
New Castle, Delaware
Community History and Archaeology Program 

Click here to see cemetery plot map.  

Cemetery records Immanuel Church
Work on this page has just begun. Volunteers are needed to transcribe 1-2 pages at home. Required: 1-2 hours, a computer with Adobe Acrobat and internet access, and the instructions page. Call Jim Meek at 326-1275 to volunteer or email james.l.meek[at]verizon.net

Cemetery records provide information on vital statistics about people and their families not available from census or tax records. At the request of Immanuel Church, Lucy Hazen Barnes and Martha Whitcraft in 1986 made a detailed survey of the graves and monuments inside and outside the church.

We have entered their information into an online database in order to provide easier examination of the information as well as copies of the original transcription in pdf format. The records were made available courtesy Camille Foster, Immanuel Church.

Unlike adult male oriented information in tax and census records, epitaphs provide information on life span, early childhood mortality and multi-generational extended family size. [Currently entered: 15 pages/~70]
Birth year
FromToIndividualsAvg Age
Children dying before age 10
Last nameFirst nameAge

To the extent that the plots in the survey represent family groupings, a simple count of individuals gives an idea of the extended family size over several generations. With just 6 pages entered, the largest families are: Alexander (??), Black (??) and Bond (??). [data not yet correct. I need to fix]

Complete record list as a sortable table

Original records
Inside the church Alexander-Booth Bradford-Curtis Danby-Hughes
Israel-Kirk Lambson-Myers ---- ---

James L. Meek '08