- 
teyning in breadth alongst ye sd kill twenty five rods which sd piece of 
land is now in ye tenure for occupation of Jan Eerickson as his proper 
right. Now for a confirmation unto him the sd Jan Erickson &c. The 
Quitt rent is i bushell &c. The patent is dated 24th of March 1668-9. 
Fo 26. 

A Confirmation graunted to Olle Laerten for a piece 
of land at the fire hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at Delaware on ye fire hook or neck by Christine kill now in ye 
tenure or occupation of Olle Laerton as his proper right ye sd land 
stretching from ye kill into ye woods on both sides upon a South East 
lyne six hundred rod and conteyning in breadth alongst ye sd kill 
twenty five rod. Now for a confirmation. Unto him ye sd. Olle Laer- 
ton, The quit rent is one bushell &c. The patent is dated March ye 
24th 1668-9. 
Fo 27. 

A Confirmation granted to Hendrick Claesen, for a 
piece of land on ye fire hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
land at Delaware on ye fire hook or neck by Christine kill now in ye 
tenure or occupation of Hendrick Claesen as his proper right ye sd 
land stretching from ye kill into ye woods (186) on both sydes upon a 
South East lyne six hundred rod and contenying in breadth alongst ye 
sd kill twenty-five rods. Now for a confirmation, unto him ye sd Hen- 
drick Claesen &c. The Quitt Rent is I bushell &c. The patent is 
dated March ye 24th 1668-9. 
Fo 27. 



A Confirmation granted to Pieter Olleson for a 
piece of land on ye fire hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at Delaware on ye fire hook or neck by Christine Kill now in ye 
tenure or occupation of Peter Olleson as his proper right lying and 
being next and adjoyning to Jans Enricksens stretching in like man- 
ner from the kill into ye woods on both sydes upon a South East lyne 
six hundred rod and conteyning in breadth alongst ye sd kill twenty 
five rods, Now for a confirmation unto him ye sd Peter Olleson &c. 
The Quitt rent is i bushell &c. The Patent dated March 24th i668-g. 
Fo 27. 

A Confirmation granted to Pauls Pousen for a piece 
of land on ye fire hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nichols, Esq., &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
land at Delaware on ye fire hook or Neck by Christeen kill now in ye 
tenure or occupation of Paul Poulsen as his proper right, ye sd land 
stretching from ye kill into ye woods on both sides upon a South East 
lyne 600 rods contenying in breadth alongst ye sd kill twenty five rods, 
Now for a confirmation unto him the sd Paul Pousen &c. The Quitt 
rent is one Bushell &c. Ye patent dated March 24, 1668-9. 
Fo. 28. 

A Confirmation granted to Matijs Jansen for a piece 
of land on ye fire hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
land at Delaware on ye fire hook or neck by Christeen kill now in ye 
tenure or occupation of Matijs Jansen as his proper right (187) ye sd 
land stretching from ye kill into ye woods on both sydes upon a south 
east lyne six hundred rod and conteyning in breadth alongst ye sd kill 
twenty five rods Now for a confirmation unto to him ye sd Matijs Jan- 
sen, &c. The Quitt rent is i bushell &c. The pattent is dated March 
24th 1668-9. 
Fo 28 

A Confirmation graunted to Paul Laersen for a 
piece of land on ye fire hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nichols, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at Delaware on ye fire hook or neek by Christeen kill now in ye 
tenure or occupation of Paul Laersen as his proper right, ye sd land 
stretching from the kill into ye woods on both sydes upon a South 
East lyne six hundred rods and containing in breadth alongst ye sd 
kill twenty five rods. Now for a confirmation unto him the sd Paul 
Laersen &c. The Quitt rent is i bushell &c. The patent is dated 
March 24th, 1668-9. 
Fo. 28. 


A Confirmation granted to Juryaen Jansen for a 
piece of land on ye fire hook at Delaware. 
Richard Nicolls, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at Delaware on ye fire hook or neck by Christeene kill now in the 
tenure or occupation of Juryen Jansen as his proper right ye sd land 
stretching from ye kill into ye woods on both sides upon a South East 
line 600 rod and contenying in breadth alongst ye sd kill twenty five 
rod. Now for confirmation unto him ye sd Juryean Jansen &c. The 
quitt rent one bushell &c. The patent is dated March 24th 1668-9. 
Fo 29. 

A Confirmation g^aunted to all ye and severall per- 
sons before named for ye waste land not mentioned 
in their severall patents lying and being on ye sd 
Richard Nicolls, Esqr. &c. Whereas I have granted severall (188) 
pattents to ye persons hereafter named, that is to say to Jan Erickson, 
Peter Olleson, Paul Pousen, Matijs Jansen, Olle Laersen, Hendrick 
Cleasen, Paul Lersen, and Jaurian Jansen, for the land each of them 
doth now enjoy at Delaware on ye fire hook or neck by Christeene kill, 
there p'ticular proportions being in their sd patents sett forth, and 
whereas ye whole hook or neck of land called Unyren or fire hook lyes 
between two small creeks or kills on ye East syde whereof there is a 
small parcell of valley or meadowe ground and on ye west syde a 
swamp or creupell not comprehended in their pattent which lying in 
common betweene ye persons aforenamed as now it doth will prove 
some small advantage to them but is of no use neither doth it belong 
to any other person or persons for an encouragement unto ye several 
persons afore mencioned as also for a confirmation to them in their 
possession and enjoyment of ye premises. Know yee that by vertue 
of ye comision and authority unto me given by his Royal Highness I 
have ratifyed, confirmed and graunted and by these presents do ratifye 
confirme and graunt unto yee sd persons their heirs and assigns all ye 
waste land not mencioned in their severall patents lying in ye sd neck 
between the two small kills as afore sd. whether meadow or other 
ground with all and singular the appertances and premises and every 
parte and parcell thereof to have and to hold all ye sd waste lands 
meadow ground and premises in common unto you persons before 
mentioned their heirs and assigns to ye proper use, the Quitt rent 2 
bushells &c. The patent dated March 25, 1669. 
Fo 29. 

A Confirmation graunted to Jan Sibrantsen for a 
piece of land at Delaware. 
Richard Nicholls Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
land at Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Jan Sibrantsen as 
of right belonging unto him lyeing and being neare ye horse neck 
(commonly called ye Paerd Hook) that is to say betweene a certaine 
(189) small creek or kill and ye sd horse neck stretching from ye sd 



creek or kill into ye woods N. W. and by W. and towards ye river S. E. 
and by E. containing in breadth by ye river syde one hundred & fifety 
rods or thereabouts reaching to ye lands of Arent Jansen in length into 
ye woods North W. and by West 600 rods on having within ye sd land 
much Marshy and Swampy ground, Now for a confirmation unto him 
ye sd Jan Sibrantsen &c. Quitt rent i bushell. Patent dated March 
26th, 1669. 
Fo. 30. 

A Confirmation graunted to Evert Gertsen for a 
piece of land at Delaware. 
Richard Nicholls Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Evert Gertsen as 
of right belonging to him lyeing and being in New Castle having be- 
fore ye Otter street and behind ye Calves street abutting on ye North 
East syde with the land of Top Puthout and on ye South West side 
with ye land of Reijner Vander Cooley conteyning in length on both 
«ydes four hundred foot wood measure and in breadth as well behynd 
as before one and twenty rod Now for a confirmation unto him ye sd 
Evert Gertsen &c. Quitt rent i bushell. The patent dated March ye 
26th, 1669. 
Fo. 30. 

A Confirmation graunted to Andries Andiresen. 

Sinick Broers and Walrane Jansen for a parcell of 

land in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land in Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Andries Andriesen, 
Sinick Broers, and Walrane Jansen, as in their proper right, The sd land 
lyeing on ye N. syde of Christiana kill being bounded on ye East syde 
with ye land (190) belonging to George Whale ye limitts betweene 
them being a certain marked tree having upon it ye three names afore 
mensioned and also that of George Whale so striking into yee woods 
direct Northwest three hundred rods it's in breadth along the kill three 
hundred and fifety rod, from the marked tree aforesd it strikes to the 
mill kill more west than North three hundred rod, also, in all amount- 
ing to about foure hundred Morgen haveing by agreement with George 
Whale ye swamp or crupell lyeing within their lymitts in comon be- 
twixt them all Now for a confirmation unto them ye said Andries An- 
driesen, Sinick Broers, and Walrane Jansen, &c. Quitt rent eight 
bushells the patent dated Sept. i, 1669. 
Fo. 31. 

A Patent granted to Andries Andriesen & Company 

to erect a mill on a creek called Andries ye Fynnes 

creeke in Delaware ryver. 

Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain creek in 

Christiane kill in Delaware river comonly called and knowne by ye 

name of Andries ye Fynnes creeke, whereupon there is a convenient 


place to erect a mill the which is recommended by ye officers there to be 
sett up by Andries Andriesen and nineteen more in company whose 
names are hereunder written for an encouragement to ye said under- 
taking, it tending to a publique good know ye that by vertue of ye com- 
ision & authority unto me given I have given & granted, an by these 
presents do give, ratify, confirme & grant unto ye sd Andries Andriesen 
& Company their heires and assigns liberty to erect a mill in ye most 
convenient place in ye creek afore menconed to have and to hold &c. 
The quitt rent is bushell wheat. The patent is dated ye ist of October 
Fo. 32. 

A confirmation graunted to John Askue for a house 
and garden at New Castle in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain house and 
(191) garden at New Castle in Delaware River now in the tenure or 
occupation of Sarjeant John Askue being in breadth about sixty foot 
bounded on the east with John Henrye's fence on ye West with Mar- 
tin Gerritsens and on ye North with ye Mart, having a piece of land 
belonging thereunto of about seaven acres lyeing to ye West of ye 
towne bounded to ye West by Capt. Carrs land, to ye East with ye 
Crupell or Swamp, and to ye South with ye Ryver: as also a small 
piece of land in ye towne given him by Sir Robert Carr conteyning 
about six acres bounded by ye East with Garrett Garetsons to ye 
North with ye Highway and to ye West with ye lands heretofore be- 
longing to Reyner Vander Cooley. Now for a confirmation unto him 
the sd John Askue, &c. Quitt rent i bushell. Ye patent is dated the 
first of October 1669. 

A Confirmation granted to Hans Bons for a house 
and lott of ground at New Castle in Delaware Ryver. 
Francis Lovelace, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain house and 
lott of ground at New Castle in Delaware Ryver now in ye tenure or 
occupation of Hans Bons lyeing and being in the Otter street bounded 
on ye one side with Corneyls Wynhurst conteyning in length alike on 
both sydes being about two hundred foot and in breadth before and be- 
hind ninety foot, which sd lott of ground was given unto ye sd Hans 
Bons by ye late Dutch Governor together with a Parcell of Bon land 
or planting ground lyeing over against the sd house in ye Otter street 
having on ye south East and South West sydes ye high street runing 
from ye Smyths to ye Swamp or crupell and containing about three 
Morgen or six acres of land Now for a confirmacon &c. The Quitt 
rent &c. i Bushell. The patent is dated ye first of October 1669. 
Fo. 33. 



A confirmation graunted to Andren Carr & Marga- 
rita his wife for Matiniconck Island in Delaware 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine island in 
Delaware Ryver now in ye Tenure or occupation of Andren Carre & 
Margarett his wife heretofore ye widow & relect of Joost de la Grange 
who purchased ye same for a valuable consideration, comonly called & 
knowne by ye name of Matiniconck conteyning by estimation three 
hundred acres bee it more or lesse the sd Island lyeing and being about 
six Dutch myles up ye ryver from ye towne of New Castle bounded on 
ye North West with ye Mill kill on ye South with ye ryver & on ye N. 
East or North & by East with ye Bon Kill Now for a confirmation 
unto him ye sd Andries and Margarite his wife &c. The patent is 
dated ye first of October 1669. The Quitt rent 2 bushell. 

A Patent graunted to Thomas Wollaston for a par- 
cell of land in Delaware Ryver. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land in Delaware Ryver lyeing and being on ye South Syde of 
Swarte Nutten Island bounded with a market tree on Sargeant Askews 
land on ye East and on Ye West with a markt tree on James Craw- 
fords land conteyning about one hundred acres of Wood land it being a 
hook of land comonly called by the name of Beeslye which sd |>arcell 
of land lyes unplanted & unmanured having no particular owner to ye 
end ye sd land may be clared & made fitt for a plantaton. Know yee 
that by vertue of ye comision, & authority unto me given, I have 
thought fitt to give and graunt and by these presents do hereby give 
ratifye, confirme and graunt unto Sargeant (193) Thomas Wollaston 
who came over into these partes in his Majesty's service ye afore re- 
cited parcell of land and premises scituate and lyeing as aforesaid with 
all and singular the appurteinces with privildg of comonage on ye 
South unto ye woods to have and to hold &c. Quitt rent i bushell. 
Given under ye Governors hand and seale first of October 1669. 
Fo. 34. 

A Confirmation graunted to John Askew for a par- 
cell of Marsh Ground in Delaware Ryver. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of Marsh ground in Delaware Ryver lyeing on ye West syde of Chris- 
tina Kill bounded with a small Kill or Creeke, towards ye long hooke, 
& runing downe along Christina Kill one hundred and fifety rod to- 
wards John Clawsons plantaton haveing ye fast land to ye West of 
ye sd Marsh conteyning by estimation one hundred acres, bee it more 
or lesse. Now ye sd Marsh ground having been disposed of by ye of- 
ficers at Delaware who had comision to do ye same unto John As- 
kew, Matthew Garretson and Gisbert Dircksen for whose use it lyes 
comodious, if it shall be improved ye which they undertake to do and 



belonging to no other particular person for a confirmation to ye sd 
John Askew &c. The Quitt rent is 2 Bushells, ye patent dated ye ist of 
October 1669. 
Fo. 34. 

A patent graunted to Robert Scott, John Marshall, 
John Cousins and John Boyers for a parcell of land 
in Delaware Ryver. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land in Delaware Ryver lyeing and being on the East Syde of Chris- 
tina Kill bounded on ye West with Ye Creeke or ye Kill comonly called 
ye Mill kill or Andries ye Finnes Kill on ye East with ye bounds of 
Christina towne or John Stalcops land conteyning (194) about foure 
hundred acres bee it more or lesse which sd parcell of land hath been 
layed out bye ye officers at Delaware for foure souldiers that is to say 
Robert Scott, John Marshall, John Cousins, and John Boyers, to ye 
end ye sd land may be manured and planted Know yee that by vertue 
&c. the Quitt rent 4 bushells. The patent is dated October ye isl 
Fo. 36. 

A Pattent graunted to Thomas Jackson, Wolley 
Poulson and Thomas Snelling for 100 acres of land 
upon >e maine over against Bread & Cheese Island. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas my predecessor Coll. Rich- 
ard Nicholls did heretofore give and graunt unto Thomas Jackson, 
Wolley Pouson and Thomas Snelling a certaine small island in Chris- 
tine Kill, in Delaware Ryver, the which they have improved to ye best 
advantage but are very much straitened for want of forrage and other 
accommodation for their cattle in regard of ye little quantity of land 
upon ye sd island and ye sd Thomas Jackson, Wooley Poulson and 
Thomas Snelling being recommended by ye officers there and having 
requested my graunt for an adicon of one hundred acres of land upon 
ye maine over against ye creek. North West from ye sd Bread & Cheese 
Island adjoyning to Hans Bons land ye which lyes unmanured and 
hath no perticular proprietor for an encouragement to ye sd persons I 
have given and graunted and by these presents do give ratifye confirme 
and graunt unto ye sd Thomas Jackson Wooley Poulston and Thomas 
Snelling their heirs and assigns the afore recited one hundred acres of 
land lyeing and being as is related and premises with all and singuler 
the appertances &c. The Quitt rent i bushell. The pattent is dated 
ye 1st of October 1669. 
Fo 36. 


A Confirmation graunted to Pieter Cowenhoven for 
a small hooke or corner of land at New Castle in 
Delaware Ryver. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine hooke 

or small corner of land at New Castle in Delaware Ryver lyeing be- 


hinde Pieter Cowenhovens lott by which it is bounded on ye one 
syde and is on all ye other surrounded with ye meadow ground or val- 
ley, and swamp or creupell, conteyning between two or three Morgen 
or five or six acres at most ye which ye officers at Delaware who have 
had comision to dispose of land there not improved or belonging to no 
perticular properietor have graunted to Pieter Cowenhoven; for a con- 
firmation to ye sd Pieter Cowenhoven &c. The Quitt rent one bushell, 
the patent is dated ye first of October 1669. 
Fo 36. 

A Patent graunted to Robert Jones, for a small par- 
cell of land convenient to keep a ferry in Christeen 
Kill in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine small 
parcell of land in Christeen kill at Delaware where formerly ye Fort 
stood which lyes undisposed of and it lyeing neare to ye Water syde 
where is a convenient place to keep a ferry for ye generall good of ye 
inhabitants in that ryver ye which Robert Jones doth undertake to 
maintaine with a sufficient boate for ye same if it may be graunted him 
as is recomended to me by ye officers at Delaware for an encourage- 
ment to any such undertaking as may tend to ye publique good. Know 
ye &c. With a clause that whosoever hath ye land shall uphold ye ferry 
or be obliged to keepe a boate for that purpose he or they taking some 
reasonable satisfaction for ye ferriage &c. Quitt rent &c. i Bushell. 
The patent dated first of October 1669. 
Fo. 36. 


A Confirmation graunted to Pieter Claesen for a lott 
of ground at Christ eene Kill in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine lott of 
ground in Christeene Kill at Delaware belonging unto and now in ye 
tenrure or occupation of Pieter Qaesen lyeing in breadth 
South East and North West from ye Crane kill neare unto Laes ways 
to ye land of Juriaen Boosman eighty eight rods and in length South 
West and North East behynde ye first creupel Boos or Swamp con- 
teyning together in woodland and valley or meadow about one hun- 
dred acres be it more or lesse. Now for a confirmation unto him ye sd 
Pieter Claesen &c. The Quitt rent i bushell Winter wheate. The 
patent is dated November ye 5th 1669. 
Fo. 37. 

A Confirmation graunted to Juryen Juryensen and 
Olle Clementsen for a piece of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at Delaware lyeing and being upon a long hook by Christeen Kill 
belonging unto Juryen Juryensen and Olle Clementsen stretching 
South into ye woods and bounded on each syde by the small creeke or 
kill amounting in all both woodland and valley or meadow to about 



two hundred acres of land Now for a confirmation unto yee sd Juryen 
Juryensen and Olle Clemenese &c. The Quitt rent 2 bushells of Win- 
ter Wheate, the patent is dated ye 5th day of November 1669. 
Fo. 38. 

A Confirmation granted to Hans Monsen for a par- 
cell of land in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain piece or 
parcell of land in Delaware being bounded to ye North East with ye 
Swar Kill and to ye South with Andries Jackhornes kill to ye North 
with a great Pine tree on ye other syde of Nagency kill over ye creeke 
Tuning into ye woods West and conteyning by (197) estimation one 
hundred acres bee ye same more or less, also another piece or parcell 
of land being bounded with ye fence of John Eustace on ye North and 
with ye fence of Jonas Neilson to ye South contenying by estimation 
ten acres bee the same more or lesse. And likewise another small 
piece or parcell of land being bounded with Peter Andries fence to ye 
North and with a little creeke runing into ye land of John Bowles to ye 
South and conteyning by estimation Tenne acres bee ye same more or 
lesse, which sd severall pieces or parcells of land are now in ye tenure 
or occupation of Hans Monsen. Now for a conformacon unto him ye 
sd Hans Monsen &c. The Quitt Rent i bushell and a halfe. The Pat- 
tent is dated ye 14th of May 1669. 
Fo. 38. 

A Confirmation graunted to John Eustas for a piece 
of land in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece or 
parcell of land in Delaware haveing a house or tenement thereupon 
scituate lyeing and being by ye land of J. Kinseys being bounded to ye 
South with ye land of Hans Monsen, to ye North Elast with ye land of 
John Bowles runing directly into ye woods North West and haveing 
ye Scoar kill South East Contayneing by estimation one hundred and 
fifety acres or thereabouts bee ye same more or less, which said par- 
cell of land house and premises are now in ye tenure or occupation of 
John Eustas. Now for a confirmation under him ye sd John Eustas 
&c. The Quitt rent I bushell and a halfe. The patent is dated ye i6th 
of May 1669. 
Fo. 38. 

A Confirmation graunted to Robert Jones for a 

Piece of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece or 
parcell of land in Delaware lyeing and being to ye South of Brainwend 
Kill or Creeke haveing a small run or ryvalett (198) neare thereunto 
and lyeing adjacent to Jacob Vannivers island conteyning by estima- 
tion two hundred acres or thereabouts bee ye same more or lesse, 
which sd piece or parcell of land was bought and purchased by Robert 



Jones (in whose tenure and occupation it now is), of Andren Brain- 
winde. Now for a confirmacon unto him ye sd Robert Jones, &c. The 
Quitt rent 2 bushell. patent is dated ye 6th of June 1670. 
Fo. 39. 

A Confirmation graunted to Dirck Pieters for a cer- 

taine piece of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certainc piece of 
land at Delaware lyeing and being at ye Whore Kill striking alongst 
ye kill in breadth Northwest and by West One hundred and five rod 
Dutch measure then in length goes into ye bush or woodland East, and 
West by South about a myle on each Syde with a bowery thereunto 
belonging and a kill behynde it about an English mvle haveing on ye 
south syde Anthony Pieters, and on ye North West syde Wm. Claesens 
land where he has planted betweene two bowerys which sd piece of 
land hath been for a valueble consideracon transported and made over 
by Abraham Qementie unto Dirck Pieters in whose tenure or occupa- 
tio it now is. Now for a confirmacon unto him ye sd Dirck Pieters &c. 
Ye Quitt rent 2 bushells. Ye Pattent is dated ye 25th of May 1670. 
Fo. 40 

A Confirmation graunted to Derrick Alberts for a 
lott of ground neare ye fort in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine lott of 
ground haveing a small piece of land belonging unto it lyeing and be- 
ing neare ye fort at New Castle in Delaware bounded to ye South East 
with ye Ryver and to ye West with Gisbert Dericks fence, and to ye 
North East with Jacob Vanderveers lott, conteyning in breadth thirty 
five yards and in length one hundred bee it more or lesse which sd lott 
of ground is in the tenure or (199) occupation of Derrick Alberts to 
whom of right it doth belonge Now for a confirmacon &c The Quitt 
rent i bushell. The Patent is dated ye nth of August 1670. 
Fo 44. 

A Pattent graunted to James Bollen apd Peter Jego 

for a parcell of land on ye West side of Delaware 


Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land on ye West syde of 

Delaware ryver lyeing and being on both sydes of a Creeke or kill 

comonly called Champone kill runing in length alonge ye sd ryver 

sixty chaine and conteyning in all foure hundred acres of upland and 

one hundred acres of meadowe ground thereunto adjacent, which sd 

parcell of land and meadowe grounds lyes unmanured and belongs to 

no perticular owner. To ye end some good improvement may be made 

thereupon Know ye that by vertue of ye comision and authority unto 

me given by his R. Highness I have given and granted and by these 

presents do give ratifye confirme and graunt the afore recited parcell 

of land, meadowe ground and premises unto James Bollen and 

Peter Jegoe their heirs and Assigns with this provisoe that if ye sd land 


hath not beene purchased of ye Indian proprietors and is lawfully layd 
claim to by them that then they make purchase thereof ye which they 
have hereby liberty to do to have and to hold &c. 

Dated the 2nd of Aprill 1670. Quitt rent foure schep of wheate. 

A Confirmation graunted to Peter Alricks for a lott 
of ground at New Castle in Delaware Ryver. 

Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas William Tom did upon ye 
1 2th day of April last transport and make over unto Peter Alricks a 
certaine lott of ground at New Castle in Delaware (200) Ryver lyeing 
and being towards ye strand haveing on ye West syde ye house of 
Wm Sinclaer and on ye East ye fence of Comelys Wynharts land con- 
tayning in breadth before towards ye strand Nynety fower foot Ams- 
terdam wood measure and in length reaching to yee land belonging to 
deRine bearing date ye 25th day of Julye 1668 with a reserve of one 
bushell of winter wheat for a quitt rent and whereas John Erskin did on 
ye 7th day of June last assign and make over unto ye sd Peter Alricks 
his third part of another certaine lott of ground lyeing to ye west of 
New Castle haveing on ye West syde Captaine Carrs land on ye East 
ye Swamp or crupell bush and on ye South ye River for ye which with 
other two third parts of ye sd lotts there was a pattent graunted unto 
him ye sd John Erskin and others dated ye first day of October 1669 
with a reserve of i bushell of Winter Wheate for Quitt rent upon ye 
whole. Now for a confirmacon unto him ye sd Peter Alricks &c. The 
Quitt rent is so much as ye sd William Tom and John Esskin were 
obliged to pay. The Patent was dated ye i6th of August 1670. 
Fo. 47. 

A Confirmation granted to Peter Alricks for a piece 
of land at New Castle in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at New Castle in Delaware lately purchased by Peter Alricks from 
Matthys and Annelys de Ringh abutting on ye West syde on ye land 
graunted to Sargeant Erskin, on ye North syde on ye street on ye 
Easte syde on ye Merchant street, and on ye South syde on ye lotts of 
Mr. Tom and ye sd Peter Alricks Now for a confirmation unto him 
ye sd Peter Alricks &c. The quitt rent is one bushell of wheat, dated 
August i6th 1670 
Fo 49. 

A Confirmation of a certaine piece of land at Dela- 
ware unto Barent Hendricksen. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas ye officers of Delaware be- 
ing empowered soe to doe did heretofore graunt unto Barent (201) 
Hendricksen a certaine piece of land scituate lyeing and being on ye 
West side Delaware ryver on ye North West side of Apjx>queminy 
Creek, ye sd land runing from ye sd Creeke North West into ye Woods 
on ye North East bounded with ye land of Adam Pieters, and on ye 



South West with the land of John Breadband, the sd land conteyning 

by estimacon two hundred acres bee it more or less with a convenient 

quantity of about one hundred acres of Marsh land on ye south East 

side of ye Drayers creeke, for meadow ground, Now for a confirmacon 

unto him the sd Barent Hendricksen in his possession and enjoyment 

&c. The pattent is date August 14th, 1671. and to pay for quitt rent 3 

bushells Winter Wheate. 

Fo 61. 


Barent Hendricksen 

A Confirmacon graunted to John Sherricks for a 
certaine piece of land at Delaware Bay &c. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas ye officers of Delaware 
being empowered so to doe did herefore grant unto John Sherricks a 
certaine piece of land scituate lyeing and being on ye West syde of 
Delaware ryver on ye North West syde of Appoqueminy creek, ye sd 
land runing from ye sd creeke North West into ye woods, on ye North 
East bounded with ye land of Garrett Otto and on ye South west with 
ye land of Roelofe Anderson, ye sd land contanying by estimation two 
hundred acres bee it more or less with a convenient quantity of about 
one hundred acres of Marsh land on ye South East syde of ye Drayers 
creeke for meadowe ground. Now for a confirmacon &c. The Patent 
is dated August ye 4th 1671. paying 3 bushells winter wheate quitt 

Whore Kill, 
Jno. Sherricks 
Fo. 62. 

A Confirmacon graunted unto Hermanns Frederick 
Wiltbanck for a certaine parcell of land at the 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas Hermanns Frederick (202) 
Wiltbanck stands possest of a certayne parcell of land at ye Whorekill 
in Delaware Bay, part of which he hath manured, the sd land runing 
into the woods, begining at Aroskes kill, and stretching South East and 
North West to Beaver Kill in breadth and in length as it runs into ye 
woods South West and North East till it comes behinde ye creeke 
which is by ye common land of ye Whore kill contayning by estimacon 
about eight hundred acres; Now for a confirmacon unto ye sd Her- 
manns Frederick Wiltbanck as also (at his request) to his two sons, 
Cornelys and Abraham in their possession and enjoyment of ye prem- 
ises &c. yielding and paying as a quitt rent &c. eight bushells winter 
wheate yearly. The patent is dated July ye ist 1671. 
Whore Kill 
Hermanus Wiltbanck 
Fo. 63. 


A Confirmacon grunted to Leendert Teunijssen for 

a parcell of land at ye Whorekill, 
Whereas there was heretofore graunted by ye Dutch Governor at 
ye South Ryver unto Wm. Vandiemen, a certaine piece of land at ye 
Whorekill, otherwise called Swanendale in Delaware Bay, the sd land 
lyeing and being on ye South Syde of Hendrick Bakers, or of that land 
then newly broken up by Gelijaem, and on ye North syde of the lott 
formerly belonging to Lavyny deceased which sd land and 

premises as he the sd Willem Vandiemen enjoyed the same, hee trans- 
ported and made over unto Leendert Teunijsse Van Lier, reserving 
only a lott of land on the South side thereof, being in breadth one hun- 
dred, and in length three hundred foott, the which is afterwards con- 
veyed to Cornelys Wynhart : Nor for a confirmacon unto him the sd 
Leendert Teunisse in his possession &c. The Quitt rent is 2 bushells 
of winter wheat yearly, the pattent is dated June i, 1671. 
Whore Kill 
Leendert Teunisse 
Fo 63. 

A Confirmacon graunted unto Cornelys (203) Wyn- 
hart for a piece of land at ye Whorekill. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas Hendrick Harmens did 
upon ye third day of April 1664 transport and make over unto Cor- 
neyls Wynhart a certain piece of land at ye Whorekill and Delaware 
Bay otherwise called Swannendall lyeing and being to ye South of ye 
Block house between ye land of ye Willem Vandiemen and Geluaem, ye 
sd land consisting of two lotts each of them conteyning sixty foot in 
breadth and whereas Willem Vandiemen did likewise upon ye 17th 
day of April in ye yeare aforesd transport and convey unto ye sd Cor- 
neyls Wynhart another certain lott of land at ye Whorekill contayn- 
ing in breadth one hundred foot and in length alongst ye strand by the 
ryver three hundred foot the sd lott lyeing and being on ye South syde 
of the land granted unto the sd Willem Vandiemen, and reserved by 
him when he made over the remainder unto Leendert Teeunisse Van 
Lier: Now for a confirmacon unto him the sd Cornelys Wynhart in 
his possession and enjoyment of the premises &c. The Quitt rent 3 
bushells of Winter wheat yearly. The Patent dated June i, 167 1. 
Whore Kill 
Cornelys Wynhart 
Fo 64. 

A Confirmacon graunted unto Mr. George Whale 
Sr. for a parcell of land at Delaware Bay 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been graunted 
by the officers at Delaware unto Mr. George Whale Sr. a certain parcell 
of land containing foure hundred acres of firme land and ye marsh 
thereunto adjoyning scituate, lyeing and being on the Westward side 
of Delaware Bay, and on the East side of a Creek now called St. Jones 
his Creek, about a myle above Murder Creek, and extendeth itselfe 



Northwest or nearc thereabout from ye sd Bay, bounded as followeth, 
viz. begining in the middle of the Marsh between a small hummock of 
trees in the said Marsh and a comer marked White Oake, standing on 
the (204) North West side of a pointe of woodland about a mile up the 
ftd Creeke, and runing North East into ye Woods three hundred 
and twenty poles, then North West two hundred poles and South 
West three hundred and twenty poles to ye sd Creek, and finally downe 
ye creeke to ye first mencioned place of bgining; now for a confirmation 
unto him ye sd George Whale &c. The Quitt rent foure bushells. The 
Patent is dated June 17th 1671. 
George Wfaale^ 

A Confirmation graunted unto Mr. George Wale Sr. 

and Mr. Robert Jones, for some small hummocks of 

land at Delaware. 
Whereas there hath been granted by ye officers at Delaware unto 
Mr. George Wale Sr. and Mr. Robert Jones certaine hummocks or 
small parcells of land, conteyning by estimation foure hundred acres, 
bee it more or less with ye Marsh thereunto adjoyning, it being ye 
lowermost part of ye land called Bombeys hooke on ye Westward side 
of Delaware Bay bounded on ye East and South East with ye mayne 
ryver and Bay, on ye west with Duck Creeke, and on ye North with ye 
Marsh, and so to a small g^tt which runns into ye sd Marsh above ye 
uppermost of ye sd Hummocks of land, which gutt divideth this land 
from ye land of Mr. Walter Wharton, and Mr. Thomas Meritt: Now 
for a confirmation &c. Quitt rent foure bushells. The Patent is dated 
June 17th 1671. 
George Wale 
A Robt Jones 
Fo 66. 

A Confirmacon graunted to John Bradborne for a 

parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas there hath been graunted by 
the officers at Delaware unto John Bradborne a certaine parcell of land 
conteyning by estimation two hundred acres, bee it more or less, scitu- 
atc lyeing and being in Appoquemini on ye North syde, being bounded 
on Boute ye Baker and on ye West Jacob Fenns, runing into the woods 
North west and South East, Now for a confirmacon unto ye sd John 
Bradborne &c. Quitt rent 2 bushells. The patent is dated June 17th, 
John Bradborne. 
Fo. 66. 




A Confirmation g^aunted unto Mr. Thomas Young 
for a certaine parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been graunted by 
ye officers at Delaware unto Mr. Thomas Young a certaine parcell of 
land conteyning foure hundred acres of firme land and the Marsh 
thereunto adjoyning scituate lyeing and being on the Westward side 
of Delaware bay, and on ye North East side of a creek now called St. 
Joanes his creeke, being about a myle above Murder Creeke, and ex- 
tendeth itselfe North West out of ye sd Bay, being bounded on ye 
South West with ye sd Creeke on the South East with ye land of Mr. 
Thomas Meritt and on the two opposite sides with ye Maine woods, 
ye sd land extending a mile into ye woods. Now for a confirmation, 
&c. The Quitt rent is foure bushells, of winter wheat yearly. The 
Patent dated June 17th 1671. 
Mr. Thomas Young 
F. 66. 

A Confirmation granted unto Mr. Robert Jones for 
a parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been graunted 
by the officers of Delaware unto Mr. Robert Jones, a certaine parcell 
of land contanying foure hundred acres of firme land with ye marshes 
thereunto adjoyning scituate lyeing and being on ye Westward side of 
Delaware bay, and on ye North East side of a creek now called St. 
Jones his creeke, being about a myle above Murder Creeke, and ex- 
tendeth itselfe North West from ye sd Bay, bounded on ye South West 
with ye sd Creek and on ye South East with ye land of Mr. George 
Wale and on ye two opposite sides with ye maine woods, the sd land 
extending itselfe a mile into the woods. Now for a confirmation &c. 
The quitt rent foure bushells of winter wheate yearly. The Pattent 
dated June 17, 1671. 
Mr. Robert Jones 
Fo 67. 

A Confirmation graunted unto Mr. Thomas Merritt 
for a parcell of land at Delaware Bay. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been granted by 
(206) ye officers at Delaware unto Mr. Thomas Meritt a certaine par- 
cell of land containing foure hundred acres of land and the marsh 
thereunto adjoyning scituate lyeing and being on ye westward side of 
Delaware bay and on ye North East side of a creek now called St. 
Jones, his creeke, being about a mile above Murder creeke, and ex- 
tendeth itself North west out of the sd Bay bounded on the South West 
with ye sd Creek, on ye South East with ye land of Mr. Walter Whar- 
ton, and on ye two opposite sides with ye Maine woods extending a 



mile into ye woods. Now for a confirmation &c. The Quitt rent foure 

bushells of winter wheate yearly. The patent is dated June 17th 1671. 

Disposed to another, being not seated. 


Mr. Thomas Merritt 

Fo 67. 

A Confirmation graunted unto John Bell and Peter 
Pernon for a parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. Whereas there hath been granted by ye 
officers of Delaware unto John Bell and Peter Pernon a certaine par- 
cell of land contenying eight hundred acres and ye Marsh thereunto 
adjoyning scituate on ye Westward side of Delaware Bay and on ye 
North syde of a small creeke called Beaver Creeke, which extendeth 
itself Westerly out of the maine South West branch of Duck Creeke, 
bounded as foUoweth, viz. on ye South with ye sd Creeke, or a lyne from 
thence runing West to make this paralell with ye land of Mr. Lane, on 
ye east with ye Land of Mr. Thomas Lane and on ye two opposite sides 
with the Maine woods. Now for a confirmation &c. Quitt rent eight 
bushells. The patent dated June 17th, 1671. 
Jno. Bellj 
Pet'r Pernon. 

A Confirmation graunted unto Lucas Abell, Cor- 
nelius Buijs, and Tunis for a piece of land 
at Delaware Bay. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been graunted 
by the officers at Delaware unto Lucas Abell, Cornelijs Buijs, and 
Tunis a certaine piece of land scituate lyeing and being in Ap- 
poquimeni in ye Westerward side of Delaware Bay, begining from ye 
green hook and stretching to Sassafras kill, being in breadth South 
West and North East; in length it runs East into ye woods, and con- 
taines by computation nine hundred acres (207) of land. Now for a 
confirmation &c. The Quitt rent is nine bushells. The patent dated 
June ye 17th 1671. 

Cornelijs Buijs & Tunis, 
Fo. 68. 

A Confirmation granted unto Patrick Carr for a 
certain parcell of land at Delaware Bay &c. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. 

Whereas there hath been granted by the officers at Delaware unto 
Patrick Carr a certaine parcell of land conteyning foure hundred acres 
and the Marsh adjoyning, scituate on ye Westward side of Delaware 
Bay, and on ye Northward side of ye head of a small creeke called 
Beaver Creeke which extendeth itself Westerly out of ye Maine 5>outh 
West Branch of Duck Creeke, bounded as followeth, viz. On ye South 



With the sd Creeke, or a line from thence nmning West to nuke tl 
paralell with ye land of John BeD and Pieter Pciiion and «i ve two o 
positc sides with ye maine woods: Xow for a confirmatxjc &c On 
rent foure bushells. The patent dated June 17th 1671. 

Patrick Our. 

A Confirmacoii giauii ted :zrr^ Wiliin E-ris 5ar 

parcea of land at^DcJawrt^ 
Francis LoTelace. Es<jr. Ac. Wlscos ±Kr- br± b?-=: zrk:=rrA 
by ye officers at Debware cmo Ws Eves i. r-rtizr« r^r:^' re 1l= 
ccoteynu^ tottre hosvire^ acres wh*i ye ^^irsc: ±*;rr=r- T-i-r-r^ 
scitnaVe on ye Westward s&4e oc I>aawir^ r^y rr,£ re ^-t 5i:ir± W^ 
side erf a creeke new caHeN* Sc> Jrces rs TriraK. re-mr irinr: i =7^ 
above XIsrAir Cre^dt bcc=^5e^f re ye XrrrL 2:j^ -v-rit 7; s: Jr*a^ "? 
yt^ 5iC<sk Eaet wiit y« ia&i «x >£• Wab-^ '^^artrrn. rrc m 7- rw 
cf^^:e s»5w wrdk ye aassase wo>5?. T21; sani "arpi i^rsniiiizr 1 tsI 
in 5eawri S*-"** ^^ 'KC 3H?> y^ w»5?. X.-w xt i rznfrnrjiniii -nrr: tje 
Ae <c^ Wrt Exes fc. TW otc: twc rrj>; rjni ■^•nr- !^ xtit^ insteil 
\Y »*.3:«r w«iice. T^ raiKac ^ iu:^?* 'x=:« "^ -'^ '-'^^^- 

\^ _L iT ■-■ ±i_ t* .■«■■-*«.• r— "^'.s^es H'ltcrnn 
^ ^mU 1UA2\!W ,^r:*.^.-* — ^ >~ '<-- >-*"■-"••' 

^^iB«^Jc:>^»«^ »tr .>«rj|- V.r:.^^. --==-•: ^^^r— 1 ti .am 

; ami 1 



with the sd Creeke, or a line from thence running West to make this 
paralell with ye land of John Bell and Pieter Pemon and on ye two op- 
posite sides with ye maine woods; Now for a confirmation &c. Quitt 
rent foure bushells. The patent dated June 17th 1671. 
Fo. 69. 
Patrick Carr. 

A Confirmacon graunted unto William Eves for a 

parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been graunted 
by ye officers at Delaware unto Wm. Eves a certaine parcell of land 
conteyning foure hundred acres with ye marsh thereunto adjoyning; 
scituate on ye Westward side of Delaware bay, and on the South West 
side of a creeke now called St. Jones his Creeke, being about a myle 
above Murder Creek, bounded on ye North East with ye sd Creeke, on 
ye South East with ye land of Mr. Walter Wharton, and on ye two 
opposite sides with ye maine woods. The said land extending a mile 
in length South West into ye woods. Now for a confirmation unto him 
the sd Wm. Eves &c. The quitt rent to be paid yearly is foure bushells 
of winter wheate. The patent is dated June ye 17th 1671. 
William Eves 
Fo 69. 

A Confirmation graunted unto Charles Hutchins 
(208) for a parcell of land at Delaware Bay. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been granted by 
ye officers at Delaware unto Charles Hutchins a certain parcell of land 
contayning five hundred acres and the Marsh thereto adjoyning, scitu- 
ate on ye Westward side of Delaware Bay, and on ye North East side 
of a Creek, now called St. Jones, his creeke, bounded upon ye land of 
Christopher Sentill, and extending Northwest from ye Bay and from ye 
bound of Christopher Sentill extending fourety furlonges up ye creeke, 
and bounding on ye upper side upon ye maine woods ; now for a con- 
firmation &c. unto him ye sd Charles Hutchins in his possession and 
enjoyment of ye premises, now know yee &c. yielding and paying 
yearly &c. as a Quitt rent five bushells of winter wheate. The patent 
is dated June ye 19th, 1671. 
Charles Hutchins, 

A Confirmation graunted unto James Crawford for 

a parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esq., &c. Whereas there hath been graunted 
by ye officers at Delaware unto James Crawford a certain parcell of 
land conteyning foure hundred and fifety acers with ye Marsh thereto 
adjoyning scituate on ye Westward side of Delaware Bay, and on ye 
soath west side of a Creek now called St. Jones, His creeke, bounded 


on ye North East with ye sd Creek, on ye south East with ye lands of 
Charles Hutchins, and on ye two upper sides with ye maine woods, ye 
sd lands extending into the woods South West, now for a confirmation, 
&c. Ye quitt rent is foure bushells, and a halfe of Winter wheate; the 
patent is dated June ye 19th 1671. 
James Crawford 
Fo 70 

A Confirmation graunted unto Mr. John Johnson, 

for a parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been (209) 
granted by ye officers at Delaware unto Mr. John Johnson a certain 
parcell of land conteyning five hundred acres with ye marsh thereunto 
adjoyning, scituate on ye Westward side of Delaware Bay, on ye South 
West side of a creek now called St. Jones his creek, "being about a mile 
above Murder Creeke, bounded on ye North East with ye Creeke, on 
ye South East with ye land of Mr. Thomas Young, and on ye two op- 
posite sides with the maine woods, ye sd land extending a myle into 
ye woods ; Now for a confirmation &c. Quitt rent five bushells. The 
patent is dated June 19th 1671. 
John JohnsoDj 
Fo. 71. 

A Confirmation graunted unto Christopher Sentill 
for a parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there hath been graunted 
by the officers at Delaware unto Christopher Sentill a certaine parcell 
of land conteyning foure hundred acres and the marsh thereunto ad- 
joyning scituate on the Westward side of Delaware Bay, and on the 
North East side of a creek now called St. Jones his creeke, being about 
a mile above Murder Creek, and extendeth itself Northwest from ye 
bay, bounded on ye south West with ye creeke, and on ye South East 
with ye land of Mr. Thomas Young, and on ye two opposite sides with 
ye maine woods, the sd lands extending a mile into ye woods; now for 
a confirmation, &c. The Quitt rent is foure bushells of winter wheate 
yearly The Patent dated June 19th 1671. 

Christopher SentilLs 
Fo 71. 

A Confirmation graunted by ye Governor unto Wm. 

Sincleer, for a parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas there hath been graunted by 
ye officers at Delaware unto William Sincleer a certaine parcell of land 
containing foure hundred acres with ye Marsh thereto adjoyning, scitu- 
ate on ye westward side of Delaware Bay and on the South West side 
of a creeke now called St. Jones his creeke, being about a myle above 
Murder Creek, bounded on ye North East with ye sd Creeke, on ye 


South East with ye land of William Eves, and on the two opposite sides 

with ye maine woods,. Now for a confirmation unto ye sd William 

Sincleer &c. The Quitt rent is foure bushells of Winter wheate yearly. 

The Patent dated ye 19th of June 1671. 


Wm. SincleeTj 

Fo. 71. 


A Confirmation of a Parcell of Land at Delaware 

Granted to Bezaliel Osborne. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. To all to whom these presents shall 
come, sendeth greeting. Whereas Robert Tallant, had heretofore a 
Pattent from Col. Francis Lovelace, the late Governor, bearing date 
the 26th day of February, 1671 for a certain parcell or tract of land 
containing foure hundred acres, scituate lyeing and being on the West 
syde of Delaware ryver and on the South East Side of Apoquemini 
Creeke, being bounded on the North West with the sd Creeke; on the 
South West with the lands of Lewis Johnson, and on the two opposite 
sides with the maine woods, and the sd Robert Tallant, having made 
over his right title and interest to the premises, Lewis Johnston, of 
Apoquemini, who hath transf>orted the same unto Bezaliell Osborne of 
East Hampton upon Long Island ; for a confirmation unto him the sd 
Bezaliell Osborne in his possession and enjoyment of the premises 
know ye that by vertue of the comision and authority unto me given by 
his Royall Highnesse, I have ratifyed, confirmed and granted and by 
these presents do ratifye, confirme and grant unto Bezaliell Osborne 
his heires and assignes the afore recited parcell or tract of land and 
premises with all and singular the appertances: to have and to hold the 
sd parcell or tract of land and premises unto the sd Bezalidl Osborne, 
his heirs and assigns unto the proper use and behofe of the sd Bezeliell 
Osborne, his heirs and assigns forever: Yielding and paying therefore 
yearly and every year for the same, as a Quitt rent unto his Royall 
Highness use foure bushells of good winter wheate unto such officer or 
officers in (211) authority there as shall be empowered to receive the 
same. Given under my hand and sealed with the seale of the Province 
in New Yorke, the 26th day of July in the 27th yeare of the Reigne of 
our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second, by the grace of God of Eng- 
land. Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. 
and in the year of our Lord God 1675. 

E. Andros.s. 
Book of Patents 
No. 4. Part No. 1. 
Fo. 100. 

A Pattent for a Parcell of Land In Delaware Bay 

granted unto Paul Marsh. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell 
of land in Delaware Bay lying and being about three myles to the West 
of the Whorekill called by the name of the Souldiers Resolves, the 


which hath been layed out for Paul Marsh by the approbation of the 
Court of the Whorekill and is certifyed to be all ready seated, the sd 
land beg^ning at a small creeke at the point of the woods dividing it 
from the land of Hellmanus Willbanck, and from thence runing South- 
west up the creeke, three hundred and twenty perches and from the sd 
creeke, runing South East, three hundred and twenty perches to a 
Beaver damm dividing it from the land of Edward Southerin and run- 
ning down the sd Beaver dam North East three hundred and Twenty 
perches and from thence runing North West three hundred and twenty 
perches, containing six hundred acres of land together with six acres 
of Marsh adjoyning to it as by the returne of the Survey doth and may 
appeare. Know yee &c. Quitt rent 6 bushells of wheate dated in 
New Yorke, August 20, 1679. 
Fo. 169. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land in Delaware Bay 
graunted unto Robert Hignat and John Crue. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. &c. Whereas there is a certaine par- 
cell of land in Delaware Bay near unto Rehobah Bay about foure miles 
to the South of it called by the name of West Chester, the which hath 
been layd out for Robert Hignat and John Crue, by the approbation of 
the Court of the Whorekill, and is certifyed to be already seated the 
sd land begining at a White Oake by a creek, that comes out of Reho- 
bah Bay and runs up the sd Creeke, Northwest three hundred and 
twenty perches to a white Oake standing upon a Branch and from 
thence runing North East foure hundred and fifty Perches to a marked 
red Oake in the woods and from thence runing S. E. foure hundred 
and eighty perches to the first bounded tree containing nine hundred 
acres of land as by the returne of the Survey doth and may appeare. 
Know yee &c. Quitt rent 9 bushells of Wheat. Dated in New Yorke, 
August 20th 1679. 
Fo. 169. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land on the West side of 
Delaware Bay graunted unto Robert Bedwell. 
Sir Edmund Andros Knt. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land on the W. side of Delaware Bay scituate lyeing & being on the 
S. E. side of St. Jones Creek, called by the name of the Folly Neck, the 
which hath been layd out for Robert Bedwell, begining at a markt 
black Oake standing by the said Creeke side neare unto a Branch goe- 
ing up to a Beaver (213) Damm being at the North side of the sd 
Branch separating this from the land of Joshua Barkestead and runing 
from the sd Oake North up the sd St. Jones Creeke, forty perches then 
North East and by North one hundred and thirty Perches up the sd 
Creeke to a Narrow point and from the sd Point South West up the sd 
Creeke, one hundred and eighty perches then North West and by West 
five degrees Westerly twenty foure perches up the sd Creeke. then 
North North West twenty foure perches up the sd Creek then North 


North East four degrees Easterly to a point by said creeke, and 
from thence up the sd Creeke North West and by North one hun- 
dred and sixty Perches to a marked Black Oake standing on the South 
East side at the Mouth of a branch proceeding from St. Jones Creeke, 
aforementioned and comonly called the Cypresse branch and from 
thence runing South West and by West sixty Perches binding like- 
wise u|>6n the sd branch, then South south East also binding upon the 
sd Branch one hundred and forty Perches to a marked red Oake stand- 
ing in the woods about forty perches from the head of the sd Branch, 
then south east fifety six Perches with a line of marked trees to a 
bounded black oake standing in ye woods by Chaptanck road and from 
thence North East to the head of the South Easter most branch of the 
aforesd Beaver damm and so binding up the sd branch and sd Beaver 
damm unto the first bounded black oake containing eight hundred 
acres of land as by the returne of the survey and certificate from the 
Court at ye Whorekill that the same is already seated by the sd 
Robert Bedwell doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Quitt 
Rent. 8 Bushells of winter Wheate. Dated in New Yorke, the 20th day 
of August 1679. 
Fo. leo. 


A Confirmation to Juryen Jans for a piece of land at 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
land at Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Juryen Jans of 
right belonging unto him ye sd land lying and being upon the hook or 
neck above ye towne of New Castle abutting on ye South by Mat- 
thys Eschelsons, and on ye N. E. syde by the comon highway contain- 
ing in breadth both before and behind thirty foure rod stretching into 
the woods upon a North West lyne foure hundred rod in all amounting 
to about six and forty acres or 23 Morgen. Now for a confirmation 
unto him ye sd Juryen Jansen &c. The patent is dated March ye 24th. 
The quitt rent i bushell of winter wheate. 
The end of the Same Book 
No. 2. Fo. 9. 

A Confirmation granted to Jacob Vanderveer for a 
small island at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a small island at 
Delaware lyeing beyond Christeen kill now in ye tenure or occupation 
of Jacob Vanderveer as of right belonging to him having behind it 
upon ye maine a piece of land bounded on ye S. W. side by a small 
ryvolett runing to Hans Petersons land and on ye North East syde by 
another rivulett going to Andries Andriesen containing in breadth by 
ye fish kill together with the valley or meadow from one rivulett to an- 
other about three hundred rods bee it more or less and stretching on 
both sides into the woods upon a Northwest lyne six hundred rods 



Nok for a confirmation unto him ye sd Jacob Vanderveer, &c. The pat- 
ent is dated March 25th, 1669. The quitt rent 2 bushells of winter 
Fo. 9. 


A Confirmation graunted to Hans Block for a piece 

of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at Delaware now in the tenure or occupation of Hans Block, as 
of right belonging to him, ye sd land lying and being upon ye second 
hooke, or neck above the towne of New Castle, containing in breadth 
by ye riverside fifety two rods and a halfe on ye South West syde abut- 
ting on ye land of Paulus Duxon and runing into the woods three hun- 
dred rods and on ye North syde by ye land of Gerritt Sanderson till it 
<:omes to a swamp ye light length behynde in breadth twenty two rods 
and a halfe as also behynde ye swamp or creupell bush a hooke or 
neck of land lyeing between two swamps almost Northwest into ye 
woods containing about one hundred acres or fifety Morgen, together 
with a piece of valley or meadow 

ground lying on ye South West side of Capt. Carrs land and on ye 
North East syde with Pauls Duxon being about eighteen or twenty 
acres Now for a confirmation unto him ye sd Hans Block &c. The 
patent is dated March ye 25th 1668. The quitte rent 2 bushells. 
Fo. 10. 

A Confirmation graunted to Gerritt Sanderson for a 

piece of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
land at Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Gerritt Sanderson 
lyeing and being on ye South West syde by Hans Blocks land con- 
tayning in breadth before towards ye strand to Olle Toersons twenty- 
five rods in length on each syde to a certayne swamp or creupell three 
hundred rods and in breadth behynde about twenty rod together with 
another piece lying on ye one side of ye land aforesaid (216) with Jan. 
Hulcks land being in breadth before by ye strand to Arent Jansens, 
twenty five rod in length on each side into ye woods six hundred rod 
and in breadth behind about twenty rod, Now for a confirmation unto 
him ye sd Gerritt Sanderson &c. The Pattent is dated March 25th, 
1669. The Quitt rent is 2 Bushells. 
Fo. 10. 

A Confirmation graunted to Jan Sibrants for a piece 
of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esq., &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
land at Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Jan Sibrantse as of 
right belonging unto him lying and being near ye horse neck (comonly 
called ye Paeid hook) that is to say between a certain small creek or 
kill and ye sd horse neck stretching from ye sd creeke or kill into ye 


woods North west and by West and towards ye ryver South East and 
by East containing in breadth by ye ryver side one hundred and fifety 
rod or thereabout reaching to ye land of Arent Jansen in length into the 
woods North West & by West six hundred rod, haveing within ye sd 
land much marshy and Swampy ground Now for a confirmation unto 
him ye sd Jan Sibrantse, &c. The patent is dated ye 26th of March 
1669. The Quitt rent one bushell. 
Fo 11. 

A Confirmation graunted to Evert Gertsen for a 

piece of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine piece of 
land at Delaware now in ye tenure of occupation of Evert Gertsen as 
of right belonging to him lyeing and being in New Castle haveing be- 
fore the Otter street and behind ye (217) Calves street abutting on ye 
North East syde with ye land of TopOuthout and on ye Southwest side 
with ye land of Rayner Vander Cooley Conteyning in Length on both 
sydes foure hundred foote wood measure and in breadth as well be- 
hynde as before one and twenty rod, Now for a confirmation unto him 
ye sd Evert Gertsen, &c. The pattent is dated March 26, 1669. The 
Quitt rent i bushell. 
Fo. 11. 

A Confirmation granted to Pauls Jaques for a piece 

of unmanured land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain piece of 
unmanured land at Delaware now in yee tenure and occupation of Jean 
Paul Jacquett conteyning by estimation in woodland and valley or 
meadow about two hundred acres stretching from ye neck of land 
where ye sd Jean Paul Jacques now lives in length South South West 
and North North East and in breadth alongst Christeen kill, North 
North West and South South East, behind along by ye land and fence 
of Pieter Qaesen and Jan Claesen from ye mill to a great swamp have- 
ing some valley or meadow on both sydes. Now for a confirmation unto 
him ye sd Jean Paul Jacques &c. The patent is dated March 26, 1669 
The Quitt rent 2 bushells. 
Fo 11. 

A Confirmation grannted to Harmen Reyners for a 

lott of Ground at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine lott of 
ground lyeing and being at New Castle in Delaware haveing a house 
and garden thereupon bounded to ye west by Isaack Fynes fence and 
to South with ye Mayne ryver conteyning in length one hundred and 
five yards, and in breadth thirty (218) five, which sd lott of ground 
house and garden is now in the tenure or occupation of Harmen Rey- 
ners or his assign as of right belonging unto him, now for a confirma- 
tion unto him ye sd Harmen Reyners, &c. The Patent is dated Aprill 
ye eighth, 1669. The quitt rent i bushell. 
Fo 12. 



A Confirmation granted to Olla Towson, for a par- 
cell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land at Delaware now in ye tenure or occupation of Olla Towson in his 
owne right containing in breadth by ye ryver syde twenty five rods 
then runing in length into ye woods three hundred rod. It is in breadth 
. behynde to ye North West twenty rod being bounded to ye East upon 
Lucus Pieterse and to ye West upon Gerritt Sanders land. Now for a 
confirmation unto him ye sd Olla Towson &c. The Patent is dated 
May ye 28th 1669. Quitt rent i bushell. 
Fo. 13. 

A Confirmation granted to Bernard Eken for a 

house and garden in Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certain house and 
garden in ye towne of New Castle upon Delaware now in ye tenure or 
occupation of Bernard Eicon in his owne right the sd garden contain- 
ing in breadth sixty foote and ye church yard to ye east with Isaack 
Fynes and to the North with ye Mart. Now for a confirmation unto 
him ye said Bernard Ekin &c. The pattent is dated May ye 28th 1669. 
The quitt rent i bushell. 
Fo. 14. 

A Confirmation granted to Bernard Ekon, for a cer- 
taine plantation at Delaware, 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine (219) 
jplantation at Delaware now in yee tenure or occupation of Bernard 
Eken in his owne right being bounded on ye West with ye land belong- 
ing to Pieter Dewitt and on ye East with ye Marsh that runnes to ye 
Horse neck or Paerden hook and ye woods and inward with Juriaen 
Johnsons land comonly called ye Hay Makers' Hook, containing in 
breadth by ye ryver side one hundred rod runing into ye woods North 
west three hundred rod or thereabout together with ye meadow ground 
or valley lying before ye sd land or plantation. Now for a confirmation 
unto him ye sd Bernard Eken &c. The Patent is dated May ye 28th 
1669? The Quitt rent one bushell. 
Fo. 14. 

A Confirmation granted to Simon Jansen and 
Mattys Berckelse for a Parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land at Delaware lyeing and being uf>on ye crane hook on ye south 
West syde thereof by a chanell falling into ye ryver runing in length 
into ye woods 600 rod in breadth before to ye land of Laats Toorsen 
sixty rod and so by ye land of ye said Laats Toorsen, then again 
into ye woods six hundred rod, being in equal breadth behind as before 
and containing all ye meadow ground and swamp or creupel Bos 
within ye compasse before described to ye ryver syde which sd par- 
cell of land belongeth to Simon Jansen and Mattys Berckelsen in 


whose tenure and occupation now it is as in their own right, Now for 
a confirmation unto them ye said Simon Jansen and Mattys Berckelsen 
&c dated July ye ist, 1669. 
Fo 15 


A Confirmation granted to William Tom, for a 
piece of land formerly belonging to Peter Alricks. 
Francis Lovelace, Esq. &c. Whereas William Tom of New 
Castle upon Delaware hath heretofore obtained a patent from my 
predecessor for a certaine parcell of land formerly belonging to Peter 
Alricks being below ye towne together with ye meadow ground or val- 
ley thereunto belonging ye which is now in his tenure or occupation 
and there lyeing below ye sd meadow ground or valley alongst ye river 
a certain piece of land, having no perticular owner ye which ye sd Wil- 
liam Tom hath requested of mee for his further accommodation for 
an encouragement to ye settlement of those plantations, Know yee 
that by vertue &c. the patent is dated ye twenty-ninth of July 1669, 
Quitt rent 2 bush ell. 
Fo. 17 

A Confirmation granted to Charles Floyd and John 
Henry for a lott and parcell of land at Delaware. 
Francis Lovelace, Esqr. &c. Whereas John Webber an inhabi- 
tant at Delaware under ye Dutch Government stood possessed of a 
certain lott or parcell of land lyeing behinde ye town of New Castle 
abutting on ye North East upon ye meadow or valley now belonging 
to Capt. John Carre, Southerly upon ye Kings highway leading 
into ye wood northerly upon ye wood, and South East upon ye 
Smiths house, contayning in all about twenty acres be it more or 
lesse, the which said lott and parcell of land was seized upon and con* 
fiscated by order of ye late Governor my predecessor, and granted unto 
Charles Floyd and John Henry two soldiers who came over into these 
partes in his Majesty's service. Now for a confirmation unto them ye 
said Charles Floyd and John Henry. &c. Dated September ye ist, 
1669. Quitt rent one bushell Winter Wheate. 
Fo. 18. 


A Confirmation granted unto Mr. Thomas Spry, 

for a parcell of land at Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land called Doctors Commons, scituate and being on ye W.syde of Del- 
aware ryver the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for 
Thomas Spry the sd land lyeing on the South syde of St. Georges 
Creeke, bounded as followeth viz. begining at a corner marked white 
Oake tree standing close by ye creeke syde at ye first Fast landing 
within the said Creek, dividing this from the land of Anne Whale, and 
from the sd Oake, runing West, South West by the said Anne Whales 


line of marked trees three hundred & eighty perches to a comer markt 
black Oake, standing by the side of a swamp called the Doctors swamp, 
nigh unto the head thereof, and from the said Black Oake, downe the 
severall courses of the maine runn of the sd Swamp unto the afore- 
said creek, and then down the several courses of the creek, to the 
first mentioned white Oake, containing and layd out for one hundred 
and sixty acres of land, together with the marshes thereunto adjoyning 
as by the returne of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund fcant- 
well, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now for a confirmation of 
the said land, unto the said Thomas Spry, Know yee &c. The Patent 
is dated ye 5th day of November 1675. The Quitt rent is i bushell and 
a halfe of Winter Wheate, 
Fo. 39. 

A Confirmation granted unto James Crawford for a 

parcell of land at Delaware. 
Edmund Andros Esquire. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land called Barwick, scituate and being on the West side of Delaware 
bay the which by vertue of {222) a warrant, hath been layd out for 
James Crawford, the said land lying on the South Side of St. Georges 
creeke, being bounded on the North East and North West with the 
Maine Creeke, on the South East with a swamp called the Doctors 
swampe and on the South West with a line of marked trees, runing 
from a corner marked black oake, standing on a pointe opposite to 
Jacob Youngs Plantation, South South Elast, to a corner marked Span- 
ish Oake, by a branch of the aforesaid swamp ; containing and layd out 
for two hundred and ten acres of land together with the marshes there- 
unto adjoyning as by returne of the Survey, under the hand of Capt. 
Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now for a 
confirmation unto him the sd James Crawford, in his possession and 
enjoyment of the premises, know yee &c. The patent is dated the 5th 
day of November 1675. The Quitt rent is two bushells of winter 
Fo. 30. 

A Confirmation granted unto Bernard Egberts for 

land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land called Black Smiths Hall, scituate and being on the West side of 
Delaware river, the which by vertue of warrant hath been layd out for 
Bernard Egberts, the said land lying on the South side of St. George's 
creek, towards the head of a certain branch which extendeth itself 
West South West out of the main creek, being bounded on the North 
North West with the said Branch on the East North East, with a line of 
marked trees, dividing this from the land of John Ogle, on the West 
South West, with a line drawne South South East from a comer markt 
(223) White Oake, on a low point at the mouth of a small swampe and 
on the South South Elast with the maine woods; containing and laid. 
o«ft for three hundred acres of land as by the return of the Survey, un- 


der the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may 
appeare. Now for a confirmation unto the said Bernard Egberts &c. 
The patent is dated the 5th day of November 1675. The Quitt rent is 
three bushells of good winter wheat, yearly. 
Fo. 40. 

A Confirmation granted unto Jacob Young for land 

in Delaware River. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land 
scituate and being on the west side of Delaware river the which by ver- 
tue of a warrant hath been layed out for Jacob Young the said land 
lying on the North side of St. Georges creeke, beg^ning at a corner 
white Oake, standing at the creek side, upon the first neck of fast land 
on that side, runing North in breadth two hundred and sixty perches 
to a markt Spanish Oake, standing by a swamp side, called Dragon 
Swampe, from the said Spanish Oake west, two hundred and sixty 
perches to a small red Oake, standing by a Path side from the said 
tree, sixty perches, to a markt white Oake, standing by the said Drag- 
on Swamp, west along the said Swamp, three hundred and eighty per- 
ches to a corner markt White Oake, south three hundred and twenty 
perches with a line of markt trees, to a corner markt Spanish Oake, 
standing by a swamp side, which extendeth itself out of St. Georges 
Creeke East along the said Creeke to the first markt White Oake, con- 
taining and layd out for One thousand two hundred and (224) eighty 
acres of land, with the marshes thereunto belonging and adjoyning, as 
by the return of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, 
the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now for a confirmation unto 
him the said Jacob Young, in his possession and enjoyment of the 
premises. The patent is dated the fifth day of November 1675. The 
Quitt rent is 12 bushells and 3 pecks of good winter wheate yearly. 
Fo. 40. 

A Confirmation granted unto Hermanns Wiltbanck, 

for land at Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. Whereas there is a certain tract of land 
near unto the Whorekill in Delaware bay formerly called Wakers 
Neck lying upon Fish creeke, the which by vertue of a warrant hath 
been layd out for Hermanns Wiltbanck, begining at a bounded white 
Oake, standing upon a point of marsh, runing South South West, be- 
ing in breadth up the said Creek, foure hundred perches to a bounded 
poplar standing upon the said Creeke, and from thence West North 
West, three hundred and twenty perches through the woods to a small 
creeke parting Wm. Canes land & his to another bounded White Oake 
from thence N. N. E. downe the said Creeke, foure hundred Perches to 
a bounded pine standing by the point of the aforesaid Marsh, and from 
thence downe the aforesaid Marsh, to the first bounded White Oake 
standing by the point of the aforesaid Fish Creek, E. S. E. three hun- 
dred and twenty perches, bounded upon the said Marsh; containing 


and layed out for eight hundred acres as by the returne of the Survey 
brought in by Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor doth and may ap- 
peare. Now for a confirmation unto him the (225) said Hermanns 
Wiltbanck, &c. The Patent is dated, the fifth day of November, 1675. 
The quitt rent is eight bushell of good winter Wheate. 
Fo. 41. 

A Confirmation granted unto Mr. Henry Ward for 
a neck of land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain neck of land 
scituate and being on the West side of Delaware Ryver, the which by 
vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for Mr. Henry Ward, the said 
Neck of land being called Reenden Point begining at the Beaver 
Damme, at a marked White Oake standing by a Thickety Swamp, ad- 
joyning to the river and runing from the said Oake, over the neck south 
West, one hundred and Sixty perches, to a marked Spanish Oake, 
standing by a branch of Dragon swamp, runing downe the said Dragon 
swamp, S. E. one hundred and sixty perches, N. E. one hundred and 
thirty perches S. E. one hundred and sixty perches S. W. One hundred 
perches, S. E. Thirty perches, S. W, forty perches, S. E. eighty perches 
N. E. 160 perches. South East eighty perches. South West sixty eight 
perches, South east one hundred and eighty perches North East one 
hundred Perches, or poles, unto the lowermost point of the said neck 
next to St. Georges creek, and then runing North West, along a great 
Marsh joyning to the river six hundred eighty five perches to the first 
marked white oake, containing and layd out for foure hundred forty 
six acres and a halfe of land, with the marshes thereunto adjoyning, as 
by the return of the Survey, under the hand of Capt Edmund Cantwell, 
the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now for a (226) confirmation 
unto the said Henry Ward, in his possession and enjoyment of the 
premises, &c. The patent is dated the fifth day of November 1675. The 
quitt rent is foure bushells and a halfe of good winter wheate. 
Fo. 42. 

A Confirmation granted unto John Roods for land 

in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. Whereas there is a certain tract of land at 
the Whorekill on the West side of Delaware bay called Rehobah lyeing 
upon Rehobah Bay, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed 
out for Wm. Roods, begining at a bounded Black Walnut stand- 
ing upon a point at the Sea beech, from thence runing and bounding 
upon the Bay, West three hundred perches, to a small creeke parting 
John Averys land and his from thence runing and bounding up 
the said creeke North Three hundred and twenty perches to a bounded 
red Oake standing by the side of the Creeke, and from thence East by 
a line of Marked trees, bounded upon the woods three hundred perches, 
to another red Oake standing upon the sea beach, and from thence 
South three hundred and twenty perches, unto the first bounded Black 


walnut, standing by the point, containing' and layed out for six hun- 
dred acres of land, as by the retume of the survey, under the hand of 
Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now 
for a confirmation unto him the said William Roods in his possession 
and enjoyment of the premises &c. The patent is dated the 5th day of 
November 1675. The quitt rent is six bushells of Winter Wheate. 
Fo. 42. 


A Confirmation granted unto Hans Peterson, for 

land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land 
scituate and being on the West side of Delaware river, the which hath 
been layd out for Hanse Peterson, by vertue of a warrant, the said land 
lying on a creeke called Skilpades Kill, which kill or creek, extendeth 
out of Christiana Creeke, Northerly begining at a White Nutten tree, 
which tree divides the said land, and Andries Toursens land, runing 
from the said tree West South West fifty six perches to a marked Cor- 
ner White Oake, which divides the said land, from Jacob Vanderveres 
land, runing on both sides into the woods North West, four hundred 
and fifety perches, containing and layed out for one hundred fifety 
seven acres and a halfe of land, with the marshes thereunto adjoyning, 
as by the returne of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund 
Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now for a confirma- 
tion unto him the said Hanse Peterson in his possession and enjoyment 
of the premises &c. The Patent was dated the day of 1675. 

The quitt rent is one bushell and a halfe of good winter wheate, 
Fo. 43. 

A Confirmation granted unto Charles Peterson for 

a parcell of land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell erf 
land, scituate and being on the West side of Delaware river, the which 
by vertue of a warrant (228) hath been layd out for Charles Peterson, 
The said land lying on the North side of Verdrity's hook, beginning at 
a corner red oake, standing by the river syde, runing North and by 
East along the River, one hundred thirty eight perches or poles to a 
corner white oake, which partes the lands of Woolsey Fransen & Com- 
pany, runing North West on both sydes, three hundred and twenty 
perches, containing and layed out for two hundred sixty six acres of 
land, with the meadow or marsh thereunto belong and adjoyning, as by 
the return of the survey, under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, 
the Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now for a confirmation unto the 
said Charles Peterson, in his possession and enjoyment of the premises 
&c. The patent is dated the fifth day of November 1675. The quitt 
rent is two bushells and a halfe of good winter wheate. 
Fo. 43. 


A Confirmation granted unto George Moore for 

some land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell erf 
land called Windsor, scituate and being on the West side of Delaware 
Ryver, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for George 
Moore, the said land lying on the south side of St. Georges Creeke, 
opposite to Mr. Jacob Young's plantation, being bounded on the Elast 
North East with a line of markt trees, runing South South East from 
a comer black markt oake, being the bounded tree of the land of James 
Crawford, dividing this from the land of the said James Crawford, on 
the North North West with the maine Creeke, on the West South West 
with a line (229) of markt trees runing from a corner markt white Oake, 
on a point by the creeks side, south South East three hundred and 
fourteen perches to a corner markt maple, standing in a branch of the 
Doctors Swamp, on the South South East with the said swamp; con- 
taining and layed out for two hundred and eighty Acres of land with 
the marshes thereunto adjoyning, as by the returne of the Survey, from 
Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now 
for a confirmation unto the said George Moore, in his possession and 
enjoyment of the premises and &c. The patent is dated the fifth day of 
November 1675. The quitt rent is two bushell and a halfe of good 
winter wheate. 
To. 44. 

A Confirmation granted unto Anne Wale for a par- 
cell of land in Delaware river. 
Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land called Chelsey, lyeing and being on the West side of Delaware 
River, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for Anne 
Wale, the said land lyeing on the South side of St. George Creek, be- 
ing the first neck of firme land within the said Creeke, and is bounded 
as followeth viz. Begining at a corner marked White Oake, standing 
on a point by the North side of a swamp, which divideth this from a 
parcell of land formerly granted to Mr. Pieter Alricks, and from the 
said Oake running up the said Swampe, west and by North thirty 
eight perches. North VVesterly twenty five degrees, twenty eight per- 
ches; North west eighty eight perches, 5k>uth West thirty two perches. 
West and by North, seventy two perches, South and by West ^230; 
thirty foure perches: East South East sixty perches. South West fourty 
perches; West and by South; twenty foure perches to a comer markt 
Gumme, standing by the head of a branch of the said Swamp; and 
from the said Gum, running West South West by a line of mark! trees, 
one hundred thirty three perches, to a corner markt white oake. stand- 
ing nigh unto the head of a swamp or branrh and from yc said White 
Oake, North X. W., by markt trees, one hundred and fifty pcrch'*s to a 
comer markt black Oake, nigh unto the head of a swamp called the 
Doctors swamp; and from the said Hlark ^'Jakc, Fast North East by a 
line of markt trees, three hundred and eijjhty fKrrchcs to a comer markt 
White Oake. sunding on the banke of the said creeke, and divideth 


walnut, standing by the point, containing and layed out for six hun- 
dred acres of land, as by the returne of the survey, under the hand of 
Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now 
for a confirmation unto him the said William Roods in his possession 
and enjoyment of the premises &c. The patent is dated the Sth day of 
November 1675. The quitt rent is six bushells of Winter Wheate. 
Fo. 42. 


A Confirmation granted unto Hans Peterson, for 
land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land 
scituate and being on the West side of Delaware river, the which hath 
been layd out for Hanse Peterson, by vertue of a warrant, the said land 
lying on a creeke called Skilpades Kill, which kill or creek, extendeth 
out of Christiana Creeke, Northerly begining at a White Nutten tree, 
which tree divides the said land, and Andries Toursens land, runing^ 
from the said tree West South West fifty six perches to a marked Cor- 
ner White Oake, which divides the said land, from Jacob Vanderveres 
land, runing on both sides into the woods North West, four hundred 
and fifety perches, containing and layed out for one hundred fifety 
seven acres and a halfe of land, with the marshes thereunto adjo)ming, 
as by the returne of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund 
Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare, Now for a confirma- 
tion unto him the said Hanse Peterson in his possession and enjoyment 
of the premises &c. The Patent was dated the day of 1675* 

The quitt rent is one bushell and a halfe of good winter wheate. 
Fo. 43. 

A Confirmation granted unto Charles Peterson for 

a parcell of land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land, scituate and being on the West side of Delaware river, the which 
by vertue of a warrant (228) hath been layd out for Charles Peterson, 
The said land lying on the North side of Verdrity's hook, beginning at 
a corner red oake, standing by the river syde, runing North and by 
East along the River, one hundred thirty eight perches or poles to a 
corner white oake, which partes the lands of Woolsey Fransen & Com- 
pany, runing North West on both sydes, three hundred and twenty 
perches, containing and layed out for two hundred sixty six acres of 
land, with the meadow or marsh thereunto belong and adjoyning, as by 
the return of the survey, under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, 
ihe Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now for a confirmation unto the 
said Charles Peterson, in his possession and enjoyment of the premises 
&c. The patent is dated the fifth day of November 1675. The quitt 
rent is two bushells and a halfe of good winter wheate. 
f^. 43. 


A Confirmation granted unto George Moore for 
some land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land called Windsor, scituate and being on the West side of Delaware 
Ryver, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for George 
Moore, the said land lying on the south side of St. Georges Creeke, 
opposite to Mr. Jacob Young's plantation, being bounded on the East 
North East with a line of markt trees, runing South South East from 
a comer black markt oake, being the bounded tree of the land of James 
Crawford, dividing this from the land of the said James Crawford, on 
the North North West with the maine Creeke, on the West South West 
with a line (229) of markt trees runing from a comer markt white Oake, 
on a point by the creeks side, south South East three hundred and 
fourteen perches to a corner markt maple, standing in a branch of the 
Doctors Swamp, on the South South East with the said swamp; con- 
taining and layed out for two hundred and eighty Acres of land with 
the marshes thereunto adjoyning, as by the returne of the Survey, from 
Capt. Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now 
for a confirmation unto the said George Moore, in his possession and 
enjoyment of the premises and &c. The patent is dated the fifth day of 
November 1675. The quitt rent is two bushell and a halfe of good 
winter wheate. 
To. 44. 

A Confirmation granted unto Anne Wale for a par- 
cell of land in Delaware river. 
Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land called Chelsey, lyeing and being on the West side of Delaware 
River, the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for Anne 
Wale, the said land lyeing on the South side of St. George Creek, be- 
ing the first neck of firme land within the said Creeke, and is bounded 
as followeth viz. Begining at a corner marked White Oake, standing 
on a point by the North side of a swamp, which divideth this from a 
parcell of land formerly granted to Mr. Pieter Alricks, and from the 
said Oake running up the said Swampe, west and by North thirty 
eight perches. North Westerly twenty five degrees, twenty eight per- 
ches; North west eighty eight perches, South West thirty two perches, 
West and by North, seventy two perches, South and by West (230) 
thirty foure perches ; East South East sixty perches, South West fourty 
perches ; West and by South ; twenty foure perches to a corner markt 
Gumme, standing by the head of a branch of the said Swamp; and 
from the said Gum, running West South West by a line of markt trees, 
one hundred thirty three perches, to a corner markt white oake, stand- 
ing nigh unto the head of a swamp or branch and from ye said White 
Oake, North N. W., by markt trees, one hundred and fifty perches to a 
corner markt black Oake, nigh unto the head of a swamp called the 
Doctors swamp; and from the said Black Oake, East North East by a 
line of markt trees, three hundred and eighty perches to a corner markt 
White Oake, standing on the banke of the said creeke, and divideth 


this from a parcell of land now surveyed for Thomas Spry, and from 
the said White Oak, down the severall courses of the creeke, to the 
river; and from the river westerly, along the afore mentioned branch 
or swamp, through the marsh, to the first mentioned comer white 
Oake; containing and layed out for three hundred acres of land, with 
the marshes thereunto adjoyning, as by the returne of the survey un- 
der the hand of Capt Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may 
appeare. Now for a confirmation of the said land unto the said Anne 
Wale, in her possession and enjoyment of the premises &c. The pat- 
ent is dated the fifth day of November, 1675, the quitt rent is three 
bushell of good winter wheate. 
Fo. 46. 


A Confirmation granted unto John Ogle, for a par- 
cell of land in Delaware. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain tract of 
land on the west side of Delaware river called by the name of Hampton 
the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for John Ogle 
the said land lying on the Sout^ side of St. Georges creeke, being 
bounded on the North North West with a branch of the said Creeke, 
which extendeth itself west South West out of the said Creeke, on the 
East North East with a line a marked trees running South South East 
dividing this from the land of George Moore; on the west. South West 
with a line of marked trees runing South South East from a comer 
markt White Oake, at the mouth of a small swamp, dividing this from 
a parcell of land surveyed for Bemard Egberts, and on the South South 
East with the maine Woods ; containing and layed out for three hun- 
dred acres, as by the tenure of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Ed- 
mund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now for a con- 
firmation unto him the said John Ogle, &c. The Patent is dated the 
fifth day of November 1675. The quitt rent is three bushells of good 
winter wheat. 
Fo. 46 

A Confirmation of a parcell of land in Delaware 

river, granted to Morris Listen. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. Whereas there is a certain tract of land or 
parcell of land on the west side of Delaware bay called the 

which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for Morris Listen; 
the said land lyeing on a creek called Cedar Creeke, in a forke of the 
(232) said Creeke, begining at a marked Oake and runing North East 
seventy five perches, by a line drawn North west, three hundred and 
twenty perches, then South west seventy five perches, then south East, 
three hundred and twenty perches to the first bounded Oake; contain- 
ing and layed out for one hundred and fifty acres, bee it more or lesse, 
as by the retume of the survey under the hand of Capt Edmund Cant- 


well, the Surveyor doth and may appeare. Now for a confirmation, 
&c. The patent is dated the fifth day of November 1675. The quitt 
rent is one bushell and a halfe of good winter wheate. 
Fo. 46. 

A Confirmation of a parcell of land in Delaware 
River granted unto Peter Baucom and Richard 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land on the West side of Delaware bay, called Stening the which by 
vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for Peter Baucom and Richard 
Blincks; the said land lying on the South side of a creeke, called Bau- 
com Briges; begining at a markt red Oake, by a branch of the Creeke, 
runing up the creeke in breadth South South West, three hundred 
perches; then East South East three hundred and twenty perches; then 
North North West, three hundred perches, West North West three 
hundred and twenty perches, to the first bounded Oake, containing and 
layed out for six hundred acres, together with all the marshes there- 
unto belonging as by the returne of the survey under the hand of Capt. 
Edmund Cantwell, the Surveyor, doth (233) and may appeare. Now 
for a confirmation unto them the said Peter Baucom and Richard 
Blincks in their possession and enjoyment of the premises etc. The 
patent is dated the fifth day of November 1675. The quitt rent is 6 
bushell of good winter wheate. 
Fo 47. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware granted 

to John Cornelis. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a parcel of land 
which by my order hath been layed out for John Cornelis scituate lye- 
ing and being in a small creeke called Marches Creek on the West side 
of Delaware bay to the Northward of yee Whorekill towne, named 
Casier, beginning at a white Oake and runing N. W. three hundred and 
twenty perches to a certain bounded hickory, and from thence runing 
South West one hundred and fifty Pearches, to a White Oake with a 
line of marked trees and from thence S. E. with a line of marked trees 
to a small creeke, three hundred and twenty pearches and from thence 
with a line paralell to the first bounded white Oake, one hundred and 
fifety perches containing three hundred acres as by ye return of ye sur- 
vey under the hand of the Surveyor doth and may appeare. Know yee 
&c. dated. 
Fo. 66. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land neare Dellaware 

granted to Cornelius Verhoofe, 

Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 

land which by my order hath been layed out by Cornelius Vorhoofe, 

called New Sevenhoven, situated on ye West side of Delaware bay and 

on ye North side of a creeke (234) called Mispam creeke, begining at a 


marked white Oake, standing by a little creeke, called Indyan bridge 
creeke and running from thence South South West three hundred 
perches binding upon the aforesaid Mispam creeke, unto a White Oake 
standing by a little creeke called Beaver Damm creeke, and runing 
from thence West North West binding upon ye said Beaver Damm 
Creeke, Beaver damm & Branch six hundred & fifty five pearches, and 
from thence North North East three hundred pearches, unto a branch 
proceeding from ye aforesaid Indyan Bridge creeke and from thence 
binding with a course East South East upon the said Indyan Bridge 
Creeke six hundred and fifty five perches, unto ye first bounded white 
Oake, containing and layed out for twelve hundred and eighteen acres 
as by ye returns of ye survey under ye hand of ye Surveyor doth and 
may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated. 
Fo. 66. 

A Patent for a parcell of land neare Dellaware 

granted to Samuel Stills. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for Samuel Stilles called 
ye Planters Delight scituate upon Masspin Creeke and on ye North 
side of ye said Creeke in ye woods about a mile from ye creeke side and 
beginnith at a white Oake standing by a branch and running from 
thence N. N. E. two hundred pearches to a red Oake and from thence 
running W. North West three hundred & twenty perches to a hickory 
tree, and from thence running South South East two hundred pearches 
to a white Oake bounded and from thence to ye first bounded white 
Oake East North East three hundred and twenty pearches contayned 
and laid out for foure hundred acres as by the returne of the survey 
under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know yee and 
&c. Dated. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

unto John Allward. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. Whereas there is a certain parcell of land 
which by my order hath been layd out for John Allward, scituate lying 
and being in a neck called Cemballs neck joyning to a creeke called 
Mill Creek, begining at a White Oake being the bounded tree of Ab- 
raham Clement and runing south West up ye creeke two hundred 
pearches to a white Oak, and from thence S. E. with a line of marked 
trees three hundred and twenty pearches to a white Oak bounded tree 
and from thence North East two hundred pearches to the bounded 
tree of Abraham Clement and runing downe Northwest to ye first 
bounded tree being also ye bounded tree of Abraham Clement, con- 
taining and layed out for foure hundred acres, as by ye returne of ye 
survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know 
yee &c. Dated. 
Fo. 68. 


A Pattent for a parcell of Land at Dellaware granted 

unto Henry Stretcher. 
Enmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land at Dellaware which by my order hath been layed out for Henry 
Sti etcher called by the name of Plaine Dealing scituated lyeing and 
being in a neck called Cemballs Neck joining upon a creek called Mill 
Creek beginning at a white Oake being the bounded tree of Richard 
Patey and runing up ye said Mill Creek S. W. to a bounded white oake 
standing by a creeke side two hundred perches from thence into the 
wood south east three hundred and twenty pearches to a bounded redd 
Oake, and from thence North East and by North one hundred and 
fifety perches to a bounded red Oake, and from thence North West 
three hundred and twenty pearches to the first bounded tree joyning 
to ye land of Richard Patey containing and layed out for foure hundred 
acres as by the return of ye survey under the hand of ye Surveyor doth 
and may appeare. Know ye &c. Dated 
Fo. 69. » 


A Patent for a parcell of land near Delaware granted 

to Walter Lewis, 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for Walter Lewis called by 
ye name of Lewis's lott scituate lyeing and being in a neck called Cim- 
bairs neck, on the North side of a small creeke and on ye West side of 
Delaware bay, begining at a White Oke from thence runing W. S. W. 
150 perches to a white Oake by a branch and from thence runing with 
a line of marked trees South South East three hundred and twenty 
perches to a white Oake, by ye beaver damme, and runing downe ye 
beaver damme East North East one hundred and fifety perches and 
from thence with a line parralell to ye first bounded White Oake three 
hundred and twenty pearches North North West layd out for three 
hundred acres as by ye returne of ye Survey under the hand of ye sur- 
veyor doth and may appeare. Know ye &c. Dated 

A Pattent of a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 
to Richard Brasie, 
Edmund Andros, Esquire, &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land which by my order hath been layed out for Richard Brasie 
scituate upon Middle Creeke, beginning at a White Oake standing 
by a Beaver damm and running from thence East three hundred and 
twenty perches to a red Oake and from thence runing South one hun- 
dred and fifty perches along ye Creeke to a red Oake and runing from 
thence up ye creeke three hundred and twenty pearches to a Hickory 
and from thence North to ye first bounded white Oake by the head of 


the beaver dam containing and layd out for three hundred acres as by 
the retume of the Survey under the hand of ye surveyor doth and may 
appeare. Know yee &c. Dated. 
Fo. 67. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

to Abraham Qement. 
Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for Abraham Clement 
called by ye name of Abraham his Content, scituated lyeing and being 
in a Necic called Cimballs Neck and bounded upon a Creeke called 
Mill Creeke, beginning at a White Oake being ye bounded tree of 
Henry Stretcher and from thence runing up ye creeke South West two 
hundred pearches to a bounded white Oake standing by ye aforesaid 
Creeke side, and from thence runing with a line of marked trees to a 
red Oake in ye woods three hundred and twenty perches South East, 
and from thence runing North East two hundred Perches to a White 
Oake, being the bounded tree of Henry Stretcher and alsoe Henry Har- 
man, and from thence to ye first bounded tree three hundred and 
twenty perches N. W. parralell to ye line of Henry Stretcher contained 
and layed out for foure hundred acres as by ye retume of ye survey un- 
der ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know ye &c. 
Fo 67. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

for James Peddy. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land scituate lyeing and being upon ye west side of Delaware Bay 
which by my order hath been layed out for James Peddy in a creek 
called Masspillin creek, and on ye North side of ye said creeke and 
neare unto ye head of ye said Creeke, begining at a white Oake, and 
from thence runing South South West, three hundred pearches to a 
side of a Branch and from thence runing (238) West North West, three 
hundred and twenty perches to a red Oake bounded tree, and from 
thence in a line of marked trees, North North East three hundred 
perches to a bounded red Oake and from thence runing East South 
East three hundred and twenty perches to ye first bounded tree con- 
taining and layed out for six hundred acres as by ye returne of ye sur- 
vey under the hand of the surveyor doth and may appeare. Know ye 
&c. Dated 
Fo 68. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at ye Whorekill 

granted to John Liming. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for John Liming scituated 
lyeing and being in ye woods to ye Eastward of ye Whorekill town 



called Hopewell, begining at a Hickory tree being ye bounded tree of 
vVilliam Warren and from thence runing South East one hundred and 
fifty purches to a bounded Hickory and from thence North East to a 
bounded Red Oake to a line of marked tree three hundred and twenty 
perches and from thence North West one hundred and fifety perches 
to a bounded red Oake, and from thence to ye first bounded Hickory 
alongst ye line of Wm Warren three hundred and twenty perches con- 
taining and layed out for three hundred acres as by ye returne of ye 
survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know 
yee &c. Dated. 
Fo. 69. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

to Edward Furlong 
Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for (239) Edward Fur- 
loung called by the name of My fortune scituated upon ye west side of 
Delaware bay lying in a creeke called Cedar creeke, begining at a 
marked Poplar and runing along a marsh East North East two hun- 
dred perches to a white Oake standing in a branch and from thence 
runing South South East three hundred and twenty perches to a red 
Oake with a line of marked trees and from thence runing West South 
West two hundred perches to a black walnut tree, and from thence 
runing North North West three hundred and twenty perches to the 
first bounded tree containing and layed out for foure hundred acres, as 
by ye returne of ye survey under ye hands of ye surveyor doth and may 
appeare. Know yee &c. Dated 
Fo. 70. 

Pattent for a parcell of land At Dellaware Granted 

to John Otten. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for John Otten called by 
the name of Ottens Folley scituated lyeing and being in a creek called 
Cedar Creek on ye west side of Dellaware Bay begining at a white oake 
from thence runing up ye creeke West South West one hundred and 
fifety perches to a red Oake, and from thence runing South South East 
three hundred twenty five perches to a bounded Red Oake, with a line 
of marked trees, from thence East South East one hundred and fifety 
perches to a white Oake, with a line of marked trees and from thence 
North North East three hundred twenty five perches containing and 
layed out for three hundred acres as by ye returne of the survey under 
ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated 


A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

unto Thomas Davis 
Edmund Andros, &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of land 
which by my order hath been layed out for Thomas Davis called by the 


name of Good luck, lying in a creeke called Cedar creeke, on ye West 
side of Delaware bay, begining at a bounded white Oake standing in a 
branch dividing it from the land of Edward Forlonge and runing East 
North East one hundred and fifty perches to a bounded white Oake, 
and from thence South South East three hundred and twenty perches 
to a marked white Oake and from thence West South West one hun- 
dred and fifty perches with a line of marked trees to a red Oake, and 
from thence North North West, three hundred and twenty perches to 
ye fiist bounded tree containing and layed out for three hundred acres 
as by ye retume of ye survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and 
may appeare. Know yee &c. dated. 
Fo 71 

A Pattent for a Parcell of Land Granted to Robert 

Brasey, Senior. 
Edmund Andros Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land which by my order was layed out for Robert Brasey called by the 
name of Robert Brasey his Pleasure lyeing in ye woods near Reho- 
both bay begining at a white Oake standing at a head of ye branch and 
from thence runing West North West three hundred and twenty 
perches to a White Oake, and from thence South South West foure 
hundred perches to a white oake standing by the Indyan path, and 
from thence runing East North East three hundred to a certaine Bever 
Dam, and from thence up ye said (241) Bever dam. North North West 
foure hundred perches to ye first bounded white Oake, cantaining and 
layed out for eight hundred acres as by ye retume of ye survey under 
ye hand of ye surveyor, doth and may appeare. Know ye &c. Dated 
Fo 71 

A Pattent for a lott of -land att Dellaware granted 
unto Richard Hill. 
Edmund Andros, Esqr. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land which by my order hath been layed out for Richard Hill scitu- 
ate lyeing and being upon a Creek called Mispilin Creeke, and on ye 
west side of Delaware bay, called by the name of Hills Content begin- 
ing at a white Oake, being ye bounded tree of Josias Cowdrey, and 
runing from thence West North West three hundred and twenty 
perches to a white Oake, standing upon Mispilin creeke side, and from 
thence South South West six hundred and thirty perches to a Spanish 
Oake, from thence with a line of marked trees into ye woods three hun- 
dred and twenty five perches, to a red Oake, and from thence with a 
line of marked trees North North East five hundred and seventy per- 
ches to ye first bounded tree containing and layed out for one thousand 
acres, as by ye returne of ye survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth 
and may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated 
Fo. 72. 



A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware granted 

unto Thomas Davis Taylor. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by order hath been layd out for Thomas Davis Taylor called 
by the name of the Taylors delight, scituate lyeing and being upon 
Maspillin creeke (242) and on ye East side of ye said Creek, beginning 
at a Spanish Oake being the bounded tree of John Field, and runing 
from thence East South East foure hundred and sixty perches to a red 
Oake bounded tree, and from thence runing South South West two 
hundred and fifty i>erches to a bounded red Oake, by the side of ye 
creeke, and from thence runing downe the creeke North West foure 
hundred and sixty perches to a bounded tree by ye Marsh and from 
thence North East to ye first bounded tree containing and layed out 
for fiwe hundred acres as by ye retume of ye survey under ye hand of 
ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated 
Fo. 72, 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware granted 

unto John Kirke. 
Edmund Andros^ Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by order hath been layed out for John Kirke scituate upon 
ye West side of Dellaware Bay anl lyeing in ye woods South west from 
ye Whore kill towne about five miles begining at a white Oake being 
the bounded tree of Jacob Seth, and from thence runing South South 
East, foure hundred perches to a certain branch in ye woods proceed- 
ing from ye Rehoboth bay to a marked red Oake by ye aforesaid 
branch and from thence runing up ye said branch three hundred and 
twenty perches to a bounded red Oake, West South West and from 
thence runing North North West foure hundred and ten perches to 
another branch proceeding from Delaware bay, and from thence East 
North East, three hundred and ten perches to ye first bounded tree, 
contayning and layed out for eight hundred acres as by ye retume of ye 
survey under ye hand of ye surveyor. Know ye &c. Dated. 
Fo. 73. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land near ye Whorekill 

granted to Wm. Prentis. 
Edmund Andros, Esq., &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land which by my order hath been layed out for William Prentis 
called by ye name of Hope Well, scituate lyeing and being in ye woods 
five miles south West from the Whorekill towne, at ye head of a 
"branch, begining att a White Oake, and runing downe the branch 
North North East three hundred and twenty perches to a red Oake, 
standing by a branch side, and from thence runing East South East 
two hundred perches to a white Oake bounded and from thence runing 
South South West three hundred and twenty perches and from thence 


runing to ye first bounded tree contayning and layed out for foure hun- 
dred acres as by ye returne of ye survey under ye hand of ye surveyor 
doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated. 
Fo. 73. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land near the Whorekill 

granted unto Wm. True. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for William True called 
by ye name of Trues fortune, scituate lyeing and being in ye woods 
five miles distance south West from ye Whorekill, begining at a White 
Oakc, being the bounded tree of William Prentis, and from thence run- 
ing East South East one hundred and fifety perches to a red Oake, and 
from thence runing South South West three hundred and twenty 
perches to a bounded red Oak, and from thence running West North 
West one hundred and fifety perches to a marked White Oake, and 
from thence runing North North East three hundred and fifety perches 
to ye first bounded tree contanying and layed out for three hundred 
(244) acres as by ye returne of the survey under ye hand of ye surveyor 
doth and may appeare. Know ye &c. Dated. 
Fo. 74. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware Granted 
to Christopher Jackson. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for Christopher Jackson 
called Jackson's lott, scituated on the West side of Delaware Bay, and 
on ye North side of a Creek, called Mispam Creeke, some certain dis- 
tance from the creeke, begining at a marked Oake runing by a branch 
and runing from thence three hundred twenty perches, and from thence 
North East one hundred and fifety perches and from thence South 
East three hundred and twenty perches and thence South West one 
hundred and fifety perches unto ye first bounded White Oake, con- 
tayning three hundred acres of land as by ye returne of ye survey, un- 
der the hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare Know yee &c. 
Fo. 74. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

to Jno. Johnson, 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for John Johnson called 
Johnsons purchase, scituated upon Rehoboath Bay, upon a creeke 
called Lowes Creeke, begining at ye said Creeke, by ye mouth of a 
little creeke, and runing up ye little Creeke, West South West three 
hundred and twenty perches and from thence two hundred perches to 
a marked White Oake, and from ye said White Oake, by several! 
courses unto ye mouth of ye aforesaid Lowes Creeke, three hundred 
and twenty perches unto a point and from ye sd. (245) poynt North- 



west unto the first bounded Oake, by ye aforesd little creeks mouth, 
containing foure hundred acres of land as by ye returne of ye survey 
under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know ye and 
&c. Dated 
Fo. 75. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land att Dellaware granted 

to Jacob Seth. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for Jacob Seth called by 
ye name of Timber Ridge scituate upon ye west side of Delaware Bay 
S. W. from ye Whorekill Towne distance about foure miles begining 
at a white Oake, standing by a branch of Rehobath Bay, & from thence 
North North West two hundred and fifty perches to a bounded white 
Oake standing by a small meadow, and from thence runing West North 
West three hundred forty and five pearches to a bounded white Oake 
standing by a branch proceeding out of Dellaware Bay and from 
thence South South E^st two hundred and fifty perches to a bounded 
red Oake and from thence runing East South East three hundred and 
forty five pearches to ye first bounded tree contayning and layed out 
for five hundred acres as by ye returne of ye surveye under ye hand of 
ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated. 
Fo. 76. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land At Dellaware granted 

to Hubardus Francis. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certain parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for Hubardus Francis, 
lyeing in a creeke, called St. Johnsons Creeke and on ye West side of 
ye said creeke, scituate on ye west side of ye Dellaware Bay, called by 
ye name of Plane Dealing begining at a head of a small creek, and run- 
ing (246) downe ye creek. North East three hundred and twenty 
perches, to a red Oake, standing by ye side of ye said small creeke, and 
from thence along ye side of ye marsh two hundred perches to a red 
Oake bounded tree and from thence into ye woods with a line of 
marked trees three hundred and twenty perches to a white Oake, and 
from thence with a line paralell to ye first bounded tree of ye said small 
creeke, two hundred perches as by ye returne of ye survey under ye 
hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated 
Fo. 76. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

unto John Field. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for John Field called by 
the name of Fields Hope, scituate lyeing and being in a creeke called 
Maspilin creeke, and on the east side of the said creeke, and on ye west 
side of Dellaware bay, begining at a comer tree of Richard Hills and 
runing from thence S. South West one hundred & seventy perches to si 


Spanish Oake by ye creek side and from thence runing East South 
East three hundred and five perches to a white Oake in ye woods, and 
from thence North North East one hundred and seventy perches to a 
red Oake and from thence with a line of marked trees West North West 
parallell to ye first bounded tree contayning and layed out for three 
hundred acres as by ye returne of ye survey under ye hand of ye sur- 
veyor, doth and may appeare. Know yee &:c. Dated 
Fo. 76. 

A Pattent for a Parcell of land at ye Whorekill 

granted unto James Wells. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath bden layed out for (247) James Wells, 
called Sunn Dyalls and begining by Beaver dam proceeding from a 
Creeke, called Lowes Creeke, begining at a marked white Oake, and 
runing South East and by East two hundred and eighty perches from 
ye said Beaver Damm,and part downwards ye said Lowes Creeke, unto 
a marked Red Oake, standing by ye said creeke, and from' thence North 
East by North forty perches then North East one hundred and ninety 
eight unto a red Oake, then West North West three hundred and 
seaventy perches unto a White Oake, and from thence unto ye first 
bounded White Oake, contayning foure hundred acres as by ye re- 
turne of ye survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. 
Know ye &c. dated 
Fo. 77. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware granted 

unto James Lille. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for James Lille, scituate 
upon a branch of Slaughter creeke on ye west side of Delaware Bay, 
begining at a white Oake, upon ye side of ye branch, and runing down 
the branch East three hundred and twenty perches to a White Oake, 
standing by ye path and from thence runing North one hundred and 
fifety perches to a red Oake, with a line of marked trees and from 
thence runing West three hundred and twenty perches to a red Oake, 
and from thence runing South one hundred and fifety perches to ye 
first bounded White Oake, contayning and layd out for three hundred 
acres as by ye returne of ye Survey under ye hand of ye Surveyor doth 
and may appeare. Know ye &c. Dated 
Fo. 77. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

unto Sanders Mollistin. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for Sanders Mollistin. lye- 
ing on the back of his own land and bounded on ye East with ye lyne 



of Otto Woolgast and on ye South with ye line of Jeff ery Sommerford 
and William Arrundall, begining at a poplar and runing twenty-five 
perches South West to ye lyne of Jeff ery Sommerford, and from thence 
runing North West three hundred and twenty perches to ye lyne of 
William Arrundall and from thence uning North East twenty five 
perches, contayning fifety acres as by ye returne of ye survey under ye 
hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated 
Fo. 78. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

unto William Warrin. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for William Warrin called 
Warrins choice scituate & lyeing in a creek, called Potocks creek, and 
on ye east side of ye Whorekill towne begining at a White Oake, be- 
ing ye bounded tree of Abraham Clement, and from thence runing 
South West three hundred and twenty perches to a hickory and from 
thence runing South East one hundred and fifety perches to a Hickory 
with a line of marked trees, and from thence with a line of marked trees 
to a red Oake, three hundred and twenty perches North East, and from 
thence to the first bounded White Oake, one hundred and fifety 
perches N. W. contayning and layd out for three hundred acres, as by 
ye returne of ye survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may 
appeare. Know yee &c. dated. 
Fo. 78. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

unto Wm Burton. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath beene layd out for Wm Burton called ye 
Loving Neck, scituated on ye South Side of Rehobath Bay, and on ye 
North side of ye great ryver, begining at a point of woods, and runing 
West up ye great ryver one thousand perches to a White Oake, at the 
head of a small creeke, called Indyan Cabin Creeke, and from thence 
North three hundred and fifty perches to a White Oake standing by a 
Creeke side called Middle Creeke with a lyne of marked trees, and 
from thence bounded upon ye aforesaid bay to ye first bounded point 
South East one thousand Perches, contayning and layd out for one 
thousand acres as by ye returne of ye survey under ye hand of the Sur- 
veyor doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. dated 
Fo. 79 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

to Robert Hart, Jun. 

Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 

land which by my order hath been lay*d out for Robert Hart Jun. called 

by the name of Harts choyce, scituate lyeing and being upon a creeke 

called Cedar Creek, begining at a White Oake, and runing from thence 


West along ye line of trees of James Totten, two hundred and fifety 
perches to a White Oake, and from thence North West and by North 
three hundred and twenty perches to a bounded red Oake, and from 
thence North East and by East two hundred and fifety perches to a 
White Oake, and from thence South East and by South three hundred 
and twenty perches to ye first bounded tree being a White Oake, con- 
tayning and layed out for five hundred acres as by ye retume of ye sur- 
vey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may apeare. Know yee 
&c. dated 
Fo. 79. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land at the Whore Kill 

granted unto Cornelius Verhoofe. 
Edmund Andros, Ksq, &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for Cornelius Verhoofe, 
called by ye name of the Carpenters Yard, scituate upon ye Whorekill 
creeke, at ye mouth of ye said creeke, begining at ye point of ye said 
creeke, and from thence runing south and by West two hundred and 
eighty foure perches to a White Oake, & from thence runing North 
East two hundred and eighty foure perches to a bounded cedar tree, & 
from thence runing West North West seventy eight perches to a White 
Oake bounded tree, containing and laid out for ohe hundred and 
twelve acres as by ye return of the survey under ye hand of ye surveyor 
doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. dated 
Fo. 80. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

unto John Deprey, 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for John Deprey scituate 
lyeing and being in ye West side of Dellaware Bay near unto a Creeke, 
called Slaughter Creek, begining at a White Oake standing by a branch 
and from thence runing South East two hundred and fifety perches to 
a white Oake, standing by a marsh, and from thence runing South 
West six hundred and fourty perches to a Red Oake tree with a line of 
marked trees, and from thence runing North West two hundred and 
fifety perches to a White Oake tree being the bounded tree of Richard 
Forlound, and from thence runing North East six hundred and forty 
perches to ye first bounded White oake containing and layed out for 
one thousand acres, as by ye returne of ye survey under ye hand of ye 
surveyor, doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. dated. 
Fo. 80. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land Granted joyntly for 

Samll. Styles and Robt. Trayly. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out joyntly for Samll Styles 



and Robert Trayly called by the name of Styles his delight, scituate on 
the west side of Delaware bay and on ye North side of a creeke, called 
Mispann creeke, begining at a marked White Oake standing by the 
edge of a marsh proceeding from ye aforesaid bay and by a pond in 
ye said Marsh, and runing from thence west and by South two hundred 
and thirty perches up ye said Mizpann creeke, and from thence North 
West two hundred and forty perches, then North East one hundred 
and eighty five perches, then South East two hundred forty five 
perches, then North East one hundred and fifety perches, then North 
West two hundred and fourty five perches, then North East one hun- 
dred and seventy perches, & from thence South East two hundred and 
fifety perches unto ye aforesaid Marsh, & from thence by severall 
courses unto ye aforesaid first bounded white Oake three hundred 
fourty eight perches, contayning seaven hundred and fourty foure acres 
as by the returne of the survey under ye hand of ye surveyor, doth and 
may appeare. Know ye &c. dated. 
Fo. 81 

A Pattent for a parcell of land At Dellaware granted 

unto Josias Cowdery. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for Josias Cowdery called 
by the name of ye lott of Beng^an, scituate lyeing and being upon a 
creeke, called Cedar Creeke, and on ye North side of ye said Creeke, 
and from thence begining at a red Oake, and runing West South West 
one (252) hundred perches, & from thence runing North West and by 
North three hundred and twenty perches to a white Oake, with a lync 
of marked trees dividing it from the land of Robert Hart, & from 
thence North East & by East with a lyne of marked trees to a White 
Oake, and from thence South East & by South three hundred and 
twenty perches to a White Oake, and from thence South West and by 
West three hundred and twenty perches to a Hickory, and from thence 
East North East one hundred perches to a bounded red Oake tree, 
and from South South East one hundred pearches to ye first bounded 
red Oake, contayning and layd out for seven hundred acres, as by ye 
returne of ye survey under ye hand of ye Surveyor doth and may ap- 
peare. Know yee &c. dated. 
Fo. 81. 

Granted unto John Stevens. 
Edmund Andros, Elsq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which hath been certifyed by the Court at the Whorekill & layd 
out for John Stevens scituate lyeing and being in a creeke called Little 
Creeke, near unto a creeke called St. Johns creeke, lyeing on ye west 
side of Delaware bay, & on ye North syde of ye said Creeke, called by 
ye name of Content, begining at a Poplar adjoyning upon a branch of 
Duck Creeke, and runing from thence North West three hundred and 
seventy five perches with a lyne of marked trees, to a red Oake, 
bounded tree, and from thence runing South West three hundred and 


fifety perches to a bounded white Oake, & from thence runing South 
South East two hundred and fifety perches to a bounded red Qake, 
and from thence with a lyne of marked trees, runing South and by 
West one hundred and seventy perches to a bounded Redd Oake, and 
from thence runing West and by South one hundred and eighty two 
perches to a bounded hickory, and from thence runing South and by 
West one hundred and fifety perches to a bounded White Oake, stand- 
ing at ye head of ye said little Creeke, and from thence runing North 
East eight hundred perches to ye first bounded Poplar ye said land is 
bounded upon ye land formerly layd out for (253) John Stevens and 
on ye East with the land of William Stevens, layd out for one thousand 
two hundred acres, as by ye retume of ye survey under ye hand of ye 
surveyor doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Dated Septr. 29, 1677. 
Fo. 82 

A Pattent for a parcell of land neare the Whorekill 
granted unto Robert Brasey, Junyo. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out for Robert Brasey, Junior, 
called by ye name of Robert his Fortune, scituate upon Rehoboth Bay 
distant from the Whore Kill about tenn myles and on ye west side of 
ye said Bay begining at a redd Oake, dividing it from ye land of Rich- 
ard Brasey, and runing downe ye Creeke, East three hundred twenty 
perches, to a bounded white Oake, and from thence runing into ye 
woods North one hundred and fifty perches to a white Oake tree & 
from thence runing West three hundred and twenty perches to a 
bounded red Oake, and from thence runing South, to ye first bounded 
tree, contayning and layd out for three hundred acres as by ye returne 
of ye survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. 
Know ye &c. dated 
F. 82. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land At D 

granted unto John Antrey, 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order, hath been layd out for John Antrey, called by 
ye name of Fortune, scituate lyeing and being in a creeke, called St. 
Johns creeke, on ye west side of Delaware Bay, begining at a branch 
dividing it from the land of Daniell Whitly, and runing down ye maine 
creeke, South Easte one hundred perches, to a redd Oake bounded 
tree and from thence runing South West and by South three hundred 
and twenty perches to a white Oake bounded tree & from thence run- 
ing North west two hundred pearches to a white Oake (254) standing 
by ye branch, and from thence runing downe ye branch North East 
three hundred perches to ye lower poynt of ye branch being ye first 
bound contayning and layed out for three hundred acres, as by ye re- 
turne of ye survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appeare. 
Know yee &c. Dated. 
Fo. 83. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land Att Dellaware granted 

unto Daniell Whitly. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell oi 
land which by my order hath been layd out for Daniell Whitly called 
by the name of ye Grove, scituate lyeing and being in a creeke, called 
St. Johns Creeke, by ye head of ye said creeke, and on ye west side of 
Delaware bay begining at a Poplar marked tree, and runing South 
East along ye creeke side one hundred and fifety perches to a black 
Wallnut marked tree, and from thence South West three hundred and 
twenty perches to a bounded redd Oake, and from thence runing 
North West one hundred and fifety perches to a bounded redd Oake, 
and from thence to ye first bounded Poplar, by the creeke side three 
hundred and twenty perches North East contanying and layd out for 
three hundred acres as by ye retume of ye survey under ye hand of ye 
surveyor, doth and may appeare. Know ye &c. dated 
Po. 83. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land granted to Ephraim 

and Casper Hermans. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. To all to whom these presents shall come, 
sendeth greeting: Whereas there is a certaine tract of land on ye west 
side of Dellaware ryver called St. Augustine, being on the N side of 
Apoquemini creeke, opposite to ye lower end of Reed I the which 

by vertue of a warrant hath been layd out for Augustine Herman, the 
said land being bounded with the Rjrver on the East (255) on the South 
with Apoquemini creeke, and land of Dirck Williamson and Dirck 
Lawrenson, & also w land of Qas Kirston on ye North with a small 
creeke called St. Augustine creeke dividing this from a tract or parcell 
land granted to Mr. Peter Alricks, on the west with the maine woods, 
contayning and layd out for foure hundred acres, with the marshes 
thereunto belonging as by the returne of the survey brought in by 
Capt. Edmond Cantwell, the Surveyor doth and may appeare. And 
the Said Augustine Herman having transfered his rights and interests 
in the premises unto his two sons Ephriam and Casper Hermann, Now 
know ye &c. quitt rent foure bushells wheate. dated December first, 


Omited to be entered in due course. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at ye Whorekill granted to Francis 

Edmund Andros, Esq. Kt. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract 
of land called Whitwells Chance the which hath been granted by the 
Co'rt at the Whorekill, unto Francis Whitwell, the same lyeing and 
being on the West side of Delaware Bay and on the North side of the 
Southermost branch of a creeke called Duck Creeke, begining at a 
White Oake, being westermost bounded tree of a tract 

of land called Whiteha from thence runing west up the Creeke, 

five hundred another bounded white Oake, standing by the 

creeke side, from thence North by a line of marked trees, three hun- 


dred and twenty perches to another bounded white Oake, standing 
in ye woods by a small proson, from thence East by a line of marked 
trees to a bounded white gumme standing by a great swamp or 
creuple five hundred perches from thence South by a line of marked 
trees to the first bounded tree contayning one thousand acres of land 
as by the returne of the Survey under the hand of the surveyor doth 
and may appeare. Know yee &c. The Quitt rent ten bushells. Dated 
August 14, 1678. 
Fo. 84. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land Whorekill granted 

unto John Briggs. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Kt. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land called Poplar ridge the which hath been layd out by vertue of a 
warrant from the Court at Whorekill for John Briggs, scituate lyeing 
and being on the West side of Delaware Bay, about two miles above 
St. Jones Creeke, being bounded as follows, vizt. begining at a comer 
marked White Oake, standing at the South East side of a Swamp 
which divideth this from a piece of land called Poplars Neck and from 
the said Oake runing downe the said Swamp, North Easterly fifty 
fivel degrees ninety and two perches East South East seventy and foure 
perches, and North Easterly seventy five degrees, one hundred fourty 
and two perches, to another comer markt W^ite Oake, standing on a 
point, at the South East syde of the said Swamp, from thence South by 
a lyne of marked trees, one hundred ninety and eight perches to a cor- 
ner markt black Oake, standing on a Barren Swell, from thence South 
West by a lyne of markt trees, seventy and two perches, to a comer 
markt black Oake, standing in the Head line, of the land of Robert 
Jones, from thence North West, along the said Jones line of markt 
trees, one hundred and twelve perches, to the upper comer of the sd 
Jones land being markt with a post in the ground, from thence South 
West thirty and three perches to a comer markt white Oake, of the 
land layd out for Walter Wharton and from thence by his lyne of 
marked trees, North west one hundred and eighty perches to the first 
mentioned white Oake, contayning and layd out for two hundred and 
sixty acres of land as by returne of the Survey under the hand of the 
Surveyor doth and may appear. Know yee &c. Quitt rent two 
bushells, i. dated August 14, 1678. 
See the Piatt & Survey 
Pikge 35. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 
unto John Briggs, and Mary Phillips 
Sir Edmund Andros, Kt. &c. Whereas there is a certaine tract of 
land called Kingston, upon Hull, the which hath been layd out by ver- 
tue of a warrant from the Court at the Whorekill for John Briggs and 
Mary Phillips scituate lyeing and being on ye west side of Delaware 


bay, and on ye North syde of St. Jones creeke, being the land and plan- 
tation whereon tbey now dwell, & is botinded as followith viz: Begining 
at a comer marked Black Oake, standing by ye side of a Marsh, which 
lieth between the land & the creeke, right unto the upper side of ye 
cleared ground and from ye said Oake, runing North East by a line of 
marked trees dividing this from the land of Robert Jones, three and 
seventy perches to the side of a marsh which proceedeth from the maine 
bay, & from thence South East two hundred perches, and then South 
West by a line of marked trees dividing this from the land belonging to 
the towne point, two hundred fifety eight perches to a comer marked 
black oake, standing at the head of a great marsh branch which di- 
videth this from the towne point and from thence following the sev- 
erall courses of the marsh and creeke, to the first mentioned corner 
black Oake, contayning foure hundred and fifety acres of land and 
about forty acres of marsh lyeing between this land the aforesaid 
creeke, &c. Know yee &c. Quitt rent five bushells. Dated August 
14, 1678. 
Fo 86. 

See the Piatt A Surrey, 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware granted 

unto John Briggs. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Esq. Knt. &c. Whereas there is a certaine 
parcell of land called by the name of Aberdeen, lyeing and being on 
the South West side of Delaware bay, the which by vertue of a warrant 
hath been layed out for John (258) Briggs, the said land lyeing on the 
South Side of a certain creek, called Boucom Bridge creeke, begining 
at a marked red Oake, runing East South East in length three hundred 
and twenty perches then North North East two hundred perches to 
the bay, and by the bay and marsh, West North West, three hundred 
and twenty perches to a marked White Oake, by the Creek side, then 
up the creeke. South South West two hundred perches, to ye first 
bounded tree contayning and layd out for foure hundred acres as by 
the returne of the survey; under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell, 
the Surveyor, doth and may appeare. Now know ye that by vertue of 
his Majesty's letters patents and the comision and authorite derived 
unto me under his Royall Highnesse I have given & granted & by these 
presents do hereby give an graunt, unto John Briggs, his heires & as- 
signs the afore recited parcell of land & premises witih all & singular, the 
appertances to have and to hold the said parcell of land and premises 
unto the said John Briggs, his heires and assigns unto the proper use 
and behoofe of him the said John Briggs, his heires and assigns for 
ever: he making improvement on the said land according to law, and 
yielding and paying therefore yearly and every yeare, unto his Ma- 
jesty's use as a Quitt rent foure bushells of good winter wheate unto 
such officer or officers as shall be empowered to receive the same in the 
whorekill. Given under my hand, and sealed with the scale of the 


Province in New Yorke, the twenty fifth day of March, in the twenty 
eighth year of his Majesty's reigne, Anno Domini, 1679. 

A Transport of the above said land to John Curtis 
of the Whorekill. 

Know all men by these presents: that I John Briggs of St. Jones 
in Delaware for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid or secured 
to be payd before the sealing and delivery hereof by John (259) Curtis 
of the Whorekill the receipt whereof I acknowledge and by these 
presents transport, assign and set over unto ye said John Curtis, his 
heirs and assigns forever, all my right title and interest to the within 
mentioned parcell of land and premises. In testimony whereof I have 
hereunto set my hand and seale in New York, this fifth day of May, 

Sealed and Delivered in presence of. 
No. 87. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware granted 

unto Walter Dickinson. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. &c. Whereas Thomas Merritt, ob- 
tayned a patent from the late Governor called Francis Lovelace, bear- 
ing date the 17th day of June, 1671, for a certaine parcell of land con- 
tayning foure hundred acres scituate lyeing and being on the Westward 
side of Delaware Bay, and on the North East side of a creeke, called St. 
Jones Creeke, being about a mile from Murder Creek, and extendeth 
Itself North West out of the said Bay, bounded on the South West with 
the said Creeke, on the South East with the land of Mr. Walter Whar- 
ton, and on the two opposite sides with the maine woods, extending 
itselfe a myle into the woods which said land haveing not been settled 
or improved by the said Thomas Meritt, who hath not appeared ever 
since and is supposed to be dead, the same granted to Mr. Walter 
Dickinson. And there being another certaine parcell of land adjoyn- 
ing, heretofore belonging unto Mr. Walter Wharton, who having like- 
wise a patent from Governour Lovelace, had in part ceded it but since 
sold for debt by vendue at New Castle, it being also scituate on the 
Westward side of Delaware Bay, and on the North East side of the 
Creeke, called St. Jones creeke, being about a mile above Murder 
creeke, and extendeth itself (as the former) North West (260) from the 
said Bay bounded on the South West with the land of Mr. Robert 
Jones, & on the two opposite sides with the maine woods contayning 
the like quantitie of foure hundred acres of the which the said Walter 
Dickinson hath for some years been in possession by vertue of the said 
Vendue not performed by John Ogle, the whole complement of land 
aforedescribed being eight hundred acres. Now know yee &c. Quitt 
rent eight bushells of winter: Date the 15th day of September 1676. 
Fo. 88. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware granted 

to Bryan Omalle. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. &c. Whereas, there is a certaine parcdl 
of land on the West side of Delaware ryver lyeing and being on the 
N. side of Apoquemini creek being the first hooke or point of land in a 
small creeke, called the Drawers creeke, and bounded with a swamp or 
creuple bu^ North and with another swampe between the creeke, and 
the firme mainland South, runing into the woods North West contain- 
ing foure hundred acres of land, which said land together with a portion 
of hay land for cattle in Apoquemini creeke, having been seated and 
manured by Claes Kerson, and Bernard Brand the first settlers and 
had a pattent for the same, was purchased by Bryan Omalle, who as is 
certified by the Court hath made improvement thereon likewise and is 
in possession thereof. Know yee &c. Quitt rent 4 bushells of wheate. 
Dated in New Yorke, November 20th, 1679. 
Fo. 88. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Delaware granted 

unto Morris Daniell. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. &c. Whereas there is certaine (261) 
parcell of land on the west side of Delaware Bay called Drummers 
neck lyeing and being on the North West syde of Apoquemini creeke, 
the which by vertue of a warrant hath been layed out for Morris Daniel, 
the said land begining at a comer markt white Oake, standing on a 
point by ye said Creeke, at the upper side of a branch which at the 
mouth thereof divides this from the land of Bernard Hendricksen, and 
from the said Oake runing up the Branch North North West fourty 
perches and then North West by the said Bernards line of markt trees, 
foure hundred and eighty perches to a markt corner hickory from 
thence South West by another line of markt trees sixty perches to a 
comer markt red Oake, being the upper corner tree of a parcell of land 
formerly granted to Jacob Taien, from thence South South East by 
the said Jacobs line of markt trees foure hundred perches into a swamp 
and so downe the swamp South South Baste sixty perches to the afore- 
said creeke, and finally downe along ye creeke to ye first mentioned 
white Oake, contanying and layed out for one hundred and ninety 
acres of land as by the retume of the survey under the hand of the sur- 
veyor doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Quitt rent two bushells 
of wheate. Dated in New Yorke the 20th day of November 1679. 
Fo. 89. 

A Patent for a parcell of land granted unto Mr. 
John Moll. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. &c. Whereas there are three lotts of 
ground in the towne of New Castle in Delaware River the which did 
formerly belong to Capt. John Carr and being since exposed to sale at 
publick outcry or open vendue, in the same place by order of the court 
to pay the debts of the said Capt. Carr, were bought by John Moll one 
of the Justices (262) there. The said lot lyeing as followeth vizt. The 


West along ye line of trees of James Totten, two hundred and fifety 
perches to a White Oake, and from thence North West and by North 
three hundred and twenty perches to a bounded red Oake, and from 
thence North East and by East two hundred and fifety perches to a 
White Oake, and from thence South East and by South three hundred 
and twenty perches to ye first bounded tree being a White Oake, con- 
tayning and layed out for five hundred acres as by ye retume of ye sur- 
vey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may apeare. Know yee 
&c. dated 
Fo. 79. 


A Pattent for a parcel! of land at the Whore Kill 

granted unto Cornelius Verhoofe. 
Edmund Andros, Rsq, &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for Cornelius Verhoofe, 
called by ye name of the Carpenters Yard, scituate upon ye Whorekill 
creeke, at ye mouth of ye said creeke, begining at ye point of ye said 
creeke, and from thence runing south and by West two hundred and 
eighty foure perches to a White Oake, & from thence runing North 
East two hundred and eighty foure perches to a bounded cedar tree, & 
from thence runing West North West seventy eight perches to a White 
Oake bounded tree, containing and laid out for ohe hundred and 
twelve acres as by ye return of the survey under ye hand of ye surveyor 
doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. dated 
Fo. 80. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land at Dellaware granted 

unto John Deprey, 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for John Deprey scituate 
lyeing and being in ye West side of Dellaware Bay near unto a Creeke, 
called Slaughter Creek, begining at a White Oake standing by a branch 
and from thence runing South East two hundred and fifety perches to 
a white Oake, standing by a marsh, and from thence runing S5outh 
West six hundred and fourty perches to a Red Oake tree with a line of 
marked trees, and from thence runing North West two hundred and 
fifety perches to a White Oake tree being the bounded tree of Richard 
Forlound, and from thence runing North East six hundred and forty 
perches to ye first bounded White oake containing and layed out for 
one thousand acres, as by ye returne of ye survey under ye hand of ye 
surveyor, doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. dated. 
Fo. 80. 


A Pattent for a parcell of land Granted joyntly for 
Samll. Styles and Robt. Trayly. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layed out joyntly for Samll Styles 



and Robert Trayly called by the name of Styles his delight, scituate on 
the west side of Delaware bay and on ye North side of a creeke, called 
Mispann creeke, begining at a marked White Oake standing by the 
edge of a marsh proceeding from ye aforesaid bay and by a pond in 
ye said Marsh, and runing from thence west and by South two hundred 
and thirty perches up ye said Mizpann creeke, and from thence North 
West two hundred and forty perches, then North East one hundred 
and eighty five perches, then South East two hundred forty five 
perches, then North East one hundred and fifety perches, then North 
West two hundred and fourty five perches, then North East one hun- 
dred and seventy perches, & from thence South East two hundred and 
fifety perches unto ye aforesaid Marsh, & from thence by severall 
courses unto ye aforesaid first bounded white Oake three hundred 
fourty eight perches, contayning seaven hundred and fourty foure acres 
as by the returne of the survey under ye hand of ye surveyor, doth and 
may appeare. Know ye &c. dated. 
Fo. 81 

A Pattent for a parcell of land At Dellaware granted 

unto Josias Cowdery. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which by my order hath been layd out for Josias Cowdery called 
by the name of ye lott of Beng^an, scituate lyeing and being upon a 
creeke, called Cedar Creeke, and on ye North side of ye said Creeke, 
and from thence begining at a red Oake, and runing West South West 
one (252) hundred perches, & from thence runing North West and by 
North three hundred and twenty perches to a white Oake, with a lyne 
of marked trees dividing it from the land of Robert Hart, & from 
thence North East & by East with a lyne of marked trees to a White 
Oake, and from thence South East & by South three hundred and 
twenty perches to a White Oake, and from thence South West and by 
West three hundred and twenty perches to a Hickory, and from thence 
East North East one hundred perches to a bounded red Oake tree, 
and from South South East one hundred pearches to ye first bounded 
red Oake, contayning and layd out for seven hundred acres, as by ye 
returne of ye survey under ye hand of ye Surveyor doth and may ap- 
peare. Know yee &c. dated. 
Fo. 81. 

Granted unto John Stevens. 
Edmund Andros, Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell of 
land which hath been certifyed by the Court at the Whorekill & layd 
out for John Stevens scituate lyeing and being in a creeke called Little 
Creeke, near unto a creeke called St. Johns creeke, lyeing on ye west 
side of Delaware bay, & on ye North syde of ye said Creeke, called by 
ye name of Content, begining at a Poplar adjoyning upon a branch of 
Duck Creeke, and runing from thence North West three hundred and 
seventy five perches with a lyne of marked trees, to a red Oake, 
bounded tree, and from thence runing South West three hundred and 


(265) the land of Jchn Avery and from thence runing West and by 
North three hundred and twenty perches to the first bounded tree, con- 
taining foure hundred acres of land as by the retume of the Survey 
doth and may appeare. Know yee. Quitt rent foure bushells erf 
Wheate, dated in New Yorke, the twentieth day of August 1679. 

Fo. 08. 

A Pattent for a parcell of land on the West side of 
Delaware Bay. Granted unto Joshuah Barkstead. 
Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
land on ye west side of Delaware bay scituated lyeing and being on the 
S. E. side of St. Jones Creeke, called by the name of Caroone Manor, 
the which hath been layed out for Joshuah Barkstead by the approba- 
tion of the Court at the Whorekill as is certifyed by them The said land 
begining at a markt red Oake, being the head bounded tree of the land 
where the said Joshuah Barkstead now dwells runing from the said 
Red Oake with a line of marked trees South West five hundred and 
sixty perches, to a markt Black Oake, standing by a branch proceeding 
from the Murder Creeke, and commonly called the Island Branch, and 
from thence North West up the said branch binding sixty perches, 
then North West and by North binding also up the said branch eighty 
foure perches, then North North West also binding up the said branch 
one hundred and six perches, to a marked white Oake, standing by the 
said branch and a valley proceeding from the said branch and from 
thence North East with a line of markt trees five hundred thirty two 
perches to a markt hickory standing near the head of a branch pro- 
ceeding from a Beaver Damm, separating this from the land of Robert 
Bedwell, and from the said Hickory South East thirty nine perches to 
the North West head bounded tree of the sd land the sd Joshuah 

(266) Barkstead now dwells on as aforesaid. Containing eight hundred 
acres of land as by the retume of the Survey doth and may appeare. 
Know yee &c. Quitt rent 8 bushells of wheate. Dated in New Yorke, 
the twentieth day of August 1679. 


Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. &c. Whereas there is a certaine parcell 
of land in Delaware bay lying and being in the woods neare unto Re- 
hobah bay distant from the Whorekill about ten miles called by the 
name of the Exchange, the which hath been layed out for Francis 
Meggs and John CroUey by the approbation of the Court at the Whore- 
kill as is certifyed by them. The sd land begining at a marked white 
Oake, from thence runing downe a branch South three hundred twenty 
five perches to another marked white Oake, standing by a Beaver Dam 
from thence runing East three hundred twenty five perches to a markt 
Redd Oake, from thence runing North three hundred twenty five 
perches to another marked Redd Oake, and from thence runing west 
three hundred twenty five perches, with a line parallell to the first 
bounded tree containing six hundred acres of land as by the retume of 


the Survey doth and may appeare. Know yee &c. Quitt rent six 
bushells of good winter wheate. Dated in New Yorke, the 20th day of 
August 1679. 

(Note.->The bottom of page 286 is torn off.) 


from thence with a line drawn East North East to a markt Oake, stand- 
ing by a small creeke three hundred and twenty five perches and from 
thence runing up the said creeke North North West two hundred 
perches to the first bounded tree containing foure hundred Acres of 
Land as by the Retume of the Survey doth and may Appeare, Know 
yee &c. Quitt rent foure Bushells of good winter wheate. Dated in 
New York, the 20th day of August, 1679. 

A Confirmation granted to William Tom for a 
House and lott at Delaware. 

Francis Lovelace Esq. &c. Whereas there is a certaine house and 
lott at New Castle upon Delaware formerly belonging to Peter Alricks 
and now in the tenure or occupation of William Tom, butted on ye 
North with James Crawfords on ye East wth ye River wth ye house of 
Comelys Wynlin, on ye South and ye land of De Ringe, on ye West 
and there being also a halfe a lott of ground in ye said Towne where 
formerly the said mill stood, having a small house standing thereupon 
the wch. is bounded on ye North wth a lott belonging to ye said 
William Tom, wth. a river bounded on ye East wth a house of Wil- 
liam Breakman on ye south and ye Mart on ye West. Now for a con- 
firmation unto him ye said William Tom, &c. The Patent Dated New 
Yorke 1669, The Quitt Rent i bushell. 

(The page is here torn oflF.) 


I, James Lord, Reoordflr of Deeds in and for Kent County and State of Dela- 
ware, do hereby oertif 7 that the within and <orcigoing i^, to the heet of my knowl- 
edge and belief, a true copy of the original aneoord of the Dutch grant of lands 
irom the year 1046 to the year 1057 inclusive and the Duke of Yoik grant of lands 
in Delaware from the year 1067 to 1080 induslTe as now lodged in the office of the 
Recorder of Deeds in and lor said Kent County and Staie of Delaware lexoept as 
to tiie part thereof recorded in Dutch, which said part so recorded as aforesaid, I 
do hereby certify to the best of my infonuaikm and belief to be a true and cor- 
rect translation thereol 

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Jiet my hand and seal 'Oi office this third 
day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and three. 



JNOEX. 1»1 


A Pages 

AndiieBen, Jan, grant to 6 

Andros, Sir Edmund, commission to 31 

Andros, Sir Edmund, confirmations and patents 85 to 123 

Andros, Sir Edmund, confirmations and patents 160 to 188 

Avery, Capt. John, survey 69 

Ashman, John, confirmations 89. 90 

Alricks, Peter, confirmations 100, 125, 146 

Axton, George, confirmation 118 

Allison, Henry, confirmation 120 

Arundel, William, confirmation 121 

Andirensen, Andries, confirmation 139 

Andries Andirensen & Ck)., confirmation 139 

Askue, John, confirmations 140, 141 

Alberts, Derrick, confirmation 146 

Abell, Lucas, confirmation 151 

Allward, John, patent 168 

Antrey John, patent 180 


Boyer, Alexander, grant to 6 

Broen, Thomas, grant to 6 

Briggs, John, surveys 44, 47 

Bodell, Edward, survey 49 

Butlar, William, survey 65 

Breacy, Robert, survey 71 

Browne, Daniell, confirmation 85 

Barbary, Sam'U, confirmation 86 

Barker, John, confirmations 87, 102, 120 

Bartlett, Nicholas, confirmation 92 

Bowen, Henry, confirmation 97 

Bromall, Thomas, confirmation 99 

Bernard, Charles, confirmation 103 

Baucum, Peter, confirmations 114, 167 

Bowne, Thomas, confirmation 127 

Bones, Hans, confirmations 132, 140 

Broers, Sinick, confirmation 139 

Boyer, John, confirmation 142 

Bollen, James, patent 145 

Bradbome, John, confirmation 149 

Bell, John, confirmation 161 

Buijs, Ck)melius, confirmation 161 

Bedwell, Robert, patent 166 

192 INDEX. 


Block, Hans, confirmation 167 

Blinckfl, Richard, confirmation 167 

Brasie, Richard, patent 160 

Brasey, St., Robert, patent 172 

Burton, Wm , patent 177 

Brasey, Jr., Robert, patent 180 

Briggs, John, patents 181, 183 

Barkstead, Joshuah, patent 188 


Grabbe, Jacob, grant to 14 

-Carr, Robert, commission to 22 

Oarr, Robert, instructions to 22 

Carr, Robert, agreement between, and Burgomasters 23 

Carr, Capt. John, patents to 26 

Carr, Capt. John, certificate 27 

Clifford, Thomas, survey 38 

Certificates of Land 64 

Chambers, Michael, survey 67 

Caning, Jr. William, survey 80 

Currer, William, confirmation 91 

Coks, Thomas, confirmation 98 

CoUison, John, confirmation 103 

Carolus, Larentius, confirmation 110 

Craft, Herbert, confirmation 116 

Carr, Capt. John, confirmations 124, 129, 131 

Crawford, James, confirmations 126, 129, 152, 161 

Claesen, Hendrick, confirmations 136, 138 

Carr, Andren and wife, confirmation 141 

Cousins, John, confirmation 142 

Cowenhoven, Pieter, confirmation 142 

Claesen, Pieter, confirmation 143 

Carr, Patrick, confirmation 161 

Crue, John, patent 166 

Cornells, John, patent 167 

Clement, Abraham, patent 170 

Cowdery, Josias, patent 179 

Curtis, John, transport 184 

Crolley, John, patent 188 


De Hinst, Jacob, grant to 7 

De Haas Roeloff, widow of, grant to 10 

Dircksen, Luke, grant to 10 

Dominicus, Rynier, grant to X3 

Duke of Yorke, grant to the 17 

Duke of Yorke, commission of 31 

Daniel, Maurice, survey 34 

Dawson, John, survey 67 

INDEX. 19a 


Dawson, Richard, survey 59» 

Durdene, Stevan, confirmation 97 

Daniel, Morris, confirmation 101 

Draper, Alexander, confirmation 104 

Davids, William, confirmation 106- 

Defox, confirmation 109 

Dicke, Robert, confirmation 113^ 

Denne, John, confirmation 118 

Dux, Paul, and Alice his wife, confirmation 134 

Davis, Thomas, patent 171 

Deprey, John, patent 178 

Dickinson, Walter, patent 184 

Daniel], Morris, patent 185 

De Ring, Matthias, patent 18ft 

De Ring, Amilius, patent 18ft 

Du Pre, Andries, patent 187 


Ebel, Pieter, grant to 1 J 

Eckhoff, Jan, grant to 15 

Enloes, Abraham, survey 33- 

Ematt, William, survey 68 

Enloes, Abraham, confirmation 100- 

Egberts, Bernard, confirmations 105, 161 

Erskin, John, confirmation 127 

Eschelsen, Mattys, confirmation 135 

Ericksen, Jan, confirmations 138, 138 

Eustas, John, confirmation 144 

Eves, William, confirmation 152 

Eken, Bernard 159 


Fritcher, William, survey 75 

Fransom, Olie, confirmation 95 

Ford, William, confirmation lift 

Francis, Robert, confirmation 119 

Floyd, Charles, confirmation 160^ 

Furlong, Edward, confirmation 171 

Francis, Hubardus, patent 175 

Field, John, patent 175 


Groenenburg, Ck)nstantinus, grant to 9- 

Gerritsen, John, grant to 14 

Giunly, Benjamin, survey 33- 

Garvess, Thomas, survey 37 

Groenendyck, Peter, survey 42 

Gollege, Thomas, survey 84 

Goldsmith, William, confirmation 91 

Gilley, Thomas, confirmation 104 

194 INDEX. 


Gadds, Thomas, confirmation 104 

Grant, Wm., confirmation 117 

Gerteen, Evert, confirmations 139, 159 


Harmensen, Pieter, grant to 5 

Hudden, Andries, grant to 7 

Hermens, Pieter, grant to 12 

Hodges, Barnard, order for survey 39 

Hodges, Barnard, survey 40 

Hanson, Peter, surveys 41, 43 

Harrmen, Henry, survey 48 

Hart, Jr., Robert, survey 50 

Hermans, Augustine, confirmation 85 

Hopman, Hans, confirmation 99 

Hendrickson, John, confirmation 99 

Herman, Casparus, confirmation 101 

Hart, Robert, confirmation 106 

Hendricks, Johan, confirmation 123 

Helme, Israel, confirmation 131 

Hendrick, John, confirmation 133 

Hendricksen, Barent, confirmation 146 

Hutchins, Charles, confirmation 152 

Hignat, Robert, patent 154 

Henry, John, confirmation 160 

Hill, Richard, patent 172 

Hart, Jr., Robert, patent 177 

Hermans, Casper, patent 181 

Hermans, Ephraim, patent 181 



Jacobson, Thomas, survey 34 

Johnson, Arent, survey 34 

Johnson, Cornells, survey 48 

Jackson, Sammuel, confirmationB 89, 90 

Janson, Charles, confirmation 99 

Johnson, Walraven, confirmation 109 

Johnson, Herman, confirmation 133 

Jackson, Thomas, confirmations 134, 142 

Jansen, Juriean, confirmations 134, 138 

Jansen, Matijs, confirmations 137, 138 

Jansen, Walrane, confirmation 139 

Jones, Robert, patent 143 

Juryensen, Juryen, confirmation 143 

Jones, Robert, confirmations . . .• 144, 150 

Jego, Peter, patent 145 

Johnson, John, confirmation 153 

Jans, Juryen, confirmation 155 

INDEX. 195 


Jkques, PaulB, eonfinnation 158 

Jlanseii, Simon, confirmation 159* 

Jackson, Christopher, patent 174 

Johnson, Jno., patent 174' 

Jacobson, Thomas, patent 187 

Johnson, Arent, patent 187 


Kief t, William, grant of 5 

Kipshaven, John, surveys 41, 4? 

Kipshaven, John, confirmation 95 

Kirke, John, patent 173^ 


Laurense, Pieter, grant to 12' 

Leenderson, Sander, grant to Ifr 

Lourensen, Pieter, grant to 16^ 

Letter of Thanks to Magistrates 27 

Letters Patents to Duke of Yorke 27 

Loten, James, survey 61 

Lester, Morris, confirmation 87 

Lawrenson, Marcus, confirmation 95 

Land, Samuel, confirmation 109 

Laerten, Olle, confirmations 136, 138 

Laersen, Paul, confirmations 137, 138 

Listen, Morris, confirmation 156 

Lewis, Walter, patent 169 

Liming, John, patent 170 

Lille, James, patent 176 

Lovelace, Francis, Esq., confirmations and patents, 139 to 160 


Moe, Ryer Lammersen, grant to 11 

Mills, James, orders for 25, 47 

Minutes of Council, 1668, 1678 27 

Molestady, Alexander, survey 52 

Morilson, Thomas, survey 62 

Marsh, Capt. Paul, survey 66 

Molestady, Alexander, confirmations 85, 96 

Melinton, Oliver, confirmation 97 

Moore, George, confirmations 102, 128, 165 

Murdey, Robert, confirmation 104 

Man, Edward, confirmation 107 

Marriott, William, confirmation 108 

Morgan, John, confirmation 117 

Moll, John, confirmation 122 

Maetsen, Andries, confirmation 135 

M)Em9hall, John, confirmation 142 

Mousen, Hans, confirmation 144 

196 INDEX. 


Merritt, Thomas, oonfirmation 16CV 

Molistiii, Sanders, patent 176 

Moll, John, patent 185 

Meggs, Franeis, patent 188 


Nichols, Richard, appointment of 20* 

Nielsen, Niels^ orders for 24, 95 

Nielson, Olle, confirmation 99 

Neals, Francis, confirmation 105 

Nomers, John, confirmations 110, 119 

Nielson, Sr., Neils^ confirmation 123 

Nielson, Hendrick, confirmation 123 

Neilson, Mattijs, confirmation 123 

Neilson, Jr., Neils, confirmation 123 

Nichols, Matthias, confirmation 125 

Marsh, Paul, patent 164 

Nichols, Richard, Esq., confirmations and patents 123 to 139^ 

Olleson, Olle, order for 24 

Order vindicating Magistrates 27 

Omella, Bryan, confirmations 88, 99 

Olleson, Hans, confirmation 99 

Ogle, John, confirmations 105, 133, 166 

Otto, Herman, confirmation 129^ 

Otto, Girard, confirmation 129^ 

Olleson, Pieter, confirmations 137, 138 

Osborne, Bezaliel, oonfirmation 154 

Otten, John, patent 171 

Omella, Bryan, patent 185 


Planck, Abraham, grant to 5- 

Piecolet, Jan, grant to 8 

Pietersen, Claes, grant to 11 

Paulson, Olie, survey 34 

Philips, Mary, survey 47 

Peaty, Richard, survey 48 

Palmer, Henry, oonfirmation 88 

Pitt, John, confirmation 93 

Peddington, Henry, confijrmation 94 

Parker, Henry, confirmation 96 

Peterson, Charles, confirmations 107, 164 

Peterson, Hans, confirmations 107, 164 

Perry, Peter, oonfirmation 113 

Philips, Thomas, confirmation 114 

Pieters, Hans, oonfirmation 136> 

Pousen, Pauls, confirmations 137, 138w 

INDEX. 197 


Paulson, WoUey, confirmation 142 

Pieters, Dirck, confirmation 145 

Pemon, Peter, confirmation 151 

Peddy, James, patent 170 

Prentis, Wm., patents 173 

Philips, Mary, patent 181 

Paulsen, Olle, patent 187 



Root, Symon, grant to 6 

Ringo, Philip Jansen, grant to 8 

Roades, John, survey 58 

Rowles, Bryand, survey 60 

Richardson, Robert, survey 70 

Rawson, Olle, confirmation 99 

Rumsey, Charles, confirmation 109 

Revill, Randall, confirmation 1 15 

Richards, John, confirmation 119 

Reynersten, Reyner, confirmation 130 

Reynessen, Reyner, confirmation 132 

Reyners, Herman, confirmation 158 

Roads, Jacob, confirmation 163 


Stuyvesant, Petrus, grants from 6 to 16 

Steenwyck, Ck)melis, grants to 13 

St. Gaggen, John, grant to 16 

Snelling, Thomas, survey 33 

Stiles, Samuel, survey 49 

Surveys returned by Capt. Edm. Cantwell 55 

Sharrett, William, survey 56 

Showlster, Richard, survey 72 

Southrin, Edward, surveys 81, 93 

Stephens, Richard, survey 82 

Street, John, confirmation 87 

Salisbury, Evan, confirmation 89 

Swandall, Edward, confirmation 90 

Scott, John, confirmation 91 

Scaggs, Richard, confirmation 108 

Stretcher, Henry, confirmation Ill 

Simpson, William, confirmation 112 

Stevens, John, confirmation 113 

Smith, Henry, confirmation 115 

Stevens, William, confirmation 116 

Sharpe, Wm., confirmation 117 

Stevenson, Henry, confirmation 119 

Southron, Edward, confirmation 121 

198 INDEX. 


Street, John, confirmation 122 

Sibranteen, Jan, confirmation 138 

Scott, Robert, confirmation 142 

Snelling, Thomas, confirmation 142 

Sherricks, John, confirmation 147 

Sentill, Christopher, confirmation 163 

Sincleer, Wm., confirmation 163 

Sanderson, Gerritt, confirmation 167 

Sibrant, Jan, confirmation 157 

Spry, Thomas, confirmation 160 

Stills, Samuel, patents 168, 178 

Stretcher, Henry, patent 169 

Seth, Jacob, patent 175 

Stevens, John, patent 179 


Taillor, Willem, grant to 16 

Tom, William, patent to 26 

Trale, Robert, survey 49 

Tom, William, surveys 63, 94 

Troth, W., confirmation 89 

Tallant, Robert,confirmation8 90, 121 

Thomason, Peter, confirmation 110 

Tom, William, confirmations 136, 160, 189 

Teunijssen, Leendert, confirmation 148 

Towson, 011a, confirmation 169 

Taylor, Thomas Davis, patent 173 

True, Wm., patent 174 

Tragly, Robert, patent 178 

Teschenmacker, Peter, patent 186 



Vogele Lant (Birds* Land) 5 

Van Bronswyck, Hans Albertsen, grant to 9 

Van Struckhousen, Jan Hendricksen, grant to 9 

Van Swoll, Barent Jansen, grant to 11 

Von der Veer, Jacob, grant to 16 

Verhoofe, Comelis, survey 62 

Van Jeveren, Henry Hendrick Jansen, confirmation 123 

Vanderveer, Jacob, confirmation 166 

Verhoofe, CJomelis, patents 167, 178 

Vanderburgh, Hendrick, patent 186 


William, John, survey to 32 

Wolgast, Otto, surveys 60, 64 

Wilburne, Thomas 60 

Wilbume, John, survey 60 

INDEX. 199 


Wilbume, William, survey 50 

Walterland, Jonathan, survey 50 

Woolbank, Harman, surveys 53, 96 

Wiltbanck, Helmanus, surveys 61, 63 

Whitman, Stephen, survey 73 

Walker, Capt. Nathaniell, surveys 76, 78 

Woodhus, John, confirmation 86 

Woodersell, Perdfell, confirmation 87 

Williams, James, confirmation 87 

Williams, Edward, confirmation 87 

Whittwell, Francis, confirmations 87, 92 

Wallem, James, confirmation 88 

Wodars, John, confirmation 98 

Webb, John, confirmation 112 

Willoughby, William, confirmation 112 

William, Thomas, confirmation 121 

Wollaston, Thomas, confirmations 127, 129, 133, 141 

Whale, George, confirmations 128, 148 

Wiltbanck, Hermanns Frederick, confirmation 147 

Wynhart, Comelys, confirmation 148 

Wale, 8r., George, confirmation 149 

Wiltbanck, Hermanns, confirmation 162 

Ward, Henry, confirmation 163 

Wale, Anna, confirmation 166 

Wells, James, patent 176 

Warrin, William, patent 177 

Whitly, Daniell, patent 181 

Whitwell, Francis, patent 181 



Young, George, surveys 83, 93 

Young, Thomas, confirmation 160 

Young, Jacob, confirmation 162 




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